2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The 'Rothschild bank burning' is another example of 'masonic hands everywhere'.

Pointing out such things is like saying the sky is blue. If you're working from the assumption or theory, or even fact, that 'the Rothschilds' control all central banks, thus the banking system as a whole, then of course a Rothschild bank will burn now and then. Logically, one burning now doesn't have even theoretical significance for the matter at hand in this thread - which way the US 2020 election will go.

There is no evidence for this. It is a claim built on the theoretical assumption I mentioned above.

This is the kind of thing we would like to see less of on such threads as this. What we would like to see instead is members tracking what's actually going on, critically assessing claims being made by all sides in the election battle, then using what's distilled from that group effort to make reasonable, reality-based speculation about where the election might be headed.

I agree @Niall. It is the frustrating nature of secrecy and concealment. We ran into a similar situation in the thread Who Controls the BIS.

Fortunately @Joe asked a question about the Rothschilds in the following session that lets us know that it is a "deep" subject:

Session 17 August 2003:
Q: (Perceval) What's the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?

A: Mossad is a "brainchild."

{Laughter at the joke - "Rothschild" "Brainchild" - Discussion mainly Perceval) wondering whether the Rothschilds are part of the apex or if they are just useful idiots that are going to be double-crossed also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.}

A: The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator.

Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator?

A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you wonder where they come from. Think "deep."

Q: As in underground bases?

A: Well, what a concept!

Q: (L) Is this where Helen came from?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So no wonder nobody can figure who... Is this the story of Demeter and Persephone? Are they talking about going to bases underground in the myths of the underworld?

A: No. Mixing up concepts... but good try!

It almost makes one want to just say "Wait and see".

Run Time / 19:27
A conservative friend of mine just sent out an email blast with a call for martial law in order to "hold a new election" from a Tea Party affiliated organization called We The People Convention. Apparently they took out a full page ad in the Washington Times newspaper and they have a petition going, but I can't see how many people have signed it. [...]

This seems to be playing into the scenario that @Joe and others have outlined.
That's one heckuva document!

In the scenario Joe outlined, 'martial law' (temporary and/or only selectively applied) would be decreed after the never-Trump cities riot because Trump becomes president through the Supreme Court formally deciding X number of states' vote results cannot be verified, thus pulling Biden's Electoral College tally below 270 and initiating the Contingency Election clause in the constitution, where Congress votes on the basis of majority Republican/Democrat representation state-by-state.

In the above scenario, they're making a constitutional case for declaring martial law now in order to have a complete do-over, a nationwide re-vote. In that scenario, you can see how never-Trumpers would scream 'not my president' because the election - while likely generating an accurate result - took place 'under threat of violence'.
Looks like Dave Hodges can be relegated to the same camp as Mike Adams and Natural News. Hodges, Adams, and Steve Quayle appear to be associates. The following is based on an interview by Hodges with Steve Quayle. See vid** further below regarding Quayle/Adams collaboration.

**On bitchute the vid (which won't embed) is titled Q UNRAVELED MR Q FILES STEVE QUAYLE AND ANALYST MIKE ADAMS and on it Quayle says he is the real Q - he's not the anonymous one. This vid is sourced from the one below on youtube:

Mike Adams - We Are in a Downward Spiral - With Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann (Hour One 9/10/2020)

So, we have a three-ring circus going on with more and more outrageous acts vying for center ring!

The FearPorn rating for this is HIGH.

Good god, @JEEP I am a astounded that a fellow West Virginian is so on track and has found these sources of information. These guys are doing their best to alert us of what is happening. I had looked at Steve Quayle as a religious curiosity but now I see him as almost one of us. And Mike Adams is so right on (in my opinion) that it boggles my mind.

"Fear Porn" is in the mind of the beholder I think. We need to be as aware as possible to look at "reality right and left".

This is one of the best explainations of "What kind of world are we looking at" trust plan is not going to work. "You better have a plan" they have a plan but it is not a plan that we need.

There may be sources of information that we dismiss that we need to pay attention to.

"Everything may not be fine".

I would encourage others to listen to this.

We need to know about The Wave for sure. Let's not be "numb and dumb".
I don't know which show you are talking about but did people really think that the same FBI that illegally spied on Trump during his first campaign would actually prosecute election fraud aimed at removing him?

Short answer. No. Thsnks for noticing.

I didn't meant it as are you all that stupid. It was meant rhetorical. But I can see that people can take it as that. Sorry for not being clear enough.
Joe already gave this prediction. But now it's becoming more mainstream.

Whatever happens in my opinion Donald Trump probably deserves his fall from the throne of the president. And I think that we can all conclude that, he did not try to deny lies about Coronavirus and he did not stop fascist people in government to limit innocent people's rights which should not be the case in country that calls itself democracy. He did not organize conferences to expose this massive lie. He had time, he had time from May to the November, but he did not, HE EVEN PROMOTES A VACCINES. He had time to organize and connect himself with various militias and people who want and wish good to USA in order to arrest those heads of multinational corporations as well as various politicians and media liars. He could organize millions of people WITH ARMS. But he did not. He did not definitely in this dimension. He still has time although it would be much more difficult and many people would see him as dictator who wants to preserve his position if he would try something like that. Too much lies, this planet is encircled with them. It will change definitely, but I think that it is possible that these lies leave such a huge impact in terms of destruction. Destruction in various ways. But no need to worry whether it is lies or Donald Trump being president, it is all part of the everything that exists. I guess endless dimensions and endless possibilities, let's try to think about that. Than all of this becomes much more funny and not worth of too much anxiety.
Whatever happens in my opinion Donald Trump probably deserves his fall from the throne of the president. And I think that we can all conclude that, he did not try to deny lies about Coronavirus and he did not stop fascist people in government to limit innocent people's rights which should not be the case in country that calls itself democracy. He did not organize conferences to expose this massive lie. He had time, he had time from May to the November, but he did not, HE EVEN PROMOTES A VACCINES. He had time to organize and connect himself with various militias and people who want and wish good to USA in order to arrest those heads of multinational corporations as well as various politicians and media liars. He could organize millions of people WITH ARMS. But he did not. He did not definitely in this dimension. He still has time although it would be much more difficult and many people would see him as dictator who wants to preserve his position if he would try something like that. Too much lies, this planet is encircled with them. It will change definitely, but I think that it is possible that these lies leave such a huge impact in terms of destruction. Destruction in various ways. But no need to worry whether it is lies or Donald Trump being president, it is all part of the everything that exists. I guess endless dimensions and endless possibilities, let's try to think about that. Than all of this becomes much more funny and not worth of too much anxiety.
I find it odd that your forum name is 'alreadyin4thdensity love' but you think Trump should lose because he won't tell people to arm for violence?
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