Search results for query: "Ethnic specific weapons"

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  1. latulipenoire

    Session 26 February 2022

    So much to ponder and digest, thank you Chateau Crew and everyone who participated via Zoom! Praying that Laura and Ark be well! And that we may have time to learn and apply all we know in these challenging times!
  2. SMM

    Session 26 February 2022

    Wonderful session, all! Merci :flowers:
  3. mxwlll0

    Session 26 February 2022

    Sharing of some thoughts after processing this session and all that’s going on in the world currently: Wonder if the docking elements in the vaccine enhance this 4D STS downloading/possession process plus may reveal the purpose those US bio-labs located in Urkraine?! If they’re no longer...
  4. hollenoaea

    Session 26 February 2022

    okay, this is just what crossed my mind due to a session explanation of the geo-genetically located portal for the "download" of a new consciousness in Ukraine right now, in that relation a "new STS people" woke up in the middle of the nasty terrorist fight, full of aggressive energy towards the...
  5. Arwenn

    Session 26 February 2022

    Here are some articles on SoTT about US biowarfare labs and ethnic specific weapons by investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Her research is very through and the article includes documentation of said research...
  6. Pearce

    Session 26 February 2022

    From Session 14 April 2018 Russians = Kantekkians = We're all gonna find out that we're not from Earth? Almost exactly 4 years later, and we're seeing the finish line!
  7. M

    Session 26 February 2022

    What does Indian Prime Minister Modi's role in this entire chaos? Does he have any special role to play?
  8. Pat

    Session 26 February 2022

    Thank you so very much all for this great session🤗. Very informative. Will read it again at a more pleasurable time and pounder. God speed!
  9. T

    Session 14 April 2018

    Indeed, and more than Covid. Since the Western elites have pushed their control genes via multiple mRNA injections, which appears to have led to an increased incidence of reduced levels of immunity, judging from the increased burden for the insurance companies in highly vaxxed western...
  10. Aeneas

    Session 26 February 2022

    Thank you for a very interesting session which of course revolved around Ukraine as it is on everybody's mind. Very intense session with many revealing things. So much input and a lot of wait and see as our world is collapsing around us. The playbook is the same as with Covid, the destruction we...
  11. Laura

    Session 26 February 2022

    Session Date: February 26th 2022 Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia FOTCM Members present via Zoom (in alphabetical order): 3DStudent, 987baz, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, alana, alejo, alianah, Altair, aluminumfalcon...
  12. luc

    Session 14 April 2018

    That session is indeed interesting in light of recent events. I also thought that this exchange could be read as predicting the whole Covid thing, although I guess at the time the specifics of it all were still open:
  13. T

    Transcripts related to children

    Children - organic portals, individualized souls and the influence of vaccines While the doctors are able to tell at some stage during a pregnancy if it is going to be a boy or a girl, they will not be able to answer a question regarding whether the child will acquire an individualized soul. In...
  14. Joan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    This is also another interesting video from Dr. Lee Merritt, discussing vaccination in the armed forces. It's over an hour long, but I thought the most interesting parts are the 1 hour mark, where she hints at ethnic specific weapons, and how they has bee research into coding of racial...
  15. JEEP

    Session 30 January 2021

    In reading Signs Supplement on Ethnic Specific Weapons, I noted the following: Oh - so that's why patriotic Americans are being vilified as domestic terrorists! Different year - same tactics!
  16. JEEP

    Session 30 January 2021

    Thanks @Mike for this. I guess in many ways I'm still a newbie in that I did not know there was a Signs Supplement! Probably listed on the main site but overlooked. But anyways - Yowser! And of course we know what happened to David Kelly! I'm thinking there was some forum discussion regarding...
  17. Mike

    Session 30 January 2021

    I believe the term you are looking for is 'Ethnic Specific Weapons'. Sott had a special supplement on it years ago and articles with titles relating to this and it is likely (though I can't remember specifics) that it is on the forum and in some sessions. Signs Supplement on Ethnic Specific Weapons
  18. nicklebleu

    Will They Use the Yearly Flu Shot to Administer the Covid 'Vaccine'?

    My take on this is - probably not. For several reasons: First, if they package the Covid vaccine into the flu vaccine, they can’t charge extra, so no money! Big Pharma doesn’t dish out freebies. Second, it’s less about the vaccine per se (the PTB are well aware that Covid-19 is just a bad flu)...
  19. Keit

    Are Abductions actually the Government tracking 0-negs?

    Well, my personal opinion is that it is quite possible that blood type may play some role when it comes to abductions, missing 411 cases, like Gawan said, or ethnic specific weapons and other genetic experiments. After all, even in case of COVID-19 Chinese researchers and others found...
  20. Persej

    Session 21 March 2020

    I was going through the sessions from the past few years, looking for more info about viruses. And I collected the most important quotes. First is the part about the relationships between DNA and information field: New viruses can also be very deadly: The intention of STS guys is to use...
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