Another interesting session. This time not so much political, not so much Earthy, but a bit supernatural, secret knowledge, etc.
Q: (L) Does that mean there were some agreements with somebody in Russia at some point? In some way?
I wonder if Joseph Stalin has anything to do with that, or was he just a psychopath and a spawn of 4D STS. I think the latter, so it would be maybe someone around him or the other commies. In this case, Vladimir Putin did some work, I guess. Помимо аспекта международной политики, что он делает, почему, кто он и какой он, у меня всегда было впечатление, что он немного прибрал окружающую среду России
A: There are many Brazilians involved in questionable practices that attract and give permission for such violations in the specific areas.
You went for black magic, drugs, but remember there are gang tortures, murders, rapes, hatred and fear, and all that stuff that we know attracts 4D STS. (I think the opposite of it would be capybara. I've seen it hanging out with lions, crocodiles. All the animals hang out with it. It might be the king of the jungle. Another animal thing would be crows)
A: 20 percent.
Q: (L) 20% overall. Could be higher in some and lower in others. Is that it? So, this is an average using figures from all the different...?
A: Yes
If you replace 20% of the social media influencers with a 4D STS-vibe, how many people would be influenced by it? 80%? Though some of it seems to be a positive vibe, even considering the dumbness or simplicity of it. But maybe it's a smoke screen?
And you did not specify what replacing we mean. Is it like organic portals, actual 4D-STS-made beings, some sort of alien-humans, abducted people and some sort of programming, remotely implemented thinking patterns, etc.
(Altair) What race or group of 4D STS was responsible for it?
A: Varied. Depends on the specific case.
Q: (L) Oh yeah. All right.
(Altair) In an older session, the C's mentioned replacement of human key personnel conducted by 4D STS. How many such people are on the surface of our planet at the moment?
Once I've heard a story that sounded a little bit of sci-fi, of a supposed underground base worker, that people were fighting aliens who were very hostile; I think it was tall grays; there were lasers and shootings, etc. But he mentioned there were fractions in 4D STS, and it gave the impression they were themselves divided, not completely united, as it always seems when we mention 4D STS working together against humanity or using humanity for their own good. While we would have to understand that humanity is 3D STS... I mean, working to their advantage, agreeing to some arrangements (kept by the aliens or not), but also using their technology... it's not like we are any different. We're 3D STS-wise the same. So much of humanity is not the poor, deceived and unaware beings who would normally be good if not for 4D STS. It is for a similar type of existence, only on a different level, with different limitations and possibilities. You say that part of humanity would welcome aliens with open arms. It's not just about people treating them as saviors, friends, etc. Like in the Day of Independence. It's about people who would probably consciously agree with their way of acting. But before the fall, we were, from what I remember, 4D STO. So maybe there is a genetic potential for 4D STO in us, and that is why open disclosure cannot take place. Because of fear, premonition and their own nature, it would simply harm them. And both the CIA and the aliens, to the best of their abilities, act with cold calculation
(Keit) In the session on the 19th of May, 2021, you said about Havana syndrome, that it was caused by directed beam weapons; that it was more or less practicing on people
I think we should know how to protect ourselves from such technology, if we can