2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Anna Makanju Is Not Only Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine But She’s Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship​

On Saturday the Conservative Treehouse broke the story that Facebook’s lead executive on Election Policy is Joe Biden’s former advisor to Ukraine. Anna Makanju works for Facebook today after advising the Biden Crime family in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
Now we can now report that Anna Makanju is:
  • Facebook’s executive in charge of public policy who leads efforts to ensure election integrity,
  • A former Biden senior policy advisor for Ukraine.
  • The person at Facebook who is no doubt involved in conveniently blocking the Hunter Biden email reports from spreading on Facebook.
  • Connected to corrupt ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella from the Ukraine impeachment sham.
  • Associated with the Atlantic Council.
  • But, she is also a fellow and recipient of the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for new Americans. (Paul Soros was the older brother of George Soros.)

Sperry Exposes The Complete History Of Hunter Biden's Crony-Connected Jobs​

That the 50-year-old Hunter has been trading on his Democratic father’s political influence his entire adult life raises legal questions about possible influence-peddling, government watchdogs and former federal investigators say. In addition, the more than two-decades-long pattern of nepotism casts fresh doubt on Joe Biden’s recent statements that he “never discussed" business with his son, and that his activities posed "no conflicts of interest."

No fewer than three committees in the Republican-controlled Senate have opened probes into potential Biden family conflicts. Investigators are also poring over Treasury Department records that have flagged suspicious activities involving Hunter's banking transactions and business deals that may be connected to his father’s political influence.
Will these scandals finally take Sleepy Joe down? Don't hold your breath. He's appears to have been at it his entire career. However, he hasn't been under the microscope like this.

political influence and body parts trafficking.
Yep Robs old digs.

New documents reveal chilling details of alleged 'body broker' ring
Friday, March 20, 2015 ABC Chicago, IL
SCHILLER PARK, Ill. (WLS) -- Newly-unsealed documents detail what federal investigators allegedly found when they raided two suburban businesses, a Schiller Park crematorium and the Rosemont office of the Biological Resource Center of Illinois, which arranges body donations for medical research, in January.

The documents say that the raids uncovered thousands of body parts and tissue samples; everything from heads and hands to legs and torsos, all part of an alleged "body broker" ring that illegally obtained and sold human remains on the black market.

Federal authorities say the operation came to light after scores of body parts were found on ice, instead of embalmed, in warehouses in Detroit and Phoenix.

Documents show some of the remains were infected with HIV, Hepatitis and other disease, but nonetheless sold for medical training to hospitals and doctors in the U.S. and overseas.

Federal agents say those body parts were supplied by Biological Resource Center of Illinois. They also say the company lied to its donors, promising remains would not be sold.

But financial records obtained in the January raids show whole corpses were routinely sold for $5,000, arms for $750 and heads for $500.

Named in the documents are Donald A. Greene and Donald A. Greene II, the father-and-son owners of Biological Resource Center and the Schiller Park crematorium.

Their attorney responded to the documents in an email, saying, "There is significant information missing from the affidavit that provides a fuller picture of the standards and practices employed by BRCIL. Those standards and practices are in line with industry standards."

That attorney says BRCIL has been cooperative with investigators. The unsealed documents are related to the search warrants executed in January, and no criminal charges have yet been filed.

January 20, 2016

Organ Harvesting, Human Trafficking, and the Black Market
Last Updated on November 12, 2019 Decoding Science Staff (8-10 minute read)
Mid Snip:
Where do the organs come from? Willing donors, in some cases. An NBC Chicago investigative reporter found that people even boldly advertise their kidneys for sale on Craigslist. The investigation revealed that hundreds of people in Illinois were willing to sell their kidney for a few thousand dollars. After discovering a Chicago area man who was offered $30,000.00 for his kidney and received several hits in one month, they went undercover posing as a person willing to sell a kidney and exchanged emails from organ brokers as well as doctors who were willing to perform the transplant for a fee.

Unfortunately, many people become victims of the illegal organ trafficking industry as well.

Trump signs order to combat human trafficking
Jan 31, 2020

Rahm Emanuel, Israeli Toadie?
Jan 30, 2011 James Corbett 49:30
FYI, fellow peeps with a love of history, when Wright Patman went after the astristocratic banks and the trusts -- he knew he had to go after the foundations, too. If you don't take out the foundations, your reforms are meaningless drivel. Evil puts on a charity face at all times. If they go after Big Tech and not the foundations, they'll get nothing for their time.
Line 1
1- Western specialists in Central Asia say that the Iranian government is very disturbed by the Azerbaijani control of the borders with Iran in the lands occupied by Armenia, and that there is a real fear of a popular revolution from Iranians of ethnic Azeri who are disturbed by their government's standing with Armenia and Iranian military action on the borders.

Line 2
2- If Joe Biden wins the presidency of the United States, the agreement with Iran now will be greater. It is not limited to returning to the Obama agreement that he signed with Iran in 2015, but they also agree on the issue of support for Armenia and hostility to Azerbaijan and Turkey. Biden also needs Iran to alleviate the tension in Iraq!

3- Oil, Iran will test the new president just by winning the elections by publicly exporting oil instead of being secretly, and Biden cannot say anything because if he said or acted, he would implement Trump's sanctions that he criticized during the past four years. Later, Iran will actually increase exports, perhaps in February

6- These increases will come because of Biden's unwillingness to implement Trump's sanctions, and not because of a new treaty between the Biden government and Iran. And not because Venezuela has lifted the ban. These things will come later.

LIVE: President Donald Trump in Erie, PA #Pennsylvania
Streamed live 3 hours ago

I ended the NAFTA nightmare and signed signed a brand new USMCA
Oct 21, 2020

Pennsylvania crowd chants ‘Back the Blue!’
Oct 21, 2020

WATCH: Team Trump Online with Lara Trump, John Rich, and Steve Moore
Streamed live 6 hours ago


Bevan Cooney Moved from Prison Cell after Providing Email Account Exposing Hunter Biden​

Bevan Cooney, the former business associate of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family, has been moved from his cell, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to Breitbart News.

On Tuesday, several days after emails Cooney provided to Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer and journalist Matthew Tyrmand became public, federal agents moved him from his cell to protect him. Tyrmand, who is in contact with members of Cooney’s family, told Breitbart News that Cooney was moved from his cell in a federal prison in Oregon around 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday. Tyrmand said that Cooney spoke with family members multiple times on Tuesday, which he said is “much more than usual.”

“Bevan could sense that things had changed with the rise in visibility of his story,” Tyrmand said.

Cooney’s family stressed to Tyrmand they are “extremely concerned given the nervousness gleaned from Bevan’s reaction this morning and they would appreciate a sign from the powers that be that Bevan is in protective custody.” It is unclear where Cooney has been moved to, and in whose custody he currently is.

Kamala Harris Exposed​

A journalist talks about Harris, first amendment civil liberties, and Planned Parenthood political influence and body parts trafficking. As mentioned, if elected, Harris would be one heartbeat away from being president.

I think every nose-holding democrat voting believes they are voting Kamala. And Joe will die. The same people who believe since Trump is "Literally Hitler" that is moral to vote two or three times for kleptocrat because she's might be literally Lenin or Mao or Castro.
Heads Up. Ghislaine Maxwell documents to be released the morning of the last debate tomorrow. The timing is curious. We'll see what happens if anything.

Documents in Ghislaine Maxwell Criminal Case Expected to Be Released by Oct. 22


Rudy Giuliani Turns Over Alleged Photos Of Underage Girls From Hunter's Hard Drive To Delaware Police​

Things just took a very dark turn in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

While the alleged crack, cronyism, corruption was enough to spark the biggest media suppression in history, and no denials whatsoever from the Biden camp, the bombshell that Rudy Giuliani just dropped, if true, is egregious to say the least (not just with regard Hunter Biden but the law enforcement authorities who have allegedly had this information since before Trump's impeachment but done nothing about it).
So why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the Hunter Biden laptop case? OANN's Chanel Rion says she's seen the contents of the hard drive, which includes "Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals," which make "Anthony Weiner's down under selfie addiction look normal."

Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Truth About Wealthy MI Bar Owner Is Exposed By Conservative Media​

In the “The Blind Pig” ad, Joe Malcoun is simply identified as “Joe.” The Biden campaign ad never mentions that Joe’s a wealthy business owner or that he frequently hosts big-ticket fundraisers for high profile Democrats in Michigan.
“We don’t know how much longer we can survive,” Joe tells viewers.

In the ad, Malcoun falsely accuses President Trump of his business woes, “This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response,” he says, adding, “We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue.”

The truth is, “Joe” is a wealthy business owner, and he’s also a large donor and fundraiser for the Democratic Party. On July 1, he told the Detroit Free Press that he and his business partners had “other income sources” and that The Blind Pig was just a “passion project.”

“This is Donald Trump’s economy,” says the Democratic Party fundraiser, completely ignoring President Trump’s pleas to MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer to reopen the economy.
It's pretty disingenuous to blame Michigan's lock-down-induced economic woes on Trump instead of tyrannical Gov. Whitmer. But the left is all about cognitive dissonance. And let's face it, Venal Joe and his surrogates stopped making sense a long time ago.


Joe Biden Cannot Be President – Time For The Democrats To Put “Country Before Party”​

We are not simply faced with the possibility of a crook being elected to the highest office in the land. We are facing the very real possibility of having a man, Joe Biden, who is owned by the Chinese Communist Party sit down in the Oval Office.

The amounts of money that are involved are staggering. In one meeting with Communist Chinese officials, Hunter Biden secured $1 Billion. That sum was later upped to $1.5 Billion.
We have known for some time that Chinese businesses implicated in espionage on American soil have been connected directly to Hunter Biden. They stole American nuclear secrets. They targeted sensitive technology used in the F-22 program. We have also known that at a minimum Joe Biden, watched all this happen and did nothing.
The Bidens seem to have taken a lot of cash from a lot of people around the world. None of that seems to have come anywhere close to the amount of cash the Chinese forked over.
Biden cannot remain the candidate of the Democratic Party for the office of President of the United States. He is not simply corrupt. He is now potentially a threat to the national security of the United States of America.

Was Joe Biden’s Son Part of a Chinese Spy Operation to Steal U.S. Nuclear Technology?​

CGN was formed in 2014. One of its cornerstone investors was the private equity firm BHR Partners, headed up by Vice-President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
This billion-dollar fund came into existence less than two weeks after Hunter Biden accompanied his father on a state visit to Beijing. The money to create the fund came from the Chinese government.
Biden and BHR were also involved in other joint ventures with the Chinese government targeting sensitive American technology and strategic materials. BHR and the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) bought the American “dual-use” part manufacturer Henniges in 2015.
The year before Biden’s BHR teamed up with AVIC That company stole technology related to the F-35 fighter program from the United States.
Hunter’s involvement with CGN, though, is something qualitatively different. This was not simply a matter of a guy who had been tossed out of the Navy for cocaine use cashing in on his father’s position. This was a matter of climbing in bed with a hostile power and working as an agent of that government to the detriment of the citizens of the United States. This was not just corruption. This was espionage.

Was Joe Biden’s son part of a Chinese spy operation to steal U.S. nuclear technology? Sure smells that way.
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