2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Or, what's being set up here possibly is a false flag on the back of 1/6 that will see JB, or KH, enact the insurrection act, or worse. Now that'd be a quick slide into totalitarianism. Same day delivery 🚚
The question is, when does Trump actually hand over the keys, as it were? If he still has the military on that date then that wouldn't be an option for Biden. Remember, too, Kamala Harris has not given up her senate seat yet (or at least as of very recently, when I last heard this issue brought up). That is very unusual. So, she is waiting until it is absolutely positively a done deal. In other words, she has more doubts about what's about to happen than a lot of us here do (!)
Well, a false flag could solve a few problems in one go: Kill Biden and make this ‘blemish’ go away, make way for Kamala Harris, and put the final nail in the coffin of Turmp’s already tarnished reputation.

One hit, many problems solved - I know it’s a crazy thought! :-D
What's wrong with Jack Dorsey? He always seems like he's on drugs or something. He has the "feel" like he's not all there and lacks substance. A weird guy.
Well.., if Alex Jones is to be believed, Dorsey and Zuckerberg (and others at their level) spend a lot of time attending group DMT-style drug events where attendees kibbutz and negotiate with whatever they call 4D STS. "CLockwork Elves" or something like that? (Seems appropriate for people who have completely re-wired their brains by pushing altogether too much computer coding language through them at the expense of real human contact.)

Basically, the dark side has their own nightmare version of a letterboard and planchette.

I don't know how true that is, but it certainly provides a convenient narrative touchstone to keep around whenever I witness either of those two and their supremely weird demeanors and wonder, "Zounds! What went wrong with those guys?"

They certainly do look damaged to me.
Well.., if Alex Jones is to be believed, Dorsey and Zuckerberg (and others at their level) spend a lot of time attending group DMT-style drug events where attendees kibbutz and negotiate with whatever they call 4D STS. "CLockwork Elves" or something like that?

In silicon valley a lot of employees start their workday microdosing LSD and this continues throughout the day. It's part of the work culture and they are very open about it. They believe it gives them an edge. In truth it only opens them up to other layers of realities. Including 4STS. OSIT.
Well, a false flag could solve a few problems in one go: Kill Biden and make this ‘blemish’ go away, make way for Kamala Harris, and put the final nail in the coffin of Turmp’s already tarnished reputation.

One hit, many problems solved - I know it’s a crazy thought! :-D
Beginning to look like a political sci-fi novel, why not go all out crazy on the imagination scale:

A low-yield, "homemade" nuke taking out the the conventional line of command and more, Executive, Congressional and Judicial along with many soldiers, citizens and permanent damage or destruction to those iconic Masonic structures in Washington DC.

Chaos reigns, then COG emerges and the deal is really sealed, all crazy fiction of course :-D
In silicon valley a lot of employees start their workday microdosing LSD and this continues throughout the day. It's part of the work culture and they are very open about it. They believe it gives them an edge. In truth it only opens them up to other layers of realities. Including 4STS. OSIT.
Good grief!

I had no idea! -So I scrambled to do some research on this, and right at the top of the search returns saw that it's an accepted part of main stream pop culture; Forbes even published an editorial about it:

Andrew Leonard’s piece in Rolling Stone last week, “How LSD Microdosing Became the Hot New Business Trip,” caught my attention for two reasons--the first of which was shock at this new “trend,” but then awe at the lengths twentysomethings will go to in order to enhance their creativity and productivity at work.

Are things so dire in the workplace that some persons are now turning to microdoses of psychedelics in order to reach new heights in creativity?

Microdosing refers to taking a much smaller dose, about 10-15 micrograms or about 1/10 the standard dose of LSD --and is thought to confer a much weaker effect on your body, just the amount to produce mild euphoria, energy lift or added insight, without allowing you to feel like you are “tripping.”

So, we all need a little pick-me-up at work--but maybe a grande Starbucks coffee, Monster energy drink or a 5-Hour Energy might not be enough for some “ubersmart twentysomethings,” as James Fadiman, author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, explains in the Rolling Stone article.

It seems that the “ubersmart twentysomething set” is looking for a “healthy” alternative to Adderall, with the motivation being partly driven by a search for the creative and innovative effects from LSD, explains Fadiman. Since he first described the concept of microdosing at a conference in 2011, the number of people experimenting with this technique using LSD has been increasing, he reports.

The trend in the workplace, according to Fadiman, seems to be strongest in San Francisco, but there are examples from all over the globe describing this disturbing trend.

Those fools!

No wonder Big Tech is so evil these days! They've voluntarily hard-wired their hamster brains to the 4D realm without knowing a damned thing about the dangers, about the predatorial forces living there, just waiting to gobble up naive 'psychonauts'.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!
[...] We all recognize that attempts at control are all eventually destined to fail. But we do recognize that 'negative' forces, which by their inherent nature are incapable of comprehending that they are merely an aspect of the light that manifests all, believe they can dominate and do seek perpetual control (i.e. the extinction of the light that made them). This is the subtle difference between what you think we think and what we actually do. This dominance seeking by the dark can rise dramatically for a period and give all the appearance of managing to wrestle control away from the light - and that darkness can appear to last for enough time to produced increased suffering - but everything is merely a lesson and the sun will rise once more and balance will be restored - and lessons will have been learned. But no amount of thinking that this can't happen because of love and light not allowing it to be so will ever bare scrutiny against the fullness of reality itself. So good luck to you with trying to maintain that illusion over the next while. Its going to take an awful lot of self-delusional mental gymnastics to sustain.
Do you have an ETA as to for when the sun will rise again and balance be restored?
See, the problem with this view of ‘temporary dominance’ of forces of evil, but everything will fail, we just have to lay low and defend against evil? -- there’s no participation needed for changing the state of affairs. It’s just a way to trick your mind and feel in control of the situation.

You can try to build a philosophy of based on spotting STS interferences at every step of the way, become an expert in it like the Essenes, but that’s not a sound practical philosophy. Reality catches up one way or another - you have to make a living and conform to some social and thinking norms, you have to do business and relate with people of different persuasions, plus you risk falling into the trap of seeing evil and “psychopats” at every corner. There’s a fair amount of STS-polarization that needs to be incorporated and manifested in every aspect of life. Unless you opt for a split personality. Better create a unified view of the world that incorporates STS and STO influences, with a positive outlook in it.

Being preoccupied with psychoanalyzing and dissecting evil is not a good way to fill your time with. Concerning yourself with evil or wrongs is the path of least resistance, since you either lose any hope or pin your hopes on a future salvation with a “sit and wait” or “wait and see” attitude...That doesn’t give you any impulse or motivation to do something meaningful, just the illusion that you got it all figured out.

The “learning requires suffering” is contentious, at best. Many have stuck their teeth in trying to explaining suffering, yet it’s still debatable. A better way of framing it is that learning is a corollary, but not the reason for suffering. Evil doesn’t have an existence of its own, yet it becomes manifest through suffering, that’s a fact. So in order to avoid having to think about evil, eliminate suffering, work for a better world.
My erring towards the side of positive outcomes is similar to Pascal wager, depending on one's beliefs.

As for achieving the balance between light and dark and suppressing wishful/magical thinking in order to avoid delusion...it’s not just wishful thinking. It’s the spark that moves us. In fact, if you look at the Universe there’s more dark than light...That’s where we come in. It’s the imagination that has led to differentiation of man from animal and the qualitative jump from 2D to 3D. Similarly, if you’re yearning for 4D, you gotta keep working and have open mind and update your consciousness, we are not done yet... Since the cave men paintings, humans have manifested their imagination. Creative imagination is arguably the most significant element in the evolution of consciousness, without which you and I wouldn't even have this conversation here today…

We are now at the point where we can influence reality with our thoughts more than ever before. Yeah... it’s been said before it’s wishful thinking, new-age stuff, brainwashing, nothing happened.
Well, actually it did happen.
I mentioned in a previous post the idea of “progressive society” or logocracy as referred to by Lobaczewski. If you think of it, it’s the United States that has influenced and set the course of civilization in the world for the last two centuries, for better or worse. I can argue that it is the American ‘positive thinking’ - as articulated through the New Thought movement of the 19th century and later representatives such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy - and the ‘can do’ attitude derived from that thinking that has been the driving force in coalescing and exerting this power. It’s not the ‘American exceptionalism’ but the ‘American positivism’ that has forged the world's most progressive nation over the last two centuries. Positive thinking has shaped motivational speakers, business leaders, politicians, even marketers and thus reached masses...Because it worked all along, and it works today even better. It did help of course that ‘the pursuit of happiness’ and not ‘the pursuit of doom and gloom’ was inscribed in the Declaration of Independence.
Do you have an ETA as to for when the sun will rise again and balance be restored?
See, the problem with this view of ‘temporary dominance’ of forces of evil, but everything will fail, we just have to lay low and defend against evil? -- there’s no participation needed for changing the state of affairs. It’s just a way to trick your mind and feel in control of the situation.

You can try to build a philosophy of based on spotting STS interferences at every step of the way, become an expert in it like the Essenes, but that’s not a sound practical philosophy. Reality catches up one way or another - you have to make a living and conform to some social and thinking norms, you have to do business and relate with people of different persuasions, plus you risk falling into the trap of seeing evil and “psychopats” at every corner. There’s a fair amount of STS-polarization that needs to be incorporated and manifested in every aspect of life. Unless you opt for a split personality. Better create a unified view of the world that incorporates STS and STO influences, with a positive outlook in it.

Being preoccupied with psychoanalyzing and dissecting evil is not a good way to fill your time with. Concerning yourself with evil or wrongs is the path of least resistance, since you either lose any hope or pin your hopes on a future salvation with a “sit and wait” or “wait and see” attitude...That doesn’t give you any impulse or motivation to do something meaningful, just the illusion that you got it all figured out.

The “learning requires suffering” is contentious, at best. Many have stuck their teeth in trying to explaining suffering, yet it’s still debatable. A better way of framing it is that learning is a corollary, but not the reason for suffering. Evil doesn’t have an existence of its own, yet it becomes manifest through suffering, that’s a fact. So in order to avoid having to think about evil, eliminate suffering, work for a better world.
My erring towards the side of positive outcomes is similar to Pascal wager, depending on one's beliefs.

As for achieving the balance between light and dark and suppressing wishful/magical thinking in order to avoid delusion...it’s not just wishful thinking. It’s the spark that moves us. In fact, if you look at the Universe there’s more dark than light...That’s where we come in. It’s the imagination that has led to differentiation of man from animal and the qualitative jump from 2D to 3D. Similarly, if you’re yearning for 4D, you gotta keep working and have open mind and update your consciousness, we are not done yet... Since the cave men paintings, humans have manifested their imagination. Creative imagination is arguably the most significant element in the evolution of consciousness, without which you and I wouldn't even have this conversation here today…

We are now at the point where we can influence reality with our thoughts more than ever before. Yeah... it’s been said before it’s wishful thinking, new-age stuff, brainwashing, nothing happened.
Well, actually it did happen.
I mentioned in a previous post the idea of “progressive society” or logocracy as referred to by Lobaczewski. If you think of it, it’s the United States that has influenced and set the course of civilization in the world for the last two centuries, for better or worse. I can argue that it is the American ‘positive thinking’ - as articulated through the New Thought movement of the 19th century and later representatives such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy - and the ‘can do’ attitude derived from that thinking that has been the driving force in coalescing and exerting this power. It’s not the ‘American exceptionalism’ but the ‘American positivism’ that has forged the world's most progressive nation over the last two centuries. Positive thinking has shaped motivational speakers, business leaders, politicians, even marketers and thus reached masses...Because it worked all along, and it works today even better. It did help of course that ‘the pursuit of happiness’ and not ‘the pursuit of doom and gloom’ was inscribed in the Declaration of Independence.
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