Search results for query: Mind control weapon

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  1. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    I tend to agree with most of what you say in your comments above. I enjoyed the video as well. I had not seen it before but it did make a lot off sense in explaining how these amazing temple structures were built to such sophisticated standards that we might struggle to replicate today. The...
  2. R

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    If, "what we're thinking of as aliens, they're extra-dimensional beings that an earlier precursor... made contact with", then I think this, "bleedthrough", could be an outgrowth of the development of harvesting electricity through electromagnetic or magnetic induction, and the signalling and...
  3. Curious Beagle

    We are living for our soul

    Dear Menna, In spirituality there is something called "dominance frequency". The body should serve the mind, the mind serve the soul/emotion. You can manipulate your genetic but overtime it will return to its original vibration match. The vessel serve the consciousness not the other way around...
  4. Palinurus

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

    Source: Audio tapes of thousands of overheard conversations, a reconstruction of the MH17 disaster Other sources in English: Thousands of secret MH17 tapes provide insight into the situation before, during and after the disaster MH17 suspect tapes show planning behind BUK missile move -...
  5. forest_light

    Dream of STS Craft appearing / Nordic STS / Forum attack?

    That is exactly the feeling I had. I felt the spray was like acidic vitriolic white hot rage, to be honest. I also felt this Group had been ‘marked’ deliberately and the STS team that had a ‘mission’ or ‘assignment’ had failed. I watched them moving around inside and outside the house, there...
  6. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Two superb articles below by maverick Irish journalist John Waters (now cast into the wilderness and much derided and despised i.e. he's a true prophet!) linked and reproduced in full below. I highly recommend you find the time to read them both for his breadth of understanding and the precision...
  7. C

    Session 30 January 2021

    This is like how G Webb describes the working and the choice for a coronavirus in the 60s. It delivers a payload. Unlike the in-discriminant heavy hitter diseases dr Mengele was investigating, the FBI was looking for a marking substance, to spray communist insurrectionists with. And to maybe...
  8. nicklebleu

    Session 30 January 2021

    I was thinking along similar lines ... Maybe the mRNA (or any other ‘nano’ thing they throw into this vaccine concoction - and mind you, it is not a vaccine but genetic engineering) is programmed to do certain things, as in a probe seeking some pre-determined genetic sequence, or maybe a...
  9. Charade

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Land of the Greed. Home of the Betrayed. It’s so fitting. It’s so sad. It’s so criminal. I find this a very worrying part of the past year, the unending, repetitious acts of getting people to comply to unhealthy and unreasonable behaviors. The psychological experiment they have in...
  10. Yupo

    For the preppers

    This is an excellent, comprehensive book for DIY, simple living off the land. I believe there is a downloadable version. Joel Skousen's weekly news analysis newsletter always has an excellent prepping section at...
  11. Starshine

    Shouldn't we be fighting this?

    Reading this discussion was a necessity to compare and organize my thoughts, feelings and fears, especially after having discovered Rémy Daillet-Wiedemann (Announcement of the overthrow of the French government) In a way, I find it reassuring that such a guy exists and stand up if there is no...
  12. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Corbett's latest report is an excellent distillation of twenty years build up to what is potentially on the cards before too long - a significant false flag Bioweapons event that will probably make COVID look like a stroll in the park. Whatever the virus once was, it continues to degrade day...
  13. wodasi

    2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

    I'VE all ways thought that There is some smarter group of white hates ( good guys ) who helped and got TRUMP into office .. ( after all they needed a trust worthy smart patriot to be willing to run and that list is short despite what some would say imo) i have not had much interest in...
  14. Starshine

    Rémy Daillet-Wiedemann (Announcement of the overthrow of the French government)

    Here are some translations of his videos in diverse languages: The more I listen to him, the more I am impressed. He is lucid, smart, brave, no scandals found yet. His message goes straight to my heart, and I am...
  15. Ocean

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? Darkest Winter The Dark Winter exercise took place in June 2001, only months before the 9/11 attacks. This exercise took place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, and involved several Congressmen, a former CIA...
  16. M

    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past" - Libraries Now Used for Information Control and Removal.

    Several members have posted recently about the underhand movements regarding libraries and access to information - and the increasing censorship and Orwellian editing/deleting of the past that appears to be accelerating under the curtain of COVID. I think it warrants its own thread as its...
  17. seek10

    How to Be a Dictator: The Cult of Personality in the Twentieth Century - Book Review

    2. Loyalty, Faith in Ideology, and Expediency: The book started with a pretty good summary of the content. Mussolini: Stalin: Stalin started opposing collectivization while fighting with Trotsky after Lenin's death. But once Trotsky's threat passed, he himself started collectivization...
  18. JEEP

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    On a roll: Don't know about directed energy weapons in this, but lots of good points made.
  19. Joan

    Beirut Explosion

    There is something running through my mind, I feel I have to also explore as another alternative, and offer up as as another point of discussion. The words of Victor Clube come to mind, cold war intentions are a disguise. for celestial interventions, or something like that, the exact words...
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