2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Trump's speaking now from the Mexico border:

ADDED: ...and he's apparently been cut off just 10 minutes in.

He spoke about how border control improved during his term, but that's as far as he got.
RSBN is still live covering it here:

Edit: it just ended. It looks like Monkey Werx's suspicions and research that Trump was in Texas sometime after the 6th was correct. With all of the wolves and friends-turned-betrayers, I guess it makes sense for him to be somewhere out of DC right now.
Ok nevermind. The whole thing lasted just 20 minutes. He thanked local border control/law enforcement, then the YMCA song came on, and he left.

I think this livestream caught the whole thing:

So no Insurrection Act today Joe!
Thank you for that video link. Along with everything else we have seen here this really makes it clear to me that if Trump does not "pull the trigger" they are going to eventually "pull the trigger" on us wherever they find any opposition to the takeover. So I pray the Trump does what really only he can do.

After just listening to Trump's address to the border patrol in Amarillo Texas I think that my assessment was too black and white.

Even under all the duress he has suffered he only praised all the people who helped create a wall to keep the criminal element from entering the "US of A" (as some descrbe us).

I suppose I never thought of Trump and Gandi having anything in common but now I see some similar characteristics. He praised the President of Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) for helping secure the border with the Mexican Army while the wall was being built and their good relationship with each other.

I even sense a bit of the "faith of Jesus" in him. Maybe "pulling the trigger" is not the best solution for our situation and perhaps Trump senses that.

I think his businessman boldness and other qualities is enough for which to be thankful. Duties performed and mission accomplished I think. I pray for his safety and his family. It is up to the rest of us to do whatever our part may be.
To bring it home a bit, maybe this really is the end for Trump, and he will finish his days broken and imprisoned, while his supporters will languish under brutal totalitarianism. In the short term, that seems like the worst outcome. But what will that lead to in the long term? Will that totalitarianism be able to last? Will it succeed in permanently breaking the spirits of the people? Or will the people discover within themselves previously unguessed at reserves of strength and ingenuity that enable them to come through the other side renewed and revitalized?

Actually, and in spite of what I wrote above, I am optimistic! :-D In a certain sense, that is, having more to do with the meaning of life than the form that life itself takes.

I do belive "all of this will fail" eventually. I just think it may take several long years of mass suffering before it does fail. And when it does, I suspect it will not be a case of us finally getting our hoped-for Utopia, but rather that there will remain a solid group of people who will still prioritize the Spirit over Matter, STO ideals over STS ambitions, and they will be able to have their 3D (or 4D by then?) lessons more or less 'in peace' - that doesn't mean there won't be any troubles or troublemakers or pain, cause those just come with the territory of learning. Just that the ultimate ambition of the STS forces of controlling every single (or most) souls on this planet and cancelling the STO choice will fail.

Also, in spite of my gloomy views on the state of the world, and that I too have been rather depressed/disappointed by recent events and all that has happened this year, I do retain the sense that life is wonderful! The mere fact that we exist and are alive is already a total miracle. And if, on top of that, we (or anyone) have family and friends and pets and love in general, and those beautiful things do exist in such a world, that is totally amazing and something to be thankful for every day.

So lets be realistic but not lose courage!

I think it's worse than that today, and it was likely the same during those times you mention. It's pretty clear that there is a large percentage (let's say at least half) of the population that IS putting up with it and will CONTINUE to put up with it NOT in the sense that they know what's really going on but decide to just accept things but rather that they DON'T see what's going on, AT ALL. That is to say, they believe the government and media narrative and will continue to do so right up the "bitter end".

These people are the REAL problem. Without them, no government manipulation would ever get very far. So we're stuck, trapped on a planet with a bunch of emotional 5 years old pretending to be adults and waiting with baited breath for every order from their beloved government/parents. That, for me, is the crux of the matter and explain all similar bad times that have beset organised, large scale human civilization.

Here is what Werner Heisenberg wrote in 1942/1943 in Germany at the height of the Nazi experience (in his posthumous work "Ordnung der Wirklichkeit"). The energies sure sound similar:

We must also accept that there are and will be great masses of people who, to use a parable, can no longer be met by the Loving God. Nothing will be improved by giving these masses material goods as compensation. Nor do we mean those who are outwardly unwell or unable to think, but those for whom the world has a gray and rigid face. In a large ordered community these people, led by the smaller group of the others or the youth, still somehow take part in the meaning which connects all. But in a time when this meaning has become unclear and must be found anew, they are in a hopeless situation in which even the care of others means no comfort (anymore). But that is not what matters either. Perhaps no one can save these masses from the fate of having to fight bitterly for political power on some side. But it depends now on the fact that the few, for whom the world still shines, stick together and recognize themselves over the others. For only to them can the meaning be revealed which is given anew to the world.

It is not the powerful man who, conscious of his right, destroys the enemy and throws those who resist into prison who is important, but the prison guard who, contrary to the prohibition, cannot refrain from occasionally slipping the prisoners a piece of bread.[...] Even the loudest roar of great ideals must not confuse us and must not prevent us from hearing the one quiet note on which everything depends. That is why those must now unite who still know the white rose, or who can perceive the sound of the silver string.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Ok nevermind. The whole thing lasted just 20 minutes. He thanked local border control/law enforcement, then the YMCA song came on, and he left.

I think this livestream caught the whole thing:

So no Insurrection Act today Joe!

You and I may have a slightly different point of view in what those facts are saying. I give you credit for paying attention. Many events and facts are rather obvious even to "Muricans". Some of the nuances may not be so obvious. Just ask @Laura if you have any questions. Perhaps "insurrection" is not the answer.
I think it's worse than that today, and it was likely the same during those times you mention. It's pretty clear that there is a large percentage (let's say at least half) of the population that IS putting up with it and will CONTINUE to put up with it NOT in the sense that they know what's really going on but decide to just accept things but rather that they DON'T see what's going on, AT ALL. That is to say, they believe the government and media narrative and will continue to do so right up the "bitter end".

These people are the REAL problem. Without them, no government manipulation would ever get very far. So we're stuck, trapped on a planet with a bunch of emotional 5 years old pretending to be adults and waiting with baited breath for every order from their beloved government/parents. That, for me, is the crux of the matter and explain all similar bad times that have beset organised, large scale human civilization.
Fully agree- so many out there who have bought every word and absolutely cannot see or tolerate the idea that there is another side to what is happening. I am surrounded by them right now at work and everywhere I go. I have stopped any conversation other than polite small talk because when trying to have discussions with them it always ends badly. Looking for another way to earn a living because it will completely drain me if I remain here- but not sure yet how to proceed. These people- the ones who refuse to open their eyes to the truth and will likely follow any order given to their grave without question are the biggest obstacle we face and I don't think that will change anytime soon
Deutsche Bank and Signature Bank have refused to continue to do business with Trump and his companies. How long before they come for his supporters? Those who called China an oppressive regime due to its social scoring system are likely to experience a much worse version of it. It's going to be particularly fun in a cashless society that depends on banking institutions.

You and I may have a slightly different point of view in what those facts are saying. I give you credit for paying attention. Many events and facts are rather obvious even to "Muricans". Some of the nuances may not be so obvious. Just ask @Laura if you have any questions. Perhaps "insurrection" is not the answer.

The above is not really intelligible. Can you clarify what you mean?
"Joe Biden is no stranger to the Balkans. The president-elect began the first of his regular visits to the region back in the early 1990s, to Bosnia and Herzegovina initially, and later to Kosovo. He met political, religious, and community leaders and developed long-standing personal relations with many of them. In confidential letters to these leaders over the years he pleaded for inter-ethnic social cohesion and religious tolerance. Biden spoke passionately in the US senate about the need to arm Bosnians to protect themselves in their fight against Serbs and about the need to remove Slobodan Milosevic and Serbian forces from Kosovo. Biden is also the first high-ranking US official to have expressed condolences to Serbs for the NATO air strikes that took place in March-June 1999.„ from:

Pray for us Serbs when Biden comes to power. Looks like we're going to get in trouble again (Not to use obscene words) We Serbs from Bosnia, who do not want Bosnia and Herzegovina to join NATO, are particularly bothered. In addition, we have close and good relations with Russia. We ordered Russian vaccines and use their energy sources. We do not accept Europe's migrant policy and setting up camps on our territory. We are rare in Europe who refuse to organize Gay Pride. We cooperate with the Chinese, they are allowed to build and invest in our part of the country. For many years we have been pressured to recognize the "genocide" in Srebrenica and that we are all genocidal as a people, worse than Hitler's Germany. When Biden brings back famous bloodsuckers and witches, like Madeleine Albright, the pressure will be as if an elephant has stepped on our chest. Fortunately, today Russia is not that drunken Yecin's Russia from the 90s. Not to mention the problem of Kosovo. It will be cheerful, sarcastically speaking.
That is why many Bosnian people like Biden. He was talking in support of the Bosnian Muslims. And that may be the one of the rare positive things when it comes to him, or no, depending how you look at that. However, he is not main problem of the Serbs in Bosnia, Serbs in Bosnia are problem to themselves so to say. They have leader like Milorad Dodik who is probably very corrupt and probably many others, also low fertility. Population of the Serbs in 2013 was 1 086 733 while in 1991 it was 1 366 104. And today in 2020 it is probably even lower. Bosnia and Herzegovina probably can not enter the NATO if Serbs put VETO. So, there is probably no need to worry too much. Bigger problem for Serbs is probably economy, fertility and corruption. Serbs in Bosnia had their own army but they agreed to form army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they probably also agreed for SIPA- police which have jurisdiction in RS as well, and probably many other things.

You think that cooperation with China is a good thing ? Russian vaccines as well ?

Did you ask Bosnian people do they want migrant camps on their territories in Bosnia ? You say that Serbs do not want camps, but migrants are coming over the border from Serbia through Republic of Srpska into Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Why do authorities in Republic of Srpska entity allow them to cross the border if you do not want them, while in the same time they allow them to go to Federation. Why Serbia allows migrants to come to Serbia in the first place and then to Bosnia ? If you are from Bosnia you may know about the problems with migrants in and around Bihać.

Many, many problems which Serbs have are caused by the Serbian politicians, they lost Yugoslavia which was big Serbia in a way. Even if Russia was led by the Yeltsin in 1990 it is certainly not the main reason for the things that happened. Serbs are the reason or their leaders for many things that happened in Yugoslavia. Putin was in power in 2006 for example but Montenegro still managed to get independence. You see it is about peoples will or their corruption in this case. Even if Putin was president in 1990, do you think that he could prevent Slovenia and Croatia from getting independent ? Even Bosnia and Macedonia ?

Before "Biden does anything", Serbs should fix their own territories in Bosnia than blame him if he or his administration, or anyone who maybe controls him does anything.

Also, when it comes to the genocide, please can you find me 1 mosque on 49% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska) which is not destroyed or demolished, maybe you can find one. I think it was 16 mosques in Banja Luka which were all destroyed in the war. 16 mosques in the city which was not involved in the fighting because it was majority Serb area. That is only one example. Did mosques attack Serbs somehow ? Every action has it's consequences or if I may say reactions. You may see that if you look from 1990 up to 2020. At least 8 municipalities which had Bosnian Muslim majority in 1991 census, in 2013 had Serb majority.

Map is not totally accurate in 2020 and also according to the census in 2013, because some municipalities in blue on the left side which are supposed to be Croat in 1998 after the war, in 3 of them Serbs came back and they are majority according to the census in 2013. And in one green which is supposed to be Bosniak majority, Serbs came back. In Republic of Srpska Bosniaks came back to Srebrenica and are slight majority and in small municipality of Vukosavlje. But from 27 000 Bosniaks in 1991 there are now around 7000 of them in Srebrenica.

I went a lot off-topic, but I think it is good to know the situation about Bosnia in case of some future happenings and it is also in Europe and it may be interesting for someone to know situation in this part of Balkans. When it comes to the civilian casualties, Bosniaks had the biggest according to the source. And many people who are from Bosnia may know that.

Civilians : Bosniaks - 31 107, Serbs - 4178 - Croats - 2484, however when it comes to the numbers certain number of Serbs are probably killed by Serbs themselves especially during the so called siege of Sarajevo and in other situations, and probably by Croats as well. This may apply to all sides, in bigger or smaller numbers (that members of certain ethnicity are killed by that same ethnicity or other two). For example certain number of Bosniaks are killed by Croats but also maybe by Bosniaks as well.
Sarajevo had big number of Serbs before the war, many of them probably left the city during the early stage of war or little bit before the war. However certain number of them probably remained in the town during the war.

The siege lasted three times longer than the Battle of Stalingrad and more than a year longer than the Siege of Leningrad.[4] -


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