2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Yeah, it's interesting.

If you figure reading through his text is like shoveling wet snow, then what's it like to be the one inside his head?

I've run into similar people before, where you can't make any headway because the existing superstructure of their thinking is impossibly tangled, contradictory and complicated, the mental muscle over-developed and out of sync with their other aspects of being. His text is either like squid ink, (blow a cloud and run!), or actually represents the labyrinth he exists within.

I used to foolishly believe it was my place (and within my abilities) to engage with and maybe help guys like that, but not anymore. I've been burned too many times and I'm pretty useless at it. -Basically, if you can't get your own act together and bring a non-cracked vessel to the head of the line, then it's pointless to serve soup.

But his persistence and temperament indicates a willingness to continue exploring. So there's either something propelling him to discover and maybe learn, or he's just being driven by some kind of automatic function. Based on experience, I can't see him lasting very long. He's not letting go of his cookie, and that's step one to getting your hand out of the jar.

(Oooh! Squids and Cookies? Such perky metaphors today! That must be what an extra cup of coffee does!)
A bit authoritarian. Normalcy. Dont know if thats a word. Being the measure of all things. Thats hubris.
I do not like reading him. Maybe because his thinking patterns can rub off and nestle somewhere unnoticed.
Thats like how he got them? Someone said Donner-Kruger, you do not miss what you cannot perceive .
But analyzing could be a good exercise and practice in mental hygiene. My 2cents.
Man Who Stormed Capitol, Stole Nancy Pelosi's Laptop, Found Dead By Alleged Suicide

Any news on that? I quite don't follow which sources to trust theese days.

Christopher Stanton Georgia, one of the people charged and fined for illegal entry, and was found dead in the basement of his house, presumed due to suicide.

The news was covered by a variety of sources. None of the more recognized ones have said anything about Pelosi's laptop, or made the claim that Christopher was the one who took it. Only the sketchy source you quoted mentioned that, so I'd question its face value. I couldn't find anything more substantial which connected the two, anyway. Maybe there's something there, but I'd be cautious about jumping to conclusions.

As it happens, an aide to Pelosi claims the laptop was from a conference room and only used for presentations.

Sounds like muddy water to me.
Ye, and how can you die in your own house, when you are in jail?
I don't know how true that is, but it certainly provides a convenient narrative touchstone to keep around whenever I witness either of those two and their supremely weird demeanors and wonder, "Zounds! What went wrong with those guys?"

They certainly do look damaged to me.

Or maybe Greenbaumed like Bill Gates according to the Cs:

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.
Beginning to look like a political sci-fi novel, why not go all out crazy on the imagination scale:

A low-yield, "homemade" nuke taking out the the conventional line of command and more, Executive, Congressional and Judicial along with many soldiers, citizens and permanent damage or destruction to those iconic Masonic structures in Washington DC.

Chaos reigns, then COG emerges and the deal is really sealed, all crazy fiction of course :-D
Speaking of nukes, Monkey Werx is tracking an extremely sophisticated helicopter that's been making the rounds called the "sniffer." It goes from pretty high altitude to very low, where it covers specific sites in order to detect nuclear, chemical or bio-weapons activity.

So, sci-fi may sometimes err in the extreme at times but does not belie the fact that these are very dangerous times.
I suspect I may get blow back here for saying CCP is involved in taking over the USA. They are involved along with the usual actors and its not just propaganda at this point it looks like.

Well, there is no evidence that the Chinese govt. is involved in the way all these people are suggesting. Sure, it's involved economically, but that's normal. The focus on China is another psyop (it was promoted mostly by "Q") designed to agitate and distract the truly loyal Americans (mostly Trump supporters) from the only enemy they've ever had: their own government and the 'deep state' intel types that lie behind them. Remember that the US govt./deep state has spent most of the last century attempting to convince Americans that their enemy lay outside their borders.
Well, there is no evidence that the Chinese govt. is involved in the way all these people are suggesting. Sure, it's involved economically, but that's normal. The focus on China is another psyop (it was promoted mostly by "Q") designed to agitate and distract the truly loyal Americans (mostly Trump supporters) from the only enemy they've ever had: their own government and the 'deep state' intel types that lie behind them. Remember that the US govt./deep state has spent most of the last century attempting to convince Americans that their enemy lay outside their borders.
Yep, my thoughts too -seems to be standard counterintelligence protocol. Just waiting for them to announce it was a 6-foot 4-inch Chinese guy living in a cave on kidney dialysis who masterminded this whole thing.
The American magazine Forbes warns all companies that will hire former employees of Donald Trump:

A Truth Reckoning: Why We’re Holding Those Who Lied For Trump Accountable

It's a predictable statement but still unfortunate. Sure some might make a lot of $ in the future, but casting a negative blanket ban over a group of people, proclaiming to the world their high road stance (implying their own organization is squeaky clean, and only comprising holier-than-thou staff) and threatening to hold anyone who dares to go against them will be subjected to their 'wrath' is pretty despicable. The rest of their statement is equally as important:

We’re going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we’d approach a Trump tweet. Want to ensure the world’s biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation? Then hire away.

If only they applied the same logic and critique to the other psychopaths that inhabit the upper echelons of 99% of every major company/organization.

This isn’t cancel culture, which is a societal blight.

Except, it is.

Nor is this politically motivated, as Forbes’ pro-entrepreneur, pro-growth worldview has generally placed it in the right-of-center camp over the past century — this standard needs to apply to liars from either party. It’s just a realization that, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, in a thriving democracy, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. Our national reset starts there.

When facts are pre-muddied to begin with by a plethora of outlets, it's hard to even have a conversation, never mind it approaching a balanced conversation.
The Arizona case to get a forensic audit on the election went nowhere fast. It is stalled and held up in the court system. Guess I should of known better than to be even a bit hopeful that the legal system might actually work in this case. This clip gives all the so called legal reasons why it stalled if anyone is interested. It just seems to be more of the same interference.

I am not sure how to react to this interesting article.

Notoriously lawsuit-happy California man Erik Estavillo is back to sue again – and this time it’s Twitter for banning President Donald Trump and spreading “communist philosophies.”
Estavillo – who sued video game streaming platform Twitch last year after he allegedly received injuries by masturbating too much to female gamers on the site – is now suing Twitter, as well as Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, claiming that Trump’s ban has caused him “overbearing pain and suffering.”

According to the lawsuit, as well as seeking $88.7 million dollars in financial compensation, Estavillo is also “seeking justice” for the millions of Trump followers “who are now suffering adverse mental affects as they too were heavily invested in his account.” Claiming to have “no friends” and to rarely leave the house due to a “myriad of health issues,” Estavillo added that he relies on Twitter to engage in political discourse and “needs to hear voices from the full political spectrum.”
If one thinks election is stolen, Socialist agenda is not good, trump followers are hurt, they will be associated with this monkey character. Whether he is a deliberate cointelpro or some opportunistic nobody, this will be a good enough proof for the MSM for throwing labels.
Well, there is no evidence that the Chinese govt. is involved in the way all these people are suggesting. Sure, it's involved economically, but that's normal. The focus on China is another psyop (it was promoted mostly by "Q") designed to agitate and distract the truly loyal Americans (mostly Trump supporters) from the only enemy they've ever had: their own government and the 'deep state' intel types that lie behind them. Remember that the US govt./deep state has spent most of the last century attempting to convince Americans that their enemy lay outside their borders.

I used to think that, but there are so many seemingly credible sources that are concerned with China; and the Hunter Biden story looks to be factual, which implicates his father in a big way. And that's at the very top of power. So many other players are implicated. Now NASA comes up in this vein, and, as is more typical, Silicone Valley:

In the interest of full disclosure here, The Epoch Times was founded by a Chinese ex-pat who loves China, and hates the CCP. Does this mean his bias renders all his reporting on China inaccurate? No, but it does point to what the paper's overall agenda is concerning China, so it's good to keep that in mind. And I do. And yet the left's "embrace" of China seems even more problematic, if not onerous. I mean, considering how exceedingly corrupt these players are.

So, I have to remain on the fence right now on this one.

Sometimes two narratives exist simultaneously. One does not have to push the other one out necessarily.

I do think that those who are only interested in pointing the finger at China are too narrow in their focus, and that I agree speaks of an agenda. I mentioned as much with The Epoch Times. But to dismiss China as not being of serious concern I think is a mistake. It's another factor to take in, along with other factors. No doubt the whole globalist agenda trumps China right now, but that doesn't mean you take China out of the picture. (Side note: it's funny how the word 'trump' can't be used in an ordinary sentence without our now being self conscious about it; it's a word that will no doubt be banned by Pelosi at the next congressional session, seeing how, just in using it, it's sure to "incite violence.")
It's amazing to see people still holding out for Trump to do some "kraken" magic or something.
You mentioned them in your latest amazing NewsReal show, thank You for that! :D
Latest candidate is Monsieur Simon Parkes with a very likeable face, glasses, when I first saw him this weekend after clicking on a one-liner in this thread, so I went in cold. No prejudice, I didn't have any info, preliminary opinions of others about him.

I opened his YT video offering "update": he appeared to be an intellectual, super-informed, very aware of world-events, especially the current situ, seemed intelligent. On last ~Saturday he appeared to be very knowledgeable. He stated, he has secret sources in High Gov./Mil. Positions close to President Trump, sources he cannot name. Where did we hear that? Oh, Michael Salla giving minute-detail reports about exo-political superpowers and the infighting going on in the US Military.

Near the crucial Monday night Simon Parkes invited two other of his close associates and on a split screen all three stated they have secret sources in high gov./mil. positions they cannot name and all stated that the Tuesday-Wednesday Pandemonium, during which Trump-Allied military groups will take back power via Nation/World-wide blackouts and chaos and activating the [in NewAge circles] famous Rods of DOG army superweapon. They all agreed, that for some reason that entire party was brought forward from Tue-Wed to Monday night... "its going to happen" in a few hours, 5 or 6 hrs most! One of Simons guest was Danielle. Trust Danielle's Light-Workers! :D

Blimey! Golly, crikey & cripes! Nothing of that happened! Okay.. maybe this all important world-chaos-breakout event schedule was changed back to happen on Tuesday, or on Wednesday... in the last minute.
But today is Friday and nothing of what they so convincingly promised happened. No world-wide blackouts, no Trump-led US Insurrection, no 'non-nuclear' explosions destroying Deep State bunkers, where "they are experimenting on people..". Their promised grand process of swamp draining hasn't started at all.

The entire world situation remained largely the same: a slow-motion walk / schamble into totalitarian rule, nothing changed.

By Friday (this week), their entire sensational Mon-Tue-Wed promise was completely forgotten. Seamlessly they changed gears, said YT was censoring them, so they fled YT, gone to bitchute and there they try to continue giving "shows" about.. about.. what? Their audience in the comment sections of these "special report" videos was clearly learning this lesson.

For the world-wide audience holding their breaths, this entire situation of hoping-waiting on an external hero to solve all our problems, is now teaching us the most important lesson:
Ain't no heroes are coming, because
We are the only ones left.
The hope of humanity rests on us.
Our strength is now all that matters.
China is only of serious concern because it's a CAPABLE competitor to the US.

Whilst the US relies on military might to exert its global dominance, China relies on economics, mutual cooperation and diplomatic ties. China is embarrassing the US in front of the world.

The only thing the US has on China is the extreme cultural differences between China and the Western or Western-influenced world. The Chinese seem alien in the way they are, we don't understand it and frankly, we find it scary.

In true terms, the country that is of concern to global citizens is you know what. If we're talking "track record" then one country stands above the rest in recent memory as being a huge concern to global citizens everywhere.
Added: The truth of the fact of the matter is China has achieved independence from the US-led oligarchy.

2020 truly showed that. China had its panic with covid, got itself sorted and continued quite independent from everyone else.

Whilst the US and Europe have been busy shooting themselves in the foot, terrorising their own citizens and now threatening them all with enforced gene therapy, China has been forging forward and lifting millions of its citizens out of poverty.

Whilst China gives its citizens hope, the US & West have nothing to offer but fear.

Frankly, the PTB must be fuming that China dare take this path which is entirely independent from there's.

And worse, they can't even touch it... It's too economically strong and it has a military of comparable might with weapons that ensures mutually assured destruction should the US attempt to send freedom tomahawk missiles there from warships.

Lastly and unlike Russia, China has a completely unified political structure that protects it from what the West knows how to do best - export democracy in the form of colour revolutions that then splinter a nation to a thousand pieces from the inside out.

By God, I'm not pro-China but am I glad it's there.
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