The Consortium, the Quorum, the alien interface, depicted in 'romantic' fiction - what the heck?!

At Amazon now reading the reviews on TBB series... as always, I read the bad reviews, have you seen them? "Poorly written, bad grammar, endless narration, one review "Blake is a rich, sadist man who enjoys beating and raping young women for kicks. Lana is a 19 year old girl who is stupid and desperate, who becomes a victim of Blake." Another "
Poor dialogue that is often disjointed. No character development. Was so bored by the end I was skimming it. Would have stopped but hate not finishing a book."
" I will admit, the first book held my interest, although her age didn't sit well with me. When it ended, I wanted to read book 2. Book 2 became stupid when the issues with his father came about and the sacrificial thing just didn't fit the story at all. It was as if the author needed to throw something in to finish the story. At this point skimming was necessary. Then you get to book 3 thinking there would be some resolution amongst this dense story, but there was none.

As a matter of fact it ends with nothing being resolved. What happened with Victoria after she had her tantrum? Marcus doesn't like Lana, so what are his plans to get rid of her? Where's Jack. I know he goes on an assignment in Africa, but after that there's no more mention of him. How is it possible for Lana and Blake to marry? According to the secret family lifestyle, there's no way he could just marry Lana and be left alone and happy. Why are they so in love anyway? I didn't connect with either character at all. Maybe there's another book. Even if there were, I wouldn't want to read it."

Is that true that it all ends in a cliffhanger?

Oh so you want spoilers, do you? Not from this cat.

Seriously though, I'd suggest just paying the few dollars for the books and reading them. Or you could take them out at the local library and receive an interesting glance from your local librarian. They are very worthwhile. Especially if you read them in the specific way as intended, a la the Romance Novel project. Have you dug into that thread at all? It has been a very powerful healing modality for a lot of people.
I read the bad reviews, have you seen them? "Poorly written, bad grammar, endless narration, one review
Any kind of review is solely depending on one’s personal view. You have to find out for your own self to see if you might like or not. Anyway, I found transcripts that some of more information about the Georgia Le Carrie and her books.
(L) Okay, well, the reason I expanded was because it came up in the suggestions of books on Amazon. It was called The Russian Billionaire. I had seen all these other ones, I was never interested in any of that sort of thing. Modern day romance novels didn't really attract me. The question in my mind was WHY was the title The Russian Billionaire? Is it promoting something about Russia or Russians? How is this going to be treated in this book? What's going on here? Why is somebody writing about a Russian billionaire in a political climate where Russia is the evildoer of all deeds? So, I got this book on Kindle and I read it. I was really shocked that the author referenced Putin in a positive way. What was even more shocking was that the book started talking about transhumanism and the singularity and different things like that in such a clear way. Even though it wasn't explicit, it was implicit that the USA was kind of like the guilty party in this whole plot to take over humanity. So I was really surprised. But then when I got to the end, I realized there were other books that were connected to this book since it makes reference to those. There were people in this book that were made reference to that obviously appeared in other books. I wanted the complete picture, so I got the previous books and the subsequent books and read the whole set. I started thinking that this was really bizarre. Here's this author basically telling things like they are. But it's scattered through the story. I read a few others of that ilk and I realized that most of them are just pornography. They might not be hardcore, but they’re kind of pornographic because mainly they arrange some sort of story that is supposed to support the sexual episodes that are described in loving detail. In any event, I spread my net a little wider, and there are many that I'd never recommend to anybody. So, I want to know: Is this some kind of propaganda effort by somebody? Is Russia behind this propaganda effort to...?

(Joe) Don't say that on social media, Laura! They'll all believe you!

(Pierre) Russia or someone who wants to promote the truth.

(L) Well, I mean... Is this some kind of effort to... I dunno. What IS going on here?

A: Personal mission by a number of enlightened individuals.

Q: (L) So there are some people who know the score... Didn't you find out that this Georgia Le Carre woman only started writing these books in 2014? And she's written so many of them.

(Joe) Well, you know people churn them out. But that's what I said: I said those books that you're reading is the kind of stuff YOU would put in a romance novel if you were writing one.

(L) Yes, if I wrote a romance novel, I would try to put that in.

(Joe) Yeah. You're an enlightened individual, and there are others out there who...

(L) So, somebody's on a mission to try to... Well, the thing is now... Some of these other books that were not really directly related to this topic. They bring up social issues, and they bring up all kinds of situations that really, really need attention. But what I noticed about some of them... This Georgia Le Carre, she's not too bad. But there's so many that have such HORRIBLE grammar and syntax. They use malapropisms just repeatedly and continuously. They don't have control of their verbs in particular. Like sit, sat, sitting, stands, standing, stood. That sort of thing. They'll say, "He was stood by the door" when it should be, "He was STANDING by the door."

(Artemis) He was stood-standing! [laughter]

(Joe) That's British English.

(Niall) Northern England.

(L) So that could just be an artifact of there…

(Joe) Yeah!

(L) Okay, so that would explain that, but then there are malapropisms that are really outrageous... Like using the word 'abstruse' instead of 'obtuse'. That just absolutely does not fit. So it's as though they've heard a word, and they think they know what the word is, but they don't really know what the word is, but they write it anyway because it sounds fancy. It's like the way Violette used to write. And I said to her that if you don't know what the word means... And she would say, "Well, people will know what I'm saying!" That was her answer to me, and it just kinda blew my mind. The educational level of some of the authors of these novels is just deplorably low...

(Joe) But to have that imagination...

(L) Yes, they have the imagination to tell a story. If you can edit out in your head as you're reading, you can actually enjoy the story if you don't let it bother you too much. But I'm just flabbergasted at all the books being put out there in this genre that exhibit the authors’ ignorance so blatantly. Most of them don’t even appear to do any research at all.

(Artemis) It's the price you pay: You're really good at one thing, or you're really good at another.

(L) But I started wondering if they were using some kind of software to write these stories... Except the stories have creative elements.

(Joe) I'm familiar with those colloquialisms of different dialects of British English. That's common! There are millions of people who talk like that every day to each other.

(Pierre) Do you know more about this Georgia author?

(L) No, I don't know anything more. I just know Joe looked into her and she started writing and wrote like 50 books since then. 2014 remember is when that blow-up happened over there in Ukraine, and I said that was the beginning of the end.

(Andromeda) Maybe she just saw what was going on and she also had this thing for writing romances.

(L) Well, the thing is that what they're doing is they're using this romance novel thing to get under the radar.

(Pierre) Oh yeah, it's a perfect cover.

(Joe) If that's your way of communicating your thoughts and ideas, then you're gonna put it in. Like I said, in the same way you would if you wrote a romance novel.

(L) Well, lemme ask this: Despite the fact that these books are a little more than slightly racy (to me they're EXTREMELY racy), is it still okay for people to read them? I felt a little iffy about even recommending it except for the fact that it had all this stuff about computers, transhumanism, the evil empire, the secret rulers of the world and so forth.

A: Those with good mental and spiritual hygiene will be fine and even benefited by this reading.

Q: (Joe) The problem is that people who aren't like that, it might give them ideas and they'll go out and look for a Russian don...

A: Warnings to the wise.

Q: (L) In other words, give warnings and the wise will take the warnings. Those who don't take the warnings, well... What can you do?

A: As you know... fiction is often the guise for the deliverance of the deepest of truths. And, on that note, good night
Oh so you want spoilers, do you? Not from this cat.

Seriously though, I'd suggest just paying the few dollars for the books and reading them. Or you could take them out at the local library and receive an interesting glance from your local librarian. They are very worthwhile. Especially if you read them in the specific way as intended, a la the Romance Novel project. Have you dug into that thread at all? It has been a very powerful healing modality for a lot of people.
The book arrived here....700 pages....This is how I felt when I began Atlas Shrugged....I will start tonight.
hi. the text below has been copied from soulask ref:
Reptilian "chronology": An informant outlines the hypothetical timeline of World War III and the concept of the New World Order • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul
i copied it here so as to be able to bold keywords which guide you through the text and i did not put it as an attachment as i have noticed rhat attachments are rarly opened.
I found this text very coherent with what the cass said, in particular as regards the consortium. As is usual with most texts from soulask, they do not give the source.
In the site there is also an interesting picture of dragon scultures in the city of london, and a telling picture of the pole shift in recent years.
in fact the coincidence with the cayce sayings, the cass sayings, the present events, and other esoteric predictions seems to be too nice to be candid. Here the text:

text taken from the site:

Fact or fiction: Reptilian “chronology”: An informant outlines the hypothetical timeline of World War III and the concept of the New World Order

In March 2010, investigative journalists Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan from Project Camelot were given a letter by a whistleblower. The letter detailed a clandestine meeting discussing the role of Anglo-Saxons in a potential third world war and the establishment of a new world order. These schemes have not been officially disclosed by Western political figures. Nonetheless, the unfolding of recent global events seems to corroborate the letter’s accounts, underscoring the urgency for widespread awareness of its critical contents.

The letter’s author identifies himself as a seasoned British military officer involved in numerous conflicts with the British army. He recounts witnessing events that altered his perspective on global politics. He claims that since 1975, the NATO committee chairman has indicated that strategies have been in place for a global-scale initiative known as the Anglo-Saxon mission or “chronology.” This objective has reportedly been pursued for nearly 50 years.

The plan allegedly included establishing a totalitarian military regime in England and across Europe concurrent with the outbreak of a worldwide military conflict. He mentions that this information was partly obtained from a whistleblower, an insider familiar with these plans since 1975.

In 1999, a whistleblower concluded his service in the British Navy and transitioned to a role in the City of London’s financial sector. He was hired under the belief that he was a Freemason. Throughout his tenure, he mingled with influential figures and attended significant gatherings. Notably, prominent members from the banking sector’s elite community were present, referring to themselves as a brotherhood.

The whistleblower observed their disinterest in the common populace. He perceived that the federal government operated as the de facto ruler, making critical political decisions. These decisions were then executed by the elected government in Parliament. From this perspective, it appeared that the British Government’s decisions were influenced by Masonic bankers within the City of London. Meetings were held in a mansion, a known hub for prominent Freemasons. The City of London, historically autonomous, remains outside the elected government’s jurisdiction, allowing bankers to operate without oversight.

It is a common belief that individuals occupying high positions in the financial or governmental sectors of the City of London are Freemasons. Consequently, the City of London, akin to the Vatican, is perceived as a small city-state wielding significant power, with a structure that has remained relatively unchanged over time. It is speculated that other financial hubs, such as the US Federal Reserve, may also be influenced by London. In 2005, a witness attended what was presented as a “meeting on city security and financial planning.” However, it turned out to be a clandestine gathering of high-ranking Freemasons, where note-taking was prohibited.

At the meeting, the timing of the start of the war against Iran was discussed. Plans for this had long been discussed, but unforeseen incidents again postponed the outbreak of war. But this should only be a matter of time. The witness learned that the Israelis should attack and provoke Iran until it demonstrated a serious military response. This includes Hezbollah’s shelling in Lebanon. Then chaos in the financial sector will begin through Japan and China. After that, there was a discussion about the use of biological weapons and the exact timing. A military confrontation with Iran is also intended to draw China into the conflict. However, no decisions were made at the meeting, only plans implemented over many years were discussed.

The central issue of the meeting was the question of when the use of nuclear weapons will take place. Investments and resources must first be moved and protected to gain centralized control over the most critical resources. Then a sequence of events is needed to make all of this possible. The City of London Freemasons plan to blame either Iran or China for the first nuclear strike to ensure that the next phase of the plans can be carried out. This means that, as expected, Iran has long possessed tactical nuclear weapons. After the first strike is provoked, a nuclear counterstrike and a subsequent ceasefire must be launched.

At this stage of the plans, there is enough time to turn all Western democracies into totalitarian systems. In the same period, the use of biological weapons against the Chinese population is expected. This then sets off a new chain of events that changes the political and social infrastructure. At the meeting, it was mentioned that diseases and epidemics would break out, then there would be widespread food shortages, followed by mass deaths from starvation. Ultimately, Russia must be drawn into the conflict.

The described biological weapon was described at the secret meeting as similar to the flu and would spread like wildfire. Another shock for the witness was that these people apparently decided to destroy entire parts of the human population! The bankers of the City of London have reportedly adopted this as a business strategy to establish a centralized global government, which is rumored to result in the deaths of many millions of people. This strategy was allegedly referred to as the “Anglo-Saxon Mission” within certain groups.

The influence of the larger police community is not confined to Britain; it extends to controlling and imprisoning dissidents who resist certain agendas. This sector has been fortified by the government, paving the way for the police to more readily employ direct force against dissidents to expedite arrests and detentions. Should a war erupt as anticipated, England, along with the entirety of Europe, could transform into a totalitarian police state under a military regime directed by the City of London.

Brief description of plans: First, an attack on Iran. China and Russia will come to Iran’s aid to protect their interests. One of these countries will eventually use nuclear weapons against the West, and Israel is likely to provoke this use. Much of the Middle East will be devastated, and millions of people will die in a short time. China and Russia are drawn into the conflict and create fronts. A biological weapon similar to the flu will then be used against China or Russia.

The whistleblower from the City of London has elaborated on the existence of a malevolent coalition of extraterrestrial entities allegedly utilized by Western governments, including those of England and the US, to execute clandestine operations that bolster a despotic global regime. It was disclosed in the meeting that benevolent extraterrestrial forces are endeavoring to prevent this sinister agenda and preserve equilibrium between good and evil, all while refraining from direct intervention in terrestrial matters. According to this narrative, the World Wars were simply precursors to an ultimate conflict deemed unavoidable. This anticipated third world war is projected to drastically reduce the global population, potentially by half. The covert Western oligarchy, often referred to as the New World Order, purportedly justifies these measures as a necessary response to the issue of overpopulation.

From now on, the survivors will determine the physical future of humanity on this planet for millennia to come. They view the timeline as a race against time before the point comes when these plans can no longer be implemented, so there is a specific time frame for the desired actions. Thus, the globalists are at the mercy of time, while the rest of the population is not. Stopping the implementation of plans is impossible due to the time frame, and the Masonic globalist forces are doing everything possible to achieve their own goals of destroying a significant part of the world’s population.

According to the informant, the world undergoes significant geophysical changes periodically, approximately every 11,500 years, akin to a recurring season. These cataclysmic events have historically led to the downfall of ancient civilizations. It is believed that governments are cognizant of this cycle of calamities and have strategized to endure these upheavals while preserving their elite lineages. Predictions indicate that these events could commence in either 2012 or 2020, contingent upon the calendar referenced. Prior to the last major geophysical shift around 11,500 years ago, there were purportedly forewarnings from spacefaring individuals who journeyed between Earth and the cosmos in their vessels. These entities, considered part of humanity and not deities, have purportedly been present on Earth for eons, harboring a profound concern for the environment and the natural world.

The Freemasons are aware of their historical presence among us, such as in the civilization of Atlantis, where the smaller population was attributed to longer human lifespans. Notable changes occurred when the Earth’s magnetic poles shifted further from the geographic north and south poles. Currently, similar developments are unfolding. Climate change has altered seasons, crop yields, and living conditions. Numerous extensive settlements in present polar regions, like Antarctica, have been deserted. Astronauts have endeavored to ensure the survival of as many individuals as possible in the face of looming catastrophes. Concurrently, extraterrestrial races have emerged on Earth, disrupting the efforts of friendly aliens, which has led to conflicts both on our planet and in outer space.

The ancient battle for dominance on Earth persisted until a pole shift transpired, altering the planet’s surface orientation. The Earth’s crust underwent a significant shift, approximately 30 degrees southward. Following this catastrophic event, extraterrestrial beings returned to Earth, finding only remnants of the civilizations they had established, now situated along the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines. These star-born entities did not settle due to Earth’s inhospitable environmental conditions, opting instead for intermittent visits, acting as humanity’s ancestral guardians. Subsequent to the ultimate cataclysm, diverse alien species arrived, better adapted to Earth’s environment. Among these, the reptilians stood out, a race unlike humans, purportedly engineered on Earth by the initial extraterrestrial visitors.

Reptilian habitation commenced following the world’s final transformation, and these entities were not as benevolent to humanity, possessing a nature less spiritual than that of the ancient, human-like space travelers who established our civilization.

Reptiles, cold and exacting, demanded fear and utmost respect from the remaining humans. The benevolent aliens from Atlantis, referred to as “Alhu” by the Freemasons, ensured that ancient knowledge was preserved on the Giza plateau, just outside modern Cairo. The pyramids and subterranean structures in Egypt were purposefully constructed in anticipation of a pole shift. The entire design was completed in five years, with the planning phase exceeding the construction period.

The pyramids are repositories of the advanced technology of the ancient Alhu. They stand as testament to their time on Earth, discernible even from the cosmos, and the conserved knowledge and alignment of these edifices provide geophysical data that mark the intervals of terrestrial transformations. This technology enabled the Alhu to remain in space and monitor events on Earth. Additional megalithic structures were situated along the Earth’s belt, both north and south of the equator. An informant, having spoken with Freemasons in London, claimed that the construction of the Pyramids of Giza over 11,500 years ago did not involve ropes, brass tools, or physical labor, but rather the use of sound frequencies.

Every form of matter resonates at a certain frequency, including stone. According to some beliefs, the stone blocks used in pyramids and temples were shaped using high-frequency tools and levitated through the frequencies they emitted, simplifying construction. It is said that the ancient pyramids glowed throughout the night by altering their frequency. These structures endured for millennia until they deteriorated due to neglect, long before Egypt’s pharaohs rose to prominence. It is claimed that Khufu did not erect the Great Pyramid; instead, later kings attempted to refurbish these ancient edifices without understanding their original purpose at Giza.

Legend holds that before a cataclysmic event, two large cities named “Charmaran” and “Charmaran Te” existed on what is now the northern coast of Antarctica, housing over 300,000 inhabitants. These cities, characterized by towering structures and divided by a mountain range, reportedly enjoyed a year-round mild climate and thrived on agriculture and global maritime trade. The citizens are said to have attained high spiritual development through contact with a being known as Alhu.

It is also suggested that in those times, people had extraordinarily long lifespans, living healthily for over a millennium, which allowed for continuous physical rejuvenation and spiritual growth. The rarity of childbirth is attributed to this longevity. It is believed that one lifetime was sufficient for a soul’s earthly development before transitioning to other realms. Some narratives propose that human lifespans were significantly shortened due to alien interference, but certain secret societies claim that restoring our original longevity is possible through DNA modification.

11,500 years ago, knowledge about the enigmatic, reptilian-like race was scarce. They were versed in space travel and understood space via time travel, similar to the Alhu during their Earth visits. Notably, the reptilian race had low spiritual development and dismissed what they deemed weak. Their existence was bound by time, unlike spiritual entities. Unaware of the soul’s timeless nature due to their profound consciousness, they compensated with longevity and the ability to control other beings easily. Feeding on fear, they harnessed energy from the terror they instilled in others. Consequently, these reptiles assumed a dominant role on Earth, establishing underground settlements. Conversely, the Alhu, unable to inhabit Earth permanently, have never fully departed. They persist through us, as we are their descendants. Now primarily space inhabitants, the Alhu are far more advanced than the reptilians.

The Reptilians were aware that the Alhu initiated our civilization on Earth with their early human forms. Modern humanity closely resembles them and shares their spiritual mindset. This includes the Reptilian awareness that human consciousness can be manipulated through fear, leading to submission, despite the soul’s immortality. They wove a web of fear that persists, with fear now prevalent in human society. According to Freemasons, Reptilians manipulate every facet of human physical existence, preventing peace and fostering perpetual conflict through fear.

The Alhu witness these events, yet remain unaffected, as time holds no significance for them. Similarly, time is of little consequence to humans, even within the tangible realm we believe we comprehend. As the era of time-traveling reptiles dwindles, the Alhu are poised to return and transform our reality. Consequently, the reptilians, along with their human counterparts known as globalists, are desperately scheming to retain their dominion. However, their grip on power is fleeting, and they must come to terms with the transience of their earthly sojourn. In line with the clandestine lore of the Freemasons and their nefarious overlords, an epoch of transformation is upon us. It is foretold that the Earth’s crust will undergo a 30-degree southern shift within a mere 24 hours—a single day and night.

Before this occurs, the reptilians are believed to instigate World War III through their underlings. The conflict is expected to reduce humanity’s numbers by half before a pole shift, followed by a natural disaster that will further diminish the survivors. This is deemed necessary as a significant spiritual awakening is underway, with many individuals attaining greater spiritual maturity and shedding their fear of governance. Presently, human consciousness is more acute than at any point since the last major shift 11,500 years ago.

Earth’s inhabitants are recalling their true essence and purpose. As spiritual entities on a temporal journey, rather than merely corporeal beings with a singular existence, this heightened awareness and diminished fear of demise are causing the elite and reptilians to lose their grip on power. They will become isolated and start to fear humanity, which now poses a tangible threat to their existence. Regardless, their era on this planet is concluding, and it remains uncertain whether they will depart from Earth.

A new epoch is anticipated with the resurgence of Alhu, akin to ancient times. Their vessels, now observed as UFOs, are reappearing in our skies. They are expected to reconnect with us and restore the knowledge of our eternal conscious existence. As fear vanishes, our spiritual humanity will be rekindled. While some envisage a new golden age, a British whistleblower suggests that life on Earth, in human form, will continue to be arduous and painful, yet devoid of fear, offering an experience that will enliven the spark of our boundless souls.

end of text from site
Earth’s inhabitants are recalling their true essence and purpose. As spiritual entities on a temporal journey, rather than merely corporeal beings with a singular existence, this heightened awareness and diminished fear of demise are causing the elite and reptilians to lose their grip on power. They will become isolated and start to fear humanity, which now poses a tangible threat to their existence. Regardless, their era on this planet is concluding, and it remains uncertain whether they will depart from Earth.
I've skipped all the way to the end.

If the conclusion is coherent I would read the rest.

Well, if some of those reptiles read that they would surely have a very healthy fit of laughter.:-)
I've skipped all the way to the end.

If the conclusion is coherent I would read the rest.

Well, if some of those reptiles read that they would surely have a very healthy fit of laughter.:-)
i like laughing reptiles, but the text you attribute to me is not from me. mine is the 3 pm.
Oh so you want spoilers, do you? Not from this cat.

Seriously though, I'd suggest just paying the few dollars for the books and reading them. Or you could take them out at the local library and receive an interesting glance from your local librarian. They are very worthwhile. Especially if you read them in the specific way as intended, a la the Romance Novel project. Have you dug into that thread at all? It has been a very powerful healing modality for a lot of people.
what are the TBB series?
hi. the text below has been copied from soulask ref:
Reptilian "chronology": An informant outlines the hypothetical timeline of World War III and the concept of the New World Order • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul
i copied it here so as to be able to bold keywords which guide you through the text and i did not put it as an attachment as i have noticed rhat attachments are rarly opened.
I found this text very coherent with what the cass said, in particular as regards the consortium. As is usual with most texts from soulask, they do not give the source.
In the site there is also an interesting picture of dragon scultures in the city of london, and a telling picture of the pole shift in recent years.
in fact the coincidence with the cayce sayings, the cass sayings, the present events, and other esoteric predictions seems to be too nice to be candid. Here the text:

text taken from the site:

Fact or fiction: Reptilian “chronology”: An informant outlines the hypothetical timeline of World War III and the concept of the New World Order

In March 2010, investigative journalists Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan from Project Camelot were given a letter by a whistleblower. The letter detailed a clandestine meeting discussing the role of Anglo-Saxons in a potential third world war and the establishment of a new world order. These schemes have not been officially disclosed by Western political figures. Nonetheless, the unfolding of recent global events seems to corroborate the letter’s accounts, underscoring the urgency for widespread awareness of its critical contents.

The letter’s author identifies himself as a seasoned British military officer involved in numerous conflicts with the British army. He recounts witnessing events that altered his perspective on global politics. He claims that since 1975, the NATO committee chairman has indicated that strategies have been in place for a global-scale initiative known as the Anglo-Saxon mission or “chronology.” This objective has reportedly been pursued for nearly 50 years.

The plan allegedly included establishing a totalitarian military regime in England and across Europe concurrent with the outbreak of a worldwide military conflict. He mentions that this information was partly obtained from a whistleblower, an insider familiar with these plans since 1975.

In 1999, a whistleblower concluded his service in the British Navy and transitioned to a role in the City of London’s financial sector. He was hired under the belief that he was a Freemason. Throughout his tenure, he mingled with influential figures and attended significant gatherings. Notably, prominent members from the banking sector’s elite community were present, referring to themselves as a brotherhood.

The whistleblower observed their disinterest in the common populace. He perceived that the federal government operated as the de facto ruler, making critical political decisions. These decisions were then executed by the elected government in Parliament. From this perspective, it appeared that the British Government’s decisions were influenced by Masonic bankers within the City of London. Meetings were held in a mansion, a known hub for prominent Freemasons. The City of London, historically autonomous, remains outside the elected government’s jurisdiction, allowing bankers to operate without oversight.

It is a common belief that individuals occupying high positions in the financial or governmental sectors of the City of London are Freemasons. Consequently, the City of London, akin to the Vatican, is perceived as a small city-state wielding significant power, with a structure that has remained relatively unchanged over time. It is speculated that other financial hubs, such as the US Federal Reserve, may also be influenced by London. In 2005, a witness attended what was presented as a “meeting on city security and financial planning.” However, it turned out to be a clandestine gathering of high-ranking Freemasons, where note-taking was prohibited.

At the meeting, the timing of the start of the war against Iran was discussed. Plans for this had long been discussed, but unforeseen incidents again postponed the outbreak of war. But this should only be a matter of time. The witness learned that the Israelis should attack and provoke Iran until it demonstrated a serious military response. This includes Hezbollah’s shelling in Lebanon. Then chaos in the financial sector will begin through Japan and China. After that, there was a discussion about the use of biological weapons and the exact timing. A military confrontation with Iran is also intended to draw China into the conflict. However, no decisions were made at the meeting, only plans implemented over many years were discussed.

The central issue of the meeting was the question of when the use of nuclear weapons will take place. Investments and resources must first be moved and protected to gain centralized control over the most critical resources. Then a sequence of events is needed to make all of this possible. The City of London Freemasons plan to blame either Iran or China for the first nuclear strike to ensure that the next phase of the plans can be carried out. This means that, as expected, Iran has long possessed tactical nuclear weapons. After the first strike is provoked, a nuclear counterstrike and a subsequent ceasefire must be launched.

At this stage of the plans, there is enough time to turn all Western democracies into totalitarian systems. In the same period, the use of biological weapons against the Chinese population is expected. This then sets off a new chain of events that changes the political and social infrastructure. At the meeting, it was mentioned that diseases and epidemics would break out, then there would be widespread food shortages, followed by mass deaths from starvation. Ultimately, Russia must be drawn into the conflict.

The described biological weapon was described at the secret meeting as similar to the flu and would spread like wildfire. Another shock for the witness was that these people apparently decided to destroy entire parts of the human population! The bankers of the City of London have reportedly adopted this as a business strategy to establish a centralized global government, which is rumored to result in the deaths of many millions of people. This strategy was allegedly referred to as the “Anglo-Saxon Mission” within certain groups.

The influence of the larger police community is not confined to Britain; it extends to controlling and imprisoning dissidents who resist certain agendas. This sector has been fortified by the government, paving the way for the police to more readily employ direct force against dissidents to expedite arrests and detentions. Should a war erupt as anticipated, England, along with the entirety of Europe, could transform into a totalitarian police state under a military regime directed by the City of London.

Brief description of plans: First, an attack on Iran. China and Russia will come to Iran’s aid to protect their interests. One of these countries will eventually use nuclear weapons against the West, and Israel is likely to provoke this use. Much of the Middle East will be devastated, and millions of people will die in a short time. China and Russia are drawn into the conflict and create fronts. A biological weapon similar to the flu will then be used against China or Russia.

The whistleblower from the City of London has elaborated on the existence of a malevolent coalition of extraterrestrial entities allegedly utilized by Western governments, including those of England and the US, to execute clandestine operations that bolster a despotic global regime. It was disclosed in the meeting that benevolent extraterrestrial forces are endeavoring to prevent this sinister agenda and preserve equilibrium between good and evil, all while refraining from direct intervention in terrestrial matters. According to this narrative, the World Wars were simply precursors to an ultimate conflict deemed unavoidable. This anticipated third world war is projected to drastically reduce the global population, potentially by half. The covert Western oligarchy, often referred to as the New World Order, purportedly justifies these measures as a necessary response to the issue of overpopulation.

From now on, the survivors will determine the physical future of humanity on this planet for millennia to come. They view the timeline as a race against time before the point comes when these plans can no longer be implemented, so there is a specific time frame for the desired actions. Thus, the globalists are at the mercy of time, while the rest of the population is not. Stopping the implementation of plans is impossible due to the time frame, and the Masonic globalist forces are doing everything possible to achieve their own goals of destroying a significant part of the world’s population.

According to the informant, the world undergoes significant geophysical changes periodically, approximately every 11,500 years, akin to a recurring season. These cataclysmic events have historically led to the downfall of ancient civilizations. It is believed that governments are cognizant of this cycle of calamities and have strategized to endure these upheavals while preserving their elite lineages. Predictions indicate that these events could commence in either 2012 or 2020, contingent upon the calendar referenced. Prior to the last major geophysical shift around 11,500 years ago, there were purportedly forewarnings from spacefaring individuals who journeyed between Earth and the cosmos in their vessels. These entities, considered part of humanity and not deities, have purportedly been present on Earth for eons, harboring a profound concern for the environment and the natural world.

The Freemasons are aware of their historical presence among us, such as in the civilization of Atlantis, where the smaller population was attributed to longer human lifespans. Notable changes occurred when the Earth’s magnetic poles shifted further from the geographic north and south poles. Currently, similar developments are unfolding. Climate change has altered seasons, crop yields, and living conditions. Numerous extensive settlements in present polar regions, like Antarctica, have been deserted. Astronauts have endeavored to ensure the survival of as many individuals as possible in the face of looming catastrophes. Concurrently, extraterrestrial races have emerged on Earth, disrupting the efforts of friendly aliens, which has led to conflicts both on our planet and in outer space.

The ancient battle for dominance on Earth persisted until a pole shift transpired, altering the planet’s surface orientation. The Earth’s crust underwent a significant shift, approximately 30 degrees southward. Following this catastrophic event, extraterrestrial beings returned to Earth, finding only remnants of the civilizations they had established, now situated along the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines. These star-born entities did not settle due to Earth’s inhospitable environmental conditions, opting instead for intermittent visits, acting as humanity’s ancestral guardians. Subsequent to the ultimate cataclysm, diverse alien species arrived, better adapted to Earth’s environment. Among these, the reptilians stood out, a race unlike humans, purportedly engineered on Earth by the initial extraterrestrial visitors.

Reptilian habitation commenced following the world’s final transformation, and these entities were not as benevolent to humanity, possessing a nature less spiritual than that of the ancient, human-like space travelers who established our civilization.

Reptiles, cold and exacting, demanded fear and utmost respect from the remaining humans. The benevolent aliens from Atlantis, referred to as “Alhu” by the Freemasons, ensured that ancient knowledge was preserved on the Giza plateau, just outside modern Cairo. The pyramids and subterranean structures in Egypt were purposefully constructed in anticipation of a pole shift. The entire design was completed in five years, with the planning phase exceeding the construction period.

The pyramids are repositories of the advanced technology of the ancient Alhu. They stand as testament to their time on Earth, discernible even from the cosmos, and the conserved knowledge and alignment of these edifices provide geophysical data that mark the intervals of terrestrial transformations. This technology enabled the Alhu to remain in space and monitor events on Earth. Additional megalithic structures were situated along the Earth’s belt, both north and south of the equator. An informant, having spoken with Freemasons in London, claimed that the construction of the Pyramids of Giza over 11,500 years ago did not involve ropes, brass tools, or physical labor, but rather the use of sound frequencies.

Every form of matter resonates at a certain frequency, including stone. According to some beliefs, the stone blocks used in pyramids and temples were shaped using high-frequency tools and levitated through the frequencies they emitted, simplifying construction. It is said that the ancient pyramids glowed throughout the night by altering their frequency. These structures endured for millennia until they deteriorated due to neglect, long before Egypt’s pharaohs rose to prominence. It is claimed that Khufu did not erect the Great Pyramid; instead, later kings attempted to refurbish these ancient edifices without understanding their original purpose at Giza.

Legend holds that before a cataclysmic event, two large cities named “Charmaran” and “Charmaran Te” existed on what is now the northern coast of Antarctica, housing over 300,000 inhabitants. These cities, characterized by towering structures and divided by a mountain range, reportedly enjoyed a year-round mild climate and thrived on agriculture and global maritime trade. The citizens are said to have attained high spiritual development through contact with a being known as Alhu.

It is also suggested that in those times, people had extraordinarily long lifespans, living healthily for over a millennium, which allowed for continuous physical rejuvenation and spiritual growth. The rarity of childbirth is attributed to this longevity. It is believed that one lifetime was sufficient for a soul’s earthly development before transitioning to other realms. Some narratives propose that human lifespans were significantly shortened due to alien interference, but certain secret societies claim that restoring our original longevity is possible through DNA modification.

11,500 years ago, knowledge about the enigmatic, reptilian-like race was scarce. They were versed in space travel and understood space via time travel, similar to the Alhu during their Earth visits. Notably, the reptilian race had low spiritual development and dismissed what they deemed weak. Their existence was bound by time, unlike spiritual entities. Unaware of the soul’s timeless nature due to their profound consciousness, they compensated with longevity and the ability to control other beings easily. Feeding on fear, they harnessed energy from the terror they instilled in others. Consequently, these reptiles assumed a dominant role on Earth, establishing underground settlements. Conversely, the Alhu, unable to inhabit Earth permanently, have never fully departed. They persist through us, as we are their descendants. Now primarily space inhabitants, the Alhu are far more advanced than the reptilians.

The Reptilians were aware that the Alhu initiated our civilization on Earth with their early human forms. Modern humanity closely resembles them and shares their spiritual mindset. This includes the Reptilian awareness that human consciousness can be manipulated through fear, leading to submission, despite the soul’s immortality. They wove a web of fear that persists, with fear now prevalent in human society. According to Freemasons, Reptilians manipulate every facet of human physical existence, preventing peace and fostering perpetual conflict through fear.

The Alhu witness these events, yet remain unaffected, as time holds no significance for them. Similarly, time is of little consequence to humans, even within the tangible realm we believe we comprehend. As the era of time-traveling reptiles dwindles, the Alhu are poised to return and transform our reality. Consequently, the reptilians, along with their human counterparts known as globalists, are desperately scheming to retain their dominion. However, their grip on power is fleeting, and they must come to terms with the transience of their earthly sojourn. In line with the clandestine lore of the Freemasons and their nefarious overlords, an epoch of transformation is upon us. It is foretold that the Earth’s crust will undergo a 30-degree southern shift within a mere 24 hours—a single day and night.

Before this occurs, the reptilians are believed to instigate World War III through their underlings. The conflict is expected to reduce humanity’s numbers by half before a pole shift, followed by a natural disaster that will further diminish the survivors. This is deemed necessary as a significant spiritual awakening is underway, with many individuals attaining greater spiritual maturity and shedding their fear of governance. Presently, human consciousness is more acute than at any point since the last major shift 11,500 years ago.

Earth’s inhabitants are recalling their true essence and purpose. As spiritual entities on a temporal journey, rather than merely corporeal beings with a singular existence, this heightened awareness and diminished fear of demise are causing the elite and reptilians to lose their grip on power. They will become isolated and start to fear humanity, which now poses a tangible threat to their existence. Regardless, their era on this planet is concluding, and it remains uncertain whether they will depart from Earth.

A new epoch is anticipated with the resurgence of Alhu, akin to ancient times. Their vessels, now observed as UFOs, are reappearing in our skies. They are expected to reconnect with us and restore the knowledge of our eternal conscious existence. As fear vanishes, our spiritual humanity will be rekindled. While some envisage a new golden age, a British whistleblower suggests that life on Earth, in human form, will continue to be arduous and painful, yet devoid of fear, offering an experience that will enliven the spark of our boundless souls.

end of text from site
How would Cas. said, prediction as accurate for 4D STS :)

Kako bi Cas. rekli, predviđanje onoliko točno za 4D OPS
How would Cas. said, prediction as accurate for 4D STS :)

Kako bi Cas. rekli, predviđanje onoliko točno za 4D OPS
My point was that the prediction of the 4D negative forces is directed to their servants in 3D, as accurate as it suits their interests, not ours.
P.S. to clarify because of the translation problem.

Htio sam reći da je predviđanje 4D negativnih snaga upućeno njihovim slugama na 3D, onoliko točno koliko to odgovara njihovim interesima, a ne našim.
P.S. da pojasnim zbog problema prijevoda
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