Search results for query: Biological warfare

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  1. S

    I wear a mask or not for the purchase of my food -My question for the moment- What is your opinion ?

    If the M50 gas mask hadn't gone up to $500-$700USD, I was seriously going to buy one for around $250 and wear if pressed to. Malicious Compliance. I don't know if I'd wear a whole mopp suite, but the CBRN mask, definitely - the M50 looks like it allows for full breathing too, so it's a lot...
  2. Ansuz

    I wear a mask or not for the purchase of my food -My question for the moment- What is your opinion ?

    Walking out the door shortly.....I doubt I'll even get my mask out. I think I'm going to start making them from panties, I hear they are quite comfortable. Hahahahaha....but here's my new material. At fifty four years old I'm going to learn to sew clothing and other such items.. Since I'm a...
  3. tschai

    I wear a mask or not for the purchase of my food -My question for the moment- What is your opinion ?

    I am totally thinking of wearing my Darth Vader helmet...yep I have one! Breathing sounds and all...heck if we have to let’s have some fun and get creative! Masks with lights and sounds! Probably won’t though that thing is hard to see out of....
  4. Agron

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    @aragorn @Astrocyte More on technologies that could introduce transhumanism via mandatory vaccinations (Satellittes and 5G are VERY important to all of this): This is a wordpress blog post from 2019 that is warning about all this and offering references to where this is coming from and how it...
  5. Voyageur

    I wear a mask or not for the purchase of my food -My question for the moment- What is your opinion ?

    Good one! Masks have not been mandated (yet) in my province, and since there are no criteria designs for a mask; never mind they are useless, who is to say a fishnet mask does not serve - who is going to tell you? Put another way (reading in the occupational hygiene professional world), if a...
  6. loreta

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Looking attentively the picture it seems to me that we can see Chinese visages. Maybe the picture was from China? But Chinese or not this picture is amazing. Is this a real one? No Photoshop maybe?
  7. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    If a real pandemic strikes, I doubt the government will inform the public about what is really going on, I think the opposite will happen, the media will remain silent and the governments of the countries with their helpers will bury themselves in underground bunkers. When people start to die...
  8. michaelrc

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Omg, l don't want to believe this! Is this really the airport and the protective gear is included in your ticket purchase? I just can't believe that these are the same folks that covet the Toyota land cruiser and bring us all the outback adventures.
  9. Agron

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Melbourne airport CONvid1984 measures... I wonder what would be prescribed in the case of some real biological warfare? Mandatory suicides?
  10. Jones

    Coronavirus Timeline the area. MALAYSIA Jan 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China. USA Jan 6: Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees...
  11. Laurs

    COVID 'Syndicate' Agenda - James Corbett & Catherine Austin Fitts Discussion

    Yes, thank you so much Michael for putting this together, awesome. I watched the episode Fates worse than death with her and Corbett already on sunday morning and wow, what dot connecting, can't wait to get started on all the material! I have shared that interview already with people. Via...
  12. C

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Also eerily familiar is a 2003 episode of “The Dead Zone” entitled “Plague.” From “Lockdown” to masks, to Chloroquine as the solution, etc. available on Prime, Season 2, episode 14.
  13. Ketone Cop

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...(1971) - In March, 1975, a Sino-Soviet border conflict escalates. When American anti-ballistic missiles break up warheads carrying biological warfare material, most of the world's population is killed. U.S. Army Col. Robert Neville, M.D., is a scientist based in Los Angeles. As he begins to...
  14. C

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    There was a link in Whitneys artikle to a Wired artkel that reminds me of the 21march session talking about a vaccin/virus that dumbs down: This Scientist Wants Tomorrow's Troops to Be Mutant-Powered In one dire scenario, an army might attack its enemies by changing their physiology to make...
  15. sbeaudry

    Plandemic video carried by Mercola, and other Dr. M news

    Some good articles on Mercola's site ATM, including carrying the Plandemic video with related story: 'Plandemic' Documentary Also interesting is an article claiming smoking gun evidence covid was lab created (not sure if I saw this on sott yet) and another re Ft Detrick: The Smoking Gun...
  16. Y

    Events in Russia

    I didn't find a better place to post a message. I will write out of habit here, because it concerns Russia anyway. In my opinion, we have already written about US military Biolabs in Ukraine and Georgia. Now it is the turn of Kazakhstan. Probably not all participants of the forum know what this...
  17. M

    High Strangeness, Adele Edisen and the otherworldly murder of JFK

    APRIL 1963 This is where our story really begins. (Dr. Rivera is our key protagonist and I’ll include what biography there is of this mystery man later. Suffice for now to say he was embedded military/agency intelligence operative with a very strange and disturbing history). (This first...
  18. Ketone Cop

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    What Mikovits says resonates with me, especially re: what happened in Africa with all the various viral outbreaks since 1976. After the Ebola scare a few years back, I wrote the following and shared it on many forums, including Zero Hedge (and I've updated it several times since as more data...
  19. gottathink

    Coronavirus Timeline the area. MALAYSIA Jan 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China. USA Jan 6: Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees...
  20. Jones

    Coronavirus Timeline the area. MALAYSIA Jan 5, 2020: Malaysia’s Assistant to the Prime Minister, Matthias Chang, speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China. USA Jan 6: Infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees...
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