2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

"Bottom line? Trump was re-elected by the American people on November 3rd.They know it, he knows it and the media scoundrels know it. They have all proven once again that they are the enemies of the people and now more people than ever know it."

And BOOM! The Cs's were right.
Thanks everyone for some lively conversation on all this today. I'm going to TRY to take a break.

At least now I realize Trump hasn't given up. God, when I first saw what the MSM was doing I was just so floored, it really knocked me for a loop! I'm much recovered now, although I haven't slept enough for many days now. Just too much going on.

So... yeah... time to chill.
Yes, sadly I think it's a done deal.

People keep saying Trump is playing 4D chess here but I think he just couldn't stop the cheating. The machine against the people is too big and powerful.

Democracy doesn't exist.

There's just those who rule and those who get ruled.

Take care. It's a sad day for the lig

Sottreader have some faith. Since when the associated press decide who win a election.
THE TRUTH by John Lennon

I'm sick and tired of hearing things,
From uptight, short sighted, narrow minded hypocrites,
All I want is the truth,
Just gimme some truth,
I've had enough of reading things,
By neurotic, psychotic, pig headed politicians,
All I want is the truth,
Just give us the truth,
No short haired, yellow bellied, son of tricky Dicky is
Gonna mother hubbard, soft soap me with just a pocket full of oil,
Money for oil,
Money for oil.
I'm sick to death of seeing things,
By tight lipped, condescending, mommy's little chauvinists,
All I want is the truth,
Just gimme some truth,
I've had enough of watching scenes,
Of schizophrenic, egocentric, paranoia prima donnas,
All I want is the truth,
Just give us the truth,
No short haired, yellow bellied, son of tricky Dicky is
Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of oil,
Money for oil,
Money for oil,
No short haired, yellow bellied, son of George-Porgy is
Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of oil,
It's money for oil,
No blood for oil,
I'm sick to death of hearing things,
From uptight, short sighted, narrow minded hypocrites,
All I want is the truth,
Just gimme some truth,
I've had enough of reading things,
By neurotic psychotic, homophobic hypocrites,
All I want is the truth,
Just give us the truth,
All we want is the truth,
Just give us the truth,
We can handle the truth,
Just give us some truth,
Share with us the truth,
We'll give you our truth

Off to sing to my Crystals.

It aint over 'til Orange Man misses his golf swing!
FYI this is a great chance to do the work when you feel yourself getting emotional try to catch yourself feel your feet on the ground clothes on your body and self remember...The first step to bring your centers into the now.

I had a dream two days ago and I was entering my home but as I touched the door knob it was bent and I had the feeling of someone has been in my home. Don’t let “them” in your home.

Last week I also had a dream two days before it happened that I would get an email from somone and two days later I received that exact email but that’s neither here nor there.

this is obviously something we can’t control so practice the work so it doesn’t control you. This can lead into a New Years resolution or for those who feel they have fell behind in the work or need to practice more this is a great “situation” to sharpen your sword against. Strengthen your machine
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Add another one to the list of "rabid bluecheck libs foaming at the mouth."
Someone should tweet/comment this in response to the above:

This national nightmare is not over. We defeated Biden but we haven’t defeated TrumpDerangementSyndrome. It’s stronger today than it was 4 years ago. It’s a cancer at the heart of America. It’s the driving force of the DP. And it must be fully excised from our society.

With RBG's passing his chances went up, however there is always a possibility of an ostensibly conservative judge that betrays him.
The Electoral College elects the President. It's very possible they will vote Trump in even if by being Faithless Electors. Hard to say at this point as there are so many RINOs. May depend on how obvious the voter fraud is exposed before they vote and what the public will withstand. Fireworks definitely ahead!

In the Bush vs Gore selection, the FL exit polls indicated a clear win for Gore and I think Tom Brokaw of NBC called it for Gore. However, things mysteriously began to change soon after. Jeb Bush was governor of FL, btw. Ultimately, Bush was declared the winner over Gore (FL Sec of State certified the win) before the Supreme Court became involved. The Florida Supreme Court said the counting should continue, but the Bush team launched suit that took that decision to the Supreme Court. The SC threw it back to FL SC, but the deadline had passed, so the Bush win became official. I believe it was subsequently determined that Gore got more votes in FL which would have given him the win, but it was all over by then with Bush the Pres elect. It was clear that any further pushback by Gore - if he didn't concede (for the 2nd or 3rd time in this very contentious contest) - it would have been looked upon very negatively > a view propagated by the MSM and embraced by the clueless sheeple. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

And for all, especially Heather and SOTTREADER, please remember what the Cs have said which boils down to this:

CHILLAX!!! :cool2: :halo: :zzz: :whistle: :knitting::read::sewing::violin::bacon:🥰
A harbinger of future political repression

In the tweet it says the military voted 80/20 for biden. In the video of "Patty of 100% fed up", about Detroit, from an eyewitness of the counting process, she describes how the military votes are copies of forms with identities not registered to vote (13:00). It is just before the Ferrari delivering votes in the night (14:40). The video is well suited to convince a non foul play believer.
🙏 This is a historical moment. Let's pray and hope that miracles do indeed happen.

I'm trying to hold strong where I am.
relax and try to deal with the situation as much as you can, you are falling into a negative feedback spiral, take advantage of practicing with this which is somewhat "small", who knows what atrocities are coming in the future, let the universe move its pieces , that the game cannot be stopped ... remember that praying does not serve more than so that your lessons are not postponed mainly(although to ask for strength if it seems good to me),on the other hand it is counterproductive to do it with the objective you set, because of the above and because what you want is to go against natural progression and cycles ... that does not sound like a scolding by the way, enjoy how destruction leads to glory ... if we survive. :evil:
Just imagined a story having particularly you in mind :
In 4D, there's a conversation between 2 (SDS)Lizards regarding a forum of one SDA community :
1: What can we do to perturb their forum, many high levels there, difficult !
2: I know, let's check which ones have emotionnal leaks we can use ...
1: Good idea, we have it, already used many times these last months, our loved XYZREADER
2: Cool, let's activate this, he'll then post like hell all the time on the forum, he will not be in measure to refrain to post many negative and depressing ideas, let's oblige him to think that it's the only way for him to feel better, it's to throw all this junk on the forum. It's all we can do actually to bring down general moral in this community
1: Right, let's focus on him, I set maximum power to raise his fear & paranoia

What to do ? This is your lesson, many here already explained you and gave you nice ideas to follow. This would be smart from you that you start to take them into account, because in practice, you seems to have hard to do it. This simple wish to want to automatically respond to this message and start to compose an answer, here it is, you are already "in", stop at this moment, it's the time to observ oneself & learn, to parse your thoughts and spot the negative ones, and ... and ... this is a lesson.

I would say that ... an intelligent move would be to parse all the forum for advises that you were given, copy/paste them in a single document and re-read them - your best "key" is probably a combination of all of them.

Good luck !
Hello! Wasn't going to post this as it involves someone who is uses a psychic religiously, please remove if inappropriate. She's my work colleague, lovely lady, supports Trump and for the past 5 weeks has been giving me a daily report regarding the election.

I'm always wary of psychics but I listened, wasn't costing me anything, so why not? Long story short everything she said has come to pass. Nothing really special about that, an astute observer could have predicted it but here's her upcoming predictions.

The winner is not inaugurated. Could mean three things, the real winner, President Trump is not sworn in or the fake winner isn't either so perhaps Harris or Trump is sworn in. Please be the latter!

There is a tragedy involving a female in Trump's entourage.

There will be violence, approaching civil war levels. Once again an astute observer can predict this, appears the left are making gulag lists already. If you're interested I'll keep you posted, I get updates 5 times a week.

Was networking with some fellow travelers yesterday afternoon, face to face, very interesting! I've been invited for a sit down discussion, the bloke is fearless, confronts the local paedophile in front of the courthouse!

Got attacked at 4am this morning, woke up, propped up on my left elbow and pointing at a flat circular object in the corner of my room near the ceiling. It was about 2 feet in diameter and tightly packed with concentric circles, can't recall ever seeing something like this and I've seen a lot!

Brain was foggy, movement was hindered but I said 'No you don't!' and it faded within a few seconds. Pulse was well over a 100, dangerous territory for a 55 year old boy like me. Looks like something doesn't like me talking about some things, happens almost everytime!

Take care everyone, chin up, it's not over yet!
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Provided for reference. I make no claims about the accuracy of CISA's statement. [It would make sense for CISA to deny it even if true.]

Thomas speaks about this in his new video, strategic omission is the case.

Here is Trumps strategy, the Perry Mason moment. Get everyone, including Republicans, to commit to the narrative that voting fraud with mail in ballots didn't happen, then dump on them all the evidence and they're caught. Everyone exposes themselves. We have technologies that are very advanced for surveillance that where on going before voting began by the military, since its a national security issue and also in polling places. Maybe even drone nano flies zooming in and sitting on those walls. We won't be told of all the tech used.
Infiltration of voting machines was also done in select states.

Thomas lives in California and says in the last day or so the covid restrictions have amped up substantially, anticipating the Biden win no doubt. A to Z plan by Trump.

I've started following Ron Coleman on twitter, he's a lawyer.
Yesterday, the french live of "Les deqodeurs" reach 22.000 people (it was 20.000 Tuesday evening)
What this ... let's name it movement is doing is remarkable. They are rassembling a community at a fast rate.
They are also slowly gathering together between new youtube odysee channels, helping each other, inviting each other, which merges communities.
What is also much noticable is the great rapprochement between French countries, specially here between Quebec and France (we can include Belgium and French Swiss in), there's a strong french community which is forming. It's nice to see, very nice, and gives a lot trust in the future, even knowing that the following months will be difficult.

About here in Belgium in regards to these elections, without any surprise, all the medias are on the same line.
Bravo to Slovenian ! :clap: :thup:
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