But you seem to be overlooking a lot.
China's Big Tech has always lacked innovation. It's the reason the "Chinese intellectual property theft" scenario has been in play in the United States for decades now, not just recently. You see the United States, as much as you may want to trash it, happens to be good at technological innovation. More recently, China faces a problem concerning the building of factories capable of producing high end products (like those produced in the U.S. and Japan, for example). It's one thing to flood the market with cheap stuff, quite another to upgrade. So, there are internal problems that are extremely challenging to them at present, and the CCP's focus on ideology is, according to many, interfering with progress in these areas, which would make sense. Resorting to communist sloganism is not the same as "getting things done." If Trump has demonstrated anything, it's an ability to get things done. Yes, he's been blocked and undermined in countless ways, but he has also put in place countless initiatives, which of course includes addressing the past egregious trade practices with China, set up by Clinton and his corrupt cronies. Also, have you never heard of the virtual enslavement of workers in China? It's a huge story. Or the human organ trafficking tied to imprisoned Chinese? Or the fentanyl trafficking out of China that's devastating much our country?
And, I mean, it is a totalitarian state, are you aware of that? That goes a long way in getting over their programs no matter what they consist of. A virus? No problem, lock down everything, every one; use apps to surveil and punish, and even keep people from returning to their own homes should they be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as happened. All without explanation: you are not on the list, you cannot go there. You don't have this code on your i.d. card, you are banished. It's a snap. Big Tech in America would like nothing better than to follow suit, and they are doing just that.
I would agree that every story has its two sides, and I'm sure there are good things about China, most especially relative to individuals, which is always going to be the case. But to endorse China right now as a whole? When, strategically, they are (thanks to Biden, Obama & Co) expanding militarily in the South China Sea in a way that will prove onerous should they succeed in total domination? Yes, that's your cue to bring up the West and how corrupt its foreign policy is, and of course I would have to agree. But, once again, the one doesn't dismiss the other.
According to Catherine Fitts, seaways are as crucial just now as space technology/weaponry, and every nation is aware of this, so it seems we aught to, as individual researchers, be aware of these things as well. According to Fitts: all eyes are on the South China Sea. And she's by no means one of those China blamers. Far from it. Her take on the globalist financial re-set agenda is chilling, particularly given her background in government accounting and financials.
As far as color revolutions go, this needs to be rooted out and dealt with. It was disgusting when it was happening on foreign soil, and it's disgusting now that they're using "The Play Book" domestically. But there are things just as disgusting going on in totalitarian China, make no mistake. I have never liked the CCP, starting with how they treated Tibet and then propagandized away their culpability, rather like Israel and Palestine. Again, you will rightly compare that with U.S. foreign policy, and I make no claims to defend the U.S. on that count. But there is a complexity of factors here, and one should not dismiss China's culpability just because [in being totalitarian] it's been able to fend off types of foreign infiltration. That in itself does not a just society make.
Since Color Revolutions came up, for those who haven't seen this, it's a good overview:
Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump