2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I'm just watching the NVIDIA GeForce Special Event - Live - well in 2 years the amount of people who have gone into "Games" has doubled.

That is the state of reality, most people. Sometimes I wonder what must be happening. No electricity, no food? To make some people start to look at reality?

"Millions of people turning to gaming"

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This is interesting, and disturbing.
During the past year, I have wondered how quickly the predictive programming in this movie would start to become a "reality".
Notice, I wrote "a" reality.
There seem to be so many alternate timeline splits happening so often and quickly now, so many "different" realities, that any interaction feels like walking onto a floor completely covered with different sized marbles and ball bearings.
Balance is everything!

Anyway, the the Movie is called "Darwin".
I do not remember seeing anyone else mention it, and just try putting that name into search! 🤪
My apologies if it has been discussed before.

All humans are in locked in enclosures, because there is a "terrible attacking monster" in the world, so no one is safe, unless locked up. The media ensures the fear of "outside" is reinforced daily.
"Humans have become the tools of their tools"
A glimpse into a Future, where society is solitary.
Everyone's World is lived through their computer.
The computer tells you when to wake, to sleep, to eat, to work.
Texting has replaced conversations, and screens have replaced touch, smell and taste.
So while I agree that sooner or later a pathological system such as is dawning on the US (not that it was super sane before) will eventually fall, partly because people will be fed up, the sad fact is that such a fall may take several decades before it actually materializes.

It could, but I don't think so because of the larger context. (i.e.) The Wave, earth changes, cosmic occurrences, the pressure the STS forces are feeling and their wishful thinking leading to miscalculations, etc.

But it could take a few years or more. However, things always seem to take longer than I think they will so...
I was thinking the other day that it would be hilarious if he had to escape the USA and he ended up in Russia like Snowden since no Western country would take him - or not threaten to extradite him.

Then the Dems could say, "SEE?! WE KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!!"

Funny I said something similar straight after the election, "Maybe Putin will give him sanctuary"
Pretty much sums it up, both your post and Windmill Knight.

But it is really what we expected from way back before Trump came along and gave people a bit of hope. Obviously, that hope was hopeless. It's not that I don't think Trump has the cojones, it's that he has a family that he apparently loves, and that makes him very vulnerable to threats and intimidation. I sure hope he has an exit strategy.

Nevertheless, we are seeing exactly what you have described: "the jackboot of totalitarianism stomping on the face of all those who dare to resist".

However, the Cs did say that change would follow the turmoil. And they have said that there is a triple bad day for folks like the Rockefellers coming up. I guess that's your deus ex machina ending. It will sure be interesting to watch.
All I need is a shack, hound dog, two pairs of blue jeans and a fishin' pole.
Always wished the Q question had been "What is its purpose and aim?" Certainly it is a psyop. The 3rd-grade curriculum is a psyop. Major League Baseball is a psyop. A protest by Frontline Doctors is a psyop. At least, as I define them. Aims vary.

The purpose and aim was to 'capture' the die-hard Trump supporters and vector them towards militantism and by so doing, defame 'Trumpism'. I say that because that is what happened. Also, I don't think this particular psyop is on the same level as MLB.
Thanks for the excerpts, I think the only thing missing from Le Bon's account is knowledge about pathological individuals, since they seem to be the driving force that move a civilization towards decline, the last stages of which we seem to be witnessing across the 'democratic' West. As Lobaczewski noted, "such a system of government has nowhere to go but down."
It has been many years since I read "Political Ponerology", but it does seem to really be playing out that way. Thank you for pointing that out! I may need to revisit that book. I remember enough of it to see it in action today though. It is unfortunate how the past repeats itself, and society hasn't, as a whole, learned from its mistakes. The mistakes are becoming more severe, and obvious to anyone paying attention, but there is hope that something good will come out of all of this at the end (transition to 4D, failure of the STS elite plans).

You are right that Le Bon is missing that piece of the puzzle, but it was written over 100 years ago. It is helpful to have in mind when reading "Ponerology", like an intro or cliffnote, but it does have it's shortcomings. The two books relate to one another, but the better of the two is "Political Ponerology". Amazing to see how prescient that book has become.
The purpose and aim was to 'capture' the die-hard Trump supporters and vector them towards militantism and by so doing, defame 'Trumpism'. I say that because that is what happened. Also, I don't think this particular psyop is on the same level as MLB.
I think another purpose is to take the eye away from the pedophilic elite by having a group that is always wrong continuing to push it.
It’s like saying that these pedos are all being brought to justice but then they never are, so the source calling them pedos is clearly wrong so they must not be pedos. Sorry if this was confusing.
For example, in the early days of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Surely several people of those sophisticated and cultured societies could see what was going on and placed their money on citizens 'not putting up with it', as well as the fact that the nazis and communists were in the eyes of many (and rightly so) inept and/or crazy peope. But the fact is that those pathologicals did grab power and kept it for years. In the case of Germany, a World War was needed to remove them, and in communist Soviet Union, it took several decades.

I think it's worse than that today, and it was likely the same during those times you mention. It's pretty clear that there is a large percentage (let's say at least half) of the population that IS putting up with it and will CONTINUE to put up with it NOT in the sense that they know what's really going on but decide to just accept things but rather that they DON'T see what's going on, AT ALL. That is to say, they believe the government and media narrative and will continue to do so right up the "bitter end".

These people are the REAL problem. Without them, no government manipulation would ever get very far. So we're stuck, trapped on a planet with a bunch of emotional 5 years old pretending to be adults and waiting with baited breath for every order from their beloved government/parents. That, for me, is the crux of the matter and explain all similar bad times that have beset organised, large scale human civilization.
A small rant ... not used to ...

I'm a bit deceived that so many here lost their capacity of simply wishing for a better world.
In french, the sentence would be "Ils se déclarent déjà vaincu alors que cela n'a même pas encore commencé" (rouglhy traduced by "They are already declaring themselves defeated when it hasn't even begun yet")
And when someone dare to just say what he hopes, here come the usual "wishful thinking" arguments.
As said previously, if Trump would be dead, i would close it and accept this battle is lost.
But he's not dead, and he needs our moral support now, not sentences like "I would like him to ... but they are too strong and he'll resign", i'm not sure that such thinkings help our world to go in right direction but on the PTB"s one, and that's the reason that whatever arguments are given here, he's still alive, and i wish him the courage to act for the good of our future.

Anyway, enjoy the show.
To all : :hug2:
This is the latest from James Corbett, in these times after the shell shock of the recent events. He offers hope and reiterates the messages given by Laura and Cathrine Austine Fitts, regarding forming our own alternative communities. He calls it Freedom Cells and the Great Reset. The first person in this series he interviews is John Bush, ironic LOL An interesting surname, he offers information and ideas how to create these communities.

In this inaugural edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to John Bush, the host of Live Free Now with John Bush and an activist who founded the Freedom Cell Network to help like-minded solutions-oriented freedom lovers meet, organize and collaborate. Now, he is co-organizing The Greater Reset Activation conference which is due to take place later this month. We talk to him about these different projects and how people can get involved to start taking back power into their own hands.

As always with James Corbett, links provided.

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