2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

In this evening's press conference Trump lays out many of the problems that has, and is, occurring during the counts. He seems calm and clear about most of it but he's clearly and understandably exhausted too. Good on him for not taking any questions from the incredibly biased press afterwards, and good on him for continuing to fight. Though, sad to say, even if he comes to win in court, and is able to call some of the battleground/swing states for himself, the damage will have already been done; the narrative being set up to make it look like he's being the cheater, aggressor, tyrant etc. - by the mere fact of him questioning some pretty obviously fraudulent manipulations.

And as we know, psychopathic individuals rarely are creative and they don't think about consequences, because they 'create their own reality'.

They fully deserve the title of "Reality Creators".

There's no reality other than that which they decree. This is both incredible and terrifying at the same time.

"People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

The quote originated in a 2004 New York Times piece about the Bush presidency. The author, Ron Suskind, attributes it only to an unnamed "senior adviser to Bush," who was later said to be key Bush architect Rove (though Rove denies ever saying it). Back then, Suskind thought the words were key to the "very heart of the Bush presidency," with its catastrophic lies about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.

Republican then - Democrat now. Two sides of the same Deep State coin.

A: Just stay calm and patient.

It sounds too good to be true but I also hope it's not just his (Pieczenik) wishful thinking. Either way, this winter is going to be very entertaining, and this election is just one of many other crazy things going on right now! The most twisted rollercoaster one could have imagine.

Enjoy the show people!


  1. 1.
    a spectacle or display, typically an impressive one.
    "spectacular shows of bluebells"
Yes I get that the future is undecided until closer to the event but if there is are two people going for something they both hav ea good chance mathematically speaking. Obviously as we know here its not about the puppet in Red or Blue its the behind the scenes government they really had to show themselves to get this done shows the disrespect they have for the general public they really think they are this dumb and Trump played right into their hand he fuels emotion. The general public is so clouded with emotions they can't see so they use the red and blue puppet to put the emotional shield over the publics eyes and now they are able to do what they are doing in plain sight.

When my taxes are due I think ill say im still counting.
I would just say that the 'general public' is not homogenous. I think at least half of the public, but probably more, see through the lies. The rest accept the lies. So there are a lot of NPC, authoritarian follower types with exoskeletal morality who believe without thinking. But they are not even in the majority. Stoically speaking, we may not be able to do anything about the lies, (yet), or about those who believe them, but each of us as individuals has a choice to believe the lies or not.
However, from a higher STS perspective this could very well be the plan: blow the whole thing up, including trust in elections and the institution of the president, and roll out their EvilTech Tyranny without resistance...
Yeah, how far-fetched is to think of a Voter ID embedded in a microchip or something similar? The answer on how to "fix" the system could lead to a technological solution not on everyone's best interest. The changes that will inevitable come up as a result of the utter loss of trust in the electoral institutions could be not imposed, but demanded by the population.
Footage of an election staff member in PA allegedly filling in blank voting ballots.
I've downloaded and attached the video in case it gets deleted. Please do this in the event that twitter or FB catch up and erase things!

Of course, the account doesn't exist anymore. Good thing you snagged the vid. Maybe time to retweet it?
I just happened to come across this thread that I had bookmarked and forgot about.

But what that then made me think about was that this whole thing we are watching happen before our eyes HAS to be a plan that totally transcends ordinary human lifetimes. What drives the humans involved is simply their own greed for money and power while the ultimate objective - which is becoming more apparent as these years have passed - is more horrible than any of us can imagine.

I know this isn't news to anyone, but what connecting the dots did was to demonstrate how freaking accurate the Cs have been about what is going on, that it IS managed by hyperdimensional beings who do NOT have humanity's best interests at heart, and that the worst things they revealed to us, the horrors they predicted, are all too real and are developing and manifesting right before our eyes as we try to live ordinary (or not so ordinary) lives.
Is it off topic or not ? I do not think so :

This band is my preferred one, I'm confident that to the question "Can we consider Muse (globally) like an 'SDA Band' ?" ... the C's would answer "Oh yes" ^^.
Just read lyrics (still hard to understand all when english is not your mother tongue), i like the refrain.
Do not hesitate to pump up the volume if you need to regain energy, it works :cheer:
I think that is going to take longer then 75 days to short out and according to the 20th Amendment if there is not a clear winner of the election the speaker of the house is next in line under the Vice president.

Um, Biden/Pence? :shock:

The presidential election is left up to members of the House of Representatives in the event of a tie or any results where no one wins 270 electoral votes. The choice for the vice president is left up to the Senate.

It's possible we could get a replay of the 2000 Bush "win":
On November 26, 2000, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certified that Bush had won the election by a 537-vote margin. Gore then sued Harris because all of the recounts had not been completed when she certified the results. On December 8, 2000, the Florida Supreme Court sided with Gore, ordering that all statewide “undervote” ballots, or punch-card ballots that had been cast but not registered because of a problem called a “hanging chad,” needed to be recounted.

Bush immediately appealed to the United States Supreme Court, which ordered the recount halted on December 9, 2000 until it could hear arguments in the case. The Justices faced a legal deadline: Under federal law (3 U.S. Code § 5) known as the safe harbor provision, a state must determine its electors six days before the Electoral College members meet in person. In 2000, that deadline was December 12 and the arguments would be held on December 11, giving the Court one day to reach a decision.
The Supreme Court decision, in total, went against the Florida Supreme Court, remanding the case back to it for further action. But since the safe-harbor deadline was passed, Bush remained as the certified winner in Florida, and Gore conceded the next day.

President and Vice President would both have to be deceased or incapacitated for Speaker of the House to assume office:

7c. Selection and Succession of the President​

The founders feared the masses. Cautious about granting powers to the general voting public, they created a safety valve against popular will. The American people do not technically elect their President. Electors do.
What if something should happen to the President and Vice President at the same time? Then the Speaker of the House takes the presidency, and the President pro tempore of the Senate becomes Vice President. The line of succession then goes to the Cabinet members, in the order of their creation.
Selection and Succession of the President [ushistory.org]

Present line of succession
No.OfficeCurrent officer
1Vice PresidentMike Pence (R)
2Speaker of the House of RepresentativesNancy Pelosi (D)
3President Pro Tempore of the SenateChuck Grassley (R)
4Secretary of StateMike Pompeo (R)

And in Georgia (from Newsmax):

For all those more familliar with the history of United States: has there ever been a case that any member of the Electoral College voted contradictory to the popular voting?
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