2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Pence & Pelosi would make an interesting Sitcom or should I say Netflix series. According to law could happen. It will tkae more than 75 days to short this out correctly. Will they sneak a stimulus for the American people during this time? $1,200 once over the course of the year shows the true colors. Government for the people or themselves? My how the tables have turned for $3.28 (1,200/365) a day you too can sponsor an American
Wendy Bell is a local Pennsylvania news personality who has been fired from her network TV and radio positions for telling it like it is. She now has her own Youtube channel, web page, and broadcasts from her home and on Facebook (who has censored her) and does a daily monologue M-F which is usually spot on. There is a bit of commercials about sponsors since she has to raise money to keep herself on-air. Here's today's:

Did You Know About These Secret Presidential Powers?

I haven't watched this entire video yet, but I wanted to say something about The American Vagabond as well as this journalist (Derrick Brose) who has written on that website -- oh, and Whitney Webb, as well. Also, I know some of what I'm saying here has come up earlier on this thread, but I've been too distracted of late to really "get down to it." So, hopefully I can pull together some of these ideas now.

While the three parties I just mentioned seem very sharp and are doing some very good research, especially Whitney Webb, perhaps because of their age (they seem pretty young I think) they lack a certain perspective on things, particularly as concerns President Trump. From what I have seen thus far, they are rather rigid in the opinion that the two party system is an illusion, which I believe is a flawed and unpragmatic way of viewing things. Yes, on a lot of issues this is true, most especially related to the workings of the Deep State, which no one president could even hope to get out from under. Having said that, this group hasn't maybe been around long enough, age wise, to appreciate what might be fairly unique to Trump, and so to lump him in with the "two party system is an illusion" idea would seem to overlook a lot. Far more useful to keep one's sights on both truths simultaneously: yes, there are seriously dangerous agendas that exist apart from presidential "say so" let's call it. But to the degree that a single president CAN stand up against business as usual, it would seem that Trump is footing that bill to a surprising degree. On top of that, under President Donald J. Trump a very lively movement has sprung into being, as has become abundantly apparent in the run-up to this election; a "peoples" movement, if you will, that is larger and far more diverse than had been the case four years earlier. And this has everything to do with Trump.

Also, I can't help wondering if these three have truly analyzed this presidency from Trump's own perspective. Yes, the presidency itself has [secret] powers unique to its office, but, I mean, to say that this president in particular has Big Tech at his beck and call seems rather laughable given that's one of the very instruments that's hell bent on destroying his chances for another term. In fact: Big Tech/MSM is showing its hand now in censoring a seated president: they are indicating in no uncertain terms that although un-elected themselves they are ABOVE the office of the presidency. It is THEY who determine the presidential election's outcome, and THEY who can decide to CENSOR A SEATED PRESIDENT -- at will! Now THAT is hubris!

So this little group needs to mature a bit, I would say. Nothing is ever one thing. There is a combination of factors, and Trump doesn't fit the usual bill. To fail to see that is problematic.

Also: what we are seeing now is a David and Goliath scenario that's about to play out in court. And so to talk about the untold powers of the presidency in this present circumstance would seem to be missing the very real drama that is unfolding before our eyes: I mean, here we have an "outsider" president daring to confront THE political machine -- backed by Big Tech, much of Wall Street, the MSM -- with his "peoples movement" there to morally back him up. As usual, there are shadowy figures operating behind the scenes, and no doubt secret transactions known to but a few, but to have that render you indifferent to what's happening right before your eyes seems naive to me. And that's what this little group is doing when they keep saying: "oh, the outcome of all this doesn't really matter since the two part system is just an illusion, anyway." Okay, then, which part of the illusion do you want then: the one that has you in lock-down? Or the one that's attempting to open things up, and in so doing, is offering you more freedom?

Speaking of, I still think Trump will prevail in court. I don't know what havoc will then ensue, but, as many here know, we've just to remain grounded, and focused -- oh, and to only consume MSM in small doses, if at all. You hear enough about what's going on through other sources. Good to keep some distance, if only for sanity's sake.
For all those more familliar with the history of United States: has there ever been a case that any member of the Electoral College voted contradictory to the popular voting?
Two ways of looking at your question:

In United States presidential elections, a faithless elector is a member of the United States Electoral College who does not vote for the presidential or vice-presidential candidate for whom they had pledged to vote.
How many faithless electors have there been in history?
There has been one faithless elector in each of the following elections: 1948, 1956, 1960, 1968, 1972, 1976, and 1988. A blank ballot was cast in 2000. In 2016, seven electors broke with their state on the presidential ballot and six did so on the vice presidential ballot.

Who were the faithless electors 2016?
Three of the faithless electors voted for Colin Powell while John Kasich, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Faith Spotted Eagle each received one vote.

The Electoral College also adds one nettlesome wrinkle — it is possible for a President to win more of the popular vote and lose the election. For example, if the Republican candidate gets even one more vote than the Democrat, all the state's electoral votes go to the Republican. Therefore, if a candidate wins small states by large pluralities and loses large states by narrow margins, it is possible to gain more votes than an opponent and win fewer electoral votes. Five presidents — John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, and George W. Bush — have been elected in this fashion.


Grover Cleveland, shown on a $20 Federal Reserve Note from 1914, won the popular vote in his second election, but lost the presidency because he failed to win the electoral college.

To prevent tie votes in the Electoral College which were made probable, if not inevitable, by the rise of political parties (and no doubt to facilitate the election of a president and vice president of the same party), the 12th Amendment requires that each Elector cast one vote for president and a separate vote for vice president rather than casting two votes for president with the runner-up being made vice president. The Amendment also stipulates that if no one receives an absolute majority of electoral votes for president, then the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president from among the top three contenders with each State casting only one vote and an absolute majority being required to elect. By the same token, if no one receives an absolute majority for vice president, then the U.S. Senate will select the vice president from among the top two contenders for that office. All other features of the Electoral College remained the same including the requirements that, in order to prevent Electors from voting only for "favorite sons", either the presidential or vice presidential candidate has to be from a State other than that of the Electors.

In short, political party loyalties had, by 1800, begun to cut across State loyalties thereby creating new and different problems in the selection of a president. By making seemingly slight changes, the 12th Amendment fundamentally altered the design of the Electoral College and, in one stroke, accommodated political parties as a fact of life in American presidential elections.

It is noteworthy in passing that the idea of electing the president by direct popular vote was not widely promoted as an alternative to redesigning the Electoral College. This may be because the physical and demographic circumstances of the country had not changed that much in a dozen or so years. Or it may be because the excesses of the recent French revolution (and its fairly rapid degeneration into dictatorship) had given the populists some pause to reflect on the wisdom of too direct a democracy.


Tears, Rage Toward Pelosi And The ‘Squad’ As House Democrats Conference Call Is Leaked Following Election Losses

A wild conference call amongst House Democrats, details of which leaked on Twitter Thursday, shows emotional lawmakers are distraught with Nancy Pelosi and the “Squad” over their party’s disastrous election performance.
The Washington Post reports that the tense conference call lasted over three hours with bits of the conversation being leaked out to the media.
Upon realizing that details of their emotional phone conference had been leaked, some Democrats began turning their anger towards the leakers ... Imagine that – Democrats upset with other Democrats leaking confidential information to reporters. And actually wanting them held accountable!
The contentious conference call is more evidence that Nancy Pelosi’s tenure as the House Speaker may be in jeopardy.

While the Trump saga plays out, it may be easy to overlook that this election didn't favor congressional Democrats.

Holy cow.

This is the payoff for being a night owl, awake during the wee hours when the internet gets a bit weird around the edges.

So.., the block chain watermarked ballots story, eh?

If true, it's pretty awesome. I mean, really, it's just a sensible and basic scheme, same as installing anti-counterfeiting measures in paper currency, but the rollout of the news tonight is being done in classic Gold Toilet style making it feel spy novel kitsche.

I hope it's true.

Here's another take on it, (delivered by ex-spook, Steve Pieczenik, an Info Wars regular guest):

What a time to be alive!
Wouldn't this be Great! It makes perfect sense. Everyone knew they where going to cheat and how they would do it. Setting up a sting would be easy enough with all the knowledge they have of such operations. If it wasn't done it should have been. But.... I definitely don't trust Pieczenik and dismiss him outright. What about Tore? I have my questions there as well. She's a passionate woman and her heart is in the right place and because of that she may connect dots due to wishful thinking or some other reason. This doesn't mean I dismiss what she shares as I do find a great deal of value there. I have learned over the years the great importance of questioning everything thats presented to us. That element of observation/questioning runs through much of what i encounter unless its obviously the facts. Patience is a virtue.....I need to work on that as I'm anxious to know how things will go.

I also think Trump will prevail.
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All those little fraud schemes come in from various directions, except the fraud numbers add up quick in a tight race. However, if you are behind by hundreds of thousands of votes in the middle of the night it requires some audacious level fuckery, which brings us to a red flag you can see from space. The 4 AM Biden Miracle.
I haven't watched this entire video yet, but I wanted to say something about The American Vagabond as well as this journalist (Derrick Brose) who has written on that website -- oh, and Whitney Webb, as well. Also, I know some of what I'm saying here has come up earlier on this thread, but I've been too distracted of late to really "get down to it." So, hopefully I can pull together some of these ideas now.

While the three parties I just mentioned seem very sharp and are doing some very good research, especially Whitney Webb, perhaps because of their age (they seem pretty young I think) they lack a certain perspective on things, particularly as concerns President Trump. From what I have seen thus far, they are rather rigid in the opinion that the two party system is an illusion, which I believe is a flawed and unpragmatic way of viewing things. Yes, on a lot of issues this is true, most especially related to the workings of the Deep State, which no one president could even hope to get out from under. Having said that, this group hasn't maybe been around long enough, age wise, to appreciate what might be fairly unique to Trump, and so to lump him in with the "two party system is an illusion" idea would seem to overlook a lot. Far more useful to keep one's sights on both truths simultaneously: yes, there are seriously dangerous agendas that exist apart from presidential "say so" let's call it. But to the degree that a single president CAN stand up against business as usual, it would seem that Trump is footing that bill to a surprising degree. On top of that, under President Donald J. Trump a very lively movement has sprung into being, as has become abundantly apparent in the run-up to this election; a "peoples" movement, if you will, that is larger and far more diverse than had been the case four years earlier. And this has everything to do with Trump.

Also, I can't help wondering if these three have truly analyzed this presidency from Trump's own perspective. Yes, the presidency itself has [secret] powers unique to its office, but, I mean, to say that this president in particular has Big Tech at his beck and call seems rather laughable given that's one of the very instruments that's hell bent on destroying his chances for another term. In fact: Big Tech/MSM is showing its hand now in censoring a seated president: they are indicating in no uncertain terms that although un-elected themselves they are ABOVE the office of the presidency. It is THEY who determine the presidential election's outcome, and THEY who can decide to CENSOR A SEATED PRESIDENT -- at will! Now THAT is hubris!

So this little group needs to mature a bit, I would say. Nothing is ever one thing. There is a combination of factors, and Trump doesn't fit the usual bill. To fail to see that is problematic.

Also: what we are seeing now is a David and Goliath scenario that's about to play out in court. And so to talk about the untold powers of the presidency in this present circumstance would seem to be missing the very real drama that is unfolding before our eyes: I mean, here we have an "outsider" president daring to confront THE political machine -- backed by Big Tech, much of Wall Street, the MSM -- with his "peoples movement" there to morally back him up. As usual, there are shadowy figures operating behind the scenes, and no doubt secret transactions known to but a few, but to have that render you indifferent to what's happening right before your eyes seems naive to me. And that's what this little group is doing when they keep saying: "oh, the outcome of all this doesn't really matter since the two part system is just an illusion, anyway." Okay, then, which part of the illusion do you want then: the one that has you in lock-down? Or the one that's attempting to open things up, and in so doing, is offering you more freedom?

Speaking of, I still think Trump will prevail in court. I don't know what havoc will then ensue, but, as many here know, we've just to remain grounded, and focused -- oh, and to only consume MSM in small doses, if at all. You hear enough about what's going on through other sources. Good to keep some distance, if only for sanity's sake.
Couldn't agree with you more.
The main focus was the Harpers article.
The young guys were an aside - the old and the new!

History Repeats Itself: Lenin’s Actions to Steal the 1917 Election in Russia Are Eerily Similar to the Democrats Steal Today​

Did the Democrats copy the Lenin playbook in this year’s election?
A reminder…the first “free election” in Russia was held in 1917. Lenin promised a “free” election where all votes would be equal and each citizen would be heard. ... The energy of the Bolsheviks and the promises of Lenin were insufficient to win the election (they only garnered 23%) of the vote.

But Lenin’s cunning campaign continued after the sunset on the election day. There was corruption in the balloting. There were “extensions” to allow more ballots. There was a long and strong public propaganda messaging to the public that the Bolsheviks had won when they had lost. The agenda to “transform” Russia into the first Marxist governed nation did not cease after the polls closed on the “election day.”
The success of Lenin’s transformation of Russia can be laid at the feet of the Russian population. The nation assented to and conformed complacently with the dictates of a vocal and violent minority. The nation resigned its “free election” and surrendered to the prevailing propaganda! The actual facts did not influence the population. They accepted what they were told and complied without any question. An unanswered question haunts the history of this event: “What would have happened IF the general population had not surrendered to the violence and vocal minority?”

However, history shows that often the vocal minority becomes the governing especially if violence is threatened. It does not matter how many guns there are and how many millions of rounds of ammunition are bought, the population generally complies with and coalesces around the presented politicians who promise “peace, land and bread.”
And now we turn history forward to 2020…
The election day of November 2020 is past but the election continues. Shuddering similarities to Russia 1917 are noted.
There is even an echo of the Bolsheviks’ call for the Romanov’s removal, imprisonment, and eventually death. In a shocking TWEET, Keith Olbermann announced, “TRUMP MUST BE REMOVED AND ARRESTED, TONIGHT.
The corruption of the ballot counting continues as the population is being groomed to accept the contorted fact that a violent, vocal minority has engineered the greatest coup in civilization’s history.
There is a sobering book translated from the French called “Bazhanov and the Damnation of Stalin,” published by the Ohio University Press in 1990. In it, Bazhanov details how Stalin’s governmental machine was built through vote-rigging, tapping into opponents’ communications, and extinguishing those who had a moral center.
Welcome to 1917 in 2020!

'Astounding': Biden Scores Insane Advantage In Mail-In Ballots In Michigan And Pennsylvania​

Joe Biden got a shocking 60-point advantage over Donald Trump in absentee mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania and 38-point advantage in Michigan according to data compiled on Thursday but received no similar massive advantage in other swing states like Ohio, North Carolina, Florida or Minnesota.
Michigan's results are remarkable considering Republicans actually requested more mail-in ballots than Democrats (41 Republican, 39 Democrat, 20 Other), according to data shared on NBC News.
Pennsylvania was a similar story. Despite the results above indicating Biden won mail-in ballots 80-20, the requests for mail-in ballots were 63 Democrat, 25 Republican and 12 Other.
This morning, three days after the election, Biden took the lead in Pennsylvania due to mail-in ballots, erasing the nearly 700,000 vote advantage President Trump had after Election Day.

Incidentally, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro called the race for Biden before even a single vote was counted in the state.

Virginia Democrat Surges Ahead In House Race After Thousands Of Ballots Are ‘Found’ On A Flash Drive​

In Virginia, Democrat Abigail Spanberger was losing her race to a Republican challenger until 14,000 ballots were suddenly found on a flash drive. What a stroke of luck.
Just The News reports:
Virginia Democrat Spanberger surges ahead after ‘overlooked’ ballots found on flash drive: Report

Virginia Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger has now surged ahead in her tight race with a Democratic challenger after officials reportedly discovered thousands of “overlooked” ballots on a flash drive.

Spanberger, is a former CIA official who was part of the 2018 Blue Wave that gave Democrats control of the House. Her victory ended the GOP’s stronghold on the state’s 7th congressional district seat. Her challenger this year is Republican Nick Freitas.
The election-watch group Virginia Public Access Project tweeted late Wednesday afternoon that Spanberger was down by about 1,350 votes following a canvassing effort by county officials.

Less than an hour later, however, VPAP reported she had jumped considerably ahead of Freitas, in part the result of an infusion of over 14,600 previously “overlooked” ballots found on an Henric County county flash drive.

The memory stick had been “mislabeled as ‘provisional ballots’,” the group said.

Are we supposed to believe this was just a coincidence?
Have you noticed that found ballots only ever seem to benefit Democrats?
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