2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Why do you recommend that if I may ask?
The Art of War.


Good point. For me, it is the realization that Trump's win is slipping away that is hitting me the hardest. It was relatively stable time during Trump's presidency and when Biden gets elected we will see the introduction of totalitarian state in USA in a very swift manner and international wars of the USA will swiftly resume. That's what worries me the most.
I am sorry for the people of the USA, but I can say with a pretty high certainty that if the pointless USA wars continue, the days somebody flings back a few nukes your way might be closer then you think. That is a natural way things go, somebody will say enough is enough and all mayhem will broke loose. Not to say you are responsible for that outcome as people, but that just might be the result of electing that Biden guy.
Why do you recommend that if I may ask?
I've got a feeling there is going to be backlash on both sides. There are a few MSM's actively trying to figure out where protesters are staying and where they are from. Can you imagine what may happen if lists like these continue to get published?
RevChristoph said:
To all my fellow Americans here, if you haven't done so already, I highly suggest you remove any visable support for Trump or Biden. (Flags, bumper stickers, etc).
Why do you recommend that if I may ask?
Because if Trump's case shows any sign of success, widespread (organized and not) violence is expected by his opponents, so don't give them visible targets. If it's really big and really organized, well, we know Big Tech is on their side and knows exactly who everyone is and where they live.

Every neighborhood seems plentifully dotted with signs like, "We support law enforcement" or "BLM" or "We respect science" or "Resist" or US flags, etc.
I am sorry for the people of the USA, but I can say with a pretty high certainty that if the pointless USA wars continue, the days somebody flings back a few nukes your way might be closer then you think. That is a natural way things go, somebody will say enough is enough and all mayhem will broke loose. Not to say you are responsible for that outcome as people, but that just might be the result of electing that Biden guy.

Who has 'elected that Biden guy' if I may ask? :shock:
For me, it is the realization that Trump's win is slipping away that is hitting me the hardest.
They bought the time they were looking for. This is what I recently came to expect, at least. Numerous pundits have been saying inauguration could be February, March, or April. Who knows? Only certain thing, IMO, is that resolution, no matter what it is, won't look as we predict. Speculation is just a bit of fun. Enjoying the show, right?
I am sorry for the people of the USA, but I can say with a pretty high certainty that if the pointless USA wars continue, the days somebody flings back a few nukes your way might be closer then you think. That is a natural way things go, somebody will say enough is enough and all mayhem will broke loose. Not to say you are responsible for that outcome as people, but that just might be the result of electing that Biden guy.
A very good reason why many support trump.
I am reminded of this video posted almost 2 months ago by Gi Gi Young an intuitive, I think that this message should be considered. Otherwise IMO we are just following the herd, we can observe the fireworks, never forgetting the vision of creating a new world.

I've got a feeling there is going to be backlash on both sides. There are a few MSM's actively trying to figure out where protesters are staying and where they are from. Can you imagine what may happen if lists like these continue to get published?
Not much, I suppose. You are going to have your reconing day one way or another. At this stage I think that is mostly irrelevant. The main problem is that vast majority support Trump, and they have that Biden thrust on upon them. But also when he starsts acting tyranically, it will lit the fuse to pull the country into civil war. I really cant see some stickers making a change in that outcome now.
Because if Trump's case shows any sign of success, widespread (organized and not) violence is expected by his opponents, so don't give them visible targets. If it's really big and really organized, well, we know Big Tech is on their side and knows exactly who everyone is and where they live.

Every neighborhood seems plentifully dotted with signs like, "We support law enforcement" or "BLM" or "We respect science" or "Resist" or US flags, etc.
So its going to be an iteresting time. Get yer popcorn put and enjoy the show. Not much else you can do at this phase anyway.
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