2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Biden Admin Seeks to Throw Open U.S. Borders While Instituting 'Strict' Second Lockdown Domestically​

A prospective Joe Biden administration is reportedly planning to throw open America's borders and reverse President Trump's common-sense immigration policies while simultaneously throwing our country into a "strict" second lockdown in the name of stopping the coronavirus.

Biden COVID advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm told CNBC on Wednesday that a second lockdown could help control the virus and "revive" the economy. "Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden," CNBC reported.
How does shutting down businesses and handing out money help the economy?
Osterholm claimed that for the lockdown to be effective it "has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible." As a reminder, Zeke Emanuel -- who has already been enlisted to join Biden's prospective cabinet -- suggested back in April that lockdowns will have to go on indefinitely and sand "we cannot return to normal until there is a vaccine."
Osterholm also comically said the lockdown could help control the virus "like they did in New Zealand and Australia" -- as though the United States has anything in common with those two island nations people can only get to by air or by sea! The lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand have been Orwellian nightmares.
Meanwhile, while we're being subject to Australian and New Zealand-style brutal lockdowns, Biden's administration will be throwing open the borders to illegal immigrants and refugees!
Biden wants all of Trump's common-sense border controls scrapped while claiming we need a second lockdown to stop corona! We're going to have open borders with the Third World while we're told we may need to carry around digital passports and get experimental corona vaccines just to attend a concert!
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush Biden screamed back. “It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris. Thank you to the election officials and campaign workers who worked tirelessly to ensure a record number of Americans could cast a ballot and have it counted during such an challenging time for our country.
I look forward to working with the new administration and leaders on both sides in Congress on getting the surging pandemic under control, engaging partners around the world on issues like poverty and climate change, and addressing issues of inequality and opportunity at home.
BREAKING: Bryan Ware, top cybersecurity official at Dept of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), has been FIRED and will step down at the end of the week. BOOOOM!!

Another one! Draining the swamp.

That's not draining the swamp. That was the latest dud ending to "Daddy Trumps gonna save us." The theory that the CISA was prepared ahead of time and staffed by Trump to run a sting on the steal. Nope, the CISA is not going to drop the mother of all sting operations on the Democrats. We are not going to be amazed when the big drop happened, the CISA did not prepared secretly marked ballots to snare the Democrats in their evil game -- oopsie, not happening. Daddy Trump hasn't been doing much "genius" work lately. So much for the CISA theory. Just like Jeff Sessions. Trump hires duds.
That's not draining the swamp. That was the latest dud ending to "Daddy Trumps gonna save us." The theory that the CISA was prepared ahead of time and staffed by Trump to run a sting on the steal. Nope, the CISA is not going to drop the mother of all sting operations on the Democrats. We are not going to be amazed when the big drop happened, the CISA did not prepared secretly marked ballots to snare the Democrats in their evil game -- oopsie, not happening. Daddy Trump hasn't been doing much "genius" work lately. So much for the CISA theory. Just like Jeff Sessions. Trump hires duds.
The corruption inside CISA has already been discussed so the firing is not a surprise. We'd have to assume there is corruption in all systems of government. Yea, the water mark thing was probably fake, it was something else.
More house cleaning. Its so good to see this and all these people are involved with national security.

Fired since Monday
Since Monday: FIRED Mark Esper: Secretary of Defense
James Anderson: Pentagon Acting Policy Chief
Joseph Kernan: Undersecretary for Intelligence
Jennifer Stewart: Esper’s Former Chief of Staff
Mark Tomb: Deputy Chief of Staff to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
Bryan Ware, top cybersecurity official at Dept of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),

Promoted since Monday
Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata: Pentagon Acting Policy Chief
Chris Miller: Secretary of Defense
Kash Patel: Chief of Staff,
Sec of Defense Ezra Cohen-Watnick: Undersecretary for Intelligence, will oversee Pentagon’s intelligence operations
Okay: I can honestly say I've contributed something here. An hour after I tweeted Trump a link to the above material on Dominion software, and the tech person's script for finding "glitches," specifically pointing out the large numbers for Pennsylvania, Trump tweets this. So, they decided the material was legit, and decided to "take the bull by the horns." With the enormity of the lies being spread all over the MSM denying outright any and all claims of election fraud, Trump's team must have figured they'd take on chance on its veracity. Of course, they no doubt have some method of confirming source (one would think). All I know is that Tucker was not prepared to touch it, at least not yet. And Trump feels he has nothing to lose.

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This tweet of Trump's remains at the top of his Twitter feed this evening.

As per what I wrote above, Trump's tweet actually happened between 2 and 3 hours after I sent him the link to these figures, which makes more sense. I mean, assuming they were taking some time to confirm the information. (I'm so sleep deprived lately, I've lost my conception of time!)

Oh, I forgot to add, what inspired me to send the link was this Trump tweet, in answer to a question about Dominion. I was rather surprised Trump was so vague on Dominion. Obviously, Truman Black, the tech person who developed the script to find Dominion's glitches would have contacted the Trump people as soon as he cracked the code, wouldn't he?

All very mysterious, I must say.



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How could this rotten guy become president with that ?


I think it may be because of the carefully worded "conclusion" at the end of the investigation.

HSGAC Finance Joint Report on Hunter Biden PDF
The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden, Devon Archer, and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime and PLA as well as other foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds. These connections and the vast amount of money transferred among and between them don’t just raise conflicts of interest concerns, they raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns. The Committees will continue to evaluate the evidence in their possession.

Joe Biden's name is not there and so far no charges that I know of have been made against Hunter Biden or any of those mentioned.
I came across this video from the psychic Gigi Young and thought it was worth sharing it was in response to a a question posed by a patron of her website. It's a YouTube video. I am highly skeptical of people calling themselves psychics, but she seem to possibly the real deal.

The Truth About The Election | Gigi Young​

Gigi answers a question about the 2020 election from a patron: Is political corruption so deep that is doesn't matter who wins elections?

As per what I wrote above, Trump's tweet actually happened between 2 and 3 hours after I sent him the link to these figures, which makes more sense. I mean, assuming they were taking some time to confirm the information. (I'm so sleep deprived lately, I've lost my conception of time!)
Heather, I've been reading your recent posts, and it appears, indeed, that you're somewhat exhausted. I'm saying this as someone who got quite manic last spring when the Covid-thing hit the world. I've since come to realize that even if it feels like our duty, and it's 'the right thing to do' to fight the madness and the evil, we must be careful not to burn ourselves in the process. At times, during my worst period of 'fighting', I was so worked up that I had more and more trouble sleeping, and I had little room in my head for other things. In case you haven't read it, for this very reason I started the thread Shouldn't we be fighting this? and there are many valuable insights in that thread (check out especially Joe's replies).

I hope you can take some time off from your figthing, even if this battle feels very urgent, and recuperate. A little something I picked up from your post above, was how you perceive that you personally got Trump to take specific action by your Tweet. I'm not saying that this isn't possible, and I don't want to take away your thunder, but this could indicate that you're at the moment too immersed in the battle, and thus maybe burning yourself out.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm writing this because I care for the wellbeing of our members. I recognize the same zeal in your writings that I had recently, and at least in the long run, being in 'full battle mode' can be detrimental. :hug2:
For me Trump is a strong energetic force that wants to change the existing system. This system is a grown structure with a great common direction. Globalization is a structure that has grown and is defended by the system that benefits.

A change requires a long preparation time. And it also needs events to document the necessity and willingness to document that a directional change is imminent. It needs a threat. A virus, terror. Then one is willing to give up the existing freedom and exchange it for supposed security. Without an event, which is an occasion for a change, it is not possible. The occasion is now being prepared. Now becomes visible, how those, which represent this system morally function in truth and in which shabby way they spat in the face of each individual voter. Only then can change be effected. Nobody can continue as before and people will say: We did not know that. But without this occasion of visible electoral fraud, Trump would still be perceived in the coming years in the same way as it is presented through the media. After this event it will be difficult - when the visible evidence is on the table and the complete corruption becomes visible. It falls at the feet of those who still today enthusiastically clap their hands about the result. It is a very clever strategy. This transformation will not falter any longer, because both sides have worked towards the goal. But the change is unintentional, because these structures of the deep state benefit from the current line. Instead, the existing structure should be expanded. In Europe there is interest in expanding the old structure, but not in restructuring. In Germany, some politicians said before the election: If Trump is re-elected, we would not know what to do.
A Trump who simply won the election smoothly would not have become a better Trump. A Biden would have remained undamaged and Harris would have been the ideal candidate for the presidency. And that doesn't work anymore when it turns out that those same people tried to endanger the USA with criminal methods and even uglier things come out afterwards. Then Trump would suddenly be the good guy and his direction would be acceptable.
Evil must first be declassified and made visible to all. You have to catch them with their fingers in the cookie jar. Only then can one say: Who still trusts them and everything they have done should be put to the test. The deep state no longer sticks to its own rules and endangers the whole game.
A game needs rules after the game we played. If the rules no longer work, the game dies and it becomes dangerous for the architects of the game. The structural rules that secure the game must be followed. Not only in appearance. It is not possible to tell people that we live in a constitutional state if they realize that the rules of the game of the constitutional state are not respected. Also the pretence of a legally secured choice, which turns out to be a sham.
Even the devil must keep to contracts - even if he himself has been cheated. In many fairy tales there is someone who outsmarts the devil or evil and the devil must accept it.
We experience a structure that doesn't stick to anything anymore and that is the big risk that can lead to the whole system falling apart uncontrolled. Decay and rebuilding is a perpetual cycle, but in an uncontrolled decay, structures can be lost irretrievably, if one does not want to. You need a basic structure and basis. The forces that are currently in power are not going voluntarily. They also do not leave because many blindly believe in them. Faith must first be destroyed and that is what we are experiencing at this moment. Only then a change is possible.
I came across this video from the psychic Gigi Young and thought it was worth sharing it was in response to a a question posed by a patron of her website. It's a YouTube video. I am highly skeptical of people calling themselves psychics, but she seem to possibly the real deal.

The Truth About The Election | Gigi Young​

Gigi answers a question about the 2020 election from a patron: Is political corruption so deep that is doesn't matter who wins elections?

She has some incredible insight. Reminds me of this session back when Trump won the 2016 elections:

Session Date: November 12th 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Niall, Joe, Arky, Chu, Data, Possibility of Being, Prodigal Son, dugdeep, Windmill knight, A Jay, Itellsya, Fabric, Mr. Cyan, Scottie, Alana, Timótheos, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Opal the Majesticat

(L) I know that we're gonna have a cosmic event during his presidency. The Trump of the Apocalypse. I mean, how much more obvious does it have to be?

A: Close!

Q: (Pierre) Oh no... {laughter} Oh, there was this drawing... Did you see this drawing where Trump was depicted as a cometary body coming to Earth? It was supposedly a humoristic drawing.

(L) Well, people were saying they would rather vote for a giant comet because they didn't have a choice to make. Maybe by voting for Trump, we're gonna get the giant comet, too! It's a two-fer! {laughter}


Q: (Joe) 16% of voters said they'd rather have a giant comet than Hillary or Trump. What if we actually get one and then all those people get blamed? {laughter}

A: Interesting what mass consciousness conceives, yes? And asks for?

Q: (Pierre) Well, it's close to what we've been saying for a long time. It's getting so bad...

(L) ...that people would rather have a giant comet than to go on. And I don't think the suffering is over yet...

A: Not by a mile!

Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."

Perhaps, if it hasn't already, the fighting (or should we say "infighting?) between Trump's and Biden's groups will reveal the Puppet master pulling the strings like in Game of Thrones where at a certain level, the warring factions were being controlled by their own puppet master.

Going through the Q stuff, it looks like its part of a rather covert group that has access to advanced technology beyond what it's known to normal humans and they are a group that supports Trump. Maybe a tendril of the secret government? I'd rather not speculate but it is how I see things.
More related news about Pope Francis and his push towards a New World Order can be found...
By its actions 🤬. It's when we need to read Vigano Message over and over, to not fall in dispar and, I am not even that religious but to me, is a clear sign of giving dispar to millions.

In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil.

I used to think good about Pope, being educated, rised in Catholic Religion, there is still deep rooted principles. Even though, understanding that is another group of power and control, it hurts somehow his decisión.

It came to my mind, that perhaps I be rude of having choosed that quote but... the heck! I am pissed off.

Pope Francis congratulates Catholic President-elect Joe Biden​

Pope Francis congratulated Joe Biden Thursday, making the head of the Catholic Church the ninth world leader to speak personally with the former veep since he was named president-elect.

Biden will become the nation’s second Roman Catholic president, following John F. Kennedy, when he is inaugurated on Jan. 20.

“The president-elect thanked His Holiness for extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation for His Holiness’ leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world,” a statement from the Biden campaign read.
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