It's becoming "youtube unlimited" ... you know, now they can do what they want, free ride, open bar, gene free
Something tells me they gonna review that and try to solve this "issue". How could they ? Well, why not removing the dislike button, or add new one and take this as pretext to remove dislike by something less ... you know. .. dislike is like hate speech finally, no ?
Or they can review the algorithm to make this kind of manipulations more ... smooth
What is sure is that all like or dislike are well recorded, and the removed ones (like or dislike, because this happen in the other side too) are also in the bag, and the whole is probably well backup'ed somewhere, but also directy (or almost) sent or processed to fill one huge database.
What happen if they start to threaten all the ones who dislike ? Less will dislike ... or more ?
Anyway, i'm pretty sure they are already deeply thinking of what would be the best method to counter these annoying observations or reality, after all they said that they create their own reality ( kinda inversed
I try to find some ways to react on our side.
Best would simply be to avoid from more to more youtube (could do +/- same comment for other wel known platforms). But wouldn't be playing their game, helping the schism in the population to grow ? Then these kind of clips would have more like than dislike ? Is it worth it to "dislike" ?
Was just some thoughts hanging around i catched
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