Session 27 April 2024

Thanks for sharing this session with us. Some great questions here. I noticed that the C's seem to need to "tune/groove" more these days. Don't know if they needed to do that in the past as much? Or maybe when there is a bigger group more tuning is required?
Thanks again everyone. :hug2:
What I don’t really understand is… well, technically, let’s suppose you are in one of those underground bases and you go into the elevator (they literally said that there is an elevator where you can travel to other densities in those bases) then you hit the floor “5D” selection (I know sounds simplistic but you get the idea), so you go to the “5D floor” our 3D brain will see it still as an elevator going down, when the doors open, what the heck you would see? The same as you would see when the conduit opens as in NDE type of thing? I don’t know, it’s kinda hard to visualize.
Yeah, especially since in the context of the literal elevator they said this:

Q: (L) So you go to these bases, to go to different densities…
A: Although, it is possible to enter 4th and 5th in other ways too!

Which implies that taking the elevator in the base was one possible way of "entering" 5D (the most obvious other being dying - ways of entering 4D include being TDARM'd there, and traveling through a conduit).
Re Nazi, the complete violation of free will is the aspect I react most strongly to in all its forms. I feel a sort of concealed intense antagonism: leave me the hell alone. The COVID response/vaccine mandate is a perfect example and was a recent modern flirtation with Nazi ideology. “We are lying to your face and you will do what we say and get on that train”.

(And climate craziness, destroying civilization and agriculture to “save” the earth are all manifestations of Naziism.)

I wouldn’t be surprised if both the Nazi “way” and the resistance to it is encoded in our DNA.
Thank you so much for this session!! "Cosmic muggig" made me laugh out loud even though it's not so funny to those it's happened to... but just the phrase :lol:
Thanks again and much love from Sweden :love:
Altair) There is a book 'UFO Danger Zone: Terror & Death in Brazil' by Bob Pratt. He writes, "Since the 1970s and probably much earlier, terrible things have been done to people in Brazil, perhaps more so than in all other countries combined. And these cosmic muggings are still occurring. To my knowledge, it is only in Brazil, not neighbouring countries or the United States or any other nation in the world that UFOs have been so overtly hostile." My questions: Why were 4D STS so aggressive with Brazilians? Several people were injured or killed.

A: There are many Brazilians involved in questionable practices that attract and give permission for such violations in the specific areas.

Q: (L) Questionable practices, such as?

(Chu) Black magic.

(L) Is some of it black magic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Stuff like voodoo?

A: Yes
I have also heard there are many Haitians involved in black magua practices that could attract and enable natural disasters and social crises.

I use TikTok to find information that is not available in the mainstream media. There I have seen testimonies on TikTok from people who have witnessed voodoo ceremonies, cannibalism, rituals with demons, among others.

TikTok - Make Your Day
TikTok - Make Your Day
TikTok - Make Your Day
Q: (L) What actually was happening?

A: Abduction and implanting of screen memory.

Q: (L) Was that the usual way of abducting, where you draw out the soul essence, remolecularize a body around it, and then work on it and then put the soul back? I mean, they didn't actually go into the space station and take them physically, did they?

A: No

Q: (L) And it was, as I proposed that it was, the usual mode?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what was the purpose of it?

A: Sampling to determine effects of space travel on physiology.

Q: (L) And they can do that because when they remolecularized them, everything remolecularized is exactly as the actual body? Is that it?

A: Yes
This reminds me of recent news about a Senator from Chile who admitted on a TV program that he was abducted in 2012. After that, he was supposedly contacted by a person from "another planet" who gave him information from NASA so he could spread it.

Thank you all involved; these group sessions are getting better and better.

I wanted to add something that struck me today to my above post. I was scrolling on LinkedIn today (for those who don't know it, it's the world's largest social network for professional purposes, basically like an interactive CV and a networking platform for all things caareer related) and I bumped into not one, but a few posts about the situation in Gaza. I found it to be quite shocking, especially because Brits are quite known for avoiding talking about religion and politics. And yet here they are, openly expressing their feelings and thoughts about Palestine. They were very emotional posts too, which is rare on that platform.

A quick scroll through the posters' profiles revealed that these posts had many more 'likes' and engagement than their professional content. One of the posters normally gets 20-40 likes, her Palestine post had nearly well over 300!

Interestingly, no one openly condemned - or even mentioned - Israel, the focus was on support for Palestine. The word 'genocide' was used openly in the comments, and yet people didn't say who was guilty of it.

And thank you for articulating these observations. I've encountered very similar things and have been touched to see the spontaneous outpoor of support and empathizing being expressed outside of platforms like X (which had a timely benevolent takeover..). LinkedIn stood out for me as well and it has been unusually consistent for the last couple of months, from people with seemingly 'no connection' to the cause i.e. no human rights background, fellow middle easteners etc.

Indeed, a clearing of the Eyes of the Soul has been ramping up. Also good to see people breaking down barriers, overcoming their timidness (because authority and repercussions) and being pure and creative in expressing themselves on SM.

The one platform where I've seen zero expression of this (obvi the most harshly policed one too, the 'circus' of bread and circuses) is YT, which yet hosts the most extreme nonsense and theories ever imagined by the feeble human mind. Re: omission, Russell Brand comes to mind; being a coward/ not making a peep about recent developments considering the classic anti-war/ genocide liberal and compassionate soul he is meant to be (and for which I've always liked him for, even when disagreeing with him). But then it seems our fallen angel Peterson apart from being inducted to Zionism (a clear process to me now in hindsight, started after his NDE with the religiosity hook) is being used to take a few others down the 'path paved with good intentions'.
This is starting to make the window-faller phenomenon a little clearer, I think. The 'natives' of the material 3D realm seem to have 'veto power' over how window-fallers manifest, with the interlopers having no 'fixed identity' for want of a better phrase, taking on the characteristics that the 'natives' project onto them. Thus, a sufficiently disciplined mind may be able to 'banish' window fallers by understanding their true nature and redirecting/closing the windows through influence of frequency/FRV, or so I think.

A series of very interesting thoughts and connections in your post that rightfully opened up the opportunity to further develop the concepts discussed in the sessions; nice to see the amount of thoughtfulness that goes into both, your questions for the Cs and further explorations.

I don't know re: the ability to banish but what immediately sprung to mind for me were Shamans, as a means to protect communities ('purifying' consciousness and connection with the otherworldly) they are [an essential] part of. Incidentally, Shamans seem to be (at least in more modern times) still active and prevalent in the Americas native cultures; esp in South American cultures where voodoo-inclined Brazil (and therefore in need of extra protection) is a large chunk of.
If a 3rd grade student opens the door of a 4th grade classroom, it doesn't mean he has passed all his 3rd grade exams!
If a 4th density Wanderer were to open the door without remembering or recollecting their 4D knowledge while in 3D do you think their DNA would blast awake upon entering 4D, by accident or otherwise, or is it pertinent that they fully regroup them self in 3D to be able to effectively navigate 4D?
Hello Marc Johanson. I see that you haven't introduced yourself, yet. You can do that on the Newbies board and be welcomed to the forum. Tell us a little bit about yourself, nothing really personal, how you found the forum and so on. If you are unsure what to post, you can look at other posts on that board to get an idea.

Thank you.
Re Nazi, the complete violation of free will is the aspect I react most strongly to in all its forms. I feel a sort of concealed intense antagonism: leave me the hell alone. The COVID response/vaccine mandate is a perfect example and was a recent modern flirtation with Nazi ideology. “We are lying to your face and you will do what we say and get on that train”.

(And climate craziness, destroying civilization and agriculture to “save” the earth are all manifestations of Naziism.)

I wouldn’t be surprised if both the Nazi “way” and the resistance to it is encoded in our DNA.
The cs establish the entry of the nazis in 1914. This is interesting, because it excludes from the nazis colonialism for example. Maybe it depends on who and how one asks, and his/her beliefs that in a certain way cannot be violated . But it is certainly interesting.
The cs establish the entry of the nazis in 1914. This is interesting, because it excludes from the nazis colonialism for example. Maybe it depends on who and how one asks, and his/her beliefs that in a certain way cannot be violated . But it is certainly interesting.
quote my self with shame:-) . the thing was well before 1914 and well before colonialism, as castaneda's tula confirms. It seems that second attention for newbies, even for unskilled warriors is a trap.
If a 4th density Wanderer were to open the door without remembering or recollecting their 4D knowledge while in 3D do you think their DNA would blast awake upon entering 4D, by accident or otherwise, or is it pertinent that they fully regroup them self in 3D to be able to effectively navigate 4D?
Good question! Let's review the definition of 'Wanderer' from Casswiki (page 610).
”Wanderer” is the Ra term for a soul of fourth through sixth density who decides to incarnate in third density for a specific mission. This generally fits with the idea of coming from the future into the past in order to affect some change or open some new possible outcome. This is discussed in many places in the Cassiopaean material, in which the concept of a sort of feedback loop or resonance between pasts and futures is quite central. The idea of the wanderer is one form of this, sending messages from the future to one’s past self being another idea along the general theme. If we see futures and pasts as if co-arising from a plane beyond time, one may even think that the future sends itself to the past in order to create itself. In order to avoid paradoxes, one cannot carry certain information in reliable form from the future to the past. Therefore, the wanderer forgets the world of origin, except as a vague recollection and messages from the future self cannot be authenticated or validated with certainty, as is the case with channeling. This gives room for infinitely many possible timelines and space for free will at each point. It may be that those timelines with the greatest internal consistency are the most ’real,’ so actions at any given point are not indifferent on the grounds that all possible combinations happen in some parallel scenario. Internal consistency would here come from following a certain internal nature or soul disposition - the manifestation is different but the principle the same throughout the densities. The idea of wanderer is not limited to a future self sending itself to the past, but this is the angle most explored in the FOTCM context.
16.59 Questioner: The many Wanderers coming to this planet now and in the recent past— are they subject to Orion thoughts?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have said before, Wanderers become completely the creature of third density in mind/body complex. There is just as much chance of such influence to a Wanderer entity as to a mind/body/spirit complex of this planetary sphere. The only difference occurs in the spirit complex which, if it wishes, has an armor of light, if you will, which enables it to recognize more clearly that which is not as it would appropriately be desired by the mind/body/spirit complex. This is not more than a bias and cannot be called an understanding.

Furthermore, the Wanderer is, in its own mind/body/spirit complex, less distorted towards the, shall we say, deviousness of third-density positive/negative confusions. Thus, it often does not recognize as easily as a more negative individual the negative nature of thoughts or beings.

16.60 Questioner: Would then the Wanderers, as they incarnate here, be high-priority targets, shall we say, of the Orion group?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

16.61 Questioner: And if a Wanderer were to be successfully infringed upon, shall I say, by the Orion group, what would happen to this Wanderer at the harvest?

Ra: I am Ra. If the Wanderer entity demonstrated through action a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.
Mostly discussion of wanderers is centered around service-to-others-oriented missions but the concept is not limited to this. Very little of this matter may be known with certainty. Ra claims that up to 1 percent of the 1980’s human population consisted of wanderers, of whom about a third were conscious of being wanderers. The claim cannot be substantiated but seems to be at least broadly exaggerated if we are to think that such people would become participants in the time’s esoteric work. The concept of an advanced soul making a sacrifice by taking human incarnation for the edification of humanity is nearly universal in spiritual traditions, thus the concept has abundant parallels. Boddhisatva would be a related Buddhist term.
Given the above, I think a Wanderer already has the DNA upgrades prior to jumping into a "lower level arena." In fact, this is probably what makes his advanced mission possible. He agrees to "suppress" some of his higher powers in order to blend in as an "undercover agent" and assist less advanced beings.

To answer your question, I see two cases:
  1. 4D Wanderer, incarnated as a 3D being, goes back to 4D naturally, when his mission is complete.
  2. 4D Wanderer, incarnated as a 3D being, goes back to 4D accidentally.
Case 1: I think the result would be similar to what we are going through right now, i.e. reuniting with "lost" upgrades or gaining "new" upgrades.

Case 2: It's an edge case involving inter-density play that will be graspable only when we fully understand the concept of 'density.' Does the Wanderer's lesson terminate abruptly if that happens? Would he be just as vulnerable as us in 4D, given that his "higher powers" were silenced for the sake of the mission? Very hard to answer...

As a side note, this discussion made me realize something I have overlooked: Creation does not separate students! You can learn from a plant, just like a plant can learn from you. You can learn from a dog, just like a dog can learn from you. We can learn from each other. We can learn from more advanced life forms, and they can learn from us too! At every stage, there are "mutual" lessons—the illusion of separation exists solely for the sake of learning. The illusion is like an envelope, a cocoon which secures the manifestation of free will. This may be the reason why there are 'densities.'
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