2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

He's been identified as a "political actor" called Jake Angeli who is depicted in photos and videos praising Trump at a rally, leading "climate activists" in a protest, performing pagan shamanic ritual in the desert, etc. You can look him up. Bills himself as an actor and voice-over specialist as well as "digital soldier" and "YouTube personality." No idea what to make of him.
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Who identified him as a "political actor" and what does that mean? Other sources say that he is a actually a well-known figure within the Q movement:

Jake Angeli, who is better known as the “QAnon Shaman,” was captured on camera multiple times from different sources making his way through the Capitol. He was even photographed inside the Senate chambers.

The photos of this well-known QAnon figure inside the Capitol are a perfect visual representation of just how influential QAnon has been in fomenting anger around unfounded conspiracies about election fraud, eventually leading up to this moment.

Previously, Angeli has been seen protesting outside the Maricopa County, Arizona Elections Office following the spread of falsehoods that the election was being stolen from President Trump after the November election.

The QAnon supporter may stick out like a sore thumb in the photos released from the rioting inside the Capitol, but he’s become a fixture at many pro-Trump rallies over the past year as well. At these events, Angeli could often be found shouting about the latest QAnon-related conspiracies.

Though climate activism does not exactly fit with the Q people, since they think that it is a hoax. So if he did that as well, there might be something fishy.
Who identified him as a "political actor" and what does that mean? Other sources say that he is a actually a well-known figure within the Q movement:
Others, not me, which is why I quoted it. He has (or had, since I cannot find it now) a backstage.com profile.

If you're having "ascension symptoms," I guess he can guide you with shamanic advice? Curious that he seeks to alleviate apprehension with all the craziness going on in the world (per this podcast description) yet he seems to like to add to it?

Democracy is
He knew beforehand that the elections would be rigged, that the deep state media and the assets of the DS were placed all over his administration...

He knew, yet didn't believe he could lose.

I remember the last week before the Election Day rallies and the on the eve of Election Day which looked like a celebration with all family and self-gratifying speeches. While Biden didn't even sweat, because his campaign knew they had the numbers and all the assets in place.

At least should have paused and asked himself: What's their game? And how can I prevent fraud, effectively? In the end it was a game of numbers - which he lost, and never could reverse it- which means he lost because he didn't focus on what matter. The election is not quantified in outpouring of hope and barometer of love, but in numbers. You can cry all wolf all you want that's not doing any good after, except for exacerbating passions and fury...
And the Georgia runoffs... PTB doubles down. Hey, it worked before. Keep going and control POTUS and the House and the Senate. A nice easy descent into total control. Incredible. This morning I was thinking of the song about the devil going down to Georgia. Well, there was no golden fiddle to be won, only souls.
Well for those that are familiar with regime change instigated by the US in other far flung countries, it is called a coup de'etat or a color revolution.

Now it's all home grown right on US soil.
That's not the question. I was referring to events as they happened, not necessarily the 'why'.
Tuned in Carlson a little after halfway thru his show and he is hitting the hypocrisy regarding protesting BIG TIME!
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Ok, they just reported that Pence dismissed the joint session of Congress, so this seems to be game over for Trump. Sad. Very, very sad.

THIS is what the C's were talking about, I think. His chance to be bold is TONIGHT. Otherwise he is screwed. Check Reuters right now. Thugs, domestic terrorists, prosecute fullest extant of the law, Joe is right, these psychopaths have ALL the ammunition they need now. THIS is when Trump must be bold. This is the turning point, what happens tonight will be hectic. Demagogic president.
The problem I saw here - since Saturday - that there was nothing indicating the same level of upheaval "in the ether" as it definitely was a turmoil around Nov 23!: Then I got two strong pings on my "psi-radar" and could "feel" & sense the runaway-horse-like heavy emotions around the Trump election-lawsuits team. I shook off the first ping and disregarded, but when the second ping's shockwave hit me, I decided to post the "prediction" around ~Nov 23 here for the Dec 9 plan of the Trump-team, where he revealed "This is the big one.." = the lawsuit filed in the Supreme Court.

However this time:

What confounded me since Saturday - and I could only nod in complete agreement to the C's report of 52:48 - that regards this seemingly big issue there was only radio-static "in the ether". Surely, I thought, my "psi-radar" / state of mind regards 'sensitivity'.. [whatever you call this function of "intuitives"] must be broken, since I didn't and even now don't receive anything. Zilch, Nada, radio-static..

As if President Trump shrugged his shoulders and decided:
- "Meh..! Leave me alone! After my speech I'm going to England golfing and have some fun."
Its the absolute lack of the former reverberance of those heavy-emotions that dominated the ether around ~Nov 23 well before his Dec 9 revelation.

There appears to be a big nothing "building-up" in the background. As if everybody on Trumps team has gone fishing to the Bahamas. Its just perplexing. Like watching the ants on TV, when there should be reception of a channel with the usual pictures and loud sound. Yet there is nothing "in the ether" at all.

And this should / ought to be the deciding night?? WTH is going on? :-o
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