The German lawyer Riener Fulmich, stated in a recent video, this is my interpretation, this could be the smoking gun to this whole socio- political crisis that humanity is facing at this time, the PCR testing. Here in Canada, where I live, test at home PCR Kits are in the works.

Although it asks for an emergency petition to be signed, with a printout, where one can canvass, for signatures, for me, given the current controversy, regarding receiving the jab, it could possibly identify the person, in all good faith, as a person of interest. Just my thought. That being said, there are many interesting thoughts shared and links, highlighted in red throughout the article. Just a shuffle down the article should give some magnitude, in the error testing.

There is just one tiny issue…

I some unique, as well successful court decisions against masks and PCR tests (e.g. Portugal, Germany, Austria etc) - at no time the respective governments have acknowledged those court decisions.

They have been all ignored !!

And by raiding the home of the german Weimar judge by the police after his courts decision against masks and pcr tests - it is an unparalleled event (since after the nazi time). The juridical system is supposed to be independent from the Government. Now the state sends the police against their own judges (it implies that the democratic system has officially fallen)

That is a threshold nobody ever thought would be broken in a democratic state like modern Germany. (Ha !)

What Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer and all associated ones do and have done, with the investigative Corona Committee initiative in Berlin since July 2020, is truly beyond amazing !

(but they should make all material available to other languages, at least english and espanol - for a much larger spread and understanding among)

the entire material revealed there - likely will be the later foundation for a new (real) Nüremberg 2.0 Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity.

i do however get the increased feeling that it will unfold after the third world war (which we are sort just going into right now).

A little divine intervention

would be most welcome and amazing ! Just to nudge humanity into the right direction for and by free will. (To help free will, to realize free will, to become free will)
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There is just one tiny issue…

I some unique, as well successful court decisions against masks and PCR tests (e.g. Portugal, Germany, Austria etc) - at no time the respective governments have acknowledged those court decisions.

They have been all ignored !!

And by raiding the home of the german Weimar judge by the police after his courts decision against masks and pcr tests - it is an unparalleled event (since after the nazi time). The juridical system is supposed to be independent from the Government. Now the state sends the police against their own judges (it implies that the democratic system has officially fallen)

That is a threshold nobody ever thought would be broken in a democratic state like modern Germany. (Ha !)

What Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer and all associated ones do and have done, with the investigative Corona Committee initiative in Berlin since July 2020, is truly beyond amazing !

(but they should make all material available to other languages, at least english and espanol - for a much larger spread and understanding among)

the entire material revealed there - likely will be the later foundation for a new (real) Nüremberg 2.0 Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity.

i do however get the increased feeling that it will unfold after the third world war (which we are sort just going into right now).

A little divine intervention

would be most welcome and amazing ! Just to nudge humanity into the right direction for and by free will. (To help free will, to realize free will, to become free will)
Yes, I have a feeling that justice will not be served until many are dead and injured...history (if written correctly) will judge us and find us wanting. I think the PCR tests are the smoking is these on which national government policy has been based...or debased!
There is just one tiny issue…

I some unique, as well successful court decisions against masks and PCR tests (e.g. Portugal, Germany, Austria etc) - at no time the respective governments have acknowledged those court decisions.

They have been all ignored !!

And by raiding the home of the german Weimar judge by the police after his courts decision against masks and pcr tests - it is an unparalleled event (since after the nazi time). The juridical system is supposed to be independent from the Government. Now the state sends the police against their own judges (it implies that the democratic system has officially fallen)

That is a threshold nobody ever thought would be broken in a democratic state like modern Germany. (Ha !)

What Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer and all associated ones do and have done, with the investigative Corona Committee initiative in Berlin since July 2020, is truly beyond amazing !

(but they should make all material available to other languages, at least english and espanol - for a much larger spread and understanding among)

the entire material revealed there - likely will be the later foundation for a new (real) Nüremberg 2.0 Tribunal for Crimes against Humanity.

i do however get the increased feeling that it will unfold after the third world war (which we are sort just going into right now).

A little divine intervention

would be most welcome and amazing ! Just to nudge humanity into the right direction for and by free will. (To help free will, to realize free will, to become free will)
I think you misunderstand, what I posted, the origin of the post is derived from Canada, and the links provided, from an anonymous source. The the article posted if one cares to read, has a significant impact on the truth of PCR testing. All derived and curated from MSM sources available to the public, openly and available to the public at the time of publication.

As for the Third World War, as most people envision, with bombs and nuclear weapons, not going to happen! The easier solution for the the third world war and beyond is happening right now with technology to entrap the mind body and soul of the individual.
I think you misunderstand, what I posted, the origin of the post is derived from Canada, and the links provided, from an anonymous source. The the article posted if one cares to read, has a significant impact on the truth of PCR testing. All derived and curated from MSM sources available to the public, openly and available to the public at the time of publication.

As for the Third World War, as most people envision, with bombs and nuclear weapons, not going to happen! The easier solution for the the third world war and beyond is happening right now with technology to entrap the mind body and soul of the individual.
Yes no. Uh. I don’t know. Wait.

I meant my previous entry more in an additional way, not in opposition to what you wrote @Joan. (And I did not refer in any way to the material that you posted regarding the articles of the anonymous source) If i missunderstood, I sincerely apologize for it.

regarding third world war

- you do not need bombs and soldiers to be in one.

the weapons of today, are experimental genetic interventions masked as health giving, protecting “vaccines” which just happen to be a pushed into a global affair, spanning all of humanity (despite no medical reason to do such a major thing).

They are the new drones, attacking people…

Destruction of work places in favor for mega global companies henceforth ruling over the access to food and material

Demounting, bypassing, sidelining and ignoring basic laws, rights and justice in many “democratic” nations - which in reality are just about to be in the process of becoming (more of less) real dictatorships.

The nearly total distortion in mainstream media outlets of most western countries, now being really only propaganda outlets for dictatorship, painted “in the modern colors of today’s communication” which we have become used to in the digital age.

Not to mention the fake “democratic” elections in many countries in the past decade, including Coup d'états to better align countries into the world mindset of the ruling PTB.

Is this not a world war already ? (I know, it sounds harsh - but don’t let it infect your soul !)

So - all this is happening in a surprising streamlined way showing its ugly face, through the many levels of our already corrupted systems. With the difference that the facade democracies are now finally get eaten away.

Who needs bombs and soldiers in 2021 - when this worldwide rape of soul, mind, body, land, soil, animals - has gone further than any war ever has done in the past.

The damages of today - play out in a different arena - with different tools on the outside - yet are powered by the same dark energies that have powered the wars of the past.

Füllmich says

- we cannot stop. We have to win. There is no other way. And we are not stopping in revealing the truth to the public. But to win the war, you need the people. We (lawyers) alone can not do this. And the people need to take in account both justice, evidence and spirit - working together.
Yes no. Uh. I don’t know. Wait.

I meant my previous entry more in an additional way, not in opposition to what you wrote @Joan. (And I did not refer in any way to the material that you posted regarding the articles of the anonymous source) If i missunderstood, I sincerely apologize for it.

regarding third world war

- you do not need bombs and soldiers to be in one.

the weapons of today, are experimental genetic interventions masked as health giving, protecting “vaccines” which just happen to be a pushed into a global affair, spanning all of humanity (despite no medical reason to do such a major thing).

They are the new drones, attacking people…

Destruction of work places in favor for mega global companies henceforth ruling over the access to food and material

Demounting, bypassing, sidelining and ignoring basic laws, rights and justice in many “democratic” nations - which in reality are just about to be in the process of becoming (more of less) real dictatorships.

The nearly total distortion in mainstream media outlets of most western countries, now being really only propaganda outlets for dictatorship, painted “in the modern colors of today’s communication” which we have become used to in the digital age.

Not to mention the fake “democratic” elections in many countries in the past decade, including Coup d'états to better align countries into the world mindset of the ruling PTB.

Is this not a world war already ? (I know, it sounds harsh - but don’t let it infect your soul !)

So - all this is happening in a surprising streamlined way showing its ugly face, through the many levels of our already corrupted systems. With the difference that the facade democracies are now finally get eaten away.

Who needs bombs and soldiers in 2021 - when this worldwide rape of soul, mind, body, land, soil, animals - has gone further than any war ever has done in the past.

The damages of today - play out in a different arena - with different tools on the outside - yet are powered by the same dark energies that have powered the wars of the past.

Füllmich says

- we cannot stop. We have to win. There is no other way. And we are not stopping in revealing the truth to the public. But to win the war, you need the people. We (lawyers) alone can not do this. And the people need to take in account both justice, evidence and spirit - working together.
Thanks for your explanation @ Xpan. I forgot, English, is not your native language. So meaning and language can be lost in translation.
Does this make it official?
This article certainly helps towards that: there is a private school in the Miami area, who really gives a damn about their pupils' health and well being, now banning teachers who have been intoxxinated because:

"Vaccinated adults “may be transmitting something from their bodies” that could be impacting the “reproductive systems, fertility, and normal growth and development in women and children,” Leila Centner informed the school community.
As a result, the school concluded “it is in the best interests of the children to protect them from the unknown implications of being in close proximity for the entire day with a teacher who has very recently taken the COVID-19 injection.”

Let's hope these brave people inspire others to open their eyes, smell the dangers surrounding the scam and follow suit!
I suspect that every family in the world at this time is suffering the same emotional turmoil whether family members have received the jab or not, and that free will is being violated, using emotional blackmail, thanks to the mass media propaganda. Times of trial and tribulation indeed.
I totally agree with this statement. Perhaps it is another ploy by the PTB to divide families and cause deterioration of, and destruction to the strong bond we have for kin. "Divide and conquer" is the old saying. Their evil is boundless.

Both my brothers have had two vaccinations and my sister-in-law is awaiting her second. I am being made to feel the odd one out at the party, not by any conscious means on their part but there is an unspoken something in the atmosphere. I love my family dearly and I do not want to have any bad blood between us but it seems inevitable in the long run. I cannot make explanations because a) they would never believe the truth and b) it is their free will to decide the way forward for themselves. My family expect me to be a bit of a maverick anyway. I have always believed in the existence of extra-terrestrials and the spirit world for goodness sake.

I also detect a general aura of "if Covid returns to the UK, it is the fault of the unvaccinated". We are getting it from all sides and I think this situation will worsen. The unvaccinated will become the selfish and unfeeling scapegoats of society. It is very ironic that it is the socially acceptable vaccinated throng who are the danger.
Del Big Tree interviewed 3 nurses who suffered convulsions after the jib jab.

Real human story here including how they've been discarded by the system.

I'd say it's a must listen as truly brings home the human experience which gets missed out from the overload of daily statistics and / or images of people truly suffering from these vaccines.

These nurses were all Pro vax, I'd say they were quite ignorant of the dangers / risks they exposed themselves to, they were quite naive about the nature of the system. From a spiritual perspective I'd say there injuries have provided a quite sobering experience. Sadly the price for this spiritual growth was quite heavy.

It also drives home the thing about ignorance not being a defence (especially now) and that indeed knowledge protects (i.e. if they knew what they know now they'd never have got the jib jab).

In any case, they now don't have jobs, can't take care of themselves, have a condition which is not truly understood etc soooo whatever thing they were trying to avoid by taking the jab, not only did they not avoid it, they drove themselves head-on into it and much much more. Something worth thinking about when indeed we all get faced by the same situation.

And still, the propaganda machinery (MSM) tells us it's a catastrophical situation.

I am not sure, but think it has more to do with keeping the fear and hysteria going in people in the West. And yes, the play on the cultural ignorance. It is common to burn dead people in open fires and poverty is a killer as immune systems are compromised and the lack of sanitation among the poorer segment of the population is not conducive to longevity. Life expectancy is 68.8 years.

And it's working GREAT on those who watch MSM! My acquaintance at work (with whom I refuse to discuss covid related issues) was all aghast yesterday at the hundreds of thousands dying in India, and how the cemeteries are full, crematoriums overflowing, and that they didn't have enough vaccines... all the MSM crap. I waited a few minutes, then said, did you ever watch that Dr. Tenpenny interview where she explains the vaccine? Her reply, I haven't had time yet. Me "No problem." Then I changed the subject.
Brazil Rejects Sputnik V Vaccine, Says It's Tainted With Replicating Cold Virus

Health regulators in Brazil say that doses of Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine contain a cold-causing virus capable of replicating in human cells. The unintended presence of the virus in the vaccine can "lead to infections in humans and can cause damage and death, especially in people with low immunity and respiratory problems, among other health problems," Brazil's Health Regulatory Agency, Anvisa, said Wednesday in a translated statement. Russia has unequivocally denied the claim, lobbed legal threats at Anvisa, and accused the respected regulators of being politically motivated to reject the vaccine. Still, Brazil's findings raise serious questions about the quality and safety of the vaccine, which is now being used in many countries. The findings also support concerns of Slovak regulators, who said earlier this month that batches of Sputnik V they received did not "have the same characteristics and properties" as the Sputnik V vaccine that was described in a peer-reviewed publication and found to be 91.6 percent effective.

Moreover, quality-control issues weren't the end of Anvisa's concerns. In an overall evaluation of the Russian vaccine, Brazil's regulators found its safety and efficacy were based on insufficient, limited, and sometimes faulty data and analyses. "Flaws... were identified in all stages of clinical studies," Anvisa said. The agency also reported that its inspectors who traveled to Russia to assess the vaccine's production were barred from vaccine facilities at Gamaleya Institute, which developed Sputnik V. Russia touts that "the safety and efficacy of Sputnik V has been confirmed by 61 regulators in countries where the vaccine has been authorized." However, Brazil's regulators said that of the 51 countries it contacted, only 14 were using the vaccine, and most of those countries did not have a tradition of vigilant drug-safety monitoring.

In the video below Anvisa (FDA equivalent) director showing technical details of the documentation submitted by Gamalea Institute and a videoconferencing where Gamalean technicians admit the REPLICANT nature of the second stage of Sputnik V vaccine.

If true This is a HARD PUNCH to Sputnik V. and contradicts what the C´s have said lately about the quality of such Vaccine.

Any takers???

Below article in portuguese:

I actually came across an article that expanded on this, but it was info from Jim Stone - ending excerpt:


An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.

When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.

My comment: This is why we have green screen Biden. They are ALL green screen now, we just caught Biden. They are green screen and working from sets because they have opened pandora’s box and intend to hide out until everything is finished. This is why many people are claiming the white house is empty and that they are working from a set ad are not actually there. Because they are not there. If they do ever go on camera, they are not where they say they are.

India is having their disaster happen now because they started with the vaxxes first, and have more people vaxxed than any other country.
I stopped giving JS any credibility a long time ago, but as is often the case, truth mixed with lies is the usual MO. So, that article may have some legitimate info.

I also came across another dubious source previously referenced in this thread - Thomas Sheridan:
Yes Mike, I'm afraid this is the same Thomas Sheridan of previous repute and Joe & Niall did a great in depth dig into him back in 2012 under the title From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan.

So manybe I should have added a viewer be warned. However in this video its the message that rings home, not the messenger - and maybe he's come on in his life lessons since then, who knows.. Despite the understandable expletives, his rage and disgust is I think righteously genuine and what he has to say - for once - worth taking on face value. Yes I think he is right, Ireland is being set up as a front rank guinea pig and things may well happen here first in Europe as we are a perfect testing ground. Plus as he says, there is a uniformity here around rule following that seems to have taken over the island in a total Gaslighting and mesmerizing with barely token resistance. And his anger at the terrible 'collateral damage' rings true - or at least his voice carries the message of one who sees it and calls it for what it is. However that doesn't change the fact that in the past he was clearly someone not to trust so yes, you are right to raise this concern, thank you.
Here's his latest opinion - 12:40 min. FYI, ping pong = China virus:

As intriguing as his spiel is, the comments are quite notable as well - and I believe the Tower of Babel was referenced in the last FOTCM zoom meeting:
Pinned by Thomas Sheridan II


1 day ago
I believe you are absolutely correct and was some sort of hidden plan behind all this?Not of man's making but the Gods.I see the whole absurdity like The New Tower of Scientific Babel, the higher it builds the more absurd it becomes. The Tower was probably a metaphor for the spark of consciousness that mankind developed back in the ages but also an attempt to rise above the next flood of consciousness that would come from their awakening (OG Wokes).The pandemic really is a flood ,outside the Tower are the people who can swim or blissfully unaware, wondering what those lunatics are up to. Gravity, still the most mysterious force will do what it does in time.

Sonny luong

1 day ago
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. -Napoleon Bonaparte.

Anthony Malquezadec

1 day ago
The plane is plummeting towards the earth and shedding parts. While we're in our parachutes watching it go down in flames.


1 day ago
It will collapse a lot quicker and easier if we laugh at the shenanigans. Do the exact opposite of what you are being "lead" to do. Laugh, dance, sing happy songs, watch and listen to comedies. Laugh at them, don't fear them, and don't give them spiritual power and therefore worldly power by calling them "the elite". Create truly happy affirmations and even if you can't think of anything else to say, repeat, repeat, repeat "All is well, all is very very well" and smile while you're saying it. All the best.

Chris Bazekis

1 day ago (edited)
While walking around work on break some time ago I noticed what looked like a cicada (or some big bug) getting eaten alive by ants. Only one wing worked, it flittered occasionally. I moved it away to try to save it, and then it actually pushed itself, with its one wing, back to the swirl of ants to be devoured. Nature is one hell of a teacher.

Sandy P

1 day ago
What a breath of fresh air. Thank you for a great video. I feel like I can breath again. Now I'm looking at pictures of various notables in governments around the world and thinking about toads or Gollum-like creatures. I haven't laughed like that in a while.

Russell McElveny

1 day ago (edited)
Yes, 'gone bonkers' is a perfect descriptor. I've often thought that this psychopathic control grid has gone so far beyond the point of no return that it will eventually collapse and be crushed under the weight of it's own absurdity. Thank you for sharing your vision in these presentations as it helps me keep that song in my heart.

Hugh Reitan

1 day ago
I have noticed the silly project phenomenon in people whose lives are falling apart or in turmoil. They will find landscaping and decorating projects in a house they are on the verge of losing and can't maintain, for example. Ordering and sorting ones possessions becomes a prerequisite for finding a job, it goes on and on. This is a good analogy for what is happening in western society.


1 day ago (edited)
I thought all the contradictions were to cause polarity in our minds because isn't that how magick happens? To confuse us until we lose all preconceived notions and a new reality is created.

Uncle Phil

1 day ago
As brilliant as always, Thomas. Thank you. The same afternoon you made this video, UK Column's News Extra ended with a laugh at a twoot of two photos side by side: Gollum and Bliar. As Brian observed, "It's truly horrible". He wasn't talking about Gollum. The twoot's caption: "His obsession with the precious shall surely lead him to his Doom", followed by a volcano emoji.

President Elect Trent Brocato

1 day ago
Now is the time to remember the Taoist axiom that evil contains within it the seeds of its own destruction...

Deep Thought

1 day ago
Tony Blair is turning into golum. Each time he comes back on the scene he looks worse and worse.


1 day ago
The contradictory info is intentional. It's a method of disorienting and confusing the public to the point where they can't determine what's true or not and they retreat into despair and dissociation.


1 day ago
I have worked for companies run by psychopaths, twice, spent 100,000s improvements, then shut them down , i worked I big engineering machining company, did a whole site improvement project on shop floor, top managers came round to look and to adopt it company wide, 2 days later we were told factory closing ,400 redundant 💩💩💩💩

Goldy Gold

1 day ago
🤣 @ "toad-like". I immediately thought of Merkel.
Such insightful and on-point comments!

You know, I keep thinking about the Cs saying - twice - that humanity has just one last chance:
A: Humanity has one last chance. Will they take it?
(Joe) Yeah, but I think they're saying that humanity has one last chance to learn the truth and accept reality WITHOUT the mass suffering. If they don't take that one...

(L) Then they get the mass suffering, in spades most likely.

A: Yes
Are the many outpourings exposing the lies and pushing back against the globalist agenda like those expressed in this post, enough to fulfill the one last chance to stay/mitigate humanity's destruction? Is it making a difference?
Took my dog to the vet this morning for a dental cleaning procedure. As before, one has to sit in the car and communicate via text/phone. However, now it's requested that a mask be worn while in the car for interacting with staff when they come for the pet. :curse: Boy, "the programming is complete" was an understatement as I understood it when originally conveyed. Thoughts of writing those words on my "mask" have crossed my mind.
My husband was a strawberry blond - now mostly white (solid German ancestry). Our two children, though, were standout redheads! And let me tell you, when I was out with them, people were always coming up to me to rave and talk about redheads! A lady in my daughter's preschool had redheaded twin girls - she said it was all but impossible go shopping with them in tow! I knew exactly what she meant! Interestingly enough, my former neighbor who was an RN told me that redheads were different in a lot of ways - one, that they bled more than other people. I believe she mentioned redheads shouldn't use the drug Lupron which came up due to discussion concerning uterine fibroids. This from google search page:
  • “Classic anesthesia literature has documented that redheads require more anesthesia,” she says. “In addition, there is recent evidence that redheads are more tolerant to local anesthetics and more sensitive to opioids.” Apr 12, 2018
  • Red hair is a recessive gene that occurs in about 2 percent of the world's population. ... Redheads need 20 percent more anesthesia than people with other hair colors. Jul 16, 2015
  • Being a redhead is rare; it's a mutation of the MC1R gene. May 2, 2018
And redheads are thought to have bad tempers. No comment.
Interesting points about redheads. After 40 years of nursing I have quite a lot of experience of redheads in hospital. My experiences were that they seem to be more "delicate" than the rest of us ordinary heads. We found that they suffered from more allergies to medications, topical solutions etc. Their sensitivity to the sun is well known. The bit about bleeding more is definitely true in my experience. We used to say amongst ourselves - oh no we have a redhead for surgery. No quiet night for us tonight. :-)

Apologies for going off topic.
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