2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Been a while since I posted in this thread - seemed to be a good amount of a noise and wishful thinking in effect, both of which I am certainly guilty of. I need to see - as is.

Real life and this reality aren't like the movies - the hero isn't going to come back against incredible odds to win the day - especially not in the case of USA/Trump. Such is the nature of this STS realm.

What I can see - The chances of Trump using extreme measures is highly unlikely, and would probably lead to an even worse situation. Lots of people out there with extraordinary claims, "Zomg Trump used Insurrection Act!" "They got the Pope!" and so on. Sounds just like Q - a likely psyop that worked well to prevent people from doing anything, they couldn't even bother to switch off obviously controlled social media platforms like FB/Twitter - myself included. Derp. Also seems to have worked great with this Jan 6 "setup" to demonize Trump supporters, and give them an excuse to crack down on "muh white supremacist" - I mean, this sh!t is so obviously a setup.

Trump did wake up a lot of people to the evil of the media and deep state - even now, with the crazy censorship, election fraud - people are now saying to themselves "How? How is this possibly happening in my country? How can others NOT see what is happening"? The initial red pill - Maybe now they can go back see other lies that have been perpetrated on the world, 9/11 etc. Once that initial door opens...

My hopes? Perhaps Trump / Family survives somehow, and is able to keep using his voice to point out the insanity going on now. Help us reach a critical mass of people who see the most obvious lies.
They don't call it the apocalypse for nothing.
@Heather - I recommend you stop watching all the stuff you are. I think you are losing the plot and connection with reality with the current situation. Besides what Joe posted here - 2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

There is also this CSpan video from a different angle in terms of Trump speaking to reporters and leaving Andrews AFB near Washington.

Ha! Yes, I could very well be losing the plot, that's for sure!

Thank you for the C Span link, @Mike. It is what I was looking for to ascertain just where the president is right now, what his attitude is, etc.

Thank you. He's looking strong.

As for looking into Chad Wolf, however, I think when figure heads like that step down -- and meanwhile Pompeo is going full throttle with the America First initiatives, and is even now tweeting about the threat of Iran (he is in no way acting as if he is stepping down anytime soon, in other words) -- but when someone like Wolf steps down it's good to examine the reasons. So, I'm going to see what I can come up with. What I've bumped into so far doesn't make much sense. And apparently he was "pressured" to step down. And I'd like to know by whom. I admit this may just be a sub-plot, but sometimes understanding these ancillary events gives you other insights as to what is happening with the president, which is all of our concern right now.
I think Biden's comment on making "magazines holding multiple bullets" illegal was another one of his gaffes. He may want to fight the NRA and eventually make all guns illegal, but I don't think he'll go about it by outlawing all magazines that hold more than one bullet.

Guns can be manufactured with 3D printers, but I think that we will defeat the psychopaths by our willingness to die for truth.
sorry if i'm veering off the thread/topic road here but ..
i really liked the RED Car video of guy going to rally ..
Juan O Savin ..
well this conversation with Roseanne ( she lets him talk alot )
and tidbits come thru ..
(that Trump and wife cleared the Whitehouse before they moved in)
and PRAY ( I'VE all most all ways had a belief in GOD but now come to know and understand
Prayer works especially in numbers .. ( but i'm NOT a patriot - no flag waving here etc etc..)
but some of you may enjoy this done a few daze back ...comments welcome..


Juan O Savin...

Roseanne Barr with Juan O Savin (post certification) and Cirsten W....
( damn you tube does not put release date on videos any more )..
i think a few 3 or 4 days old as of today jan 12 2021 ...
60 minutes ..
Roseanne Barr

I’ve never considered myself a “gamer” but my time gaming has dwindled now to possibly 1 or 2 hours a week. This may be that I prefer confronting reality head on. My reading is up and I am paying significantly more attention left and right (I always double take when I look left, gotta make sure they aren’t up to something :)
It makes perfect sense though that people dive into the virtual as the real world is becoming more and more “disappointing”. Obviously covid shutdowns have had their effect on this but we must resist.
This is something I've struggled with for quite some time. It's become apparent me in the past few years, but really this year, how much I used this to ignore reality and avoid doing needed work. :(
I hear that argument or similar ones a lot in this situation coming from people in the US - that the common man will not stand for it, either because of the injustice or because his way of life will change so drastically so as to become intolerable. I think that it is instructive to see what happened and how in other countries facing similar situations. For example, in the early days of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Surely several people of those sophisticated and cultured societies could see what was going on and placed their money on citizens 'not putting up with it', as well as the fact that the nazis and communists were in the eyes of many (and rightly so) inept and/or crazy peope. But the fact is that those pathologicals did grab power and kept it for years. In the case of Germany, a World War was needed to remove them, and in communist Soviet Union, it took several decades.

What I mean to say, which I've said before on this thread, is that history shows that, unfortunately, people are capable of taking a lot of crap as long as they have something to eat. And by the time they no longer have anything to eat, they are literally too weak to fight back. Without going as far as nazism or the USSR, people all over the world have to witness outrageous acts of corruption from their governments - electoral fraud being one very common such act - and very rarely can they protest or rebel in an effective way so as to get justice done. Sometimes they rebel for a while, and after some time they grow tired or are attacked by the media so much that they become too unpopular to continue. Others, they are repressed or bought or silenced until there is no more opposition. And when they do seem to make a difference, it's almost always a case of manipulation by some other party (as in 'color revolutions') so there's is no real victory for the people.

Perhaps the difference in this case is that the American people are not used to seeing on their own soil things being so blatantly corrupt and lies and injustice being so huge and obvious, so they are still under the illusion that 'people will rise up'. Well, some may try, but see what happened on their very first try at the Capitol. Now they are being called 'domestic terrorists' and such.

So while I agree that sooner or later a pathological system such as is dawning on the US (not that it was super sane before) will eventually fall, partly because people will be fed up, the sad fact is that such a fall may take several decades before it actually materializes.
All we have to go on is what happened in the past. Prior probabilities can inform us, but the future is open. We are probably up sh*t's creek, but who really knows - it comes down to each individual. We are not bound by culture or race or anything if we have sufficient knowledge. That's despite the morphing theories of communism and socialism, which are born to convert people into cash crops.
Time for a Matrix meme!
View attachment 41599
aaaand, here's good ol' Hunter on the Roller Coaster Ride part:
View attachment 41602

Just to say, I wasn't "Here! Here!-ing" every detail included in Keytone Cops' "rant," let's call it. I was Here! Here!-ing the frustration, the "I'm reaching the breaking point" feeling being (somewhat humorously) expressed.

Giving vent to one's frustrations at times is healthy too. And I'm sure most of us, in our more sober moments, are thinking along the lines you have posted. We are here for a reason, this is happening to each of us for specific reasons. And as difficult as it is sometimes, if we look at things from that perspective it can lessen the impact of this travesty we're all witnessing.
When Hitler came, everybody looked it as a opportunistic crackdown and totalitarianism while PTB businesses did prop him up behind the scene. No body even aware of concentration camps and Gas Chambers etc. after every thing is over. I don't mean to be "doom or gloom" but just trying to understand. Anyway, C's seems to be optimistic that all of this will fail. We can only sit back and watch.
Actually, and in spite of what I wrote above, I am optimistic! :-D In a certain sense, that is, having more to do with the meaning of life than the form that life itself takes.

I do belive "all of this will fail" eventually. I just think it may take several long years of mass suffering before it does fail. And when it does, I suspect it will not be a case of us finally getting our hoped-for Utopia, but rather that there will remain a solid group of people who will still prioritize the Spirit over Matter, STO ideals over STS ambitions, and they will be able to have their 3D (or 4D by then?) lessons more or less 'in peace' - that doesn't mean there won't be any troubles or troublemakers or pain, cause those just come with the territory of learning. Just that the ultimate ambition of the STS forces of controlling every single (or most) souls on this planet and cancelling the STO choice will fail.

Also, in spite of my gloomy views on the state of the world, and that I too have been rather depressed/disappointed by recent events and all that has happened this year, I do retain the sense that life is wonderful! The mere fact that we exist and are alive is already a total miracle. And if, on top of that, we (or anyone) have family and friends and pets and love in general, and those beautiful things do exist in such a world, that is totally amazing and something to be thankful for every day.

So lets be realistic but not lose courage!
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What I mean to say, which I've said before on this thread, is that history shows that, unfortunately, people are capable of taking a lot of crap as long as they have something to eat. And by the time they no longer have anything to eat, they are literally too weak to fight back. Without going as far as nazism or the USSR, people all over the world have to witness outrageous acts of corruption from their governments - electoral fraud being one very common such act - and very rarely can they protest or rebel in an effective way so as to get justice done. Sometimes they rebel for a while, and after some time they grow tired or are attacked by the media so much that they become too unpopular to continue. Others, they are repressed or bought or silenced until there is no more opposition. And when they do seem to make a difference, it's almost always a case of manipulation by some other party (as in 'color revolutions') so there's is no real victory for the people.

Perhaps the difference in this case is that the American people are not used to seeing on their own soil things being so blatantly corrupt and lies and injustice being so huge and obvious, so they are still under the illusion that 'people will rise up'. Well, some may try, but see what happened on their very first try at the Capitol. Now they are being called 'domestic terrorists' and such.
Yep, this is pretty much the way I see it; the jackboot of totalitarianism stomping on the face of all those who dare to resist for ever and ever. Hence my aggravation. Trump had his opportunity to leverage his supporters to start a real revolution but squandered his chance. It would've been a bloodbath and it might not have been enough. It doesn't matter. Now they are going to pick off everyone who stood up for him piece by piece and one group at a time. His conciliatory tone only makes sense if he has enough support in the military to bide his time and get the "professionals" in position, which would save many lives. I don't think he has enough support among the people who matter who give the orders to do anything now, and he's just circling the toilet bowl. Relying on the military industrial complex to save us from the military industrial complex is rather foolish. You'd need a mass mutiny cum civil war to do it.

This is how the tragic dystopian societies in sci-fi films start. I see the template of life being very similar to 1984 or Brazil. Someone with courage, intellect, and determination may come along and resist the system, go through all kinds of trials and physical combat, possibly even damaging the establishment a bit, but ultimately the system is invincible and all of the hero's efforts amount to nothing. Absent some kind of deus ex machina ending, this is the only possible outcome I can realistically envision in my mind.

I can understand not "determining the needs of another," but boy do I sure feel like my needs are being determined by another. Nothing I can do about it but watch it play out, though.
I was browsing through "The Crowd: Study of the Popular Mind" by Gustave Le Bon to refresh my memory a bit, and came across a passage that puts into perspective this current situation of censorship going on. The accelerated censorship is shocking, and concerning for the future of free speech.

It is nothing new to members here, but seemed appropriate to what is happening across the world (politically, free speech, economy, covid, people not questioning, splitting of realities). A useful reminder as so much falls apart to not get swept up in it all. FWIW

Thanks for the excerpts, I think the only thing missing from Le Bon's account is knowledge about pathological individuals, since they seem to be the driving force that move a civilization towards decline, the last stages of which we seem to be witnessing across the 'democratic' West. As Lobaczewski noted, "such a system of government has nowhere to go but down."
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Just to say, I wasn't "Here! Here!-ing" every detail included in Keytone Cops' "rant," let's call it. I was Here! Here!-ing the frustration, the "I'm reaching the breaking point" feeling being (somewhat humorously) expressed.

Giving vent to one's frustrations at times is healthy too. And I'm sure most of us, in our more sober moments, are thinking along the lines you have posted. We are here for a reason, this is happening to each of us for specific reasons. And as difficult as it is sometimes, if we look at things from that perspective it can lessen the impact of this travesty we're all witnessing.
Also, it's hear, hear, as in hear ye, hear ye, I think. No biggie. Keep digging ,🤗
Yep, this is pretty much the way I see it; the jackboot of totalitarianism stomping on the face of all those who dare to resist for ever and ever. Hence my aggravation. Trump had his opportunity to leverage his supporters to start a real revolution but squandered his chance. It would've been a bloodbath and it might not have been enough. It doesn't matter. Now they are going to pick off everyone who stood up for him piece by piece and one group at a time. His conciliatory tone only makes sense if he has enough support in the military to bide his time and get the "professionals" in position, which would save many lives. I don't think he has enough support among the people who matter who give the orders to do anything now, and he's just circling the toilet bowl. Relying on the military industrial complex to save us from the military industrial complex is rather foolish. You'd need a mass mutiny cum civil war to do it.

This is how the tragic dystopian societies in sci-fi films start. I see the template of life being very similar to 1984 or Brazil. Someone with courage, intellect, and determination may come along and resist the system, go through all kinds of trials and physical combat, possibly even damaging the establishment a bit, but ultimately the system is invincible and all of the hero's efforts amount to nothing. Absent some kind of deus ex machina ending, this is the only possible outcome I can realistically envision in my mind.

I can understand not "determining the needs of another," but boy do I sure feel like my needs are being determined by another. Nothing I can do about it but watch it play out, though.

Pretty much sums it up, both your post and Windmill Knight.

But it is really what we expected from way back before Trump came along and gave people a bit of hope. Obviously, that hope was hopeless. It's not that I don't think Trump has the cojones, it's that he has a family that he apparently loves, and that makes him very vulnerable to threats and intimidation. I sure hope he has an exit strategy.

Nevertheless, we are seeing exactly what you have described: "the jackboot of totalitarianism stomping on the face of all those who dare to resist".

However, the Cs did say that change would follow the turmoil. And they have said that there is a triple bad day for folks like the Rockefellers coming up. I guess that's your deus ex machina ending. It will sure be interesting to watch.
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