2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

So.... not only was Hannity's show something of a dud as far as really laying out the scope of the voter fraud (the president even deleted his tweet recommending viewing it for some reason), Trump instead tweeted Laura Ingraham's opening remarks of her show last night (The Angle), and I have to say, she seems to be back on track more re: the voter fraud situation, which she touches on at the end of the segment, as follows (this after a thorough dissection of Biden's disastrous foreign policy objectives, etc.):

Laura Ingraham: Just for the record, despite the "president elect" backdrop, and media shout outs, the final state tallies are not yet in. And President Trump has yet to concede ANYTHING.

CUT TO: NEWS CLIP OF BIDEN w/ reporter asking him: What do you say to the Americans [a recent poll indicates that over 70 million Americans do not believe this was a fair election] that are anxious over the fact that President Trump has yet to concede, and what [might] that might mean for the country?

Biden: Well, um [touching his nose] I just think it's an embarrassment, um, quite frankly.

Reporter: How do you expect to work with Republicans if they won't even acknowledge you as president elect.

Biden [now smiling]: They will.

[end clip]

Laura Ingraham:
Not if the final votes don't go your way, or widespread voter fraud is established -- which will take time. And team Biden's daily posturing, and daily Covid briefings, won't do ANYTHING to hasten that timeline.

And that's "The Angle."

[end video]

On the Tucker front... I'm not going to say it was MY tweet in particular that rattled him (the one where I dressed him down a bit on his "voter fraud light" coverage), but at the end of his show, when he again touched on the subject, he did seem a bit, uh, "defensive." And, yeah, "rattled." He wasn't his usual crisp, smooth self, in other words. The was garbling his words, and frustrated by his trip-ups. Still, he seemed determined to correct any misconceptions regarding the previous night's show. (Yes, I have that effect on people sometimes.) (Ha!)

No Youtube clip to be found... so, maybe I'll transcribe what he said since it wasn't too long... I have the show copied, three at a time, then they are auto-erased to start copying three shows again. So, from last night:

Tucker Carlson: We opened up last night's show by telling you about voter fraud during the last election--it is REAL. We said we're going to keep TRACK of where tha--those investigations are going. We WILL, we'll be doing that all day tomorrow, we'll bring you a much meatier discussion of what we KNOW.

We just want to bring you up to date on a couple of quick developments on that front today. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are now calling for a bi-partisan* investigatory committee with subpoena power to look into voter fraud there. In FLORIDA, meanwhile, a woman who died in 2017 somehow managed to vote, no word as to who she preferred. And in Puerto Rico, which Democrats would like to make a state, and WILL if they take the Senate, officials have found 174 BOXES of uncounted ballots. BOXES, not ballots. BOXES of ballots. Let's hope it's the 51st state pretty soon [he says as a sardonic aside, although he tripped up a bit on that sly remark too].

So, there are A LOT more stories like that. Do they add up to a TREND? May be. We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy.

[end segment]

*Uh, bi-partisan investigatory committee? Are they serious?

Tucker also has that "one dead person voted in Florida" anecdote, which, in my opinion, only demeans this effort to undercover massive voter fraud. As for Puerto Rico, good on the numbers this time, Tucker, but WHY ARE THEY IN PUERTO RICO, if they don't even vote in presidential elections? Right? I assume that's the case. Also: are the votes specifically for Trump?... dumped on Puerto Rico to get them out of the way? More info. needed here, obviously.

Also: these two wind-up lines (below) really bother me. If you could hear him say them it would help explain why that is. He does this sometimes: he spits out these obligatory lines, not out of any true passion for them. Instead, he becomes like a schoolmarm, instructing his clueless little students. In such moments he's pulled out of himself almost. I guess the problem is that it somehow rings false. Not technically speaking. I mean, he'd agree that what he's saying is true, in fact. But just the fact that he feels he has to (or has been directed to) say these things. It's like a disconnect, or something, that seems to happen. A "glitch."

Here are those two lines:

"We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy."

Very nice, Tucker. You get a nice big lollipop.

ONE FINAL ITEM: I found something really interesting on Twitter that, if TRUE, could be a very significant find. In fact, I felt compelled to link Tucker to that information, with the hope that he and his researchers would investigate its veracity--wait, am I becoming Tucker's "Deep Throat" or something?

Speaking of computer "glitches" -- and we've been hearing about these glitches related to DOMINION software in this election -- this computer tech person seems to have found a way to track these glitches in the DOMINION software system. The person tweeting this information seems legit too (see tweet below).

What's incredible if this is the real deal is that this person wrote a script that tracks the transfer of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of votes to Biden, as well as tracking "lost" ballots. And he's got a list showing how many such transfers are in each state, and the different software involved, since not all of it is DOMINION. But, topping the list is Pennsylvania with 220,883 "switched" votes, and 941,248 "lost" ballots.

Tech people here should see what you think. It's definitely beyond my know how.

Check it out -- the tweet and the source material since there's a website provided: https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/

View attachment 40170
Okay: I can honestly say I've contributed something here. An hour after I tweeted Trump a link to the above material on Dominion software, and the tech person's script for finding "glitches," specifically pointing out the large numbers for Pennsylvania, Trump tweets this. So, they decided the material was legit, and decided to "take the bull by the horns." With the enormity of the lies being spread all over the MSM denying outright any and all claims of election fraud, Trump's team must have figured they'd take on chance on its veracity. Of course, they no doubt have some method of confirming source (one would think). All I know is that Tucker was not prepared to touch it, at least not yet. And Trump feels he has nothing to lose.


No Surrender! President Trump Should Not Concede—No Matter What​

The Dem/ Main Stream Media Complex is infuriated that President Donald J. Trump will not concede the 2020 election. This is a Sign of Contradiction that he is doing the right thing.
In fact, of course President Trump isn’t doing anything illegal. No one has won or lost. Senate Mitch McConnell may be afraid to defy Trump because he doesn’t want to lose the two Senate seats in Georgia and thus, his status as Majority Leader. But he’s absolutely right when he says that the Electoral College determines the winner and, until that happens, “anyone who is running for office can exhaust concerns.”
However, there are more fundamental issues at stake. Thanks to the Sem/ MSM complex’s campaign of COVID-19 hysteria, the country engaged in a massive experiment with mail-in voting. Different state requirements add to the confusion. There have been specific claims of outright fraud, notably the inclusion of dead people on the voter rolls, reports that local officials gave voters instructions that would invalidate their ballots, and open theft of ballots. Critically, in several of the states where President Trump is launching legal challenges, the common factor is a company called Dominion Voting Systems.
President Trump and outraged Republicans do have a card to play even if all the legal challenges fail. State legislatures must certify a state’s electors before the College can vote for the next president. If state delegations believe the vote has been corrupted, they can send their own competing slate of electors.
Nonetheless, with his back to the wall, Trump can and should fight. Even now, he has a popular movement behind him—all he needs to do is lead them against the System that they thought they had defeated in 2016.
Million MAGA March happening. I am honestly having trouble 'enjoying the show' sometimes. Not always though... and this saturday should be interesting.

(Natural News) It is official: The “Million MAGA March” event is scheduled for this Saturday, Nov. 14 in Washington, D.C., and will proceed from the White House all the way to the Supreme Court in support of free and honest elections.

Those who agree that Democrats are trying to steal the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joe Biden are encouraged to attend, as the Million MAGA March will show the world that American patriots are ready and willing to take a stand against fraudulent election results.

One of two pro-Trump events scheduled for Nov. 14, the Million MAGA March is a convergence of March for Trump, Stop the Steal, and Women for America First, three pro-Trump groups that announced the rally on social media.

Beginning at noon on Saturday, demonstrators will gather in Freedom Plaza before marching to their final destination in defiance of the mainstream media’s unfounded claims that Biden won the presidency and is now president-elect.

As usual, fascist groups like “Refuse Fascism” are planning their own counter-demonstrations in support of Biden, whom they hope will unseat Trump to become the 46th president.

“We are gathering non-violently,” claims Lucha Bright from Refuse Fascism.

“We are not intending to engage them. We want to overwhelm them with our numbers. If they attack us, that is not out of the realm of possibilities of what they do. But we are hoping, especially if we gather in large numbers, that we will overwhelm them with our strength.” [...]
It's possible that 'overwhelming them with our numbers' may be a bit of wishful thinking, (BO aside). On the other hand, DC is a snakepit and antifa and BLM's pockets are no doubt bursting with donations from corporate and globalist entities. Shaping up to be a real hullabaloo.
Trump hasn't had any overt moves into the realm of currency sovereignty and taking on the Fed - has he? None that I've seen. There are hints of that battle, though. For instance, the US Treasury and the Fed 'merging' earlier this year. I have seen different analyses, but I'm unclear whether the Fed took over the Treasury, or vice versa. I don't understand the implications of either, to be honest.
Fed chief Jerome Powell now effectively reports to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It's obvious to me, anyway, that Trump has wielded some unknown power against the Fed for at least two years now. Never in my life did I expect to see interest rates cut while the stock market rose and gold price rose. It's been like seeing the sun reverse direction in the sky. Stunning. Some say it's just because he tweeted negatively about The Fed almost every days for a long, long time (pre-Covid), making it clear that they'd be to blame if the (illusory, controlled) economy went south, which is where they wanted it to go. I still think some other, additional influence may have been involved.

CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states​

A more detailed explanation of the above is provided at this point in the article.

Re: the section from above post:

Source reveals that the CIA ran the vote theft while Trump and the DoD documented the entire election coup

"Yesterday, sources told us that the CIA was in charge of running the vote theft operation, with Gina Haspel deeply involved in straight up treason. On election night, President Trump and hand-selected DoD personnel were sitting in secure command room, watching and documenting the entire election theft taking place in real time."

"All the vote theft was recorded in detail, and this vote theft was allowed to take place so that deep state treasonous actors could be caught in the act."

[end quote]

It sounds rather "pat," doesn't it? Almost as if Trump doesn't have a thing to worry about.

Documenting what exactly? HOW were they documenting "the entire" election theft in real time?

Don't we need more information here?

One would hope that the president of the United States should be able to track the goings on during the course of election night and beyond. But there's an awful lot to it. As indicated here, he's up against the CIA, not the easiest of opponents.
BREAKING: Bryan Ware, top cybersecurity official at Dept of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), has been FIRED and will step down at the end of the week. BOOOOM!!


Another one! Draining the swamp.

BREAKING: Bryan Ware, top cybersecurity official at Dept of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), has been FIRED and will step down at the end of the week. BOOOOM!!


Another one! Draining the swamp.

And I believe Trump created that particular agency, too. He's surrounded by snakes~
Fed chief Jerome Powell now effectively reports to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It's obvious to me, anyway, that Trump has wielded some unknown power against the Fed for at least two years now. Never in my life did I expect to see interest rates cut while the stock market rose and gold price rose. It's been like seeing the sun reverse direction in the sky. Stunning. Some say it's just because he tweeted negatively about The Fed almost every days for a long, long time (pre-Covid), making it clear that they'd be to blame if the (illusory, controlled) economy went south, which is where they wanted it to go. I still think some other, additional influence may have been involved.

A bit of historical data on the Federal Reserve. It is officially a 'Cartel' according to this expert.
Find out who the founders were (hint : begins with R & R and that it is Not a government agency but it is now since March 2020.

The Real Reason Trump Merged The US Treasury With The Federal Reserve


In March, Yahoo was the first to report about the merging of the Federal Reserve and The US Treasury. “The Treasury, not the Fed, is buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as banker and providing financing. The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.”

“In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades. This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.”

Does this mean that Trump has took the power of the Federal Reserve bank away from the aristocrat bankers that has profited off America’s debt since 1913? “The U.S. Federal Reserve, under close scrutiny from president Donald Trump, has made the historic move to pump a staggering $6 trillion of liquidity into the economy since the coronavirus pandemic began” according to Forbes. “What we’re witnessing here is nothing less than the death of capitalism and birth of something new,” said Mati Greenspan, the founder of analysis and advisory firm Quantum Economics. “It’s quite fascinating, really.”

The death of capitalism? What’s so fascinating about that? Let’s dig deeper. Wallstreet Parade says, “According to the U.S. Treasury, as of February 29, 2020, there was $16.9 trillion in marketable U.S. Treasury securities outstanding. Of that amount, at the end of February, the Federal Reserve held $2.47 trillion or 14.6 percent – making it, by far, the largest single holder of U.S. Treasuries anywhere in the world.”

“By this past Friday, the Fed’s ownership of the Treasury market had increased to $3.12 trillion. It had grown by an unprecedented $650 billion in one month’s time. And on March 23, the Fed announced that it would buy unlimited amounts of both Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities “to support smooth market functioning.” According to Counterpunch, The federal reserve was just nationalized, meaning, “The Federal Reserve will be picking up the tab for this bonanza, at least to start.”

So the Federal Reserve, as of March 2020, owned 14.6% of the US Treasuries (bonds) and Trump just forced them to buy up more. Not just a few billion but, unlimited. What does this mean? It appears that Trump is forcing the Federal Reserve to buy up all of the bad loans that are out there and own the debt under stocks through BlackRock’s trading. This forces the Federal Reserve to hedge for the economy and not against.

If the Federal Reserve owns more than 15% of America’s debt, it can play it safe and exit at any time, but if they owned, let’s say 50%, their decision to keep this bad investment comes into play. Owning half of the largest economy’s debt may force the Federal Reserve to either declare bankruptcy or ask to be bought out. Or, they may be forced to stop playing games with our politics and pull out their paid opposition. Either way, it’s good for Americans. And the real reason we are seeing crisis after crisis is that fact that Trump has been taking the power away from the elite for the past 3 years. The moment they shut down our economy, Trump backfired with this unprecedented move. Now you know why he was investigated, impeached, pandemic’d, rioted and possibly civil war’d. All for power.
A bit of historical data on the Federal Reserve. It is officially a 'Cartel' according to this expert. Find out who the founders were (hint : begins with R & R
Yes and it links up with all the other R central banks globally, who are also mixed up with the R World Bank/IMF/BIS. People are governed primarily economically, IMO. Thus, global government. The Fed's big scam is fake money creation, thus fake debt creation, effectively creating real debt slavery, as long as the scam is popularly unrecognized. To put it briefly in summary, I'll paraphrase others who suggest that Trump is simply using the US Fed as a credit card, and plans not to pay the bill, thus using their own scam against them. The trouble is, there needs to be another financial/currency system to transition to once the central-bank system falls apart. Such a transition is likely to be painful and messy no matter what it is. It would dwarf the disruption of Richard Nixon's transition off of the gold standard in the early 1970s.
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Yes and it links up with all the other R central banks globally, who are also mixed up with the R World Bank/IMF/BIS. People are governed primarily economically, IMO. Thus, global government. The Fed's big scam is fake money creation, thus fake debt creation, effectively creating real debt slavery, as long as the scam is popularly unrecognized. To put it briefly in summary, I'll paraphrase others who suggest that Trump is simply using the US Fed as a credit card, and plans not to pay the bill, thus using their own scam against them. The trouble is, there needs to be another financial/currency system to transition to once the central-bank system falls apart. Such a transition is likely to be painful and messy no matter what it is. It would dwarf the disruption of Richard Nixon's transition off of the gold standard in the early 1970s.

Masterful move of Trump using the Fed as a credit card. Impressive!
Sounds like very turbulent times ahead when needing to make the transition.
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