2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Dominion software deleted over 2.7 million votes nationwide, switched over 500,000 from Trump to Biden​

As more evidence of Dominion software vote theft continues to emerge, President Trump has tweeted a bombshell news item, stemming from a data analysis of the raw vote log transaction data:
In fact, data analysis reveals that over 2.8 million votes were deleted from President Trump, while 512,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. The data are now public, with Python language data analysis tools and full transaction data released by numerous analysts, including the “Centipede” user at TheDonald.win.
Includes a spreadsheet showing the deleted and switched votes. Note that votes were only deleted from Trump, never from Biden.

Speaking of Steve Pieczenik, this is weird. He posted a tweet saying Millie Weaver is a part of Mockingbird media along with CNN and all the rest. Who would possibly believe that! He's made quite a splash with his claim of the sting operation containing water marked ballots recently and now this so I wonder.

I heard about the sting first from Tore who works with Millie Weaver and in my estimation they are doing the best investigation work I've seen. Did SP steal Tore's information, and now he's throwing Millie under the bus. What's the convoluted plot here? Well, it doesn't add to his credibility.

Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!​

Profile picture for user globalintelhub
by globalintelhub
Thu, 11/05/2020 - 20:04
The most shocking news of the year - Dr. Steve Pieczenik has dropped a once secret plan to catch Democrats red handed in their crimes. According to Dr. Pieczenik, Trump knew about their plans (why wouldn't he, with access to the NSA/CIA) to steal the election with voter (ballot) fraud. That's why they pushed hard for the mail in ballots, due to "COVID" because it's hard to hack the election because every state uses a different system. It also explains why we are seeing statistical anomalies, and why the Democrats didn't want Republicans to 'watch' what was going on. As we explain in Splitting Pennies - the world is not as it seems.

Of course, you are thinking the same thing we are - is this real? Is it possible? All we can tell you is that this guy is one of the most credible people in US intelligence. He's authored ops manuals for the CIA, he ran counterintelligence psyops for the CIA, he co-authored "Net Force" and "Op Center" with Tom Clancy, he has worked for Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and other Presidents directly, he has been the point man in foreign operations (such as meeting Noriega for a 4 hour dinner days before the US invasion). This guy is a super credible witness who has basically called it decades in advance, based on his experience with the deep state and globalists. Having said that - we are waiting for these arrests to happen. So we will see in the next 48 hours. In the meantime, we can examine some of the circumstantial evidence.
Heather, I've been reading your recent posts, and it appears, indeed, that you're somewhat exhausted. I'm saying this as someone who got quite manic last spring when the Covid-thing hit the world. I've since come to realize that even if it feels like our duty, and it's 'the right thing to do' to fight the madness and the evil, we must be careful not to burn ourselves in the process. At times, during my worst period of 'fighting', I was so worked up that I had more and more trouble sleeping, and I had little room in my head for other things. In case you haven't read it, for this very reason I started the thread Shouldn't we be fighting this? and there are many valuable insights in that thread (check out especially Joe's replies).

I hope you can take some time off from your figthing, even if this battle feels very urgent, and recuperate. A little something I picked up from your post above, was how you perceive that you personally got Trump to take specific action by your Tweet. I'm not saying that this isn't possible, and I don't want to take away your thunder, but this could indicate that you're at the moment too immersed in the battle, and thus maybe burning yourself out.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm writing this because I care for the wellbeing of our members. I recognize the same zeal in your writings that I had recently, and at least in the long run, being in 'full battle mode' can be detrimental. :hug2:

@Heather speaking as someone who was in the same position mere days ago. My advise is to find a hobby to put your mind into ease.

Days ago I happened to stumble across a company that makes 3D wooden puzzles that can be built into various things. I purchased myself the kit to make a roadster and been busy getting to grips with that during my free time rather than worrying about elections, covid etc.

Here's the company in question:

This is what I've built of my specific model thus far... (Doesn't look like much as of yet, just a few sub components built - painstaking work as some pieces quite small and fragile)


Once fully built, the specific model I bought should look like this if things don't go belly up haha

In any case @Heather I'd advise you find something to do to take your mind away from stuff like the elections etc where you're just throwing your energy into a bottomless abyss and burning yourself out.

Slightly off topic but hey ho... Back to election talk 🤪😅
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@Heather speaking as someone who was in the same position mere days ago. My advise is to find a hobby to put your mind into ease.

Days ago I happened to stumble across a company that makes 3D wooden puzzles that can be built into various things. I purchased myself the kit to make a roadster and been busy getting to grips with that during my free time rather than worrying about elections, covid etc.

Here's the company in question:

This is what I've built of my specific model thus far... (Doesn't look like much as of yet, just a few sub components built - painstaking work as some pieces quite small and fragile)

View attachment 40199

Once fully built, the specific model I bought should look like this if things don't go belly up haha

In any case @Heather I'd advise you find something to do to take your mind away from stuff like the elections etc where you're just throwing your energy into a bottomless abyss and burning yourself out.

Slightly off topic but hey ho... Back to election talk 🤪😅

This video also might be helpful. Don't let the title throw you off. It's not about conspiracy theories themselves, it's about our behaviors and states of mind when handling topics such as we discuss here. She discusses the importance of maintaining energy and balance, and not getting sucked in over ones head. It was useful for me as she discusses some patterns I've seen in myself, and presumably others.

Yes I'd say it is very easy to get sucked into the quagmire when becoming too involved in this type of stuff. Personally it sometimes pays to press the off button.
It's good to be aware what's going on but I think there's very little we can do to have an effect on the outcome.
It seems the ptb have decided Bidens won. Here in the UK it appears that most people despise Trump and are happy with result regardless. Of course that may not be the case in the US of A.
Concentrate on yourself, EE, other meditations or the reading that has being mentioned. Becoming too involved can really take its toll energetically.
Let's work on ourselves and sit back and watch the show as the C's have said. Have some faith there's something greater going on here. The 3 D show is corrupt beyond repair and there's no knight in shining armour who can change that imo.

Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science​

James Madison, meet Big Data

Too many Americans who never had a civics class are learning about the Electoral College, which they are coming to realize may be James Madison’s “Do-Over Button” for times just like these. (If you are under 35, Madison was a president a long time ago.)

The Electoral College is the last chance to stop a presidential election from going off a cliff. Let’s take some examples.

What if the presidential candidate of a leading party were caught taking bribes from an American enemy and that was learned after the vote counting began? What if his son delivered prima facie evidence, and a witness stepped forward weeks before the election and the media suppressed it so the voters never heard a word? What if a candidate were in early stage dementia and his party and the media hid it?

What if millions of American voices were suppressed utilizing social media, so only the voices of one party were allowed to speak?

Oh my gosh! How could such things happen?

The Electoral College has a “do-over button.” States fail to certify the vote, and Congress decides. Remember, Congress is the house of the people -- Nancy Pelosi notwithstanding.

Madison and his pals actually thought that through over two hundred years ago, no kidding.

It applies only to the presidential vote, not to senators or representatives. The Founders knew how important it was to get the executive thing right.

So just how do we make a case to the Electoral College that massive voter fraud, on an industrial scale, thwarted the will of the American people?

Remember, the Electoral College at this point means six Republican legislatures in swing states!

Well, there are ways that will not work. One of them is the long, slow slog through interminable, dusty election precincts, counting one vote here, a dead guy who voted over there, three ballots where the local team filled out the missing fields. That is the loser road.

James Madison, meet Big Data. Actually, meet statistical data pattern analysis and together, grasp hands and speak to America.

Fraud at an industrial level is not a new thing. It happens every day.

I recall when our fraud team met with the CEO of one of the world’s largest insurance companies. You know them. In our presentation, with his fraud team present, we showed the record of a doctor to whom they paid over a hundred grand a year, for almost a decade, for insurance medical bills.


Their fraud inspectors sat confidently at the long table. They said “…yeah, we know him, he’s clean.”

In our next slide, we showed that the address where they were sending checks was a federal prison where he had been incarcerated for years.


Our team built the fraud engine for the largest online auction house. You may have used it. We uncovered industrial fraud at most of the top 10 property and casualty insurers. We did this with big data analysis.

What’s that, you say? Well, take a look at Andrea Widburg’s story.

The video explaining big data is a little complicated. Watch it a couple of times. It is college level statistics, so you will get it, I promise.

Here’s the summary: For the election returns in many precincts to happen the way they did, Biden would have to flip a coin 1,000 times and get heads every time. We aren’t done here.

He would also have to do it over and over again, in scores, perhaps hundreds of precincts.

Welcome to big data analysis.

Industrial fraud is always discovered with statistical analysis like Andrea’s subjects do quite well in this video. Industrial fraud is pretty cool because from the outside, it is invisible. Remember the doctor getting paid in prison, above.

When subject to statistical analysis against known patterns, industrial fraud stands out like a dinosaur walking through a field of peanut butter. It is unmistakable.

Is such analysis proof?

Yes, it is proof that there is an anomaly of such proportions that it must be investigated. And this isn’t hard. Remember, all the data you need to do the analysis is after-the-fact voting data. You do not need to see a single ballot.

Like Andrea’s subjects, you just need to know that in precinct after precinct, there is an unmistakable pattern that the more people vote for Trump over Biden the greater the number of Trump votes the counting machines scoop from Trump to Biden.

The pattern is one that can only be done by machines, like a computer. There are too many transactions, with too straight a line, across too many precincts, to be the guys with the ballot boxes arriving in the middle of the night. They are extra fraud.

What’s next?

Industrial fraud must then be summarized in a picture or two that anyone, even a state legislator, can understand. No matter its strength, it will not be understood by Fox News. In the video noted above, the authors get pretty close.

Using big data, measuring against historical trends, enables many of the math geeks who inhabit the internet to find these frauds. Andrea’s boys did a good job but there will be many more. They will all find the same thing – industrial-scale voter fraud.

This isn’t going away and there is much more to find.

The magic is to craft the picture so that anyone but Fox News can understand it.

That forces our state legislators in the six battleground states to hit Madison’s “do-over button” and let Congress decide.

There may not be enough time to crawl through every vote by hand, but big data analysis will find that dinosaur in the peanut butter, show it to the most recalcitrant state senator and reveal this election to be the fraud it clearly is.
Meanwhile, I looked over and saw someone on their phone reading the suggested stories. The headline was "The Most Secure Election in History!" -- they will feed you propaganda after propaganda if you're a coward of the first order.

They really are setting us up for a civil war. Think about it.

Speaking of Steve Pieczenik, this is weird. He posted a tweet saying Millie Weaver is a part of Mockingbird media along with CNN and all the rest. Who would possibly believe that! He's made quite a splash with his claim of the sting operation containing water marked ballots recently and now this so I wonder.


Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!​

Profile picture for user globalintelhub
by globalintelhub
Thu, 11/05/2020 - 20:04
The most shocking news of the year - Dr. Steve Pieczenik has dropped a once secret plan to catch Democrats red handed in their crimes. According to Dr. Pieczenik, Trump knew about their plans (why wouldn't he, with access to the NSA/CIA) to steal the election with voter (ballot) fraud. That's why they pushed hard for the mail in ballots, due to "COVID" because it's hard to hack the election because every state uses a different system. It also explains why we are seeing statistical anomalies, and why the Democrats didn't want Republicans to 'watch' what was going on. As we explain in Splitting Pennies - the world is not as it seems.

Of course, you are thinking the same thing we are - is this real? Is it possible? All we can tell you is that this guy is one of the most credible people in US intelligence. He's authored ops manuals for the CIA, he ran counterintelligence psyops for the CIA, he co-authored "Net Force" and "Op Center" with Tom Clancy, he has worked for Reagan, Nixon, Bush, and other Presidents directly, he has been the point man in foreign operations (such as meeting Noriega for a 4 hour dinner days before the US invasion). This guy is a super credible witness who has basically called it decades in advance, based on his experience with the deep state and globalists. Having said that - we are waiting for these arrests to happen. So we will see in the next 48 hours. In the meantime, we can examine some of the circumstantial evidence.

The trouble with this theory is...

So if it is TRUE -- it will be a masterful exercise beyond any novel -- it will be a hot Civil War. I will bow before Trump as a god if he pulled this off. But I think it is not. Trump is in way over his head, and hires terrible, terrible people, and he has no close center of friends he can trust.
A bit of historical data on the Federal Reserve. It is officially a 'Cartel' according to this expert.
Find out who the founders were (hint : begins with R & R and that it is Not a government agency but it is now since March 2020.

That's the most brilliant and concise description of the Federal Reserve and the fiat banking system I have ever seen.

I think it is worthy to give his organization Freedom Force International a mention.

The Real Reason Trump Merged The US Treasury With The Federal Reserve

So the Federal Reserve, as of March 2020, owned 14.6% of the US Treasuries (bonds) and Trump just forced them to buy up more. Not just a few billion but, unlimited. What does this mean? It appears that Trump is forcing the Federal Reserve to buy up all of the bad loans that are out there and own the debt under stocks through BlackRock’s trading. This forces the Federal Reserve to hedge for the economy and not against.

I like the idea of forcing the Federal Reserve to buy up "bad loans".

Trump is deficient or questionable perhaps in his support of vaccination companies as a solution to Covid19 (I am still concerned about Trump's optimism for vaccinations) but in economic respects, he seems to be brilliant at attempting to balance the economic power structures that have been in place for decades if not centuries.

I had not heard of BlackRock so thank you for posting that information.

It is a head swirling cycle in which to live I think. I am trying to think positively about how this messed up balance of power (by psychopathic greedy people) could become more balanced.

Many of us have been trying to see how our financial systems fit together on a global scale and we have only been able to decipher so much. When it comes to secrecy there is only so much you can uncover sometimes without great effort. There was a thread in which some of us have been trying to figure out how this might be organized on the international scale called:

Who controls the BIS?

Perhaps the predators/paracites are now feeling the impact of their lying schemes to steal not only an election but the energy and life force of their victims around the world.
The Democrats plan is a good one.

1) Let foreigners/illegals in the country
2) Set them up in states with high electoral college votes - sancuary cities and such
3) Give them money to live without them having to expend much effort to work/earn this money - now they are dependent
4) In a couple of years they are citizens lets say within 5. - This is a work around of the natural organic American born citizen voting TIME process
5) They now vote democrat

The average family in the united states has lets say two children. Well it takes 18 years for those children to be able to vote.

When the democrats allow hundreds of thoursands of people a year from outside the US in the US those people can vote in lets say 5 years so the organic natural process of voting for the american citizen is thwarted/underminded by the artificial TIME process.

Bigger picture for this to stop you need more than another 4 years of Trump....The election wasn't stolen by the Dems this year its an ongoing artificial process that if not stopped after Trump is out will eventually tip the scale purpetually to a blue president.

(Note: I am fine with those from outside the US coming to and living in the US as I would not be here if this wasn't allowed however the process has to be better IMO more impartial...Maybe 10 years after you are citizen you can vote for president something to delay the TIME factor in this situation)
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Leftists Beg Democrat Voters To Move To Georgia To Bolster Votes For The Senate Runoff Elections​

Two important Senate races are headed for a runoff in Georgia. Senator Kelly Loeffler is fighting off Democrat socialist Raphael Warnock and Senator David Perdue is battling against progressive liberal candidate Jon Ossoff.

These two-seats have become the two most important seats in the 2020 election. The Democrats are tied with the Republicans in the Senate, 48-48. If President Donald Trump doesn’t win his legal battles for the White House and Republicans lose both of these races, we lose any chance of keeping a radical left Biden administration at bay.

If the Democrats win these two seats, they will control the House, Senate, and the Presidency. They will enact all of the policies we voted against in this election.
Former Democrat Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang announced via Twitter that he and his wife ‘are moving to Georgia.’ The wording here is crucial. Yang didn’t say that he was staying there to help, but that he and his wife are “moving” to the state to help. This comes on the back of his original tweet calling for a coalition to “coordinate resources” and “everyone who campaigned for Joe should get ready to head to Georgia.”
As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world. Now we take Georgia; then we change America.”

PA Court Hands Trump Huge Victory: Sec. of State 'Lacked Authority' To Change Key Deadline​

The number of legal battles that President Donald Trump’s army of attorneys are waging in the fight to expose any instances of ballot or voter fraud are growing by the day. But in Pennsylvania, Trump’s lawyers have already managed to put a puck in the goal after a state court ruled on Thursday morning that Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar “lacked authority” to change a deadline just two days before the election, concerning a situation where some voters thought they were given extra time to produce proper identification.
“[T]he Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Boards of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline … for certain electors to verify proof of identification,” Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt wrote in a court order.
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