2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

It is not just about belief systems.

The Trump lawyers are bringing in theories (or proof?) of foreign intervention so they can evoke even more laws of national security and high treason. If they cannot fully get the Dems for stealing the election they probably will by connecting them to the interference by China.

This is not merely about the election anymore.

If sections of the liberal community could be convinced that Biden is a traitor to the nation, the potential for civil war might become smaller.
My guess is that most patriots see the Left as the enemy whether China is part of the deal or not. The "Bad Foreign Actors" narrative is more 'acceptable' and allows for absolution or plausible deniability for the deep state and media. Everybody gets an excuse. "Oh gosh! We didn't know, it was China! Oopsies!" (a total Lie, of course) Trump gets to do a partial house cleaning and retain power. The Media gets a warning shot across the bow. I take it as a strategic move. Always avoid the confrontational big bloodbath, if you can, since it may be your own blood that gets lost. Art of the deal. The other side gets to save face.

That said, the Deep Biden Faction seems hell bent on gaslighting the entire world and just bulldozing their way to power. But the emperor must still want to preserve the idea to some percentage of the population that he is still wearing a thong and is not totally naked lest the economics of population management get out of hand.

It could also be a situation where Trump can't just come out and say half the polity is rotten to the core and must be expunged. Otherwise they might just go "JFK" on him, take him out and be done with it. He is giving them an 'out clause'. Trump is just trying to maintain the presidency at this point. To take on the entire deep state infrastructure in a battle royale would be suicidal. The reason could be that Trump is betting the deep state is still playing a public relations game. They don't want to alienate the whole country, both left and right, by coming out and saying "OK that's it - game over, we are taking total control in yo' face. they still have 40% of the USA believing their BS.

All conjecture, of course.
Lastly, how do you know that this is not Trump's plan? Maybe he is waiting to see how it goes in court? Might look better to prove victory before declaring martial law and mass arrests, especially if he wants the military on his side. It ain't over yet.
I agree with you that it is not over yet, let's see what happens. If economy will be damaged or even destroyed in first 4-5 months next year, deep state may want Trump in power to blame him for that. Also riots may happen if Trump proves election fraud and remains in power, so STS may be searching for that as well. Trump may stay in power and even declare martial law if riots would happen, but I doubt that major arrests would happen. But like I said let's see what will happen.

I think EVERY president should expose all the lies and work for the people. Care to show me any in history who have actually done so? Even Kennedy didn't give up the aliens!
But Kennedy was president less than 2 years as I know, maybe he would expose alien presence later on. After all, he was probably killed because of something big.
Hi Alreadyin4thDensity Love, I think this excerpt from a C's session speaks in part to why Donald Trump can't just openly and directly oppose things. He has to be strategic and very careful or I figure he will be taken out much like JFK was. So I see him as picking his battles in terms of trying to win the 'war'. And maybe his 'war' is ultimately going to be to expose the reality of what controls the US to as many people in the US that are able to see and not get killed doing it. And also trying to keep the US intact and not totally torn apart and ravaged by internal conflict and war. There are very powerful forces aligned against him and what actions he takes can have dire consequences. And still he may not be able to be successful...

The part I bolded in the excerpt I believe is referring to the material covered in the book 'JFK and the Unspeakable', where JFK could not trust anyone but a few reporters to send secret correspondences to Kruschev, Castro, and maybe other leaders to stave off war, etc. JFK couldn't trust the State Department or any other governmental body to do so at the time. So fast forward 70 years and the 'Deep State' even more powerful and you may get an appreciation for why Trump just hasn't acted the way you describe. So I think reading the book may be of benefit to you in order to gain a fuller perspective on the topic. There is a thread for the book here - JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters

I am thankful for your information and your perspective. You are wise. But at some point I think resistance is important because otherwise accepting the situation and being silent can lead to total control of the Earth. I mean I do not want war, massacres, hunger, dead people in war. But I also do not want people get microchipped and controlled. That is why I said that it was and probably still is a very goo option to arrest certain people and take them to the court while at the same time exposing aliens, vaccines, deep state, children trafficking and many lies. Trump still has a lot of power. It would be way harder and possible much more bloody to do something if he is out of the office and corona frauds are not openly exposed.

Germans were in front of the Moscow. Russians could capitulate because if war continues many more civilians and soldiers could die, and capitulation could prevent further deaths of the Russian people. But what could happen later on ? Russians would maybe be slaves in German colony.

Russians, did not give up and they pushed Germans away from Moscow later on, and until the end of war in 1945 maybe 1 million of Russian soldier died in fights. But what would happen with Russian people if they capitulated in 1945.

Again I do not call nor I want war in USA. I wish them prosperity and love.
I do not know the meaning of PTB but it's maybe deep state or STS forces, service toward self. I am not sure, but I think that STS may want to put Earth under control whether with decreased population or no. If they would take over with microchipping it may be easy to reduce population.

However like I said, I do not support violence just arrests of those who lie and work on agendas aimed against majority of the American people.
PTB, powers that be.
Your assuming that arrests would stop the lie! You forget that the lie is bigger that covid and there would be an immediate backlash that would result in a hot war. Trump could not have arrested the media because they lied, that would be tyrannical. It is not up to Trump or any president to determine what the media should be doing. It is up to the people to expose the media which is happening but only among the alternative new sources. Unfortunately, the alternative sources are blocked from reaching the uninformed. But, then again, if their uninformed is it not their self inflicted ignorance since the alternative sources are not hiding.

However, your main point is that Trump deserves to lose is a lie since he did not lose, he is being coup d'état.
I think I wrote very clearly why I think that Donald Trump deserves fall from his presidential throne. He did not oppose or deny lies about Coronavirus in a major way. (Although he maybe said that children should go to school and some smaller things) Also he promotes VACCINES. I did not say he should lose. I would like if he wins ,honestly, although he promotes vaccines. Because I think that Joe Biden is much worse option so to say. Analogy would maybe be : I like more a child from the class who often screams during the class than the one who often punches others in the face. Although actions of both of them may disturb me.

I will also correct myself, maybe Donald Trump tried to oppose Coronavirus lies and expose them. I do not know what happened behind the scene, also he often did not wear a mask, however he did not expose the truth. Or what we here on the forum and many others consider to be truth, with many evidences.

There is also option although very unlikely in my opinion, that Trump believe Coronavirus is a real threat and that lockdowns were solution and that vaccines are healthy so he is doing what he is doing. But I personally do not believe this to be the truth, and probably many others as well. Maybe Trump really believed until let's say 10th of April that it is okay to close many businesses, lock the people or whatever, but truth later on became easily available regarding the Corona for many people who wanted to know the truth and who looked for the evidences who support both sides. Those who are for lockdowns and those who are against.

Than when June started and later on Summer, he maybe did not want to go against official story because he taught that it would hurt his campaign and so on, and now he officially promotes even vaccines. Now we can maybe say it is karmic consequence if he will not be the next president.

He, as a President of USA had obligation in my opinion to expose the truth and officially defy lies (obviously if he is aware of them) if they are aimed against American people and even forcibly remove from the office governors and governments when they started taking liberty and freedom of innocent people. He is elected by people to support them and their interests, not to stay silent when he sees lies encircling people.

And I did not say he could organize millions of peoples with arms in order to start violence. I said he could organize millions of people WITH ARMS, but in order to arrest media liars, various politicians and heads of multinational corporations. Not to start violence but to arrest them. Because many of them are working against majority of the American people. Not arresting them can result only in more violence later on or more damage to the American people. Not arresting them can result in mandatory vaccination and microchipping and who know what.

And when I said to arrest media liars, various politicians and heads of multinational corporations, I mean to arrest those who committed crimes and worked against American people. There are probably a lot of good politicians, media people and maybe some heads of the multinational corporations.

If millions of people would go out with arms and arrest those who are working against them and their lives it can produce a positive change. It would also remove many chances of riots by Antifa and similar groups because there would be no media to support them and maybe they would be afraid.

Trump had a chance to organize something like this but he did not.

Please try to think about this on this way : If Trump organized millions of people with arms and arrested a lot of people who work against American people it could produce a lot of good consequences.

It may look like dreaming, but he actually had a chance to do that.

By not even trying to do that he makes it easier for them to try to impose dictatorship over the American people with a very, very bad consequences.

If you wake up in the middle of the winter night and see on the window that wolf is slaughtering your sheep outside, do you go out and confront him, or you close your eyes and continue to sleep because it is cold outside or you may get hurt by confronting him ?

Unfortunately, Trump does not enjoy the same "freedom" and "openness" of speech expression that we have here on the forum due to him being out on the world stage. After watching a number of his speeches where he talks about the vaccine, I sense that he does so to quell those who fear the virus. He's quick to say, soon after talking well about the vaccine, that "once you've had covid, the doctors say that you're immune for life", implying that you don't need to take the vaccine if you choose not to. Of course, there is internal and external pressure on Trump to be onboard the vaccinate everything Bill Gates ideology, and must balance these viewpoints. In any circumstance, all hope is not lost, but it is advised that one should expect any outcome and clean one's machine accordingly to face problems with grace.
Good god, @JEEP I am a astounded that a fellow West Virginian is so on track and has found these sources of information. These guys are doing their best to alert us of what is happening. I had looked at Steve Quayle as a religious curiosity but now I see him as almost one of us. And Mike Adams is so right on (in my opinion) that it boggles my mind.

"Fear Porn" is in the mind of the beholder I think. We need to be as aware as possible to look at "reality right and left".

This is one of the best explainations of "What kind of world are we looking at" trust plan is not going to work. "You better have a plan" they have a plan but it is not a plan that we need.

There may be sources of information that we dismiss that we need to pay attention to.

"Everything may not be fine".

I would encourage others to listen to this.

We need to know about The Wave for sure. Let's not be "numb and dumb".

Good god @goyacobol you need to pay more attention to what you post.

I posted this towards the end of the video without listening to all of it. I am trying to "think with a hammer" about the effect the video had on me. Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann are sort of a tag team and they surely got my attention. To an extent I think it may be "fear porn".

@JEEP tried to point out the WARNING and now I see why it she rated it as HIGH.

So, we have a three-ring circus going on with more and more outrageous acts vying for center ring!

The FearPorn rating for this is HIGH.

Other than a "prepper" stance I don't see that they offer a real solution to anything. Most of what they talk about can be found here on the forum and has been discussed in detail. They do say it is a spiritual battle but I think they are just as much spectators as others. They do seem to be as perplexed and frustrated as any 3D humans on the planet.

At 28:32 Steve Quayle says (approximately):

I want to deal with Q Anonymous. OK, I tell everbody I'm the real Q. I'm not the Anonymous one. Q Anonymous is a group of men in the NSA (National Security Agency) that have an AI program that's an experiment in real time. They go out and they use basically spiders on the internet and they see the meme, the theme of the day. Then they see in their algorithms let's say that they see that 100,000 people are listening to one of my programs or 200,000 in one of Mike's broadcasts or 400,000 (I'm just making this up right now) but this is how the algorithm works. Then they weight the algorithmic investigation, weight meaning the algorithms know people's hot spots and they know where people cannot defend their information with enough facts. Based on that what Qannonymos has done is Co-opted. They have co-opted the entire Conservative movement, the Patriot movement, the Tea Party movement and even the Moral Majority. Because the people...and here's the thing Mike...people are looking for somebody to do something for them so they don't have to get their hands dirty. They want Donald Trump...give us Barabus, give us Barabus...forget Jesus give us Barabus. I'm not saying Trump is a murderer. What I am saying though is this...people want others to do for them what they won't do for themselves which is the majority. And they're not willing to think rationally. Here's the thing Mike and Doug basically, Q: "trust the plan". Let me tell you what "trust the plan" means. The bottom line is we are going to fill you with the biggest batch of every stable in the world's horse manure and we're going to tell you "trust the plan, trust the plan"...[more rants follow]

I don't really think they are exactly "one of us" but are mostly adding to the fear and the circus atmophere.
The DNC's current propaganda machine on Netflix against Trump, with a fresh round of intimidation on those calling for an election recount.

Dec 5, 2020
Gov. Kemp's Daughter's Boyfriend Dies in Car Accident shortly after Kemp called for a signature audit of the election ballots.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on the South Lawn in late October. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
I am still struggling to see how President Trump can turn around the current situation - the tide against him seems too great. Having said that, MSNBC reported on something today that caught my attention - an impending US government shutdown.

I like to periodically check them out - along with CNN - to keep my rage going. At times, I laugh. Oftentimes, I am horrified.

The shutdown seems relevant, although I am unable to determine how that would play out in the current context.

Here is some propaganda which speaks to the topic.

White House chief of staff ‘can’t guarantee’ U.S. government will avert December shutdown

Congress, White House have until Dec. 11 to reach spending deal in middle of coronavirus pandemic

By Jeff Stein
November 18, 2020 at 2:20 p.m. EST

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Wednesday that he “can’t guarantee” lawmakers will be able to reach a deal to avert a mid-December shutdown of the federal government.

Congress and the White House have until Dec. 11 to approve new spending legislation to prevent the federal government from shutting down in the middle of a pandemic and amid a surge in coronavirus cases. Meadows said he was hopeful an agreement would be reached but did not rule out that an impasse. There has already been two government shutdowns during President Trump’s four years in office, one lasting more than a month.

Lawmakers this week began negotiations on spending legislation that would fund the government and avert the shutdown, but key sticking points remain over international aid policy, public health spending and tribal health care, among other policy disagreements, according to Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), vice chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

If Congress doesn’t act, 12 million Americans could lose unemployment aid after Christmas

If appropriators cannot reach agreement on legislation to fund federal agencies, Congress could approve a “continuing resolution” that would lock in existing spending levels with no change to existing policy. White House officials say they want to fund the government, but Trump’s erratic policy demands and negotiating style have for years upended negotiations with Congress, culminating in the longest-ever government shutdown in 2018 over his demands for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Meadows met with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) at the Capitol on Wednesday. While not ruling out the possibility of a shutdown, Meadows said: “I can tell you it’s a high priority to make sure we keep our government funded. … Obviously, we want to keep the government funded.”

The spending talks come at a moment when the partisan divide on Capitol Hill is widening. Trump still refuses to concede the outcome of the Nov. 3 election and has not expressed any interest in working with Democrats since Joe Biden was projected as the winner.

Economists who have clamored for additional stimulus legislation warn that a federal shutdown could further imperil the national recovery. Congress also faces the looming expiration of numerous economic protections by the end of the year, including benefits for millions of jobless Americans and protections for renters and student borrowers.

‘In the White House waiting’: Inside Trump’s defiance on the longest shutdown ever

Negotiations over a stimulus package have faltered, with no discussions currently occurring between McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), according to congressional aides. Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) sent a letter Tuesday to McConnell asking for the resumption of negotiations. The White House has taken a back seat in discussions over a stimulus package since Trump lost the presidential election.

Congressional aides say talks over the stimulus are expected to occur independently of negotiations over the “omnibus” package that would involve approving 12 funding bills for federal agencies. At her news conference on Wednesday, Pelosi appeared to confirm that the stimulus and government funding negotiations would be conducted separately.

“We will pass an omnibus. … We are on a good path to do that,” Pelosi told reporters.

Appropriators are working to set the overall spending levels for those bills, according to Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Then, lawmakers will have to reach bipartisan agreement on the policy substance of those 12 underlying bills and try to pass them before Dec. 11.

“We’re still negotiating them. We’re getting close on all of it. We’re not there yet,” Shelby told reporters, according to a pool report. “We’re working at it.”
There is a lot of speculation happening here and guessing. I suppose it is part of trying to observe but much of what happened after 911 seems to have some parallels to Trump's delima/delimas now. There was discussion of impeaching Bush as a solution and many other parallels.

Session 18 January 2003:
Q: (L) We are a little bit curious about the strange weather. Is this the beginning of the ice age?

A: It is a precursor.

Q: (L) What is driving Bush to have his war with Iraq?

A: Orders. Bush knows little in any respect as to what or why he does anything.

Q: Is the war drama merely a play being put on to keep us all distracted and in a state of fear?

A: More or less.

Q: Yet, you said the United States would be bombed, and on another occasion you said there would not be a nuclear war.

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."

Q: (A) I want to ask about the collapse of the World Trade Center. There is evidence of seismicity and unusual pulses that seem to have simply disintegrated matter.

A: Very good observation, but that does not mean human sabotage either. There were certainly "pulses." They were of a "natural" source that was "sculpted" or "shaped" and directed.

Q: What do you mean by a 'natural source?'

A: Energies of the planet artificially collected and disbursed. An artificial earthquake sort of.

Q: But we are still talking about technology. Where is the operational center for this type of thing?

A: 4th density technology.

Q: This we know. But there are human brains involved. What brains are behind this?

A: Did you ever wonder why the pentagon is a pentagon? Hint!

Q: Is that why they specifically included the Pentagon as one of the buildings to be hit in the 9-11 attack; to allay suspicions?

A: Yup!

Q: Are there 4th density sections to the Pentagon?

A: Absolutely. It is a "deep cover" kind of place.

Q: (A) There is this Pentagon, then there is another superpower - Russia - and still another - China...

A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center.

Q: (A) Well. (L) Maybe the heads of these other countries are all like George Bush. They don't know why they do what they do. It's all been scripted from somewhere else. (A) Question is: there is Europe - how can France or Russia or whoever, win against this kind of technology? Apparently, since there is only one center, and this center of technology is the U.S, it seems pretty hopeless.

A: Remember Perseus and David and Goliath. Besides, help is drawing near.

Q: (A) Help. (L) Sometimes I have the feeling that when they say "help is drawing near," it really means that that our "future" is getting closer and we are going to be the ones doing the helping! [Laughter.]

A: Close, but not all.

Q: (A) That means there are surprises waiting for us. (L) I think that people concentrating on the anti-war thing is a waste of time. I think they ought to be concentrating on the "impeach Bush" issue. But then, what good would it do to impeach Bush. Same thing would have happened with Gore. Until people wake up to the reality of 4th density manipulation, we are all in deep doo doo.

A: True.

Q: (L) I guess they are all gonna gather together there on the battlefield and when they are all there, something is gonna happen to scare the bayjeezus out of them...

A: Maybe...

Q: (A) The point is, that people have no choice. They are backed into a corner. The only thing they can do now is just impeach Bush. If they don't do that, there is nothing else they can do. Because if they don't do anything, they will bear the blame for doing nothing - the same way Germany did after Hitler. All the signs are here now: it is exactly like it was in 1939 in Europe.

(L) Well, anything we do, we cannot anticipate the outcome. We can't even know if it will be helpful. We just have to do what is right from one moment to the next based on what we know using our best efforts. For all we know, if we keep pushing the "impeach Bush" issue, we may end up in jail as "enemy combatants."

(A) What did we learn? That there is this help on the way. We know that we cannot quit working. We are helping the help, so to say.
More discussion followed other events...then
Even Kim Jong-il's father Kim il-sung confronted Bush similar to Trump's encounter with his son as the current North Korean leader.
(L) And then meanwhile, there is the North Korean guy - the mirror image of George Bush; everything he says and does is modeled from George Bush. It is actually comical to watch them. "I'm going to blow up the world!" "No you're not, I'm going to blow it up first! I'm going to turn America into a sea of fire." And Bush is saying "I'm going to bomb Iraq back to the stone age." "No you're not! We're going to bomb YOU back to before the Stone Age!" They are like two identical characters! Crazy! We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?

A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

Q: So, we just keep doing what we are doing. And just like Bridges, they will make a mistake and reveal themselves for what they are. Is there anything else we need to know that we haven't asked?

A: Just keep on the path. You are doing well! Goodbye.

End of Session
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The evidence keeps mounting but this will mean nothing.

If they confirm election fraud that swung the elections, they will have to make quite a lot of arrests. This may bring down the Democratic party and with that they'll put the whole American experiment in jeopardy.

I think maintaining the facade of the system is more important than doing the right thing.

Let's wait and see.
If they confirm election fraud that swung the elections, they will have to make quite a lot of arrests. This may bring down the Democratic party and with that they'll put the whole American experiment in jeopardy.

I think SCOTUS are not going to confirm election fraud. Just that the election outcome is unclear because of irregularities. Leaving it one vote per state.

No arrests, no nothing.

There might be some arrests in the long run. But the big fishes will get away with it. And the media won't report of it anyway.
I think SCOTUS are not going to confirm election fraud. Just that the election outcome is unclear because of irregularities. Leaving it one vote per state.

No arrests, no nothing.

There might be some arrests in the long run. But the big fishes will get away with it. And the media won't report of it anyway.

"Irregularities" a.k.a election fraud.

Not sure if they can confirm irregularities without confirming fraud. How did the irregularities come about? People will fill the gap.

Will be interesting to see.
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