2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Prominent Black Conservative Bevelyn Beatty Stabbed in the Back… Multiple Proud Boys Stabbed in DC​


Proud Boys founder Enrique Tarrio tells Gateway Pundit that he was slashed in the stomach, Beatty was stabbed in the back, and multiple other members of the men’s social group were stabbed and are now hospitalized with serious wounds.

A law enforcement confirmed to TGP that the group was walking down the street, away from the protests, when they saw an older man being stabbed and intervened.

One of the Proud Boys was stabbed in the neck and another was stabbed in the ear.

Tarrio tells TGP that the injuries are “very serious, but not life threatening.” He says they were walking to their cars when they saw a man getting stabbed and “got involved.” He says the attackers were Black Lives Matter supporters.

“We were helping some guy that was getting stabbed by two black males and one female. Bevelyn got stabbed as well as two Proud Boys and the guy they were attacking. I got slashed, but it’s not serious. We were walking to our cars,” Tarrio explained.

No arrests have been made at this time.

America is in midst of ‘Colossal Electoral Fraud,’ ‘Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty – We Must Pray NOW to Defeat Enemy​


Carlo Maria Viganò is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.

Archbishop Viganò previously warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of this country and this planet.
President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order.

On Wednesday morning Archbishop Viganò published a letter addressing people of faith.Vigano called on good men and women to pray NOW to defeat the enemies of God.

Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For Failed House Races And Republican Gains​

Have you noticed that you don’t hear a lot of Democrats cheering about the election? There’s a good reason for that.
First, it’s looking like Republicans will retain control in the Senate.
Second, the Democrats failed to make any significant gains in the House, but Republicans did.

And now the blame is already flying.

House Democrats are asking themselves one question after Tuesday’s election stunner: What the hell happened?
In the House, bleary-eyed Democrats were still sorting out the wreckage when they awoke Wednesday with dozens of their members’ races still uncalled and not a single GOP incumbent ousted — an outcome that virtually no one in the party had predicted in a year in which Democrats were going on the offense deep in Trump country.
Even with tens of thousands of ballots still to be counted, shell-shocked Democratic lawmakers, strategists and aides privately began trying to pin the blame: The unreliable polls. The GOP’s law-and-order message amid a summer of unrest. The “hidden Trump voters.” The impeachment hangover. The lack of a coronavirus stimulus deal.
Some corners of the party were also beginning to question the message and tactics at the top, with several Democrats predicting — and some even demanding — a significant overhaul within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, including possibly even ousting chairwoman Cheri Bustos, whose Illinois race has yet to be called.
Republicans not only gained seats, they won with women candidates.
Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage

This standstill makes more and more sense if Trump is going to win. Everything has been frozen right now to the moment where Biden looks like probable winner. That's what is being imprinted on people's minds at this very moment. And when Trump is righfully declared winner in the end, this will ignite the chaos in the street like never before. If Biden would win after this stalemate, the protests would run out of steam, while activists would sigh from relief and go back to sleep (in their minds the "evil" would have been defeated). Trump supporters would probably protest in a more civilized manner. Liberals already had Obama with false "hope and change" after Bush, so this programming is not needed anymore. OSIT.

WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area


That voter fraud is happening and being recorded/communicated so openly and blatantly would seem to verify that this is all a set-up to ensure riots/chaos when Trump is belatedly declared the winner especially so if it goes to SCOTUS. All part of the color revolution coup. We can pay attention right and left, but let's not react with emotional oversurprise as these events play out just as they were intended.
Enjoy the show! 🍿🍿🍿
RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

Dave Janda of Operation Freedom (www.DaveJanda.com) has unleashed a bombshell story with huge implications for Tuesday’s elections. Janda’s guest in his latest broadcast is a former high-level intelligence official (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) who warns that the Dems and the CIA have put in place a mechanism which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that will determine the outcome of the election.

This covert technology is called Operation Scorecard, and it was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries. Now, that technology is being turned against the United States of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the election for Biden, explains Janda’s guest.

OmegaManRadio, a pro-liberty, pro-Christian podcast channel, has reposted portions of the Dave Janda interview at this link on Soundcloud.com. Start listening around the 20 minute mark to hear the bombshell segments.

The original interview from Dave Janda is currently available via YouTube but is likely to be blacklisted soon. Here’s the YouTube embed:
Video Banned

As McInerney explains in the video, after the closing of polls in Pennsylvania and other swing states, the voting machines will be intercepted and then altered using complex algorithms to alter the votes in a way that evades detection, handing a victory to the pre-designated “winner” (Joe Biden).

In the interview, he explains that a covert app called “Scorecard” steals votes by making sure Democrats always stay about 3% ahead of their Republican rivals. “Scorecard steals the elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points,” he adds.

This also explains why Joe Biden recently said, with great clarity, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

There's a video of Biden bragging about the massive voter fraud system that’s being used to try to to steal the election for him.
This might also help explain why Joe Biden told voters at a recent (small) rally that he didn’t “need their vote” to become President, and why Nancy Pelosi says Biden will win no matter what the votes say on Nov. 3rd.

The deep state has a plan in place to steal this election by altering votes in key swing states. And if Trump challenges the fraud, he will be condemned for “refusing to accept the outcome” of the rigged election. This is the narrative trap that has been set by the treasonous mainstream media.

Keep in mind that just over the last two days, Trump campaign officials were asking for detailed information about how voting machines are handled in Pennsylvania. According to the anti-Trump Washington Post (a deep state propaganda mouthpiece):

…the Trump campaign asked officials in Cumberland County for the names of people who transport ballots and voting machines once polls close, the names of people who have access to the ballots afterward, and the precise locations where the ballots are stored, including room numbers.

It seems that Trump’s people are already aware that Dems are working to fraudulently steal this election by altering votes in Pennsylvania, and they’re trying to stop it.

Be aware that unless Trump receives an overwhelming wave of votes on Tuesday — beyond the margin of Democrat fraud — the Dems have a mechanism in place to steal the election, condemn Trump for challenging the vote theft, and seizing control of the White House from this day forward.

Spread this story far and wide. Everything is now at stake.

A lot of the hard-hitting article titles were broken links (404). Can someone also confirm? Maybe it’s just a website error. But I hope the DNS servers themselves aren’t being used to block content.
Some very good news!

Twitter Stock Crashes 20% as User Growth Fizzles


Social media giant Twitter suffered a stock price crash of more than 21 percent in intraday trading today following the release of the company’s Q3 report. The company reported its slowest growth in years as many companies also bought less advertising on the platform at the same time.

Variety reports that despite beating Wall Street financial forecasts for the third quarter of 2020, Twitter’s poor user growth for the time period and an extremely uncertain advertising forecast for Q4 has caused the company’s stock to crash more than 20 percent.

Twitter reported a net gain of 1 million daily active users for Q3 totaling 187 million users worldwide, the slowest growth for the platform in three years. Analysts expected Twitter to report a gain of 10 million daily active users. The platform’s average daily users in the United States remained mostly flat in the third quarter at 36 million, Twitter reported a gain of 20 million daily users in the previous quarter.

Twitter reported revenue of $936 million in Q3, an increase of 14 percent year over year. This was an increase over analyst estimates of $775 million. Twitter’s net income was $29 million representing a net margin of 3 percent and diluted EPS of 4 cents. As of the time of the writing of this article, Twitter’s stock price is down by 21.11 percent to $41.36 per share.
I think this guy on Tucker from Revolver News is describing accurately what's happening. He basically says this is straight from Norm Eisen's playbook on color revolutions. This Eisen guy appears to be a serious crook. The idea, as has been suggested here previously, is to purposefully cast a doubt on the election process and portrait the favored leader as a crook (because he's stealing the elections). And voilà, you have people jumping each others throats. This would mean that, indeed, they might 'let' Trump win just to cause more chaos.

That clip might disappear soon, so here's a longer article describing the same thing (I haven't yet read it):

Yes, I remember that segment on Tucker Carlson. I even took notes it was so startling to hear.


Thanks for linking to the Revolver article, @aragorn. I'll definitely check it out.
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