2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

After Jeff Prather speaking of Pelosi's connection to China today, I thought this was interesting.

President Trump’s Executive Order (EO) yesterday was sent to Speaker Pelosi while she was busy impeaching the President again on false and shoddy charges. The EO appears directed at the Bidens, and any Americans working with the Chinese, to enhance the Chinese military.

President Trump on Monday issued an Executive Order that prohibits US Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies. Then yesterday the President sent an email directly to Speaker Pelosi regarding this same EO (#13959). In his email the President shared that the EO includes the trade of public securities related to China but also derivatives related to these securities:
It is unclear why the President sent this email directly to Speaker Pelosi. Is she involved in investments with China? Maybe this is a requirement of the law or maybe he was trying to point something out to her?

What does seem clear though is that Hunter Biden’s security firm in China is likely affected by this law. Red State reported in October 2020:
With as concerned as the left has been about a bank account Trump has in China, perhaps they should pay a bit more attention to the fact that Hunter Biden and the stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry were operating a venture capital firm with Chinese State-Owned Entities like the Bank of China?
Heinz left the partnership when Hunter and Archer joined the Burisma board, but Hunter still owns 10 percent of BHR through his investment firm, Skaneateles LLC. His share is conservatively valued at $50 million, according to the report.
More than 50% of BHR is owned by the Bank of China (BOC Below):


We also know from documents identified at the Illustrated Primer by Yaacov Apelbaum, that BHR held a Board meeting in March of 2019 where they discussed not only investments, but a strategic decision to ensure their actions were inline with the actions of the Chinese government. Included were the minutes from the January 2019 meeting where Hunter Biden heard the Board discuss the China owned firm investing in AI-related companies and other foreign ventures. Per the minutes:

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This appears to be exactly the type of activity that President Trump made sure the Democrats knew are strictly prohibited by his EO this past week.

It’s really no surprise that the Bidens are so close to China that they work with them for the good of China. These people should never come near the White House.

Trumps letter to Pelosi and Pence.

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Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days

trump face 1a_0-1.jpg

"He has delivered in a big way. More than a foot-high stack of documents he has authorized to be released by the FBI and the DOJ. These are the things that the FBI has tried to keep from the public for 4 years. They have amazing, big picture revelations," Solomon told Fox News'"Lou Dobbs Tonight."

mbww said:
The book is heavy on psychopathology, for those interested, I was more interested in the religion/consciousness insights - I couldn’t find much.


This statement bugged me, mbww, the fact that you can say you “couldn’t find much” in this book in terms of religion/consciousness insights. So if I may, I’d like to ask a few questions:

How much time, effort, and thought did you actually devote towards understanding what this book is talking about? Was it a just a quick glance? Did you take more time composing your forum messages?

Does the book not offer insights into the minds of essential psychopaths, as well as present an overview of pathological deviations, and how they (and the population in general) contribute to the Hysterical Cycle?

Does the book not offer the discerning reader an alternative, yet unique insight into why all human-made organizations, irrespective of their historical/cultural context, including religions, have never been immune to corruption?

More importantly, doesn’t the book offer insights into how your own mind has been corrupted and twisted by living in an environment made for and by psychopaths, and your place within the terror of history?

Does the prospect of what kind of monster you might have turned into, had you not read the book, terrify you, and yet make you thankful that you are at least now forearmed with that knowledge?

Did you not catch a glimpse of the grace, the almost miraculous internal guidance that ordinary, everyday people all around you seem to have? People from all walks of life, who persevere and try their very best to stay on a path of conscience, despite not only being severely damaged by living in a Ponerised environment, and worse still, most of whom have no means of articulating what is happening to society in a scientific, articulable manner?

The questions above don’t even start to scratch the surface of the wealth of insight that I have gained from Political Ponerology, and I have been grappling with these questions for about 10 plus years now.

On top of that, there are many forum members (some of whom are way more insightful, intelligent, and hard-working than I) who have shown, across the vast oceans of information on this forum, that if you really take the words within that book seriously, then there really are no limits to our understanding of consciousness/religion through this subject.

mbww said:
And that’s how adversity and division creep in society and from there is just a descent to barbarism.
As opposed to diversity and inclusion (even artificially instilled) which foster cohesion and lead the way to the future.

So, if you have read this book, yet your questions pertaining to religion and consciousness are still lost for want of asking, then I’d say you are the one sowing the seeds of adversity and division, because whether you know it or not, you are being adverse and divided against yourself.

I sincerely hope I am wrong, so please correct me if I am being overly presumptuous, or if I am mistaken in any way (That goes for everyone else, of course, I haven't participated in the forum for ages).
After watching Jeffrey Prather (Prager) tonight several things came to my mind.

His take on the possible events of Jan 20 was very short indeed. He did not lie when he said that Trump was surrounded and he thinks that he was probably told to go quietly.

Prather, though retired is a military man. If the military would have any significant plans for Jan 20 his oath and his common sense would urge him to keep his mouth shut. There has been enough speculation already.

If the Chinese infiltration of the US and take-over of politicians of the incoming administration is really as bad as Prather describes it the military simply cannot accept the new regime, not just because it's illegitimate - that may not be so important - but they would have to fear that the CCP's friends in D.C. may cut their funds and destroy the military's ability for waging war against China itself.

So the main struggle may not be Trump vs. Biden anymore but rather the US military against China.

Prather further mentioned that Pelosi was asking the Navy for the deployment of 5,000 marines (!) in addition to the around 25,000 national guard troops already in Washington D.C.

He said that she was asking for 'battle-ready reinforcements"
because she thinks the national guard may be 'ill prepared'.

What are all of these troops to do apart from clogging up the capital?
What kind of battle is she expecting?

Does she actually believe that other branches of the military may be coming to town on January 20?
Thanks for your thoughts, they're thought provoking. Pelosi was told she can't ask for the marines since that can only be authorized by the president. Yes, why would she want that? Very curious. The National guard could be for show and possibly a false flag they're planning but why 5000 marines as well? Seems extreme. As far as Biden reducing the military funding being a threat to the military, I believe Obama did that and Trump spent a lot of time and money building it up again.

Good point about Prather not letting anything out (if there is anything). He is a former intelligence officer and I get the impression sometimes he uses his words carefully.

We discussed symbolism coming up a few times here and I thought this fit well with that and it involves another owl! I'm not sure if the 7 ft. fence has been erected around the whole thing or not. The owl is being protected from what?


A low-yield, "homemade" nuke taking out the the conventional line of command and more, Executive, Congressional and Judicial along with many soldiers, citizens and permanent damage or destruction to those iconic Masonic structures in Washington DC.

Chaos reigns, then COG emerges and the deal is really sealed, all crazy fiction of course :-D
uh.....I am all for fun... BUT - I am thinking that a post like this could easily be misconstrued by the wrong sort of person(s). In the current environment, I think everyone needs to be circumspect about what they post in this regard since it effects us all. I think you know what I am talking about. In a case like this, it doesn't matter what you mean, it matters how it can be taken. After all, they are calling what happened at the White House an attempted coup in some circles. That is absurd, of course, but that doesn't make any difference. I know you don't mean it seriously, and I may be over-reacting with paranoia but I think it needs to be said. I am not a moderator. Perhaps they might make a comment?

Left-Wing Activist Charged For Agitating Crowd At Capitol; NARRATIVE DESTROYED!

As the Daily Caller reports, "federal prosecutors have announced charges against John Sullivan, a self-described left-wing activist who recorded the fatal police shooting of a Trump supporter inside the U.S. Capitol last week"
An FBI affidavit issued against Sullivan on Thursday cites comments he made on video he recorded during the Capitol breach.

Sullivan told FBI agents as well as members of the media that he showed up at the Capitol to document the activities of Trump supporters who were protesting the results of the presidential election. But the FBI affidavit indicates Sullivan was acting more an active participant in the riots than as a journalist.

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Evil doesn’t have an existence of its own, yet it becomes manifest through suffering, that’s a fact. So in order to avoid having to think about evil, eliminate suffering, work for a better world.
This sounds contradictory, besides thinking this way you could fall into wishful thinking and ignorance of reality. Actually, you seem to be focused just on certain topics in this forum, ignoring the great research done by several people (specially Laura) through the years in all fields, i.e. philosophy, politics, religion, health, earth changes, etc.

You can try to build a philosophy of based on spotting STS interferences at every step of the way, become an expert in it like the Essenes, but that’s not a sound practical philosophy.
It's not about building philosophy around evil, It's about seeing reality as It is and looking for "tools" to face it the best way.

I could be wrong, but so far you seem to be in the wrong place. In this forum nothing is imposed, we see, analyze and discuss (real) facts and draw conclusions from these observations, always supported by networking and feedback.
An STS-possessed reality it is a serious distortion of reality, even in myths and traditional religions evil is regarded more as a 'corruption' of the perfect nature state of Creation brought in by various factors and the perfection is ultimately restored, rather than a pain in the neck for humanity to deal with constantly just because someone planted the seed in the human psyche, and it’s there.

Better create a unified view of the world that incorporates STS and STO influences, with a positive outlook in it.
Talk about contradictions. It seems you yourself don’t know what your stance is. So is evil/STS a legitimate part of reality or an aberration to be done away with?
Being preoccupied with psychoanalyzing and dissecting evil is not a good way to fill your time with. Concerning yourself with evil or wrongs is the path of least resistance, since you either lose any hope or pin your hopes on a future salvation with a “sit and wait” or “wait and see” attitude...That doesn’t give you any impulse or motivation to do something meaningful, just the illusion that you got it all figured out.
This shows perfectly you have things completely backwards and have no clue about how people think here. We choose to align ourselves with Good, but accept Evil as a part of life and reality. To be able to do that, one must be willing to look at Evil without making judgements on the merits of it. It’s there and it ain’t going anywhere.

And then I find you quoting this passage
"All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. [...] Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you."
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castañeda

Clearly Don Juan is talking about aligning yourself with the STO polarity and at the same time he’s saying that the choice is unweighted.
It appears that you’re just posting here to disagree and make yourself out to be a free thinker as opposed to the rest of us misguided morons. Wrong place to attempt that, since people here have done a lot more research than you ever will, and you’re musings are quickly seen as utter nonsense.
You sound just like a typical SJW, cherry-picking data to fit your preconceived notions informed by thinkers in the leftist Marxist domain.
I suggest going back to reading, reading, reading and doing so without falling back on anything you think you already know.
Man Who Stormed Capitol, Stole Nancy Pelosi's Laptop, Found Dead By Alleged Suicide

Any news on that? I quite don't follow which sources to trust theese days.
Christopher Stanton Georgia, one of the people charged and fined for illegal entry, and was found dead in the basement of his house, presumed due to suicide.

The news was covered by a variety of sources. None of the more recognized ones have said anything about Pelosi's laptop, or made the claim that Christopher was the one who took it. Only the sketchy source you quoted mentioned that, so I'd question its face value. I couldn't find anything more substantial which connected the two, anyway. Maybe there's something there, but I'd be cautious about jumping to conclusions.

As it happens, an aide to Pelosi claims the laptop was from a conference room and only used for presentations.

Sounds like muddy water to me.

Yeah, it’s a chore, but I think it’s a good exercise in discernment and critical thinking, plus not getting annoyed.
Yeah, it's interesting.

If you figure reading through his text is like shoveling wet snow, then what's it like to be the one inside his head?

I've run into similar people before, where you can't make any headway because the existing superstructure of their thinking is impossibly tangled, contradictory and complicated, the mental muscle over-developed and out of sync with their other aspects of being. His text is either like squid ink, (blow a cloud and run!), or actually represents the labyrinth he exists within.

I used to foolishly believe it was my place (and within my abilities) to engage with and maybe help guys like that, but not anymore. I've been burned too many times and I'm pretty useless at it. -Basically, if you can't get your own act together and bring a non-cracked vessel to the head of the line, then it's pointless to serve soup.

But his persistence and temperament indicates a willingness to continue exploring. So there's either something propelling him to discover and maybe learn, or he's just being driven by some kind of automatic function. Based on experience, I can't see him lasting very long. He's not letting go of his cookie, and that's step one to getting your hand out of the jar.

(Oooh! Squids and Cookies? Such perky metaphors today! That must be what an extra cup of coffee does!)
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