2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

A lot of comments about maneuvering and machinations. I think the key is that the plans and chess moves are all to manipulate people to surrender their free will. I think there is a genuine play of interacting forces going on. I don't think it is totally scripted. I don't think there is one big chess player omnipotently controlling the whole board and all players. Otherwise, the future could not be open, and the PTB would not fall prey to their own hubris. (Trump's first win over Killary)

Along the lines of St Paul: when I was a child, I'd play with child's things; and in the way and means of a child. (and children can be quite the psychopaths at times before they develop those higher energies) When I did something I knew was wrong, I never considered getting caught. I just knew what I wanted.

Because the fraud is blatant, does not mean getting caught was intentional. And 45% the country probably still thinks there was no fraud. Reflect on those times, as a child, you might have stolen a toy and gotten caught. That mindset is what I am talking about. Like Governor Grusome getting caught at the restaurant. Same diff. But he is a grown adult. He should have known better. He could have had that event catered. As below, so above. The psychopaths on the ground are reflective of the same idiocy that can be found higher up the entropic food chain. They must be thinking "we can act with impunity now". Combined with some upper level Vader character ominously declaring with menace, "I trust your preparations will be completed on time...."
Maybe, although I don't think the higher level PTB had any problem with Biden as president. He fit the bill of a traditional, ceremonial POTUS-dupe for the deep state perfectly. If they have decided on a plan to overturn the election for Trump in this way, then the primary motivation can only be to create the chaos that will undoubtedly ensue if that comes about.
As I said earlier, Biden was their preference initially; mask up, get your vaccine/microchip, do your part as we build back better in our totalitarian utopia. But the populace is not quite willing to embrace that, the majority does not believe in it, and the upper echelons were aware of it because they had access to the unadulterated polls. So there was a backup plan to create social chaos by haranguing Trump through a soft civil war which will serve to corral public opinion towards the system that Biden was supposed to represent after the populace has suffered enough. This concern was what was at the core of the wargame scenarios which were leaked out; the upper echelons don't put all their eggs in one basket. They sat back and let their lackeys do their thing, it blew up in their faces, and now we are on Plan B because the populace rejected their offer to induct them into the NWO via a "peaceful" Biden salesman. Now it's (hybrid) war.

That's my opinion, no one really knows.
Yeah, that's what we're musing about. The idea that the higher levels don't want Trump in power seems reasonable, but it also seems reasonable that they might want him IN power rather than out of it, where he would likely build momentum with his supporters and then make a stronger comeback later. IN power, they might think they can more easily 'take him out', in one way or another, and get lots of social chaos in the process. As I've said before, I think these people are not in the 'social chaos as a means of population control' part of their machinations, rather than the previous 'information management' period.
In regard to this, was thinking about what they could plan "if Trump wins" - whether they took this in consideration a long time ago, or not, and are quickly adapting their plans.
Yesterday read an interesting article from the french Strategika, here's the link :

In the midst of a very great global upheaval marked by the sum of all possible dangers, Russia is preparing a new and extremely delicate era. The post-Putin era. Vladimir Putin wants to make sure that Russia will never return to the very disastrous era of Boris Yeltsin and the oligarchs who tore him to pieces and stripped him of his power by transforming a great power into a failed state. Russia has not only returned from afar but has been able to realise all its old geostrategic dreams such as access to the warm seas, an unprecedented sanctuarisation of its immense territory, a leading role in arms sales, an influential policy in the Middle East and Africa, a new doctrine in the Arctic Ocean, a strategic alliance with China, and finally, a great-power diplomatic role. Endowed with a cold vision, Vladimir Putin would not want these advances to be lost through the fault of a new generation of Russian technocrats, weak in character and obsessed by the illusions of a clinically dead West that wants to return to the forefront by maintaining the universal lie, this time via the giants of the Internet. Vladimir Putin's successor must be a strong man and not a servile technocrat incapable of managing a huge country the size of Russia. Two names are beginning to circulate in certain circles of Russian power, and not the least of them. The first is Ramzan Ahmadovitch Kadyrov, the current President of Chechnya; the second is Sergey Kujugetovich Shoïgu, a general officer in the Russian Army and Minister of Defence.

These two men enjoy the absolute confidence of Vladimir Putin even if Kadyrov is rather controversial because his possible accession to the presidency of the Russian Federation will create a historic precedent: that of the first Russian leader of the Muslim faith since the period of the Golden Horde.

These two preferences voiced by Vladimir Putin for his strategists provide information on Russia's assessment of how the world situation will develop in the short term and there is no ambiguity about it: the world is heading towards a confrontation in hard mode and there is no question of entrusting Russia to bureaucrats or politicians of no stature. Putin has reactivated the post-apocalyptic emergency government, a sort of equivalent of the US Doomsday Government but in a version more adapted to Russian geostrategic realities. Twenty-four of the twenty-five post-Putin scenarios foresee a conflict involving tactical nuclear strikes and wars in at least three different regional theatres. In this scenario, it is totally awkward to leave the fate of the country to a possible second Yeltsin and a horde of voracious oligarchs at the service of predatory transnational finance.

The only question is to know whether part of the Russian population is westernized in its mentality and therefore permeable to the so-called "liberal" ideology promoted by the media, the cinema, the series, show business and social networks on a global scale to the point of creating standardised zombies all over the world applauding like madmen on the return of the simulacrum Obama and his ersatz in the White House, are going to accept a strong man like Kadyrov or Choïgu whose principles are at the antipodes of the decrepit and debilitating globalist subculture?

This traduced sentence from the article (in spoiler) :
Putin has reactivated the post-apocalyptic emergency government, a sort of equivalent of the US Doomsday Government but in a version more adapted to Russian geostrategic realities. Twenty-four of the twenty-five post-Putin scenarios foresee a conflict involving tactical nuclear strikes and wars in at least three different regional theatres
This would mean that this option, of world conflict, is strongly considered on the Russian's side.
Thus we could imagine that this option would be pushed if Trump wins.They know that this movement will spread in the remaining countries they still own (all other occidentale ones), one of their lone way to counter this is to rapidly bring a world chaos. This would also ease their rampant dictatorial measures they are from more to more quickly implementing in all these countries.

I remain confident in the future, historical moment we all live, keep the faith ! ^^

Edit, not to post a new post : @BHelmet , what you mention make me remember a chapter of the Wave I alsmot finished to re-read, about this psychopath who murdered his girlfriend and kept her body in his flat ! So stupid. It's maybe rather similar here with rigging so much the election without considering being "caughtable" ^^
I don't think there is one big chess player omnipotently controlling the whole board and all players. Otherwise, the future could not be open, and the PTB would not fall prey to their own hubris. (Trump's first win over Killary)

Having a lot of control does not preclude the idea of falling prey to one's own hubris. You could say it's actually a pre-requisite, especially for people who are obsessed with control, because the obsession leads to lots of control which leads to a false sense of security which goes before a fall. Trump's first win over Killary was very likely a rigged vote too, just not rigged enough. Perhaps this time they sought to make sure, and they did, at least from the vote tally pov, but something went awry in the cover up, for some reason.
I think it's both actually. Faction A (lower levels) of the PTB wanted to get their man in no matter what. Faction C (higher levels) considered Biden to have fallen too far out of favor and didn't have the emotional impact necessary, so they had designed a contingency plan to play Trump in a contested election in order to generate that impact if Biden fell too far short.

I like your factions theory, Neil.

I know you've mentioned it before but could you elaborate a little bit more about the differences
between A and B?

I understand that B are the industrialists (oligarchs) invested in the American economy betting on Trump to support their businesses instead of transferring technologies and companies to China (or Far East Asia)

and A are the globalists trying to take down America and other nations to rule the world by their totalitarian corporations.

Faction C are probably the secret elites at the apex of 3D, in cahoots with their 4D-STS overlords...

If all else fails I would propose that the election manipulators were enamored with their wishful thinking believing in a 'blue wave' and only started panicking when Trump got ahead of Biden and hastily had to resort to 'Plan B' in the wee hours of the morning. That could explain why they were not rigging heavily right from the start.
Yes, but I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. There's a lot here to consider. Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, has recently been researching JFK; his comparing Trump's new Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller's decision to move Special Ops to the Defense Secretary thereby demoting the CIA's role, to JFK's Security Action Memorandum 57, Kennedy's plan to do the same, should not be summarily dismissed without further inquiry.

I meant to link to the article linked to in a screenshot of one of the Dark Journalist tweets I shared earlier on this thread, which has as one of its sources John Solomon of Just the News -- a reporter Trump has retweeted. The article links to the Dark Journalist's own tweets on this, including his link to a copy of JFK's Security Action Memorandum 57 -- something I was just reading about in James W. Douglass' "JFK and the Unspeakable."

It seems the reason you haven't seen this material elsewhere is that Liszt was the one making the connection.

Douglass states in his book that Kennedy feared he was no match not just for the CIA but for the Pentagon as well. In this new context with Trump, what needs to be examined more thoroughly is his present re-shuffling of leadership, which I know has been touched on in this thread already.

Trump is certainly not exiting quietly, and is apparently preparing for what is just ahead. That this harks back to Kennedy's predicament and plans for reform (which, due to his assassination, he was unable to put in place), I don't think is so much of a stretch. And, as per one of the excerpts I've pasted in below, "Kennedy's vision" is specifically referenced in a speech by Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Here's the opening of Cohen-Watnick's bio:


Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020. He had served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In that role, he was responsible for all policy formulation and oversight for Department of Defense counterterrorism, special operations, counternarcotics, detainee affairs, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and stability operations.

[end excerpt]

Liszt no doubt erred in stating that Trump specifically reactivated NSAM-57. He instead should have just stuck with the comparison. Still, the similarities are worth considering.

Here's a link to the article Liszt had linked to in his tweet, with some excerpts below it:

JFK’S VISION: Trump’s DOD ‘Watershed Reform’ with Special Operations Civilian Leadership​


Miller said the move for Special Ops comes in recognition of the nation’s increasing reliance on its covert forces.

“I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me,” Miller said. “It will put Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time. This reform will immediately improve agility for the department and the command and will enable us to streamline decision flow; enhance decision-making; and more adeptly support our commanders and their superb soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.”

With the support of President Donald Trump, “We are forging the next chapter in the history of U.S. Special Operations forces and formalizing a watershed reform,” Miller added. “Right now, we start the transition to provide greater civilian oversight of and, critically, advocacy for our special operators.”


Miller delivered remarks at the Special Operations Memorial Plaza during a visit to Fort Bragg, N.C. on Wednesday, join[ed] by Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Former President John F. Kennedy was invoked at the announcement.

“Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian SpecOps directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense. Listen closely,” one poster wrote.


“The Department of Defense has started the process of formalizing what we have long known the fundamental role of US Special operations in defense of the foreign policy, and by elevating special operations forces to a level on par with Military Departments as authorized and erected by Congress. As we enact these reforms, we follow these reforms; we enact the vision of President John F. Kennedy, who predicted the rise of special operations nearly 60 years ago. He foresaw “another type of war, new in its intensity, ancient in its origin that would require a whole new kind of strategy, a wholly different kind of force, and forces which are too unconventional."

President Kennedy gave these remarks at the nuclear age opening when the Pentagon was primarily organized to plan and direct large conventional operations against superpowers, not special operations short of overt declared conflicts. The Global demands for special operations forces, then and now, have confirmed his foresight. Under President Trump’s leadership, we fully realize President Kennedy’s view of Special Operations. We should be again entering of great power competitions as we will affirm the importance of the special operations committee and then, as now I know the special operations will play a vital role and by historical reforms that we have enacted today, will give us civilian forces [commensurate?] to the secretary’s other military departments. I am honored to serve as your service secretary,” Cohen-Watnick said.


[end excerpts]
Here's more on this topic from Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt. So, according to what he's saying there, JFK's National Security Action Memo 57 was implemented by Trump:

"Dark Journalist Special Report: President Trump Activates JFK National Security Action Memo 57! In this special live broadcast Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt highlights that in order for Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to issue his order that Special Operations now must report directly to him he needed to execute the power held in the JFK National Security Action Memorandum 57 (NSAM 57) designed to bypass the CIA!"
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This aired live on RT 3 hours ago.
I watched the live broadcast. A Republican committee, but they were certainly roused by what they heard, and added quite a bit themselves, particularly that the governor personally disallowed bar-coding of mailed-out ballots, and that it was also his sole decision to bring in the Dominion system.

The pardoning of General Flynn (interesting timing) is even bigger news, IMO, if it means he is now free to speak about his ordeal and what he knows. Interesting days ahead.
How inconvenient. It appears that President Biden is now wanted in Ukraine to answer certain felony charges.

I imagine they might have to wait until the good 'president' answers the questions concerning his American molestation matters, and his subpoenaed files bunkered away from The University of Delaware.

The Ukraine Want’s Joe Biden on Class A Felony Charges​

Ukraine’s government has revealed the identity of the unnamed American in an ongoing felony criminal investigation into the illegal firing of a prosecutor. That American is Joe Biden.

One America News, doing the reporting the Biden-Media can’t be bothered with, reports that the charge revolves around Biden’s admitted pay to play in which he held a billion in US aid over the head of the Ukrainian government.

Biden famously refused the money unless Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor investigating his son Hunter and Burisma, was fired.

Shokin was fired, Ukraine got the money, but as it turns out, even in Ukraine, that is illegal. A nearly year-long investigation kept Biden’s name hidden until now. We can only assume that Biden, should he manage to steal the presidency, will expect them to drop this investigation too. In exchange for money or under threat of letting Russia take more of their sovereign territory? Maybe both?
What troubles me is that they only at the last moment when a Trump win was certain they pulled the plug and start bringing in votes with a rate of 95%-100% for Biden.

Why didn't they spread it out right at the start. Why make it so obvious. Why give Biden 100% of the votes update after update.

They could have spread it out, make it subtle. Make it diffecult to spot, but no. I mean they couldn't have make it more obvious. But they did! And they must have their reasons for doing so.

Nothing feels right about this.
The elites are arrogant and have no fear of any backlash from the people. They have been doing this type of vote rigging for so long that they no longer are concerned if it is obvious. Plus the media will not report it so it never happened. All wishful thinking.
I know you've mentioned it before but could you elaborate a little bit more about the differences
between A and B?

I understand that B are the industrialists (oligarchs) invested in the American economy betting on Trump to support their businesses instead of transferring technologies and companies to China (or Far East Asia)

and A are the globalists trying to take down America and other nations to rule the world by their totalitarian corporations.

Faction C are probably the secret elites at the apex of 3D, in cahoots with their 4D-STS overlords...
You've pretty much got it. I first outlined my factions theory in October of 2016.
I had a long post typed up on the Trump/Hillary dilemma, which I lost, but I really have nothing to contribute that hasn't been written piecemeal by other writers. Basically, I see the PTB having a power struggle between Hillary's faction which could be labeled "globalist" and Trump's which could be called "nationalist." The globalist plan for America is to use it as a tool to build a corporate superstate in which countries are dissolved into anonymous zones in a NWO market. The nationalist plan is to make America a more traditional world spanning empire, with a borderless NWO that is essentially an American institution. This can be somewhat evidenced by their campaign slogans. With Hillary we are "stronger together" [as just another principality in the global market] where with Trump we "make America great again" [as the center of the global American empire]. The nationalists resent losing control to the globalists as America was built up from WWII onward; they have a different opinion of how global governance should be maintained. The nationalists spent much of their time in a multipolar world and understand a certain value to diplomacy and political realities where the globalists believe they can dictate everything from their top down solipsistic perception of reality. The globalists have been dominant since the early 70's and simply enhanced and expanded on the momentum that was established by the nationalists. The globalists made a mistake in setting Trump up as controlled opposition, and the nationalists saw it as their last best hope to return from obscurity by discrediting globalist institutions and installing someone who believed in a more nationalistic version of American exceptionalism; they are the patriots who are going to revitalize the American empire. At the level of the Quorum, I don't see where any of this really matters too much, it doesn't change the nature of the farm, just changes the way the cows move around it a little bit, unless 4D STS has an unusual interest in the American presidency for some strange reason. Trump being a member of the weaker faction, will be surrounded by globalists. He will essentially be a lame duck unable to enact any of his policies because most of the government is against him. He won't tolerate it, if he can avoid being taken out, and the only way he can remake America in his image is to enact a sort of populist fascism where he can become a monarch of sorts and "clean house." There may be an intermediate period which is somewhat beneficial for some Americans while the nationalists are rebuilding America like Hitler rebuilt Germany as globalism is rebranded to be more "America first." Ultimately the totalitarianism that would be required to maintain Trump's grip would not be so much different than that being planned by Hillary's globalists, the difference is in the execution, and people may be more inclined to believe in Trump's particular brand of it. I don't know if this is more amenable to 4D goals or not, and as the Cassiopaeans said, there are too many variables to speculate if any of this will even happen.
Basically Faction B is the "old school" of how empires used to be run where you need centralized means of production, large standing armies, and a national identity with which to whip up patriotic fervor. Faction A is the new school intel agency interpretation, where control is enforced through surveillance, mind control/psyops, subterfuge and sleight of hand. Faction A's interpretation is able to get people to accept slavery much more elegantly and with far less overhead than Faction B's, however Faction B is more efficient at being able to project real power. You can only accomplish so much with smoke and mirrors and gimmicky chicanery; at some point you need real power to back it up, which is much more expensive to maintain. If the intelligence agencies are stripped of their fancy tricks and backed into a corner they are actually fairly weak against a real military force. This weakness of theirs has allowed Faction B to maintain some relevance even though they are in a minority and dying a slow death. Faction B does not believe that the intelligence agency games can sustain empire on their own, and all of the outsourcing, anything goes immigration, and hollow postmodernist platitudes which do not inspire loyalty at a very high level weakens the empire. Thus, Trump's goals align with theirs to a degree...IF he can be kept in the fold of supporting Zionism and keeping the military industrial complex running. Faction B is NOT composed of isolationist libertarians, (that's Faction D, what few of them have managed to survive this long) they are expansionistic jingoistic nationalists. Faction A seeks to counter their weakness by establishing a small cadre of world controllers at the center of a semi-omniscient AI that watches over the rest of humanity which has become some manner of cyborg. In this case, the PTB don't really need to do much other than monitor and make the occasional tweak to the system, if anyone rebels they will simply detonate their implants and kill them instantly, and only small reserves of shock troops need to be maintained to enforce conformity in the event of irregularities or "glitches" in the program. Faction A can concentrate power in far fewer hands and can really be considered the public face of Faction C, although they tolerate the existence of Faction B because it provides controlled opposition for Faction A and distracts the public from the fact that Faction C even exists. There is quite a bit of overlap between the two, and probable subfactions that could be talked about, but for us dust kickers at the bottom, these broad categorizations probably capture the general idea. Faction B helped Trump build up his cabinet and provided him with some support in the beginning, but a problem that arose over time is Trump's vision kept veering off in a Faction D direction which caused a lot of them to become frustrated with him and united with Faction A in trying to find a way to dispose of him. Having the rival bad guy faction win is preferable to allowing any good guys to get established.

The general idea of the factions theory seemed to be indirectly corroborated in the 11/12/16 session, although some of the finer details I've outlined might be off.
Q: (Joe) Is it possible that when the Electoral College people meet on December 19th to effectively ratify Trump as president that some Republicans would end up not voting for Trump and give it to Hillary?

A: Not likely as that would draw unwanted scrutiny to the claims by Trump et al.

Q: (Joe) About the election being rigged... They can't undermine their own "democracy", basically.

(L) What else about this crazy election?

(Chu) Was this a real miscalculation?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Chu) They really did want Hillary?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Something that was bugging me during this election was the flip-flopping of this FBI guy Comey. He reopened the already closed case eleven days before the election, then two days before the election he said there was nothing to indict and it was closed again. What is the main cause of this flip-flopping in the FBI?

A: Pressure within the agency.

Q: (L) So in other words, it was actually what we thought at a certain shallow level of analysis: he was under pressure to reopen, so he did. Then he came under even greater pressure to close?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So sometimes, things are a little simple.

(Pierre) It's not monolithic. There are factions.

(L) Yes.

(Niall) What could have happened was similar to the leaks about Hillary's nomination for the Democratic party. An insider could have revealed these FBI docs and left the higher ups to...

A: Yes
There was quite a bit of consternation on the forum at the time of how Trump fit into the "master plan" and how the PTB had rigged and reverse rigged the system so that he would win and carry out their aims. The Cassiopaeans said there was nothing of the sort, Trump was a miscalculation and the "master plan" sort of grew up around him. In the time since, I've trotted out my factions theory to explain all the contradictions around Trump's presidency, how he manages to appear like part of the PTB for while, yet not part, he seems protected yet hated by them at the same time, and somehow lives to fight another day. I see this election being a repeat of 2016, with the lower level globalists going all in, but due to comments made in the most recent session and points summarized by Niall and Joe, believe that the upper level has learned to hedge its bets. Creating a "heads I win, tales you lose" situation is the best gamble you can make if you are a dealer and can convince someone to play. The question is will Trump and the right play that game, or will they outsmart it, or what if the coin stands up on its side?
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