(L) Okay, well, the reason I expanded was because it came up in the suggestions of books on Amazon. It was called The Russian Billionaire. I had seen all these other ones, I was never interested in any of that sort of thing. Modern day romance novels didn't really attract me. The question in my mind was WHY was the title The Russian Billionaire? Is it promoting something about Russia or Russians? How is this going to be treated in this book? What's going on here? Why is somebody writing about a Russian billionaire in a political climate where Russia is the evildoer of all deeds? So, I got this book on Kindle and I read it. I was really shocked that the author referenced Putin in a positive way. What was even more shocking was that the book started talking about transhumanism and the singularity and different things like that in such a clear way. Even though it wasn't explicit, it was implicit that the USA was kind of like the guilty party in this whole plot to take over humanity. So I was really surprised. But then when I got to the end, I realized there were other books that were connected to this book since it makes reference to those. There were people in this book that were made reference to that obviously appeared in other books. I wanted the complete picture, so I got the previous books and the subsequent books and read the whole set. I started thinking that this was really bizarre. Here's this author basically telling things like they are. But it's scattered through the story. I read a few others of that ilk and I realized that most of them are just pornography. They might not be hardcore, but they’re kind of pornographic because mainly they arrange some sort of story that is supposed to support the sexual episodes that are described in loving detail. In any event, I spread my net a little wider, and there are many that I'd never recommend to anybody. So, I want to know: Is this some kind of propaganda effort by somebody? Is Russia behind this propaganda effort to...?
(Joe) Don't say that on social media, Laura! They'll all believe you!
(Pierre) Russia or someone who wants to promote the truth.
(L) Well, I mean... Is this some kind of effort to... I dunno. What IS going on here?
A: Personal mission by a number of enlightened individuals.
Q: (L) So there are some people who know the score... Didn't you find out that this Georgia Le Carre woman only started writing these books in 2014? And she's written so many of them.
(Joe) Well, you know people churn them out. But that's what I said: I said those books that you're reading is the kind of stuff YOU would put in a romance novel if you were writing one.
(L) Yes, if I wrote a romance novel, I would try to put that in.
(Joe) Yeah. You're an enlightened individual, and there are others out there who...
(L) So, somebody's on a mission to try to... Well, the thing is now... Some of these other books that were not really directly related to this topic. They bring up social issues, and they bring up all kinds of situations that really, really need attention. But what I noticed about some of them... This Georgia Le Carre, she's not too bad. But there's so many that have such HORRIBLE grammar and syntax. They use malapropisms just repeatedly and continuously. They don't have control of their verbs in particular. Like sit, sat, sitting, stands, standing, stood. That sort of thing. They'll say, "He was stood by the door" when it should be, "He was STANDING by the door."
(Artemis) He was stood-standing! [laughter]
(Joe) That's British English.
(Niall) Northern England.
(L) So that could just be an artifact of there…
(Joe) Yeah!
(L) Okay, so that would explain that, but then there are malapropisms that are really outrageous... Like using the word 'abstruse' instead of 'obtuse'. That just absolutely does not fit. So it's as though they've heard a word, and they think they know what the word is, but they don't really know what the word is, but they write it anyway because it sounds fancy. It's like the way Violette used to write. And I said to her that if you don't know what the word means... And she would say, "Well, people will know what I'm saying!" That was her answer to me, and it just kinda blew my mind. The educational level of some of the authors of these novels is just deplorably low...
(Joe) But to have that imagination...
(L) Yes, they have the imagination to tell a story. If you can edit out in your head as you're reading, you can actually enjoy the story if you don't let it bother you too much. But I'm just flabbergasted at all the books being put out there in this genre that exhibit the authors’ ignorance so blatantly. Most of them don’t even appear to do any research at all.
(Artemis) It's the price you pay: You're really good at one thing, or you're really good at another.
(L) But I started wondering if they were using some kind of software to write these stories... Except the stories have creative elements.
(Joe) I'm familiar with those colloquialisms of different dialects of British English. That's common! There are millions of people who talk like that every day to each other.
(Pierre) Do you know more about this Georgia author?
(L) No, I don't know anything more. I just know Joe looked into her and she started writing and wrote like 50 books since then. 2014 remember is when that blow-up happened over there in Ukraine, and I said that was the beginning of the end.
(Andromeda) Maybe she just saw what was going on and she also had this thing for writing romances.
(L) Well, the thing is that what they're doing is they're using this romance novel thing to get under the radar.
(Pierre) Oh yeah, it's a perfect cover.
(Joe) If that's your way of communicating your thoughts and ideas, then you're gonna put it in. Like I said, in the same way you would if you wrote a romance novel.
(L) Well, lemme ask this: Despite the fact that these books are a little more than slightly racy (to me they're EXTREMELY racy), is it still okay for people to read them? I felt a little iffy about even recommending it except for the fact that it had all this stuff about computers, transhumanism, the evil empire, the secret rulers of the world and so forth.
A: Those with good mental and spiritual hygiene will be fine and even benefited by this reading.
Q: (Joe) The problem is that people who aren't like that, it might give them ideas and they'll go out and look for a Russian don...
A: Warnings to the wise.
Q: (L) In other words, give warnings and the wise will take the warnings. Those who don't take the warnings, well... What can you do?