2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The way PTB is going with indiscriminate censoring, it looks to me that they don't know what they are doing and getting ready to commit suicide and they don't care. All this reminds me of monkeys rampaging the open field. Probably monkey's with burning tails. That can go so far. when right wingers stood with guns, Antifa gang could do nothing. They are cowards.

The way Trump standing in this situation is commendable. Let people watch it, feel the pain and when they (people and military guys shaking their head) feel enough of it, let them come to him with certain order.

What I read from dictatorship books, Military rule is never a homogenous top to bottom stuff. Top Military rulers always has to eliminate known enemy(to them - in one pretext or other), evolving enemy( within its own cadre, military etc. in secret. If no enemy exist, they have to pit one against other so that nobody grows bigger than them) , constantly maintain public facade of bread and circus during this process for people to believe or fear. This is NOT happening in this case.

It means the public that is watching, probably hiding guns etc. ,will regroup sooner or later. Then the REAL insurrection will come and then Trump ( or somebody else) may lead it. Until then Trump has to survive, he has to show the bold face by not resigning until 20th and keep decent behavior. Probably, by that time Fat lady may sing.

The problem with psycho's they don't know how common man thinks or feels and they can only do it in secrecy. Once secrecy is over and the people say enough is enough, the story is over. Currently, all these common people are keeping quite in the name of democracy, while the left going on the rampage in the same name. After 20th, that democracy facade will fall and field will be open after some more pain.

I don't mean this to be another distraction of "HOPE". But, that is what is going to happen, when common man is fed up and basic needs are not met. Let's see how it goes and it is hard to predict.
Hi @goyacobol. I believe my source for that is that Greg Hunter interview with Alex Newman that I linked to, and can do so again for you. I thought it was an especially helpful "wrap up" of the situation right now, and I recommend your watching the whole thing.

If I have time, I may transcribe some of it, offer some notes, etc., since there is some good information there to consider. But in the meantime, here it is:

Alex Newman - Biden Presidency Means the End of America - YouTube

Thank you for that video link. Along with everything else we have seen here this really makes it clear to me that if Trump does not "pull the trigger" they are going to eventually "pull the trigger" on us wherever they find any opposition to the takeover. So I pray the Trump does what really only he can do.

It will require a great "boldness" so here we are as @Blacki put it succinctly:

And whether we want it or not, we have no control over it, we can 'digest' what is happening, not letting ourselves be disturbed and trying to look at the reality as it is. And with a little bit of luck, take steps in the right direction. not only to "survive", but to maintain a healthy body and mind and peace of mind.

Clearly, people have to suffer, and that is only, perhaps, before us, to understand that it is not the 'System' that is good or bad there, but they themselves.

It really seems to be in Trump's hands. It may be our collective karma that prevents at least an intermediate step to ameliortae the severity of our final lessons.
That's exactly how it works: the psyops managed to convince you and others that this stuff has to be important because it's attacked. I suggest you further study evil and its forces to protect yourself from this kind of trap in the future.

Another perspective is that they are genuinely spooked by Q. It's clearly a psyop, but elements of the big picture it paints - in particular a global cabal of satanic pedophiles running the world behind the scenes - are essentially true. That's also the most galvanizing element of Qanon, the one that has converted mild-mannered middle Americans into a fanatical political army.

It seems highly unlikely to me that the establishment would be bothered by plan-trusting, since that part of it tends to discourage direct action. That said, during the summer there were very well-attended 'save the children' rallies all over the US, very much inspired by Q followers. These rallies got pretty raucous, and one of them involved occupation of a CNN building. Needless to say the media weren't eager to cover it.

So, while it's possible the supression of Q on social media, and its demonization in legacy media, may be part of the psyop - 'leading a pig' by beating it against the direction you want it to go - that might be giving the media too much credit. It seems just as possible that Q gets uncomfortably close to the truth, and while there's a huge amount of disinfo mixed in, the establishment see the potential of a genuine threat there.

For instance, Q has many aspects of a cult. Right now the 'trust the plan' narrative has a pacifying effect. When the 20th comes and goes without the plan manifesting, the social dynamics of cults suggest that, far from abandoning it, the cult will double down and mutate. 'Trust the plan' could quickly turn into 'be the plan', at which point the establishment would be faced with the prospect of several million, maybe several tens of millions, of people around the world (Q is global now), who feel they have nothing left to lose, and perceive their opponents (more or less accurately) as luciferian pedo cannibals intent on ushering in permanent global technological slavery. Were I a Davos Man, the thought of that would fill me with dread.
Just a suggestion here, but as one of the many members here who abhor and have refused to ever associate myself with Twitter (Trump’s use notwithstanding), perhaps the topic of searching for a reliable alternative should be a thread of its own. For me anyway, all this Gab and Parler stuff is just noise. I do understand that it’s part of the spreading censorship aspect of the story, but reporting on who’s been banned from where is - to me - separate from “Where can we go for the latest Tweets?” Maybe I’m nitpicking. It’s just a thought. Carry on.🥰
Oh my, another hit for the Cs it seems: instant, in-your-face totalitarianism!
As Joe stated, if Trump hesitates to play the military card, they are giving him much "motivations" to do it.
Isn't there an old comment from the C's or a member of the team in a session which is something like "... and they'll go too far and this will backfire them" ?
Maybe this is what is happening here.
That's exactly how it works: the psyops managed to convince you and others that this stuff has to be important because it's attacked. I suggest you further study evil and its forces to protect yourself from this kind of trap in the future.
The C's actually did not say, they were a psyops, they said "INSIDER" of spyops, is't that something else?
Like a undercover cop, going undercover to bust drug dealers.
If Q is a insider of psyops, he/she/ they probably know a lot a truth actually.
Maybe I'm wrong. But I just wanted to point it out to you.

(Approaching Infinity) There's been this phenomenon on the internet: QAnon. It's an anonymous 4chan and 8chan poster who alleges to be an insider in some government structure who gives predictions and vague cryptic statements that are often then looked back on and confirmed by real events - at least in interpretation if not in actual fact. It has become a semi-popular phenomenon, but Google Analytics says it's not so popular. Then the Washington Post did a poll in Florida that found that 58% of Floridians were familiar with Q, and 25% held favorable opinions on the Q phenomenon. So, this gets back a question on forum as to the identity of Q. So, first question: Who is behind Q?

A: An "insider" of psyops.
The C's actually did not say, they were a psyops, they said "INSIDER" of spyops, is't that something else?
Like a undercover cop, going undercover to bust drug dealers.
If Q is a insider of psyops, he/she/ they probably know a lot a truth actually.
Maybe I'm wrong. But I just wanted to point it out to you.

(Approaching Infinity) There's been this phenomenon on the internet: QAnon. It's an anonymous 4chan and 8chan poster who alleges to be an insider in some government structure who gives predictions and vague cryptic statements that are often then looked back on and confirmed by real events - at least in interpretation if not in actual fact. It has become a semi-popular phenomenon, but Google Analytics says it's not so popular. Then the Washington Post did a poll in Florida that found that 58% of Floridians were familiar with Q, and 25% held favorable opinions on the Q phenomenon. So, this gets back a question on forum as to the identity of Q. So, first question: Who is behind Q?

A: An "insider" of psyops.

Just because it's an insider doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad person. Can also be a spy for the good side.
Just saying i am not going to judge,without knowing 100% sure.
You need to use discernment on anything anyway, so i would not discredit everything they say.
Donald Trump has warned that efforts to impeach him are causing "tremendous anger" - but stressed he wants "no violence" in the run-up to Joe Biden's inauguration.

Speaking to reporters for the first time since last week's deadly riots at the US Capitol, Mr Trump declined to answer questions on whether he would resign.

"Joe Biden is no stranger to the Balkans. The president-elect began the first of his regular visits to the region back in the early 1990s, to Bosnia and Herzegovina initially, and later to Kosovo. He met political, religious, and community leaders and developed long-standing personal relations with many of them. In confidential letters to these leaders over the years he pleaded for inter-ethnic social cohesion and religious tolerance. Biden spoke passionately in the US senate about the need to arm Bosnians to protect themselves in their fight against Serbs and about the need to remove Slobodan Milosevic and Serbian forces from Kosovo. Biden is also the first high-ranking US official to have expressed condolences to Serbs for the NATO air strikes that took place in March-June 1999.„ from:

Pray for us Serbs when Biden comes to power. Looks like we're going to get in trouble again (Not to use obscene words) We Serbs from Bosnia, who do not want Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO, are particularly bothered. In addition, we have close and good relations with Russia. We ordered Russian vaccines and use their energy sources. We do not accept Europe's migrant policy and setting up camps on our territory. We are rare in Europe who refuse to organize Gay Pride. We cooperate with the Chinese, they are allowed to build and invest in our part of the country. For many years we have been pressured to recognize the "genocide" in Srebrenica and that we are all genocidal as a people, worse than Hitler's Germany. When Biden brings back famous bloodsuckers and witches, like Madeleine Albright, the pressure will be as if an elephant has stepped on our chest. Fortunately, today Russia is not that drunken Yecin's Russia from the 90s. Not to mention the problem of Kosovo. It will be cheerful, sarcastically speaking.
This push to destroy the man is beyond all reason, not that the DC establishment is reasonable these days. It carries with it the danger that they will put him in a position where he feels he has nothing left to lose, making "doing what needs to be done" more appealing to him.

Yes it is absolutely beyond all reason.
It could be that all earthly means have not had any effect on the man. He just keeps going and going. Seemingly one step ahead of everyone else.
Maybe 4D STS are starting to panic and feeling desperate. Which leads to many arrows 'being pulled out of the quiver'
I was browsing through "The Crowd: Study of the Popular Mind" by Gustave Le Bon to refresh my memory a bit, and came across a passage that puts into perspective this current situation of censorship going on. The accelerated censorship is shocking, and concerning for the future of free speech.

It is nothing new to members here, but seemed appropriate to what is happening across the world (politically, free speech, economy, covid, people not questioning, splitting of realities). A useful reminder as so much falls apart to not get swept up in it all. FWIW

After having exerted its creative action, time begins that work of destruction from which neither gods nor men escape. Having reached a certain level of strength and complexity a civilization ceases to grow, and having ceased to grow it is condemned to a speedy decline. The hour of its old age has struck.
This inevitable hour is always marked by the weakening of the ideal that was the mainstay of the race. In proportion as this ideal pales all the religious, political, and social structures inspired by it begin to be shaken.
With the progressive perishing of its ideal the race loses more and more the qualities that lent it its cohesion, its unity, and its strength. The personality and intelligence of the individual may increase, but at the same time this collective egoism of the race is replaced by an excessive development of the egoism of the individual, accompanied by a weakening of character and a lessening of the capacity for action. What constituted a people, a unity, a whole, becomes in the end an agglomeration of individualities lacking cohesion, and artificially held together for a time by its traditions and institutions. It is at this stage that men, divided by their interests and aspirations, and incapable any longer of self-government, require directing in their pettiest acts, and that the State exerts an absorbing influence.
With the definite loss of its old ideal the genius of the race entirely disappears; it is a mere swarm of isolated individuals and returns to its original state-that of a crowd. Without consistency and without a future, it has all the transitory characteristics of crowds. Its civilization is now without stability, and at the mercy of every chance. The populace is sovereign, and the tide of barbarism mounds. The civilization may still seem brilliant because it possesses an outward front, the work of a long past, but it is in reality and edifice crumbling to ruin, which nothing supports, and destined to fall in the first storm.
To pass in pursuit of an ideal from the barbarous to the civilized state, and then, when this ideal has lost its virtue, to decline and die, such is the cycle of the life of a people.
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