Search results for query: Genetic weapons

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  1. Kay Kim

    What happened in terms of density in the previous Noah's flood?

    Hello thisplacerocks, I found some of interesting Cs transcripts that explains about that related to the Atlantis.
  2. iamthatis

    Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

    I was thinking about this above point in bold in reference to the excellent post by @ella (thank you so much for collating all that information - mind blowing stuff). What could cause such a high degree of pain in the Soul that causes a dissociation from the body? It may be this - a direct...
  3. T

    Session 29 May 2021

    Had no idea Laura wrote another book. I had certain thoughts regarding " Paul ". I know Apollonius of Tyana went to the Far East and maybe translated some of their teachings (scrolls) into the Aramaic. So it occurred to me that maybe the people who put together the " Bible " inserted a few of...
  4. Laura

    Session 29 May 2021

    Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Niall... ...and 146 FOTCM Members present via Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, Abats, Adaryn, Aeneas, aimarok, alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, AnaHuit, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, anka, Annp...
  5. Ocean

    Newsweek Exclusive : Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army

    A massive, clandestine, plainclothes force that operates off-books for the largest and most corrupt war machine in history, is rarely ever anything good. Inside the largest undercover force the world has ever known: the one created by the Pentagon, with tens of thousands of soldiers...
  6. iamthatis

    Session 13 March 2021

    I've been thinking more about this set of ideas, and the question I posed. I have come to suspect what we're actually talking about is the Holy Grail. To explain this, First, I think my question of "Where do negative emotions come from?" is less important than "How do negative emotions...
  7. Lathyrus

    Session 31 May 1997

    Possible hit for the C's? Re: the "Paranthas".
  8. Joan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Thanks for your explanation @ Xpan. I forgot, English, is not your native language. So meaning and language can be lost in translation.
  9. XPan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Yes no. Uh. I don’t know. Wait. I meant my previous entry more in an additional way, not in opposition to what you wrote @Joan. (And I did not refer in any way to the material that you posted regarding the articles of the anonymous source) If i missunderstood, I sincerely apologize for it...
  10. Korzik18

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    Yesterday's speech and Putin's response to Biden from the Kremlin's official website. Meeting with public representatives of Crimea and Sevastopol Biden's trolling continues. 👍 Kadyrov invited Biden to be treated in Grozny
  11. Korzik18

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    Joe Biden calls Putin a killer.😡🤬 Putin on Biden: Russian president reacts to US leader's criticism Today Putin answered him: (in Russian) Путин ответил на слова...
  12. nicklebleu

    Will They Use the Yearly Flu Shot to Administer the Covid 'Vaccine'?

    My take on this is - probably not. For several reasons: First, if they package the Covid vaccine into the flu vaccine, they can’t charge extra, so no money! Big Pharma doesn’t dish out freebies. Second, it’s less about the vaccine per se (the PTB are well aware that Covid-19 is just a bad flu)...
  13. Ocean

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Claire Edwards Has Allegedly Revealed a French Army Document about Covid by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The .pdf document - Recommend reading it in it's entirety On November 1, 2020...
  14. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Corbett's latest report is an excellent distillation of twenty years build up to what is potentially on the cards before too long - a significant false flag Bioweapons event that will probably make COVID look like a stroll in the park. Whatever the virus once was, it continues to degrade day...
  15. Ryan

    Kites, crown chakra and "illu men head"

    Clearly, in this context, the C’s are not referring to being literally struck by lightning. So what are they talking about? So, it seems that “lightning” can refer to physical electric discharge, or it can refer to a transfer of psychic energy or information. If the current theory of...
  16. T

    Beirut Explosion

    Thierry Meyssan writes: @PabloAngello mentioned the news about the conditions under which Russia may use nuclear weapons. I found a source from Russia General staff explains when Russia may use nuclear weapon This may not be new, but just a reminder to those who had doubts and can well be...
  17. T

    Transcripts about electronic devices, microwaves, WiFi and electronic surveillance

    The above quote appeared in the Corona thread. Since one can pull in the excerpts from many sessions, here is a collection of quotes from the many different Sessions about electronic devices, like computers, mobile phones and electronic toys, WiFi, electromagnetic frequencies like microwaves, a...
  18. Keit

    Are Abductions actually the Government tracking 0-negs?

    Well, my personal opinion is that it is quite possible that blood type may play some role when it comes to abductions, missing 411 cases, like Gawan said, or ethnic specific weapons and other genetic experiments. After all, even in case of COVID-19 Chinese researchers and others found...
  19. psychegram

    George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

    This is accurate. Gunshots have a distinct sound quite different from fireworks. I'd be very surprised if Antifa had access to artillery or mortars. My guess would be firearms. The report definitely unsettled me when I read it yesterday. Immediately started thinking of what I'd do if they...
  20. C

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Also eerily familiar is a 2003 episode of “The Dead Zone” entitled “Plague.” From “Lockdown” to masks, to Chloroquine as the solution, etc. available on Prime, Season 2, episode 14.
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