Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I´m very sorry to hear that.
Have your grandparents actually told you not to come as well? Does your aunt live with them? Maybe you can drive by and talk with them outside...?

...those petty tyrants really make me sick....
Yes, they are all in the same house. I have a history of problems with my aunt so it doesn't surprise me that much.
She has always been sleezy lying manipulative piece of work, but I can understand that as well cause I know where she is coming from.
Grandma told me that it's better that way cause they don't want to piss her of so I suppose my grandparents reconciled with the whole situation.
They barely go out and the neighbour told me aunty got some nasty dog outside so I don't think I have any possibility to get in.

The biggest surprise for me was acctualy my own reaction - few years ago I would be sooo pissed of,
probably would go there and make a big scene anyway. . And for any kind of similar situation.
But not any more - now I'm calm.
I can still talk to them on the phone, send flowers etc...
There are different kinds of saying I love you and funny thing is that in my family we never verbalize that, no any kind of emotions.
They never knew how to do that. And now it's the only way left.
So when I said 'I love you so much guys and wanna hug you' Grandma started to choke in tears.
She told me some things on the phone I swear I never expected from her. So - it's good.
It's a big lesson - for me and for them. And I'm thankfull. Not sad, not angy.

Last week we got an invitation from school if we want Pfizer vacc for our kids ( I forgot to mention)
My doughter is 14.
No drama and - No, thank you.
Just polite remark that they will be hearing from my lawyer for such future offers.
We managed to avoid all the vaccs for 14 years and my plan is to contiunue that good practise as long we possibly can.

At work I told my boss that I'm in a control group of the experiment when the vacc status question arised...

It's hard when you think only 3D but since I do not identify so much with this role
that I'm currently in any more - it becomes easier to make it through the day.
In my heart I know what is right and have faith in universe.
Anything could happen and the only thing I can do is to aproach the situation gentle as dove and wise as snake.
We have plenty of tools by now. Show must go on, right ?
One of the first and basic lessons that I had to suffer, is the attack and the unjustified isolation on the part of the people around you. At school (as a child) insults, contempt and physical attacks. Suddenly someone hates you and you don't know why. Later at work (as an adult), the same lesson.

And because ... For being different, independent, with your own ideas. If you are not in the "group", if you do not follow the "current" comes the punishment.

Now, I am the only one of all the people around me that I have not received any vaccination.

At the moment the well-known attack on the black sheep has not reached me, but it is very difficult to witness the insults of those around me (especially at work) towards unvaccinated people.

In other parts of the world I don't know, but in my country it is incredible.

You have to get vaccinated, nobody disputes it, far from it.

Do you know what my attempts to report on this topic have been for?

It has been useless. Zero.

All the pearls have been thrown away.

I am waiting ... and I have faith and trust.
The following is from the recent Mercola-Seneff-Mikovits interview posted in the Coronavirus thread - from the video transcription:

Two of the four COVID-19 vaccines on the market in Europe and the U.S., AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, are using viral vectors and DNA rather than using nanolipid-coated mRNA. Unfortunately, while potentially slightly less dangerous than Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA versions, they can still cause significant problems through mechanisms of their own. As explained by Mikovits:
  • “As mentioned, it's an adenovirus vector expressing the protein. So, the HIV, the XMRV envelope, the syncytin, the HERV-W envelope and the ACE2 are already being expressed in the vector.
  • With respect to the RNA component, it's less dangerous because you're not going to see much of the mechanisms we've been talking about. But these adenovirus vector protein-producing vaccines are grown in an aborted fetal tissue cell line, so now you've got human syncytin [in there]. You've got 8% of the human genome of another human.

I was thinking about this above point in bold in reference to the excellent post by @ella (thank you so much for collating all that information - mind blowing stuff).

What could cause such a high degree of pain in the Soul that causes a dissociation from the body? It may be this - a direct genetic violation. Someone else's genetic material injected into the body. An aborted fetus, no less. One can imagine the energetic effect of that. Suddenly there is another fragmented form of consciousness interfering with how the Soul meshes with the genetic body. It's so disgusting that it reminds me of Josef Mengele, like a living, mutilated piece of someone else's body sewn to our own. Except this is specifically designed, like some kinda necro-pharmaceutical spirit attachment, spread globally. This is diametrically opposed to honouring the dead - instead, they have been turned into weapons against the living.

Note: I know that we are always exchanging DNA with others, but my sense is that the (1) type (in terms of energy, and the molecule syncytin) and quite possibly (2) volume of genetic material being injected is something that many people are totally unprepared for, having been unacquainted with the Work in their current learning cycle.

Another layer to this is that maybe that the Soul is most likely groomed for slavery over many years, but now may be feeling the death of their Will at a breakneck speed, a la hyperkinetic sensate.

On top of this genetic violation, resulting in a kind of emotional nuclear meltdown, there is the physical meltdown caused by spike proteins run amok in the body, as well as PEG, etc. And meltdown in some cases is unfortunately an apt expression.

And to understand the theological reality beyond the psychological reality (which many of you have contributed to here), I found it really helpful to review the Precis on Good and Evil by Michael Topper. One can read through this with this current global genetic assault in mind and see the connections.

Positive beings at 4th density have achieved the necessary intensity and developmental alignment through conscious decisions based on recognition of the abstract propriety of identifiable divine law. […] Such beings display a recognizably “scientific” approach to spiritual considerations; they openly regard Divine Light as a mensurable magnitude. […] Their apparent “coldness” or objectivity is only apparent. They register the distress of others and modify their approach accordingly. […] One need only compare the behavior of truly Negative beings to appreciate the difference. In the famous account of Whitley Strieber [there is] an adequate example. […]

In Strieber’s account, we witness the astonishing effort to transmute those horrific experiences into a positive outline. Thus Strieber, with almost excruciating transparency invokes the standard “humanistic” saw to the effect that dichotomies of good-and-evil are too simplistic and medieval, truth always being some “gray” blend of opposites; in this way he shields from himself the obvious implications of his ongoing ordeal.

But more importantly, he demonstrates to perfection the procedure of how one “falls into the hands” of the Negative beings and, by the denial mechanism of 3rd density psychology, creates the belief that “good” things, developmental things, positively proceed from such ordeals. […]

His conclusions, his distillates of what he’s learned, insist almost schizophrenically that these entities must in some way have the “good of mankind” at heart, but that through the apparent terrorism of their utterly unworldly appearance and vile behavior they function something on the order of “cosmic zen masters,” taking a stick to our stubborn skulls. […] As “proof” of the actually liberating work they’re performing, Strieber invokes the fact that owing to his jarring experiences he’s “come loose” and is able to sample in waking consciousness the phenomenon of astral travel.

Strieber’s inventory of “positive side effects” on the whole describe a definitive list of what would be characterized as distinct inroads in the Negative program of conquest and ultimate Soul-capture. Like diabolical chessmen, Strieber inadvertently shows that the “space beings” have maneuvered and bullied his thoroughly beleaguered psyche into actively choosing the hypothesis with which they’ve implicitly enveloped him.…

In further “defending” his tormentors and interpreting their tactics as a strict but ultimately benevolent discipline, Strieber helpfully displays for us one of the common vulnerabilities on which the Negative tactics count, a kind of hook upon which the Soul is sure to be snagged: the persistent intellectual pride which refuses to be counseled when the counsel seems to touch too close to truth; for any suggestion that his entities are plain evil — that he might be being deceived — seems to cause him to clutch his experiences the more covetously, and guard his interpretation jealously from any who might have a revealing word. He proclaims over and again that no one can explain his experiences to him since they’re uniquely his, that anyone with another interpretation ipso facto has an ax to grind; and finally, his intellectual superiority makes him uniquely qualified to pioneer this field which he acknowledges sharing with other “abductees,” inferentially not so well qualified. [In other words, he invokes the ever popular “it’s my truth!”]

It is this type of rationalization and self-protective recoil upon which the Negative design counts. It is these psychological properties of 3rd density consciousness which serve all too predictably to convert scenarios of coercion into full volitional acceptance [Stockholm syndrome]. [Strieber] accepts and defends in full Will, like a snapping terrier protecting its bone against all comers; and that is too bad, because by his own account and according to his public history he is a man of gentle instinct and kind, overtly benevolent traits. […]

The natural question to ask is how, considering factors such as “karma” and psychic “laws” of like attracting like, etc., that an apparently positively-inclined personality such as Strieber should be caught up in the net of Negativity which he details? Isn’t his tendency toward “goodness” enough? Is there some unknown element involved in all this which accounts for the seeming collapse of protection that ought to surround a “good man” ? […]

In Transformation Strieber recounts the otherworldly interdiction whereby a “voice” bade him refrain forever from sweets, his one true vice. Addicted as he was, Strieber couldn’t stop, even though the “beings” engineered circumstances so as to bombard him with dire implications. As a result, one evening he is visited by a malevolent presence which he himself — as always — describes best, i.e. as “monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be.” Again, “the sense of being infested was powerful and awful. It was as if the whole house were full of filthy, stinking insects the size of tigers.” The entity, rising up beside his bed like a “huge, predatory spider,” places something at his forehead and with an electric tingle he is “transported” to a dungeon-like place where his attention is fixed upon a scene of excruciating torture. The victim, a normal looking though quite naked man, is being whipped to shreds amidst agonized screams by a cowled figure. His “entity” explains to him that “he failed to get you to obey him and now he must bear the consequences.” This disclosure is followed by a very interesting and significant “assurance” that “it isn’t real, Whitty, it isn’t real.” […]

The purpose of soothing Strieber with such assurance as to the ultimate unreality of the convincing scene experienced, should be familiar to anyone who’s heard of the torture tactics employed in any good Banana Republic (i.e. those in which the victim is subjected to excruciating pain on the one hand while being simultaneously stroked and reassured on the other, often by the same party). The object is to elicit the full cooperation of the victim under duress, by making him instinctively gravitate toward the implicit salvation extended through the “motherly” touch demonstrated in that schizoid Grasp. […]

Indeed, Strieber proves himself the compliant guinea pig; even having been told that it’s all a thought form, his compassion for the unsuccessful “bidder” persists so that finally he collapses into repentant love for the very roaches that bedevil him. “Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the ugliness and the terrible things that had been done, I found myself longing for them, missing them! How was this possible?” Again, “I regretted the contempt I had shown for its [the other reality’s] needs and its laws and felt a desperate desire to make amends. […] I had felt a pain greater than the pain of punishment. It was the pain of their love.… I had the sense that they had on my behalf turned away from perfect love, and that they had done this to help me. […] I suspect that the ugliness I had seen last night was not them, but me. I was so ashamed of myself that I almost retched.”

Giving Love to such a being is a yielding to the Negative requirements.

Should there remain any reluctance to grasp this point, or some desire to conserve the liberal-humanistic proposal to which Strieber often turns (i.e. to call such things truly Negative or Evil is “simplistic,” you know) we find a passage in the Ra Material that anticipates Strieber’s account by years and furnishes a framework before the fact, which not only fits the Strieber-entities’ behaviors like a key in a lock, but gives us a needed perspective of evaluation.

On page 21 of Volume III, The Law of One, the Ra entity characterizes a prototypical tactic of the [4th density STS], that of “bidding.” “Bidding” is described in such a way to make it clear that Strieber’s experience represents a concrete instance of the phenomenon.

“Bidding” is a contest of will, rendering the consciousness that obeys into enslavement through its own free will. It is a command of obedience, precisely such as that issued without explanation against Strieber’s lust for sweets. Its sole purpose is to bend the subject into accepting the command, the actual content of the order being largely beside the point. […] To possess a legion of servants in this way is an actual nourishment to the centers and systems of 4th density; a kind of “food-chain pyramid.” […]

Thus we find the Strieber entity virtually paraphrasing the earlier Ra recitation of the modus operandi that identifies the Negative beings — the failure to exact obedience bears punishable consequence. It is a continuing illustration of the way in which the Negative polarity extorts the desired obedience — and thus soul capture — through manipulation of Love.

This above is from Chapter 63 of The Wave, Murdering the Feminine. Given the use of aborted fetal tissue, and the terrible accounts of spontaneous abortions, heavy, heavy bleeding, and the attack on the ovaries, I think we can posit that what we're seeing is an expression of the murder of the feminine, the manipulation of love, and Soul capture, at a speed and a scale that may be unprecedented since the time of Atlantis.

Also from Chapter 63:

Love is that which moves out into the multiplying streams of Creative potential, all the while retaining that awareness of the dawn state of infinite possibility — non-anticipation. Love is that which knows that no matter how many times the Logos is subdivided or multiplied, it remains intact. Love is consciousness that knows it may be provisionally focused on chosen delimiting attributes, but it also knows that it is never diminished.

But the STS hierarchy sees this Creative Expression as a “flirtatious wanton” whoring after other “gods.” It sees its job as “arresting” the indiscriminate proliferation and freedom-granting bounty of Love. It wishes to “capture” the Mother, to keep her under lock-and-key, to utilize her power by appropriating her means, mimicking her actions and functions while strategically altering them and incorporating them into a restricted simulacrum suited to its own ends.

STS forces, remember, have no power of Creativity; they cannot generate work of their own. They need the power of the Mother to do that. That is why they capture women with power, keep them half-alive so as to maintain a minimal continuity of creative interaction and the suitable production of form.

That seems like a pretty solid thesis describing what's going on - and what will continue, perhaps for many months or years into the future.

And yet, despite how absolutely whacked-out this all is, Faith in times of adversity transmutes hardship into Soul growth. We can reach a point where anything thrown at us becomes another STO judo move. And the greater the adversity, the great our potential to meet it, and overcome it. To me, this all presents an immense opportunity to effectively deal with all these petty tyrants cropping up everywhere in our lives. Only now am I truly understanding the bizarre claim of Don Juan, who said when the seers of old saw the time of conquest as a bonanza!

So whatever comes our way personally may temporarily weaken us, but we have the Knowledge and network necessary to absorb the shock, and make use of that difficult energy to purify ourselves of any STS inclinations. We can rebound with a further commitment to care for ourselves and each other, to establish ourselves in objective Knowledge, and to grow in Being - not just on our own behalf, but on behalf of All and Everything.

And to continue to find in our hearts the Faith that is made active through a Love that never dies.
I have had dreams about this phenomenon...about the masses being taken along for a ride with the unconscious at the steering wheel. It's a real problem. At what point are the passengers responsible for allowing the lunatics to drive? How many times can this lesson repeat with the same results?
Sorry to sound so pragmatic but according to the C's the answer of the bolded part is: Indefinitely until lesson is learned.
According to a friend of a BA pilot, three British British Airways pilots have died in the last 7 days. He also states that British Airways is now in crisis talks with the government.

British Airways state four pilots have died recently. They also state that there is no link to the four deaths.

Another pilot states that many Indian pilots have also died recently.


Start at 2.29 - Total time 12 mins.

Pilots were coerced to get the shot with a monetary incentive / threat of job security in the future.
I have a cousin who lives abroad and I haven't seen for many years. He must be in his fifties and as far as I know, was in perfect health. In fact he looked rather athletic in pictures. A couple of days ago someone notified in the online group of the family that he's had a thrombosis and was in the hospital. Yesterday they said that he had a blood clot in his leg and they were going to intervene somehow to prevent it from moving up. And then I remembered that about a month or two ago a lot of my family members on that group, including him, were celebrating having been vaccinated. Some of the doctors out there who are vocal against the covid vaccine have pointed out that one of the worst side effects is precisely blood clots and thrombosis. Surely everyone in my family will say it's a coincidence - I'm not so sure. :(
My cousin just died. :-( I'm counting that as the first vax casualty I know of personally, because in all likelihood that's what it was. It happened so fast, to someone still fairly young and healthy, with the secondary effects that critical doctors warned about, and all because of the stupid scamdemic. I wish his death was not in vain, if only my family put two and two together - but that's not going to happen any time soon.

Also, I know of two personal acquaintances who have family members with magnetic post-vaccine symptoms. So it's definitely not a conspiracy theory then. We are living in a dystopian movie now, and there are very real effects on common people. Very sad.
magnetic post-vaccine symptoms
I have started to see posts about the magnetic reaction.
Below is a paper related to magnetic nanoparticles used in gene therapy.
Fabrication and development of magnetic particles for gene therapy

It becoming more and more clear to me that the ‘vaccine’ is nothing but a rushed and sloppy trial for the ‘new medicine‘ driven by the New Pharma business men and promoted by politicians. In other words Human Health Prospecting and Mining, much like the gold rush.
Sarah Westall has obtained some microscopic images from a doctor she knows and has vetted. These show the damage that happens in the blood cells after the injection, as well as particles that this doctor has never seen before in blood samples:

(skip to 1:18 in the video)
My condolences too, WK! What is really sad to see is when family members as you mention are not likely to see any link to the vaccines. The death toll is likely much much higher that what is reported at VAERS, which is a self-reporting site. FB fact-checkers has already been quick to tell me because of a post on FB, that VAERS is not reliable and that there are no deaths from the vaccines. Yes, what should we do without these fact-checkers, who are not even qualified to look at the material they are censoring, but then that was never the point, like in "1984".

Today I picked up the free paper in the tram and it mentioned that a 64 year old had died on the tram on monday of a heart attack. No mention about vaccine but just an outrage that nobody had cared to discover this dead person on the tram, who had remained in the tram for 6 hours, before somebody did notice.

I am not sure if it is because of having been sensitized to the subject of heart attacks, but I have started to notice it very often now and each time I wonder if it was due to vaccines. Without any curiosity to investigate these deaths, we will never know but it sure looks suspicious.
I am not sure if it is because of having been sensitized to the subject of heart attacks, but I have started to notice it very often now and each time I wonder if it was due to vaccines. Without any curiosity to investigate these deaths, we will never know but it sure looks suspicious.

The guys from The Highwire seem to think so. I haven't watched this video yet but it's on my to-watch list:

They also interviewed Dr. Roger Hodkinson recently (this one I did watch). I love that guy:

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