2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The withdrawal follows a New York Times article detailing employees feeling “growing discomfort” over the suit, with some fearing the firm was helping to destroy faith in the electoral process.

Such utter cowardice. A nation of coward loves mob rule and propaganda. Notice the NY Times says nothing about integrity through FACTS. America is a nation of sniveling cowards. Think of those around the world fighting for freedom, and the cowards of America lube up their own asses for fun.
The trouble with this theory is...

So if it is TRUE -- it will be a masterful exercise beyond any novel -- it will be a hot Civil War. I will bow before Trump as a god if he pulled this off. But I think it is not. Trump is in way over his head, and hires terrible, terrible people, and he has no close center of friends he can trust.
Yeah, this idea of marked ballots being tracked etc, just seems like wishful thinking. I think your concise analysis is right on point: Trump hires poor choices, and he has very few close political allies he can trust. There's still a chance for him to pull out a win, as we're still early on in the election process.
I'm not sure it's fair to pretend that Trump doesn't have a close friend center. It seems more relevant to me that America, like so many other countries, has become a country where everyone's loyalty comes at a price. Fraud is massive because corruption is massive at all levels of power. This is evident in these elections, but it is equally evident in the conduct of the covid. Was it any different in the past? I don't know, maybe it was just better hidden ... In any case, it shows that there is an urgency to change our systems and our constitutions to take into account the scourge of corruption, otherwise there is no future for us and our families.
The American constitution was drawn up by the same people who wrote the magna carta, or the French constitution. All these so-called "founding" texts are only there to guarantee the political impotence of the peoples. We can consider that they have proved their worth and that it is only time, after having put a few big heads out of action, to hold vast popular debates to redefine new rules of governance.
The American constitution was drawn up by the same people who wrote the magna carta, or the French constitution. All these so-called "founding" texts are only there to guarantee the political impotence of the peoples. We can consider that they have proved their worth and that it is only time, after having put a few big heads out of action, to hold vast popular debates to redefine new rules of governance.

I agree in some sense, except George Washington did step down after two terms -- setting precedent only overturned by a Leftist Totalitarian FDR. A fascist-wannabee who wanted to pack the supreme court.
The trouble with this theory is...

So if it is TRUE -- it will be a masterful exercise beyond any novel -- it will be a hot Civil War. I will bow before Trump as a god if he pulled this off. But I think it is not. Trump is in way over his head, and hires terrible, terrible people, and he has no close center of friends he can trust.
What is your point for linking these articles? They're clearly biased with the same old anti Trump stuff and even say there was no voter fraud. Wapo is a well known disinfo site. Are they your proof Trump is in over his head? Sorry, I don't get it.

We all have our different views here which is fine. I don't know how this will turn out its wait and see. The perspective that I've introduced into the conversation here is one that hasn't been suggested by anyone else so it gives an alternative view and variety to the possibilities. It also allows for presenting information that supports that perspective. I'm not up for being delusional with wishful thinking and have proposed this scenario because there seems to be evidence to back it up.

Of course some will say its nonsense for the reasons you've given which is a wide spread perspective I'd say. It shows how demoralized people have been made to become in the US concerning the capabilities of the federal government (Trump) having the power to achieve beneficial results. I'm considering that Trump has more support then we've been led to believe. I'm sure there are others that see the seriousness of the situation and are working to stop the destruction, it only makes sense. Trump isn't the only one involved in this.

That was the latest dud ending to "Daddy Trumps gonna save us."
That was a pretty nasty and derogatory statement. You seem to be a person who has allowed bitterness to rule them.
Keep the Faith. . .

Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data Analysts, and Statisticians – The Number of Illegitimate Votes Identified In Four Swing States Are Enough to Overturn Election

By Joe Hoft
Published November 13, 2020 at 11:48am

Trump is in way over his head, and hires terrible, terrible people, and he has no close center of friends he can trust.
Personally, I believe that Trump would not have lasted in office more than a few months into 2017 if this were the case, because I don't think he is a globalist (meaning the consortium really does want him out). His endurance is a mystery to me, but I see no way that it isn't precisely because of a host of colinear others. In other words, he hasn't accomplished goals by delegation to minions of questionable loyalty to his purpose.

My comment here has nothing to do with the watermark story, which I find stretches credulity mainly because the states control ballot design and printing, and private contractors execute it. The watermark technology exists, but the task of placing it would mean an insider operation of great difficulty. It wouldn't need to rival the consortium's power, but would need to elude it. But, who knows, maybe all those channelers who've said for years that "the dark cabal is losing its grip on power" were generally right and the playing field is now leveler than I think. I'm not considering direct 4D activity in such an operation, thinking something like that would be more subtle, more "macro" or "meta."
From a long article by Prof. Graham T. Allison:

As the counting of votes in Arizona, Georgia, and especially Pennsylvania continues, most of the press and punditry have concluded that Vice President Biden has won the 2020 election. Certainly, a substantial majority of the rest of us are suffering from “election fatigue” and eager for this drama to be over. Without disagreeing with the conventional wisdom about the final tally when all the legal votes are counted, I believe the current consensus is missing the fact that Trump has a second, viable stealthy road to victory. I’m reluctantly betting that the debate about who won will continue until at least January 6 when slates of electoral college members are opened in Washington, and most likely beyond that as whatever is decided then is appealed by the loser to the Supreme Court.

Here are some excerpts from his article...
(emphasis mine)

Read the whole article at
nationalinterest.org "Donald Trump's Stealthy Road To Victory"

The normal practice in a state where Biden won the popular-vote total would be for state election officials to certify the results and send a slate of electors to Congress. But state legislatures have the constitutional authority to conclude that the popular vote has been corrupted and thus send a competing slate of electors on behalf of their state. The 12th Amendment to the Constitution specifies that the “President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” That means that in the case of disputes about competing electoral slates, the President of the Senate—Vice President Pence—would appear to have the ultimate authority to decide which to accept and which to reject. Pence would choose Trump. Democrats would appeal to the Supreme Court.
Alternatively, if at that point, no candidate has the required 270 electoral votes, the 12th Amendment stipulates, “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” Currently, Republicans have a state delegation majority with 26 of the 50 states and they appear almost certain to keep that majority in the new Congress. A vote of the states would then elect President Trump for a second term. And again, Democrats would appeal that outcome to the Supreme Court.
President Trump has clearly discussed and been briefed on a strategy to contest the election via Constitutional means, saying at a Sept. 26 rally in—where else—Pennsylvania: “And I don’t want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don’t want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress — does everyone understand that? I think it’s 26 to 22 or something because it’s counted one vote per state, so we actually have an advantage. Oh, they’re going to be thrilled to hear that.”
Trump is correct: Republicans currently have a 26-state delegation majority to Democrats’ 22 state delegations in a scenario in which the election is decided by a House of Representatives vote on the presidency according to state delegations.
A conceivable contested election could involve multiple states’ electoral votes, but Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes would almost certainly figure into such a scenario.
In a contested 2020 election, Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor and Republican state legislature could send competing electors to be counted at the Jan. 6, 2021 joint session of Congress.
  • Under the Constitution, there exists no mechanism to resolve a dispute in which the two houses of Congress cannot agree upon a certified set of electors, and there is no Constitutional role for the courts, including the Supreme Court.
  • Republicans, supported by legal and historical precedent, would argue that under the language of the 12th amendment, which reads, “The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted,” the President of the Senate—Vice President Mike Pence—has the sole discretion to break a deadlock between the Senate and the House, and to either accept or dismiss disputed electors.
  • Vice President Pence would then either accept the electors submitted by the Pennsylvania Republican legislature voting for Trump, or dismiss them as disputed and not have them counted. In this new, reduced total of electors, a remaining majority still delivers Trump a victory.
  • If a majority is not reached, then under the 12th amendment, “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” If Republicans maintain their current 26-state House majority by state delegation, they are thereby able in this scenario to reelect President Trump for a second term.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi could refuse to attend with House Democrats the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress, thereby indefinitely delaying the aforementioned process, and—in a different scenario—assume the presidency as Acting President under the 20th amendment and under the succession statute enacted by Congress. This sets up a battle of dueling inaugurations on Jan. 20, 2021.

You might think that Donald Trump and his legal team have read up on election laws early enough and decided to play ordinary 3-D chess.

It seems that his adversaries' only chance was to cheat on a large scale and have the media create the 'new reality', copying their 'CoVid' masterpiece.

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