Search results for query: Ethnic specific weapons

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  1. Laura

    Session 26 February 2022

    Session Date: February 26th 2022 Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia FOTCM Members present via Zoom (in alphabetical order): 3DStudent, 987baz, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, alana, alejo, alianah, Altair, aluminumfalcon...
  2. luc

    Session 14 April 2018

    That session is indeed interesting in light of recent events. I also thought that this exchange could be read as predicting the whole Covid thing, although I guess at the time the specifics of it all were still open:
  3. T

    Transcripts related to children

    Children - organic portals, individualized souls and the influence of vaccines While the doctors are able to tell at some stage during a pregnancy if it is going to be a boy or a girl, they will not be able to answer a question regarding whether the child will acquire an individualized soul. In...
  4. Joan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? the armed forces. It's over an hour long, but I thought the most interesting parts are the 1 hour mark, where she hints at ethnic specific weapons, and how they has bee research into coding of racial specificity of the AC2 pathways, very interesting. She also hints at the us of EM weapons...
  5. JEEP

    Session 30 January 2021

    In reading Signs Supplement on Ethnic Specific Weapons, I noted the following: Oh - so that's why patriotic Americans are being vilified as domestic terrorists! Different year - same tactics!
  6. JEEP

    Session 30 January 2021

    Thanks @Mike for this. I guess in many ways I'm still a newbie in that I did not know there was a Signs Supplement! Probably listed on the main site but overlooked. But anyways - Yowser! And of course we know what happened to David Kelly! I'm thinking there was some forum discussion regarding...
  7. Mike

    Session 30 January 2021

    I believe the term you are looking for is 'Ethnic Specific Weapons'. Sott had a special supplement on it years ago and articles with titles relating to this and it is likely (though I can't remember specifics) that it is on the forum and in some sessions. Signs Supplement on Ethnic Specific Weapons
  8. nicklebleu

    Will They Use the Yearly Flu Shot to Administer the Covid 'Vaccine'?

    My take on this is - probably not. For several reasons: First, if they package the Covid vaccine into the flu vaccine, they can’t charge extra, so no money! Big Pharma doesn’t dish out freebies. Second, it’s less about the vaccine per se (the PTB are well aware that Covid-19 is just a bad flu)...
  9. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Corbett's latest report is an excellent distillation of twenty years build up to what is potentially on the cards before too long - a significant false flag Bioweapons event that will probably make COVID look like a stroll in the park. Whatever the virus once was, it continues to degrade day...
  10. Keit

    Are Abductions actually the Government tracking 0-negs? is quite possible that blood type may play some role when it comes to abductions, missing 411 cases, like Gawan said, or ethnic specific weapons and other genetic experiments. After all, even in case of COVID-19 Chinese researchers and others found correlation between blood type and...
  11. T

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    A Russian author, actor, director, TV personality, Nikita Mikhalkov has for many years done a show where he pulls out some of the news, adds his perspective, asks questions and tries to find answers. In early May his contract with a TV company was terminated after he had made a show about the...
  12. Persej

    Session 21 March 2020

    I was going through the sessions from the past few years, looking for more info about viruses. And I collected the most important quotes. First is the part about the relationships between DNA and information field: New viruses can also be very deadly: The intention of STS guys is to use...
  13. beetlemaniac

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    We had the Au-Asia-Am Reading Workshop yesterday (25th April 2020), with @Aya, @Arwenn, @sid, @Bobo08, @Keit and @yumi, and we had a wide-ranging discussion guided by the ideas and concepts put forth in Chapters 3 & 4 of the Wave volume 1. Here is the link to the video of the session, and...
  14. Aeneas

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Back in 2006, there was the birdflu virus and the scare that came with it. I discovered a SOTT editorial on my hard drive from that time. 14 years later and history repeats. That time it was also introduced during the annual flu season. The following is to illustrate also how SOTT back then...
  15. Mike

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    I was looking for an article by Laura that listed possible things that could happen, such as war, economic failure, weather issues, etc, since I thought it would be interesting to review them in light of what is happening now. I did find that article and that information is listed at the end of...
  16. Alejo

    Mass psychogenic illness

    Hi guys, I think we all have been dealing with some form of another of the Corona-madnes and while the numbers are clearly inflated and overhyped, it got me thinking about something I saw once on a tv show (House M.D.), in the episode they were dealing with a group of passengers on an airplane...
  17. T

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    The following response was also posed under the thread of Session 14 April 2018, but since the question came up here, I repost: Could it be connected to the following response also in the thread of April 14, 2018: Maybe a question is if we came out of Africa, as the mainstream believes, or if...
  18. T

    Session 14 April 2018

    In another thread, there was a question, but I'll share a response here too: Could it be connected to the following response also in the thread of April 14, 2018...
  19. Chad

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Just a suggestion, but if you are able to do so, perhaps consider getting hold of some seeds that make good cut flowers, in a European climate i find that Zinnia Elegans will grow just about anywhere with a bit of watering. They don't have a fragrance but they do last a while in a vase. It's...
  20. anka

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    In the light of recent speculations and suggestions by Chinese that the virus might have come from the US, the following session comes to mind and if it is the case then the backfire could hardly be any bigger: Session 14 April 2018 I can't make much sense of the last answer though. Anyone...
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