Session 27 April 2024

Okay, so there is fractal consciousness, but they don't exist in all densities at the same time. Or maybe they do and do not.

With this term fractal consciousness, I was picturing a soul inhabiting numerous densities at once. But maybe that's not the case? What does the above bolded section mean in the context of fractal consciousness?
The C's gave another analogy to fractal consciousness: the slide projector. Even though your focus is on one slide, the other slides (realities) are still present on the wheel.
Q: (SV) I want to ask one question: If there is no time, there is no past and no future; there are no past lives and no future lives, there is no such thing as reincarnation, then how can you be us...

A: Yes, there is reincarnation. You are getting ahead of yourself there. We never said there is no reincarnation.

Q: (SV) But, if there is no time? (J) It is our perception of it. (L) It is all happening simultaneously. We are having all of these lifetimes at once. (SV) Is there a way that we can connect ourselves with all our other selves?

A: Picture it this way: we will access some of your memory banks and give you another reference which, interestingly enough, fits very closely with the perpendicular reality wheel that we described earlier. You know what a slide projector looks like? To give you some feeling of what this expanded nature of reality really is, picture yourself watching a big slide presentation with a big slide wheel on the projector. At any given point along the way you are watching one particular slide. But, all the rest of the slides are present on the wheel, are they not? And, of course, this fits in with the perpendicular reality, which fits in with the circles within circles and cycles within cycles, which also fits in the Grand Cycle, which also fits in with what we have told you before: All there is is lessons. That's all there is and we ask that you enjoy them as you are watching the slide presentation...

Q: (J) In that analogy, the light that shines through the slide, as it projects it upon the screen, is our perception?

A: And, if you look back at the center of the projector, you see the origin and essence of all creation itself, which, is level seven where you are in union with the One.

In Session 27 May 1995, the C's warned us that crossing into 4D with only 3D awareness could be dangerous.
Q: (T) When you talked about using the anti-matter they said: "Yes" you can work with it, but you are only getting it on one side and you can't get to fourth density side unless you have someone working with you from over there, you have to find a fourth density being to help you here... but you are touching it, you are at the edge of where you can go in third density... (RS) Will you help us? (Carla) Yes, let's be practical! [Laughter]

A: Terry did not give exactly correct answer. It is possible to cross over into fourth density from third, using third density technology. In fact, this has already been accomplished by various individuals and groups on a more or less accidental basis, the problem is "what does one do when one reaches fourth density reality with only third density training and experience?"

Q: (L) Could you, if we spent the time, help us with this training and technology?

A: Yes, but what do you intend to use it for? This is not like going to Disney World for a day, you know!
Q: (R) You see it is only a perspective from an individual perspective.
A: Perception is bonded by awareness. Others are bonded to their awareness of you and all else.

Q: (V) Well, while this was happening to me, was this also happening to others in my general area?
A: No. Not likely. You do not yet realize how rare higher awareness is.

Q: (JN) What triggered it?
A: Frequency envelope thinning due to patterning imprint repetition of V in her environment.

Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is something like that.
A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.
The discussion above - is it specific to trans-density bases only? When someone enters a 4D base from 3D, do we assume that there isn't a bifurcation of the self? In other words, it's not the case that the self is still in 3D while it is also in 4D? I think that's what they're saying. The self is only in 4D while in 4D. But with a connection to 5D (at all times).
There seems to be difference between (1) going to 4D with a lack of awareness (accidentally through technology, or being abducted) and (2) going to 4D with sufficient awareness (cycle completion, graduation). Therefore, I think that if a 3D being goes to 4D "artificially," his perception will change due to the environment, but his DNA won't be up to speed with the new reality, which would make him very vulnerable to 4D STS attacks. If a 3rd grade student opens the door of a 4th grade classroom, it doesn't mean he has passed all his 3rd grade exams!
The C's gave another analogy to fractal consciousness: the slide projector. Even though your focus is on one slide, the other slides (realities) are still present on the wheel.
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There seems to be difference between (1) going to 4D with a lack of awareness (accidentally through technology, or being abducted) and (2) going to 4D with sufficient awareness (cycle completion, graduation). Therefore, I think that if a 3D being goes to 4D "artificially," his perception will change due to the environment, but his DNA won't be up to speed with the new reality, which would make him very vulnerable to 4D STS attacks. If a 3rd grade student opens the door of a 4th grade classroom, it doesn't mean he has passed all his 3rd grade exams!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking - that there are two different types of bi-density beings. Once is accidental, the other intentional or 'by design'.

There's the difficulty of aligning all the different metaphors given by the C's. I don't see how an elevator can be squared with a slide projector, or how either can be squared with mosaic consciousness.

We're hepta-density beings if the fractal consciousness statement rings true. Hepta-density, but only able to access certain levels.

But at the same 'time', the soul exists at all levels. Perhaps it both exists at all levels - and also does not.

At the risk of butchering the grand discipline of physics, maybe a soul is like an electron. It is not a sure thing, and not easily observed. And the observation changes its behaviour. It is rumoured to exist within a certain frequency envelope, and also rumoured to move from one envelope to another in certain ways, and all we can do is assign probabilities to its actual location, assuming that it exists by its effects.
Just thinking here, but they have also said we are even now starting to shift into 4D. Could the coming "environmental change" and going into 4D be a one in the same event?

Q: (irjO) They mentioned also that we are approaching one of those cosmic environment changes soon. Will that change of the environment be the same or close to the one we used to have in that period in the past?

A: Different.

These super abilities sound kind of 4D-ish to me.

Something that just occurred to me is, once in 4D, can I assume one will see and have to deal with the STS denizens face to face? (at least partially material)

Thanks to all involved
For instance, if a monorail salesman comes to town, we will determine his character. Is he for profit, or the community?

As I grow, it is inimical to my continuing life that I consider how my direction is related to others. Decisions of growth made by considering others that are viable consistently reveal themselves to be life affirming or diminishing, judging by their consequential effects. By their Fruit. "This thing does not have to end". Small choices eventually gather enough energy to bias reality. We cease reacting to random external catalyst and instead determine our path based on our perceptions. Ultimately, we see a correlation between our thoughts and reality. We recognize we are creating that reality. That reality is described by our consciousness.

The immediacy of this cause effect increases. Things become fluid in order to maintain meaning correspondent with our inner experience. Now we're experiencing variable physicality. But it's only relevant when you're actually thinking about it. It doesn't give you superpowers, except as we think about it in terms of our present materially entrenched state.

Some things get easier. Like when we learning to say no, we gain self-determination. Ultimately, nature abhors a vacuum and fills in the gaps to the changes our choices made. Some involve mistakes. It's not all glamour. Crucifixion, getting arrested, losing your lover or your career are possibilities.

The ones who were 'walked into' were confronted with a choice; perhaps one not anticipated by their preincarnated agreement, i.e.: a politician wants status and wealth, but he is presented with choices which might result in some pain, but as the soul has not developed enough integrity to make them, he implicitly defects, he checks out; sts checkmate.

The Law of One says that all paths are informed by the motive force of God's love, and that such an understanding resolves all apparent paradoxes.
The discussion above - is it specific to trans-density bases only? When someone enters a 4D base from 3D, do we assume that there isn't a bifurcation of the self? In other words, it's not the case that the self is still in 3D while it is also in 4D? I think that's what they're saying. The self is only in 4D while in 4D. But with a connection to 5D (at all times).

Anyways, maybe I'd better stop there before I confuse myself any further.
In the session on November 2, 1994, the C's said: “When you are abducted you are 3rd density but you are taken into 4th density.” Same goes for 4D bases: you're a 3D being existing in a 4D environment. And everything 2D, 3D, and 4D maintains a connection to 5D at all times. On July 19, 1995, they said: "And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes." But I still suspect a bit more is going on with the bases and 5D.
Well, I was just wondering because there's a LOT of work behind the Cs Experiment and you can get an idea of why not everyone is volunteering for the job if you read the Wave and watched the videos. Laura also has a genetic anomaly that favors channeling, it runs in her family.

Watch the videos recommended. There's also a series of interviews scheduled to be released this month that will help you clarify the history behind the Cs and all that. Keep an eye open for the announcement here in the forum.
Thanks for the info @Gaby. I need to reread the Wave and I will watch the videos, and keep an eye out for the ones to be released. I need to concentrate on more reading....less other things.
That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes." But I still suspect a bit more is going on with the bases and 5D.

What I don’t really understand is… well, technically, let’s suppose you are in one of those underground bases and you go into the elevator (they literally said that there is an elevator where you can travel to other densities in those bases) then you hit the floor “5D” selection (I know sounds simplistic but you get the idea), so you go to the “5D floor” our 3D brain will see it still as an elevator going down, when the doors open, what the heck you would see? The same as you would see when the conduit opens as in NDE type of thing? I don’t know, it’s kinda hard to visualize.
Cristofir said: Replay 134
Before I share what I was reminded of, I’d like to share a little bit of background:
With your selection of session parts, we better remember and value Laura's excellent / essential questions and clear / forceful answers.

Thanks for sharing your very very interesting compilation.
What are the stereotypes?

The first few things that pop into anyones head when they hear the word Nazi is what the stereotype is for that person. I do think the stereotypes tend to come from the mass media portrayal of Nazis. (primary sources being movies, print, newsreels, TV) I also think the portrayal of Nazi's has morphed greatly over time which is quite fascinating to see. So, let me know if you really want me to go into it and I will but I am not sure it would add all that much except to encourage each individual to look at their own stereotypical Nazi meme and where it comes from.

A few examples of influences through time:

Hitler is Time man of the year (author of the German miracle)
Neville Chamberlain, Peace in Our Time
The Tanks roll into Czechoslovakia and Poland

The Great Dictator
The Sound of Music
Werner von Braun gets whitewashed and becomes the good American who wasn't really a Nazi because he helps fight the Commies!
Judgement at Nuremburg
The Enemy Below
Das Boot
Schindler's List
Hogan's Heroes
The Producers

(parts of the above list is an example of the diversity and bizarre progression in movies from "Nazis are heartless bastards" to "Nazis are just normal folks with different uniforms" to "Nazis are lovable harmless buffoons" (to mention only a few). But, obviously, the impressions are bouncing all over the map and never stop.

The sheer volume is staggering as content is still being cranked out that centers around Nazi Germany and WW2. 9 years ago a writer counted over 1300 WW2 movies. (that may have included movies involving Japan but my guess is there are far more about the Nazis)
The "History" channel never lets up on spinning the Nazis. It is already overwhelming and I haven't mentioned a single book, or cartoon, or Edward R Murrow or Newsreel!

Anyway, what matters is not what I think or what stereotypes immediately come to my mind (although if you really want, I'll do it). I see it as more of an exercise for each person to look at their own stereotypes, or that first feeling and thought when you hear the word "Nazi".
For those who have lived under their boot, the Nazis represented unprecedented cruelty. Imagine living in fear of recurring door-to-door searches, rounding up all men of a certain age or race or proficiency, sending them to slave labor camps or worse. Imagine whole villages being murdered for the life of a commander, just to set an example. Imagine being trapped, not knowing who to trust, as every neighbour can be a snitch. Image not being able to walk from one part of town to another, or buy some food, without being checked for identification. Imagine your life being permanently in danger, just for you being you. The Nazis were very systemic in rooting out empathy or other human qualities. They were the worst nightmare imaginable. I know that this pattern has been repeating itself throughout history, but the Nazis were the worst, by far. (Although the treatment of Palestinians comes close.)

And that is something we could not afford to forget, although it's all but forgotten by now.
Thanks for the info @Gaby. I need to reread the Wave and I will watch the videos, and keep an eye out for the ones to be released. I need to concentrate on more reading....less other things.
Here are the interviews to look forward to:


The first few things that pop into anyones head when they hear the word Nazi is what the stereotype is for that person. I do think the stereotypes tend to come from the mass media portrayal of Nazis. (primary sources being movies, print, newsreels, TV) I also think the portrayal of Nazi's has morphed greatly over time which is quite fascinating to see. So, let me know if you really want me to go into it and I will but I am not sure it would add all that much except to encourage each individual to look at their own stereotypical Nazi meme and where it comes from.

A few examples of influences through time:

Hitler is Time man of the year (author of the German miracle)
Neville Chamberlain, Peace in Our Time
The Tanks roll into Czechoslovakia and Poland

The Great Dictator
The Sound of Music
Werner von Braun gets whitewashed and becomes the good American who wasn't really a Nazi because he helps fight the Commies!
Judgement at Nuremburg
The Enemy Below
Das Boot
Schindler's List
Hogan's Heroes
The Producers

(parts of the above list is an example of the diversity and bizarre progression in movies from "Nazis are heartless bastards" to "Nazis are just normal folks with different uniforms" to "Nazis are lovable harmless buffoons" (to mention only a few). But, obviously, the impressions are bouncing all over the map and never stop.

The sheer volume is staggering as content is still being cranked out that centers around Nazi Germany and WW2. 9 years ago a writer counted over 1300 WW2 movies. (that may have included movies involving Japan but my guess is there are far more about the Nazis)
The "History" channel never lets up on spinning the Nazis. It is already overwhelming and I haven't mentioned a single book, or cartoon, or Edward R Murrow or Newsreel!

Anyway, what matters is not what I think or what stereotypes immediately come to my mind (although if you really want, I'll do it). I see it as more of an exercise for each person to look at their own stereotypes, or that first feeling and thought when you hear the word "Nazi".
I'd like to hear / read the stereotypes that come to your mind?

In terms of my mind, I see Nazis as people who are cold blooded and perhaps derive some pleasure in making others suffer. They see themselves as chosen in some way, special. They have a strong us versus other way of looking at the world whereby they can be very nice to those in their in-group and absolute psychopaths to those in the out group. They are very heavily centered in physicality, focussing on things like racial purity, racial homogeneity, stuff to do with perfection and strength etc.

In any case, I see Nazis as perfect vessels for possession by 4D STS Nordic types who want to occupy or experience 3D. I'm not quite sure that your average 3D nazi would be averse to being possessed and used as a vessel by a higher even more pure entity from 4D STS.
Just thinking here, but they have also said we are even now starting to shift into 4D. Could the coming "environmental change" and going into 4D be a one in the same event?

Q: (irjO) They mentioned also that we are approaching one of those cosmic environment changes soon. Will that change of the environment be the same or close to the one we used to have in that period in the past?

A: Different.

These super abilities sound kind of 4D-ish to me.

Cosmic changes are happening more often than the Wave. The last time we had a big change in cosmic environment was about 10,000 years ago. And the next one is going to happen soon and is going to last 30,000 years. If the Wave is also going to approach us soon, that will only coincide with our new cosmic environment. Maybe those 4D-ish abilities in our new environment is something that will help us prepare for the Wave.

Something that just occurred to me is, once in 4D, can I assume one will see and have to deal with the STS denizens face to face? (at least partially material)

Probably. We will be on the same level of existence.
I think the "stereotypes" alluded to is the imagery: uniforms, swastikas, the funny walk, concentration camps, black and white images, etc. Today, except for the Ukronazis who still live in the 20th century, nazzis wouldn't present themselves as such, and they would disguise their ideology under other names. Eugenism becomes transhumanism, environmentalism and vegetarianism and anti-tobacco are still pretty much the same, demonization of others (Chinese, Russians, Muslims, etc) is pretty much the same, centralization of power moved from national to supranational but that's just a detail, technocratic rule, sense of racial/civilizational superiority to civilize the noble savages (spreading "democracy" through mass murder), nazi-pass and concentration camps during the covid oppression, the profiling of people and surveillance... Well, except for black and white footage of the funny walk, Nazzi ideology and mentality has been normalized and internalized. In 1945 the German troops were defeated militarily, but not nazzism ideologically.
I think the "stereotypes" alluded to is the imagery: uniforms, swastikas, the funny walk, concentration camps, black and white images, etc. Today, except for the Ukronazis who still live in the 20th century, nazzis wouldn't present themselves as such, and they would disguise their ideology under other names. Eugenism becomes transhumanism, environmentalism and vegetarianism and anti-tobacco are still pretty much the same, demonization of others (Chinese, Russians, Muslims, etc) is pretty much the same, centralization of power moved from national to supranational but that's just a detail, technocratic rule, sense of racial/civilizational superiority to civilize the noble savages (spreading "democracy" through mass murder), nazi-pass and concentration camps during the covid oppression, the profiling of people and surveillance... Well, except for black and white footage of the funny walk, Nazzi ideology and mentality has been normalized and internalized. In 1945 the German troops were defeated militarily, but not nazzism ideologically.
Interesting, I wouldn't have personally linked transhumanism and vegetarianism to Nazism. In my view both degrade the integrity or purity of the natural body which is something that I thought, perhaps naively, that Nazism was against. If they are all about purity of bloodlines etc, then I struggle to see how transhumanism doesn't further degrade or take away the so-called superhuman away from their biological purity. 🤷

I also do struggle to connect eugenism with transhumanism in the sense that Eugenics literally want so-called "weaker" humans or less pure humans dead. Not enhanced, simply dead. I can link Nazism to eugenics but struggle to link either to transhumanism, vegetarianism or any of the modern liberal movements e.g. LGBTQ etc. I think these modern movements are something else entirely.

But these are just what I think, not necessarily what's true. In any case, we can agree that nazism is pure poison.
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