2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Rudy Giuliani, who is in charge of election lawsuits, likely played a role in covering up the 9/11 attacks.
Impossible to know Giuliani's true character. He may have realized there was no way to counter the 911 narrative, that it was way too big for him to even have a prayer to expose, plus he wanted to keep breathing along with his family. He may now see that he can no longer play it safe and sincerely holds the future welfare of the nation as worth the sacrifice of even his own life if it comes to that. Or he could be just another sh*t playing a part. I'm hoping for the former. Same for Trump.
she is bringing down the cabal “so it won’t happen again
If one totally discounts the existence of the 4DSTS and everything the Cs have imparted to us, then one can completely believe the above. It may, however, be the principle component of the "bigger exposure" that brings everything crashing down. The Cs haven't given the impression that human moves alone are going to change our current situation.
While I interpreted the Cassiopaean's prediction the same as everyone else
To me, when the Cs said Trump was "likely" to win, I took that to mean he will win the vote, but not necessarily the office.
We might say that the obvious way to deal with Trump and his populism is to deny him the election, but think about it this way. Biden becomes president, Trump moves into "private life", but not really. He remains the unofficial head of the GOP and is still looked up to by 100 million Americans (or more). He tweets every day to the faithful, acting very much like the President of a parallel govt. (at least in terms of having the eyes, ears and hearts of so many Americans). Every attempt Biden makes to convince the population of some new policy or rule, Trump opposes it, and tens of millions listen to him and look to him, not Biden, for what their perspective should be. Even worse, during Biden's term, Trump starts a new TV network that becomes very popular and continually counters the official narrative. He also starts to build his campaign for another run at POTUS in 2024, or grooms his replacement. By ousting Trump in a rigged election, his enemies might realize that they would simply be empowering him to consolidate and grow his popularity and come back even stronger.

So what's the alternative?

So the Dems challenge Trump being nominated POTUS by the states, and that drags on, but through it all, Trump is loudly derided as an illegitimate president and dictator. Massive riots, violence and general chaos and disorder in public and political life define the first few months, plus martial law imposed by Trump, convincing his detractors that he really is a dictator. It could get so bad that, when the dust finally settles, the general consensus might be that "this must never happen again" with the finger of blame for all the chaos pointed squarely as Trump, Trumpism and populism. The 'deep state's' desired end result being that populism gets a VERY bad name, and Trump and Trumpism is sidelined forever more, or so they hope.
It would seem that initiating the Great Reset is the main objective along with population reduction. If 80 million Americans believe Trump won the election, they will not just go along with either Biden becoming President or with rioters/politicians trying to undo the official, lawful result of Trump elected Prez by House vote. Unlike JFK's assassination, 911, and the War on Terror [where the hell are those weapons of mass destruction -W], AND thanks to the positive effect of the Covid virus - maybe this time the 80 mil is not going to just accept the situation the PTB wants to impose. Perhaps, in its own way, the Frequency Fence is being broken via alternative websites, tweets, FB posts, and the virus. And unlike all those past times of false flags and genocides, this time the WAVE is in play.

Or, will it be more of this:

Everyone will go back to sleep and passively accept the new normal plus the deaths caused by Covid and absolutely not by vaccinations.
Since there is so much emphasis placed on questioning sources here I need to say this publication is a rather poor source as it's nauseatingly biased and anti-Trump. Its articles focus on "the new Biden administration" which shows its attempt at political weaponizing of the military which is suppose to be apolitical. So, this site lacks integrity, it isn't objective and doesn't respect the rule of law and the Constitutional processes by promoting Biden at this time. As a source good weeding skills are advised. You probably chose this because there isn't much information on the topic I assume.

Here are a few articles from the site: This one is a real slippery slope if it comes to pass.

Looks like sensitivity training is needed (sarcasm).

Your point of questioning sources in this thread and not jumping to conclusions is noted. Will John Wayne be showing up with the cavalry soon? EEEEHHAAAA!!! Pass the 🍿.
I wrote this early this morning and reading it now it sounds very cranky and angry. I didn't follow my own advise about writing under certain conditions. I was going through an internal struggle which has lasted through the day and I've made some peace with the situation. So, What I said here is true about the site but my tone is incorrect. I can be surly at times and shouldn't post when I'm in that state. Others may have noticed this from time to time but I'm not a crank by nature, only sometimes. These are challenging times and it will only become more so.
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That's more like it. GOP state lawmakers in Pennsylvania formally introduced a resolution to dispute the results of the election.

I understand it needs 102 votes and there are 113 Republicans.

Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican, said on Nov. 27 that the GOP-controlled state legislature will make a bid to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College, saying they could start the process on Nov. 30.

I saw this video suggested in a comment under the SOTT article on the Pope canceling Christmas (Pope cancels traditional pre-Christmas ceremony due to COVID-19 -- Sott.net).

THE GREAT RESET: From Bergoglio to Biden

What caught my interest and prompted me to post here was the presenter seemed to me to answer the question why the Deep State would want the rigging of the election to be found out.

His analogy is the Catholic Church long being destroyed by the globalist, so the USA framework system needs dismantled (re-set). It seems to me that undermining trust in the elections and executive office could be similar to other globalist attempts to get obstacles out of their way. If the rigging is found out (as it seems it is) then the faith in the law is injured.

I liked it and recommend a watch to get a different perspective.
BHelmet said:
“That's also a very natural way that billions of human beings have held their hands for millennia.”

Not For this kid. When I put my hands in that position it feels unnatural and like it has to be intentionally done.
Joe said: {{Well, take it from me that it's not a "masonic hand gesture", and frankly, it's pretty depressing that you would double down on this kind of comment. I mean, what is the point of having a discussion on global events that impact us all and trying to make sense of it, if people are not inclined to make an effort to regulate their apparent penchant for free association? People who do that, IMO, have no real interest in the truth. For them, it's more like 'having fun' and projecting their imagination into text form on a computer screen. That's fair enough (god knows most of the internet is about doing precisely that), but if that is the case, then we should be clear that discussions here are for that purpose and NOT about trying to be objective and understand reality AS IT IS.}}

Joe, you seem kind of riled up here. I know there is a lot of stress all around this planet for so many reasons. Full moon too. I hope you are OK. I also know I can be a catalyzing type of person. You're welcome. So, you are depressed and/or upset by my comments. That is an opportunity for us both to dig deeper. Insinuated cheap shots are an opportunity for me to turn the other cheek. Thank you. But our personal reactions are not of consequence here.

So let's get at the truth you imply I have no interest in:

(one minor point, first: I am VERY hand oriented. I am a musician, I still work on cars, I build stuff (no I am not a mason!) when I was less than 2 years old, I had my crib half disassembled before my mother discovered it) So my comments on the hand gesture was just honest, period. And as for billions/millennia/hands I could say - "how do you know, were you there?" - BUT let's assume we are both old souls here! No harm, no foul. Onward....

Whether there is or is not such a thing as Masonry or Masonic hand signs was not my point. Nor was it to free associate. My point was this: In a Punch and Judy show there is one person operating both puppets. And certainly there are puppet masters behind the scenes of these actors we see projected on the screen a la Platos cave. So a very real question, for me, of which I do not know the answer: Is the whole show orchestrated? OR Is there a general power struggle going on? Is this game we are watching already rigged? Or is the outcome in doubt? Is it Fake Pro Wrestling or is there really a game going on?

Is there an element of free will choice still left in the game that constricts the side that is trying to steal the election?

It is like watching a ball game. When I was a kid I would root really hard for one team or the other as if my rooting had force and power and would make a difference in the outcome. (if I did not have a rooting interest I would always pick the underdog...but that is another story) (Furthermore, all the rooting is probably a lot like sex: the STSers feed off of that too) So I am watching this game of the Trump Terror vs the Biden Blues. I am pulling for the underdog, of course. But, I have to admit, part of me is like "wake me up when its over and we found out who won and I will then deal with that bit of WHAT IS". But that is the part of me that can't stand the suspense which is tremendous. All our lives will be impacted by whatever happens. I am trying to stay on an even keel.

All the conjecture is trying to figure out who is going to win. And what happens after. I am reminded of Matthew 6:34: Don't worry about Tomorrow, Tomorrow will bring plenty of its own troubles. We have enough problems today, as it is. (total paraphrase)

So on top of the election on a human level, I am assuming (and I assume you are too) that there is the 4D STS level of the game who are the ultimate puppet masters and "fixers". Now, they may not actually care who wins - they may see this as a win-win for them. Either way there is going to be misery, suffering and outrage in the aftermath. But the game that is going on at the quorum level - that is the one I would love to see and hear. Because clearly they should be throwing a penalty flag on the Biden Blues for Illegal and Unnecesasry Free Will Abridgment.

I think they are reviewing it in the booth from multiple angles as I write this.

To recap: I do not every want to destroy your faith in humanity; or cause you harm. We all know the medium of written words has its shortcomings and pitfalls. To paraphrase the ancient Hawaiian Pule: Forgive me; I love you.

That's it - pretty much Boom, Done.
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Joe, you seem kind of riled up here. I know there is a lot of stress all around this planet for so many reasons. Full moon too. I hope you are OK. I also know I can be a catalyzing type of person. You're welcome. So, you are depressed and/or upset by my comments. That is an opportunity for us both to dig deeper. Insinuated cheap shots are an opportunity for me to turn the other cheek. Thank you. But our personal reactions are not of consequence here.

So let's get at the truth you imply I have no interest in:

It's fair that you focused on my somewhat 'riled up' suggestion that you're not interested in the truth. That was a little over the top and I apologize. The thing is, I was also trying to make a general suggestion about the tendency of some people to let their imaginations run a little too wild in the middle of an exercise in trying to figure out a more practical reality. My thinking about this is that if a person has a tendency to do that, or indulges their tendency to do that, then it's possible (likely even) that their thinking on any topic will be compromised in a similar way, producing less than ideal results. So I have an inclination to, where possible, try to dissuade people from doing it, and of course I think that in doing that I am helping the person in question, or people in general who have a similar tendency and who read the suggestion.

As regards this topic in particular, I see posts like the one you made about Trump making a masonic hand sign and then responding to my comment on bjorn's image of hands as masonic signs, as 'noise' in this thread. I'm a bit of a stickler for avoiding that where possible, at the same time, I realize that my expectations in that regard are probably unrealistic. But all the same, and getting back to the main point: those hand positions are NOT masonic hand positions, and Trump was NOT making a "masonic hand sign" on the cover of that book, and like I said, I think it's just noise to post that kind of thing in this thread, but that's just my opinion, so don't let that stop anyone from doing it! :-D
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Symbolic? Rothschild bank burning in Paris
From what I understand it was the facade of the bank of France that was set on fire on November 28th. The fire was quickly quenched by firefighter and the building only suffered minimal external damage. [source]

As to the claim that the bank of France is controlled by Rothschild, I couldn't find any sourced confirmation of this claim. Officially the bank of France is owned by the French state. [source]

If you find a credible source showing that the bank of France is owned by Rothschild please share it, it would be an interesting information.
Then why did you post this:
Also one more point; in progressive circles there's trend to assign malevolent sercret messages to ordinary hand signs (such that the OK gesture is evidence of racism etc.) that majority of people use in their everyday activities. That's not very healthy or objective way to perceive reality. There's not much difference to start interpreting relatively common hand signs/positions that famous people use as evidence that they're part of some secret evil group, especially if that is the only "evidence" supporting the claim.

Sure, there can be groups who communicate in this manner, but for example not everyone wearing trendy red shoes belong to satanic pedophile group - more likely one in a million, so it's not very useful to put too much weight for these type of 'clues'.
From what I understand it was the facade of the bank of France that was set on fire on November 28th. The fire was quickly quenched by firefighter and the building only suffered minimal external damage. [source]

As to the claim that the bank of France is controlled by Rothschild, I couldn't find any sourced confirmation of this claim. Officially the bank of France is owned by the French state. [source]

If you find a credible source showing that the bank of France is owned by Rothschild please share it, it would be an interesting information.

This is another example of the kind of thing I was referring to. It would be great if, across the board, members here would make a bit more effort to verify certain claims. It's good practice and it's good for the forum and all other members.
Also one more point; in progressive circles there's trend to assign malevolent sercret messages to ordinary hand signs (such that the OK gesture is evidence of racism etc.) that majority of people use in their everyday activities. That's not very healthy or objective way to perceive reality. There's not much difference to start interpreting relatively common hand signs/positions that famous people use as evidence that they're part of some secret evil group, especially if that is the only "evidence" supporting the claim.

Sure, there can be groups who communicate in this manner, but for example not everyone wearing trendy red shoes belong to satanic pedophile group - more likely one in a million, so it's not very useful to put too much weight for these type of 'clues'.

Totally agree, by giving weight to these kind of aspects to me is only a distraction, wasting away your own energy, getting sidetracked and thus risking to compromise your critical thinking abilities in general. It will be wiser to use this energy in order to focus and analyze the people's actions and the impact of said actions on others thus being able to have an understanding which is which and what's the game all about. As Joe said, most importantly is to keep an objective eye at the surrounding reality by paying careful attention left and right.
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