Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I'm never going to see lockdown proponents as anything less than enemies of humanity.
The reactions of the herd people to this fake pandemic has certainly tempered my views of humanity.

I used to think that the NPC theory/meme was fun and I enjoyed using it. But I never took it that seriously. Now, I realize that its 100% true. Looking at the studies that have come out, I have concluded that a large swath of people really do lack internal monologue (inability to engage in introspection), lack memory (goldfish syndrome) and cannot visualize objects, like a red apple, in their minds (ability to conceptualize). As a result, they literally cannot think for themselves and only "think" in the same way that a school of fish thinks, that is they go where the school goes and do everything they can to not venture off too far from it.

We need to develop a Bladerunner style Voight-Kampf test in the future to ascertain how many of these Replicants walk among us in human guises. I wouldn't even mind so much that they exist if they didn't try to rope the rest of us into their group psychosis and viciously attack anyone trying to think for themselves. I still waffle over whether they should be considered dumb but benign or whether to view them as nothing but golems and therefore enemies.

Also, even though we do not have anything resembling a Democracy where the views of the people are heard and acted upon by the politicians, the whole theoretical concept of Democracy seems irrevocably flawed now. Democracy just means rule by the media - and we know who controls the media. So really, they're the ones who rule in a Democractic system.
Saw these numbers in regard to elderly in Germany which are scaring :
It's dated of early march, means 2 to 3 months after the start of vax compaign, look the 2nd graph, number of deaths in whole 2020 in blue and the red part : deaths in 3 months !? I paste the image below :

Sorry to read about WK ...

Right. That was a rhetorical question. The lesson involves acting in favor of ones own destiny rather than sitting in the passenger seat, however comfortable, IMO. I am dogged by a question: what is the required action To do that? One lesson is to refuse domination and I will do that on an individual basis.

I am also wired up to Think that a more powerful and impactful vibration of acting FOR a shared human destiny that isn’t so draconian can be achieved as a function of a conscious group effort. I certainly could be wrong or misguided.
I have a testimony to give in regard to my family and my company, and also to answer the comment of BHelmet, i would like to bring a positive news ...

Family :
On my side this could be worst, in my close family (my mother and 2 brothers), my mother is now 79 and will refuse any vax, she always had a good inner intuition, and she also listen to me and even more to one of her brother who is a retired biologist (and also kind my mentor who made me discover Laura & the C's around 2005). About my 2 brothers, I bombarded them with counter information since begining, i was used to do it concerning any subject since a few years but I redoubled efforts since the begining of the crisis,. I also often raised the subject when we met, which provoked sometimes some mild disputes, but we love each other and I it never lasted. Helped by my mother who also warned them about (but they have a kind of a condescending opinion on my mother as some can imagine) but also by the girlfriend of one of my brother (the youngest of the 2, let's name it Mike), they both started to be convinced of some facts, some truths on this all covid story, and when it came to the vax since begining of they year, they were already doubtful. But it's only since 2 months that one of them (Mike) seemed to have open the eyes, i mean, not fully opened, but enough to resist and refuse to get jabbed, and the pressure is hard for him, he works in a bank in Luxembourg, he told me that ALL his colleagues get jabbed or almost, and I had the same testimony from many customers (it's another information here but just to say that here in Luxembourg all these smart people who mainly work in the finance area were mostly all hypnotized and jabbed), or at the tennis (he's still have an high ranking), in the group of 10 players he's the lone who did not get jabbed, he resists ! The other brother, the older one is more .. difficult to summarize, he officially told me he would not get jabbed because he don't like being stung, he's a bit too proud to recognize that I helped him to see some truths, but i do not care, what counts is that he don't want to get jabbed, and I continue to insist about refusing and they seem to hold on well.

Company :
My second "testimony" is about my company and my 5 colleagues (or employees, and among them 1 is my cousin and one other my ex girlfriend ^^ who has already her eyes well opened) : i also bombared them with counter information since the begining, and i was worried about one who originally comes from Cameroun (since 2008) and who never imagined that such a scenario would happen (hard to summarize how he thinks, let's say that he wants to integrate as well as possible to the population and logically follows all the rules set), but from time to time he started to recognize some facts, I also regularly opened the debate at work between all (or all who were present), and the final good news is that NONE of them get jabbed and I think none of them plan to do it. As said just below about vax in Luxembourg, it's relevant when you also consider that any customer I got on phone recently and for which I asked about vax (i have generally good relationships with my contacts) answered me he get jabbed but also almost all of his/her colleagues.
Now i still continue to post some relevant information on our local tchat, articles, images, graphs + often my own comments, and sometimes discuss in 1 to 1 with some of them about. I've always been used to inform them about the finance of the company, and with this war started since 15+ months, I clearly use the term "war" to them and also tell them since a good couple of months that we are in front of a big big change and we need to hold on together, to be on the same wavelenght, that there's a real big thing coming and I do not know how we'll experience it from the point of view of the company but also individually, I encouraged them to continue to support each other and continue to work as good as they do as a solid team (I have really a great competent team), and I think that the positive group spirit is present now between the 6 of us, it's important to notice that it's under the common knowledge from all about what is going on (even if they are all at different levels of understanding or accepting, but they kinda support each other at this point). Well, all of this is, to my mind, very positive.
Side note of some events i organize in order to strenghten the team : next wednesday afternoon, we'll all make a ballad in the nature with a biologist who has a passion for plants and who will show us the ones that are comestible, or i regulary offer a team lunch where I try to always invite an external friend of mine, usually a strong positive mind or one person with special knowledge, and it's always a good time we spend together. As we recently were not authorized to have such lunch in a restaurant, neverthless, we ordered in one and I came with al the hot meal at the same time, and still with an invited external person ... we just had to buy a few plates and cutlery and all went fine. At least, I recently bough a board game (Magic Maze) to play together, it's REALLY a great game to strenghten link and cooperation between a team, we did not yet played together but I plan to propose to try it in a near future.

Note that when I started to bombard my colleagues with re-information early March 2020, I did not really have the actual vision I have now of the situation, but I told them rapidly (in June or July 2020) that it was needed to protect us all as a team in the future and a few weeks after I had this .. concept that we needed to be on the same wavelenght if we want to continue to work well all together as a close-knit team. I know realize the importance and the consequences of this, the team is strong and supportive.

One last anecdote about the company which I think played a key role :
I hired in 2017, during 10 month and in 1/2 time, an IT commercial I knew well and with who I was working since 3y. After these 10 months he went 100% time in the other company he was also working for, then problems in thie company, he had to left mid 2019, then since end of 2019 he created his company to focus on the similar domain than us but other sub-subject. He was seen as a friend of the company, of the team (let's name him A). He had an access on the tchat, and in March/April when they were confining everybody, he was daily on the tchat, as for all my colleagues, and he of course read all I was writing and posting on the section of the tchat about what is happening worlwide. And this guy can really be seen here as a petty tyrant, he frontally opposed me on the tchat, and he was leading some of my colleagues against me, against the news I posted, he was often from aggressive to very aggressive, he even wrote at a moment that I was "a danger" for all, yes, me, the boss of the company and knowing he was invited on our tchat and that I told my colleague to freely help him when he had questions or issues in his IT developments. ! He was unable to calm himself. During these weeks some of my colleagues told me that he was starting to upset them because he was lacking the minimum of respect to me, and I took care to remain calm on the tchat (that was a lesson for me here ^^)
The story of what happen with him was finaly great lesson for all the team, and really, I thank him of having played this role. As he was extreme in his toughts, he showed (almost to the perfection) to my colleagues, by his example & behaviour, how blind someone can become, he also started to show his true nature, up to the great final of this relationship story where he did a great (thief's) job !!!!. In June (2020), I brought him a customer of us, to go on with a common project (in regard to development of IT application), he finally betrayed me, or better say, all of us, all the team (all strongly agreed directly) , he stole the project and the customer, yes he did ! LOL.
All of my colleagues (almost all were liking him) were completelly pissed off and some had hard to understand how it's possible he did that !? First, I think it's simply a kind of automatic reaction he had in regard to me after the 3 months of "discussions" on the tchat, he considered me as a threat, and I became like his ennemy number 1 (kill the messenger of information that are raising his fear level), up to the point that he made big errors. I consider now this story as an attack against us and that we succeeded to counter it, and that my colleagues learnt a great lesson. It's even maybe because of the acts of A, having finally played a great "role" (of someone who is 100% conformist, who can't control his emotions, who is selfish, stupid, ...), that triggered a stronger position on the crisis in the mind of my most hesitating colleagues. Who knows ?

I hope this testimony was not too long, I admit it's a bit off topic, but we do not have a specific thread on positive testimonies during covid, so I hope this one raised some smiles but also created kinda rays of hope :lol:

Hang on all, let's cross this big lesson all together and the best we can - ❤️
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My condolences WK, not only for your loss, but for the pain of knowing that it needn't have happened, and that his family will likely never understand the real situation.

My family, except for one sister-in-law, are big on mainstream medicine. Even my kids have bought partly into the story and got the vax because of work/social guilt pressures. In a way, I've been steeling myself for the possibility they all may be gone within five years. And there noting really that can be done about it. They aren't asking. :(
Exactly my feelings. It needn't have happened. This is probably one of the most obvious examples we've seen of 'knowledge protects, ignorance endangers'. But that's the story of this world, isn't it? How many tragedies for the common people could have been prevented if they had paid 'strict attention left and right' to reality? Heartbreaking.

On the same online family group on which my cousin celebrated back in April having been vaxxed, I posted a video of a very knowleagable, no-nonsense Mexican scientist warning about the risks of the vaccine, so it's not like I didn't try. A couple of people commented that it was interesting, and that was that. A few days later everyone was going full pro-vax again. But that's not the first time this happens to me. Since it seems that the more I say the more they polarize in line with the propaganda, I keep quiet now. Especially because most in my family took the shot already, so what's the point? And like yourself, I do keep in mind that in a few months or years a number of them may get seriously ill or move to 5D.

It's chilling to consider what will happen to the fabric of global society once all these 'ticking bombs' start going off. When some 70% of the population have been vaccinated and many start feeling the effects, who will take care of the ill? Who will do the jobs they will leave undone? I wonder if the elites have thought that they may have overdone the chaos this time. After all, they too need a reasonably functioning society for their plans to work, don't they?
Damn. -The pain is spreading down my arm now. My bicept on my Left side is aching. It's quite weird.

The sensation reminds me of the time I had shingles when I was a kid; the nerve on one side of my back was inflamed.

The Osteopath had been working on my back and shoulders, pressing, prodding my skin with bare hands.

I wonder...

If this is my immune system working to deal with spike proteins, does that mean I get those anti-bodies everybody is all excited about? Maybe exposure to a vaxxed person is the safest way to actually pick up immunity to Covid.

For weeks on end I was exercising my mind with how to deal with the growing number of vaxxed people.
As far as friends and colleagues are concerned there is the 'reassuring' physical distance that we've all been conditioned to keep.

But what about the professionals that we need to have skin contact with?
With a little luck I've already managed to find a physiotherapist that is unvaccinated and so is my health practicioner.

I'm not so much worried about the dentist since she is wearing a mask and latex gloves.

Only yesterday I went to my appointment at the hair dresser's and I probably made an absolute fool of myself.
I was aware that she was planning on getting the shot but I understood that it would not be in the next few weeks.

When I sat I quickly brought up the subject of vaccinations which was okay since we know each other for twenty-three years. (I had mailed her in advance asking her if she could use gloves)
She said yes, 'I had mine today.'

I couldn't help freaking out because I was totally intent on evading skin contact with a freshly vaccinated person.
There's a Telegram channel I often look into that is churning out descriptions of people having violent reactions due to contact with the newly vaxxed. Was I being hysterical?

I knew I would have been sitting on needles and pins so I got up, excusing myself and fabulated that I had an allergy that could be triggered by contact with the newly vaccinated. I should have said 'aversion' because that's what it has developed into. Later I did mail an apology to her.

So practically 80% of the people I know have taken the shot and it's wearing me down.

I feel under pressure to make contact with people who didn't get the jab before winter and restrictions return.
Well, I finally got it...the threatening letter from work that is. My reaction was one of feeling trapped and very, very angry. Considering my infertility issues, my husband and I have decided to go ahead with a process called embryo adoption. It's basically adopting an embryo from another couple in the context of an open adoption relationship. It's going to take a while to get through the process. I work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital but, like many hospitals, we are part of a larger Boston hospital system. All my colleagues are vaccinated, I'm holding out of course. Since it's America, I get our health insurance through my job. What I am not relishing is that if I get a medical exemption, that means wearing a mask forever at work. I absolutely know it does.

And the mask wearing will be purely for the purposes of public shaming and making patients paranoid. I am not relishing the possibility. The other option is to just say "screw it" and maybe get the J & J before the embryo is transferred and get some IVs of vit C, do the far infrared sauna, and generally get it out of my system. Of all the evil vaccines, I guess I fear that one the least. I do wonder if the FDA is going to "approve" it or if it's just going to be down to Pfizer and Moderna. If that happens the J & J will all be for naught. I did find this good video about if Ivermectin will be able to block the vaccine. No is the answer. But it does seem like it could be effective in blocking the inflammation involved after vaccination.

So, I'm interested to hear all of your opinions. I'm not making any big decisions any time soon. I also want to talk with the doctors at the embryo donation center in Tennessee before doing anything, i.e. if, in their experience how much effect the vaccine has on level of hormones/condition of the womb. I am hoping that since they are Southern and actually are invested in having successful pregnancy outcomes maybe they won't be as brainwashed as some of these doctors in the Northeast. Pretty sure that I could build up the lining of my uterus pretty quick with continuing to take DHEA.

I don't want to build up a tremendous amount of fear to this vaccine as I would expect that would be the same as the those who fear COVID with every fiber of their body. And think that they're going to die from it. Screw this vaccine. It is not going to kill me or keep me from having a child.
L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?

A: Likely. Hubris!

Q: [laughter] (L) However, the question has been asked: If people are forced to be vaccinated, and it seems that it's not a good idea - because obviously if they get a vaccine that the PTB really want to spread around, one they've tested and does what they want it to, we certainly don't want the vaccine they push on us - are there ways we can counteract this? There are going to be situations where people can't refuse a vaccine.

A: Yes. You have done the research!

Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA? Um... Melatonin heals DNA.

(Niall) Dietary changes.

(L) Being in a proper dietary state if you have to get a vaccine is going to be beneficial and maybe it is for just this type of situation that we were so motivated to do health research and experiments for so long; it was preparation and we didn’t even know it.

(Artemis) Being in ketosis heals you.

(Gaby) Vitamin C.

(Niall) Detoxification.

(L) Detox would be NAC and other things...

(Andromeda) Infrared sauna.

(Chu) Constant knowledge input.

(L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?

A: Yes yes yes!

Does anyone know when the FDA is planning on approving the Pfizer vaccine? So, below is the letter. I really hope that this vaccine-induced deadly variant comes out soon and perhaps everything just goes to hell because I'm getting pretty sick of brainwashed people, especially "medical professionals." Sorry, it's just getting me.
Dear Colleagues:

Over the past 16 months we have come together as a system to care for our patients and each other as never before. Your efforts have been extraordinary and inspiring. We have administered more than 1.1 million COVID-19 tests and treated nearly 19,000 COVID-19 positive inpatients. Our researchers have worked around the clock to develop and assess new approaches to test for, treat and prevent COVID-19.

We enter this new phase of the pandemic with optimism. Community case rates, hospitalizations and deaths have plummeted as vaccination rates rise. Across the country, more than 172 million individuals have been vaccinated. These massive vaccination efforts nationally and specifically in Massachusetts have proven central to reducing the spread of the virus and saving lives. We have administered more than 450,000 vaccine doses to our patients and employees. More than 85 percent of our employees are vaccinated—one of the highest rates nationwide among healthcare systems.

The evidence of COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness is overwhelming. Getting vaccinated is the single most important and responsible step each of us can take to put an end to this devastating pandemic and protect patients, families and each other.

Based on the research, data and trends, we have made the decision that we will require that all Mass General Brigham employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 once the FDA has granted approval of one of the three vaccines. We will inform you of specific dates as soon as available. This step to require the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment is consistent with our approach to the flu vaccine requirement implemented in 2018.

Given the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the outlined mandated vaccination policy, we strongly encourage those employees who have not yet been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

In taking this action to require employee COVID-19 vaccinations to protect our patients, our families and each other, Mass General Brigham joins many other leading healthcare systems across the country. It is imperative that we – as a community of caregivers – ensure that our patients are being cared for in the safest clinical environment possible.

We are fully committed to supporting our colleagues who may be concerned about receiving the vaccine and have developed FAQs to help answer questions. More details on all aspects of this requirement will be provided in the coming weeks. If you have already received a COVID-19 vaccine, you do not need to be vaccinated again, and at this time no booster shot is required.

Consistent with our practice for other vaccines, employees will be able to request exemption for medical and religious reasons for the COVID-19 vaccine. Employees who are pregnant or who intend to become pregnant may also request an exemption.

Your incredible work through the pandemic highlights what we can accomplish when we work together as a healthcare system to care for our patients, our communities and each other every day. Thank you for joining me in getting vaccinated and for helping us to create the safest care environment possible for our patients and each other.

Anne Klibanski, MD
My cousin just died. :-( I'm counting that as the first vax casualty I know of personally, because in all likelihood that's what it was. It happened so fast, to someone still fairly young and healthy, with the secondary effects that critical doctors warned about, and all because of the stupid scamdemic. I wish his death was not in vain, if only my family put two and two together - but that's not going to happen any time soon.

Also, I know of two personal acquaintances who have family members with magnetic post-vaccine symptoms. So it's definitely not a conspiracy theory then. We are living in a dystopian movie now, and there are very real effects on common people. Very sad.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully this nightmare will end well someday :hug2:
Well, I finally got it...the threatening letter from work that is. My reaction was one of feeling trapped and very, very angry. Considering my infertility issues, my husband and I have decided to go ahead with a process called embryo adoption. It's basically adopting an embryo from another couple in the context of an open adoption relationship. It's going to take a while to get through the process. I work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital but, like many hospitals, we are part of a larger Boston hospital system. All my colleagues are vaccinated, I'm holding out of course. Since it's America, I get our health insurance through my job. What I am not relishing is that if I get a medical exemption, that means wearing a mask forever at work. I absolutely know it does.

And the mask wearing will be purely for the purposes of public shaming and making patients paranoid. I am not relishing the possibility. The other option is to just say "screw it" and maybe get the J & J before the embryo is transferred and get some IVs of vit C, do the far infrared sauna, and generally get it out of my system. Of all the evil vaccines, I guess I fear that one the least. I do wonder if the FDA is going to "approve" it or if it's just going to be down to Pfizer and Moderna. If that happens the J & J will all be for naught. I did find this good video about if Ivermectin will be able to block the vaccine. No is the answer. But it does seem like it could be effective in blocking the inflammation involved after vaccination.

So, I'm interested to hear all of your opinions. I'm not making any big decisions any time soon. I also want to talk with the doctors at the embryo donation center in Tennessee before doing anything, i.e. if, in their experience how much effect the vaccine has on level of hormones/condition of the womb. I am hoping that since they are Southern and actually are invested in having successful pregnancy outcomes maybe they won't be as brainwashed as some of these doctors in the Northeast. Pretty sure that I could build up the lining of my uterus pretty quick with continuing to take DHEA.

I don't want to build up a tremendous amount of fear to this vaccine as I would expect that would be the same as the those who fear COVID with every fiber of their body. And think that they're going to die from it. Screw this vaccine. It is not going to kill me or keep me from having a child.

Does anyone know when the FDA is planning on approving the Pfizer vaccine? So, below is the letter. I really hope that this vaccine-induced deadly variant comes out soon and perhaps everything just goes to hell because I'm getting pretty sick of brainwashed people, especially "medical professionals." Sorry, it's just getting me.
Dear Colleagues:

Over the past 16 months we have come together as a system to care for our patients and each other as never before. Your efforts have been extraordinary and inspiring. We have administered more than 1.1 million COVID-19 tests and treated nearly 19,000 COVID-19 positive inpatients. Our researchers have worked around the clock to develop and assess new approaches to test for, treat and prevent COVID-19.

We enter this new phase of the pandemic with optimism. Community case rates, hospitalizations and deaths have plummeted as vaccination rates rise. Across the country, more than 172 million individuals have been vaccinated. These massive vaccination efforts nationally and specifically in Massachusetts have proven central to reducing the spread of the virus and saving lives. We have administered more than 450,000 vaccine doses to our patients and employees. More than 85 percent of our employees are vaccinated—one of the highest rates nationwide among healthcare systems.

The evidence of COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness is overwhelming. Getting vaccinated is the single most important and responsible step each of us can take to put an end to this devastating pandemic and protect patients, families and each other.

Based on the research, data and trends, we have made the decision that we will require that all Mass General Brigham employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 once the FDA has granted approval of one of the three vaccines. We will inform you of specific dates as soon as available. This step to require the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment is consistent with our approach to the flu vaccine requirement implemented in 2018.

Given the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the outlined mandated vaccination policy, we strongly encourage those employees who have not yet been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

In taking this action to require employee COVID-19 vaccinations to protect our patients, our families and each other, Mass General Brigham joins many other leading healthcare systems across the country. It is imperative that we – as a community of caregivers – ensure that our patients are being cared for in the safest clinical environment possible.

We are fully committed to supporting our colleagues who may be concerned about receiving the vaccine and have developed FAQs to help answer questions. More details on all aspects of this requirement will be provided in the coming weeks. If you have already received a COVID-19 vaccine, you do not need to be vaccinated again, and at this time no booster shot is required.

Consistent with our practice for other vaccines, employees will be able to request exemption for medical and religious reasons for the COVID-19 vaccine. Employees who are pregnant or who intend to become pregnant may also request an exemption.

Your incredible work through the pandemic highlights what we can accomplish when we work together as a healthcare system to care for our patients, our communities and each other every day. Thank you for joining me in getting vaccinated and for helping us to create the safest care environment possible for our patients and each other.

Anne Klibanski, MD

That letter is wild. No booster shots "at this time" indeed 🙄

My employer, luckily, isn't requiring vaccines. For employees. Yet. For students it is mandatory. Looking forward to the lawsuits on that one.

However, we were recently informed that when we finally go back to the office after August, if we're not vaccinated we will have to wear a mask. Further, we're all required to upload proof of being an idiot in order to avoid the mask, social distancing, and the rest of the nonsense.

Frankly, given the choice I'll probably just continue working from home. I've gotten used to it and there's no one there I particularly care about or strongly need to work with in person. I'm also toying with the idea of just ... not wearing a mask, and daring anyone to do anything about it. If they say "you have to leave" I really don't care that much. And frankly, I don't expect this career path is going to be viable in any case. Either a) things stumble on as is, and I'm unemployable for reasons of race, genitalia, and what I prefer to do with my genitalia or b) the whole academic system collapses. Right now it's looking like b) could happen for any of several reasons.

That probably doesn't help much. I guess my main point is, getting vaxxed to keep a job is not a good trade, given that there is zero guarantee that your job will even exist in a year's time what with the accelerating social upheaval and economic collapse. To say nothing of the implications of widespread vaccine injuries and deaths, in the event that this this is a slow kill weapon.
That letter is wild. No booster shots "at this time" indeed 🙄

My employer, luckily, isn't requiring vaccines. For employees. Yet. For students it is mandatory. Looking forward to the lawsuits on that one.

However, we were recently informed that when we finally go back to the office after August, if we're not vaccinated we will have to wear a mask. Further, we're all required to upload proof of being an idiot in order to avoid the mask, social distancing, and the rest of the nonsense.
They love moving boundaries and making 180 degree turns in a second.

Here is something interesting related to courts and parents,

The lawsuit, filed June 22 by Southern California law firm Tyler and Bursch LLP and Children’s Health Defense California, seeks to prohibit the LAUSD and county officials from imposing COVID-19 related mandates on healthy children wishing to return to in-person instruction.

The lawsuit is the first of its kind filed in California federal court related to students being targeted with “illegal and unnecessary COVID mandates,” the law firm said.

Defendants named in the suit include LAUSD superintendent Austin Beutner, all seven LAUSD board members, and Los Angeles County public health officers Dr. Muntu Davis and Dr. Barbara Ferrer.

The lawsuit contends that healthy school children are being forced to submit to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, and are required to download Microsoft’s “Daily Pass” which it said collects and disseminates private health data. Students will also be required to wear masks on campus.

“[The] right to a public education guaranteed to [the] plaintiffs’ minor children by the California Constitution cannot be made contingent upon plaintiffs’ consent to defendants violating other rights of their children,” the lawsuit said, adding that the parents are seeking an injunction to allow the children to attend physical schooling again immediately.
“[LAUSD] instituted the Daily Pass, which was basically a mandate to have a [PCR] test before you could come on campus, and a bunch of other invasive stuff that we feel should only be done by a medical doctor and interpreted by a medical doctor,” Alix Mayer, president of Children’s Health Defense California, told The Epoch Times.
“Otherwise, who is practicing medicine without a license? The school is, because they can’t interpret that test, and a medical doctor has to interpret the test in the context of the symptoms.
There’s also the issue with a huge rate of false positives on those tests. And so a lot of children have to stay home rather than going to school based on the false positives and the false positives are happening at a very high rate.”


It is tough to judge what is happening in a large country such as US but this "all in move" by the PTB in 2020 is making some people with the right knowledge and position to make a move against the Masters. Enough information has leaked out into the Public Space to start the alarm bells ringing that things are going in a very wrong direction. The following story, though not about Covid directly, gives such a signal (another IMHO would be about the "suicide" of John McAfee in a Spanish jail).
According to Steele, the biggest threats facing America include Wall Street criminals and elite pedophiles.

"The National Security Agency has every single email, cell call, text, game chat and banking transaction for every traitor, every elite pedophile and every Wall Street criminal and every corrupt government official at the local, state and federal levels," he said to applause. "And I remind you that no army of lawyers are going to be able to stand up to an Army Ranger battalion with fixed bayonets. We’re coming."

"I will tell you with absolute certainty that the thing that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff fear most is not jail, but us releasing their 10 most treasonous phone calls to their own public," he continued. "They will be torn limb from limb on their own streets."
Zerohedge link
Well, I finally got it...the threatening letter from work that is. My reaction was one of feeling trapped and very, very angry. Considering my infertility issues, my husband and I have decided to go ahead with a process called embryo adoption. It's basically adopting an embryo from another couple in the context of an open adoption relationship. It's going to take a while to get through the process. I work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital but, like many hospitals, we are part of a larger Boston hospital system. All my colleagues are vaccinated, I'm holding out of course. Since it's America, I get our health insurance through my job. What I am not relishing is that if I get a medical exemption, that means wearing a mask forever at work. I absolutely know it does.

And the mask wearing will be purely for the purposes of public shaming and making patients paranoid. I am not relishing the possibility. The other option is to just say "screw it" and maybe get the J & J before the embryo is transferred and get some IVs of vit C, do the far infrared sauna, and generally get it out of my system. Of all the evil vaccines, I guess I fear that one the least. I do wonder if the FDA is going to "approve" it or if it's just going to be down to Pfizer and Moderna. If that happens the J & J will all be for naught. I did find this good video about if Ivermectin will be able to block the vaccine. No is the answer. But it does seem like it could be effective in blocking the inflammation involved after vaccination.

So, I'm interested to hear all of your opinions. I'm not making any big decisions any time soon. I also want to talk with the doctors at the embryo donation center in Tennessee before doing anything, i.e. if, in their experience how much effect the vaccine has on level of hormones/condition of the womb. I am hoping that since they are Southern and actually are invested in having successful pregnancy outcomes maybe they won't be as brainwashed as some of these doctors in the Northeast. Pretty sure that I could build up the lining of my uterus pretty quick with continuing to take DHEA.

I don't want to build up a tremendous amount of fear to this vaccine as I would expect that would be the same as the those who fear COVID with every fiber of their body. And think that they're going to die from it. Screw this vaccine. It is not going to kill me or keep me from having a child.

Does anyone know when the FDA is planning on approving the Pfizer vaccine? So, below is the letter. I really hope that this vaccine-induced deadly variant comes out soon and perhaps everything just goes to hell because I'm getting pretty sick of brainwashed people, especially "medical professionals." Sorry, it's just getting me.
Dear Colleagues:

Over the past 16 months we have come together as a system to care for our patients and each other as never before. Your efforts have been extraordinary and inspiring. We have administered more than 1.1 million COVID-19 tests and treated nearly 19,000 COVID-19 positive inpatients. Our researchers have worked around the clock to develop and assess new approaches to test for, treat and prevent COVID-19.

We enter this new phase of the pandemic with optimism. Community case rates, hospitalizations and deaths have plummeted as vaccination rates rise. Across the country, more than 172 million individuals have been vaccinated. These massive vaccination efforts nationally and specifically in Massachusetts have proven central to reducing the spread of the virus and saving lives. We have administered more than 450,000 vaccine doses to our patients and employees. More than 85 percent of our employees are vaccinated—one of the highest rates nationwide among healthcare systems.

The evidence of COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness is overwhelming. Getting vaccinated is the single most important and responsible step each of us can take to put an end to this devastating pandemic and protect patients, families and each other.

Based on the research, data and trends, we have made the decision that we will require that all Mass General Brigham employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 once the FDA has granted approval of one of the three vaccines. We will inform you of specific dates as soon as available. This step to require the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment is consistent with our approach to the flu vaccine requirement implemented in 2018.

Given the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the outlined mandated vaccination policy, we strongly encourage those employees who have not yet been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

In taking this action to require employee COVID-19 vaccinations to protect our patients, our families and each other, Mass General Brigham joins many other leading healthcare systems across the country. It is imperative that we – as a community of caregivers – ensure that our patients are being cared for in the safest clinical environment possible.

We are fully committed to supporting our colleagues who may be concerned about receiving the vaccine and have developed FAQs to help answer questions. More details on all aspects of this requirement will be provided in the coming weeks. If you have already received a COVID-19 vaccine, you do not need to be vaccinated again, and at this time no booster shot is required.

Consistent with our practice for other vaccines, employees will be able to request exemption for medical and religious reasons for the COVID-19 vaccine. Employees who are pregnant or who intend to become pregnant may also request an exemption.

Your incredible work through the pandemic highlights what we can accomplish when we work together as a healthcare system to care for our patients, our communities and each other every day. Thank you for joining me in getting vaccinated and for helping us to create the safest care environment possible for our patients and each other.

Anne Klibanski, MD

The one thing I can say for certain is that no one can predict how they'll react to the vaccine. You could be one of the lucky ones who gets no or a limited reaction or you could be one of the very many unlucky ones. J&J also has an endless list of victims - all it takes is to look through Facebook or Telegram.

The other thing as well, I've seen interviews on the Highwire of nurses in America who took the vax and had a bad reaction - guess what? They aren't employed anymore. Their employer ditched them without even compensating them - these nurses felt brutalised having had faith in the system. The system is brutal that way. So in a way, one could take the vax in the hope of keeping their job but then end up losing it anyway.

What I say is if someone decides to take the jab, they should do it knowing the risks and should be prepared to accept the risks should they emerge. For example, I had this discussion with my dad, I pleaded with him and made him aware of all the risks. In the end he told me he trusted the science essentially. Thankfully I managed to reach my mother and sister who aren't going near this vax anytime soon. As an example, my father had no immediate reactions but his situation grows more interesting as the months go by. I don't know how it'll all end but I do know he didn't have to take that shot. Here's my dad describing his evolving condition


Ps, Del Big tree's advise in your case is to go for the religious exemption as that's an option open to you as per that letter.
Well, this numbers look terrifying

15,472 DEAD 1.5 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots​

CDC: 6,113 DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections Including 576 Abortions – Population Control Agenda Hard to Deny​

My mom had to go to the hospital yesterday (nothing serious, but sudden), 2 days after her first close contact with my brother's family (brother and wife vaccinated, kids not). On day +1 she had a regular mosquito bite which reacted severely, swelling to ping pong-ball size. On day +2, she had what nearly looked like a chemical burn appear on one side of the neck. She was told it looked like zona/shingles, so went to the emergency right away.

I do not apply much strategic enclosure with my mother, as she used to work as a wise woman/Doula and has a very holistic perspective on health. I've been (minimally) mentioning some of the side-effects we're growing alert to - herpes/shingles in older people, myocarditis in young men, etc - so her eyes and ears were open, and she had 6 hours to observe.

She came back from the hospital, stunned. About 1/3 were migrants, most of them were coming in with toddlers, with weird diarrheas and fevers. Of the others, about half were coming for vaccine side-effects. She said it was easy to tell because people were both open and worried, talking about their situation. Younger men with intestinal discomfort and severe chest pains. Older people with sudden outbreaks of shingles. Women who fainted or with dizzy spells.

My mom thanked me for opening her eyes. She couldn't believe it, at first. "I thought you were overreacting. But I went and it was - it didn't stop. Every 2 or 3 minutes a new person would come in - vaccinated 3, 4 days ago, severe symptoms started the day after, or even on same day. People didn't seem to make the link, but I was watching, and it was obvious"

I would never celebrate this, to the contrary, this is so disheartening. But I also can't help myself but want to visit to see the scale of it - and maybe test a magnet on a few victims :/
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