Saw these numbers in regard to elderly in Germany which are scaring :
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It's dated of early march, means 2 to 3 months after the start of vax compaign, look the 2nd graph, number of deaths in whole 2020 in blue and the red part : deaths in 3 months !? I paste the image below :
Sorry to read about WK ...
Right. That was a rhetorical question. The lesson involves acting in favor of ones own destiny rather than sitting in the passenger seat, however comfortable, IMO. I am dogged by a question: what is the required action To do that? One lesson is to refuse domination and I will do that on an individual basis.
I am also wired up to Think that a more powerful and impactful vibration of acting FOR a shared human destiny that isn’t so draconian can be achieved as a function of a conscious group effort. I certainly could be wrong or misguided.
I have a testimony to give in regard to my family and my company, and also to answer the comment of BHelmet, i would like to bring a positive news ...
Family :
On my side this could be worst, in my close family (my mother and 2 brothers), my mother is now 79 and will refuse any vax, she always had a good inner intuition, and she also listen to me and even more to one of her brother who is a retired biologist (and also kind my mentor who made me discover Laura & the C's around 2005). About my 2 brothers, I bombarded them with counter information since begining, i was used to do it concerning any subject since a few years but I redoubled efforts since the begining of the crisis,. I also often raised the subject when we met, which provoked sometimes some mild disputes, but we love each other and I it never lasted. Helped by my mother who also warned them about (but they have a kind of a condescending opinion on my mother as some can imagine) but also by the girlfriend of one of my brother (the youngest of the 2, let's name it Mike), they both started to be convinced of some facts, some truths on this all covid story, and when it came to the vax since begining of they year, they were already doubtful. But it's only since 2 months that one of them (Mike) seemed to have open the eyes, i mean, not fully opened, but enough to resist and refuse to get jabbed, and the pressure is hard for him, he works in a bank in Luxembourg, he told me that ALL his colleagues get jabbed or almost, and I had the same testimony from many customers (it's another information here but just to say that here in Luxembourg all these smart people who mainly work in the finance area were mostly all hypnotized and jabbed), or at the tennis (he's still have an high ranking), in the group of 10 players he's the lone who did not get jabbed, he resists ! The other brother, the older one is more .. difficult to summarize, he officially told me he would not get jabbed because he don't like being stung, he's a bit too proud to recognize that I helped him to see some truths, but i do not care, what counts is that he don't want to get jabbed, and I continue to insist about refusing and they seem to hold on well.
Company :
My second "testimony" is about my company and my 5 colleagues (or employees, and among them 1 is my cousin and one other my ex girlfriend ^^ who has already her eyes well opened) : i also bombared them with counter information since the begining, and i was worried about one who originally comes from Cameroun (since 2008) and who never imagined that such a scenario would happen (hard to summarize how he thinks, let's say that he wants to integrate as well as possible to the population and logically follows all the rules set), but from time to time he started to recognize some facts, I also regularly opened the debate at work between all (or all who were present), and the final good news is that NONE of them get jabbed and I think none of them plan to do it. As said just below about vax in Luxembourg, it's relevant when you also consider that any customer I got on phone recently and for which I asked about vax (i have generally good relationships with my contacts) answered me he get jabbed but also almost all of his/her colleagues.
Now i still continue to post some relevant information on our local tchat, articles, images, graphs + often my own comments, and sometimes discuss in 1 to 1 with some of them about. I've always been used to inform them about the finance of the company, and with this war started since 15+ months, I clearly use the term "war" to them and also tell them since a good couple of months that we are in front of a big big change and we need to hold on together, to be on the same wavelenght, that there's a real big thing coming and I do not know how we'll experience it from the point of view of the company but also individually, I encouraged them to continue to support each other and continue to work as good as they do as a solid team (I have really a great competent team), and I think that the positive group spirit is present now between the 6 of us, it's important to notice that it's under the common knowledge from all about what is going on (even if they are all at different levels of understanding or accepting, but they kinda support each other at this point). Well, all of this is, to my mind, very positive.
Side note of some events i organize in order to strenghten the team : next wednesday afternoon, we'll all make a ballad in the nature with a biologist who has a passion for plants and who will show us the ones that are comestible, or i regulary offer a team lunch where I try to always invite an external friend of mine, usually a strong positive mind or one person with special knowledge, and it's always a good time we spend together. As we recently were not authorized to have such lunch in a restaurant, neverthless, we ordered in one and I came with al the hot meal at the same time, and still with an invited external person ... we just had to buy a few plates and cutlery and all went fine. At least, I recently bough a board game (
Magic Maze) to play together, it's REALLY a great game to strenghten link and cooperation between a team, we did not yet played together but I plan to propose to try it in a near future.
Note that when I started to bombard my colleagues with re-information early March 2020, I did not really have the actual vision I have now of the situation, but I told them rapidly (in June or July 2020) that it was needed to protect us all as a team in the future and a few weeks after I had this .. concept that we needed to be on the same wavelenght if we want to continue to work well all together as a close-knit team. I know realize the importance and the consequences of this, the team is strong and supportive.
One last anecdote about the company which I think played a key role :
I hired in 2017, during 10 month and in 1/2 time, an IT commercial I knew well and with who I was working since 3y. After these 10 months he went 100% time in the other company he was also working for, then problems in thie company, he had to left mid 2019, then since end of 2019 he created his company to focus on the similar domain than us but other sub-subject. He was seen as a friend of the company, of the team (let's name him A). He had an access on the tchat, and in March/April when they were confining everybody, he was daily on the tchat, as for all my colleagues, and he of course read all I was writing and posting on the section of the tchat about what is happening worlwide. And this guy can really be seen here as a petty tyrant, he frontally opposed me on the tchat, and he was leading some of my colleagues against me, against the news I posted, he was often from aggressive to very aggressive, he even wrote at a moment that I was "a danger" for all, yes, me, the boss of the company and knowing he was invited on our tchat and that I told my colleague to freely help him when he had questions or issues in his IT developments. ! He was unable to calm himself. During these weeks some of my colleagues told me that he was starting to upset them because he was lacking the minimum of respect to me, and I took care to remain calm on the tchat (that was a lesson for me here ^^)
The story of what happen with him was finaly great lesson for all the team, and really, I thank him of having played this role. As he was extreme in his toughts, he showed (almost to the perfection) to my colleagues, by his example & behaviour, how blind someone can become, he also started to show his true nature, up to the great final of this relationship story where he did a great (thief's) job !!!!. In June (2020), I brought him a customer of us, to go on with a common project (in regard to development of IT application), he finally betrayed me, or better say, all of us, all the team (all strongly agreed directly) , he stole the project and the customer, yes he did ! LOL.
All of my colleagues (almost all were liking him) were completelly pissed off and some had hard to understand how it's possible he did that !? First, I think it's simply a kind of automatic reaction he had in regard to me after the 3 months of "discussions" on the tchat, he considered me as a threat, and I became like his ennemy number 1 (kill the messenger of information that are raising his fear level), up to the point that he made big errors. I consider now this story as an attack against us and that we succeeded to counter it, and that my colleagues learnt a great lesson. It's even maybe because of the acts of A, having finally played a great "role" (of someone who is 100% conformist, who can't control his emotions, who is selfish, stupid, ...), that triggered a stronger position on the crisis in the mind of my most hesitating colleagues. Who knows ?
I hope this testimony was not too long, I admit it's a bit off topic, but we do not have a specific thread on positive testimonies during covid, so I hope this one raised some smiles but also created kinda rays of hope
Hang on all, let's cross this big lesson all together and the best we can -