2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

So What is Going On?

While the rest of us were all growling to ourselves in disgust over these shocking revelations that were made during this press conference, regarding the massive anomalous ballot dumps that appeared for Joe Biden and were recorded into the official ballot count on election night, Tim Ochs II had the awareness to notice, and then record, something absolutely startling. He had the where-with-all to realize that the time and date stamp shown by YouTube for this supposedly “LIVE” press conference was from 2 MONTHS AGO!


I’m sorry, but I don't think that is how YouTube works. Those servers run on synchronized Quantum processor-powered servers that are all calibrated to a central clock. The same way all our cellphones would be. They don’t ever just glitch out. If they did, not only would it be unprecedented, but every single other video on YouTube would have experienced the same anomaly. A particular video on its own is not going to show the wrong time and date stamp on YouTube. Not going to happen. Just like all those entries on Google that were found relating to Sandie Huk days and even weeks before the shooting. Articles and memorial fund raisers about the shooting that were found all over the Google registry with time stamps that could not have been “errors”, as Google’s search engine doesn’t just “glitch out” like that as Tim Ochs II said. The same line of reasoning can be applied to YouTube. This was not a “server error”. THAT DOESN’T/WOULDN’T/COULDN’T HAPPEN.
this is the start .. the KRAKEN has been released ..
kinda exciting in my opinion ..
better than a big singular arrest ..
many eye opening views of the rotten players
especially the main stream press ...

In Michigan, Powell filed a 75-page complaint seeking to set aside the results of the election, claiming that "hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots" enabled by "massive election fraud" facilitated Biden's win in the state.

link for PDF here ...

Also, isn't the truth more powerful than lies? Didn't the C's say there would be lots of 'exposure'? Didn't the C's say the PTB had an Achilles Heel and were desperate? Didn't the C's say the Wave was already here? Didn't the C's say 'help is on the way? Now the PTB may succeed in covering all this up, but it won't be perfect, and many people now doubt 911 as well. Waiting and seeing.

I appreciate your post and a very good memory of what the Cs have already said.


Session 23 May 2020:
(Joe) In the last session when they said the lock downs would end after two months because of exposure, has that exposure already happened?

(L) I don't think they said it would end with exposure. They said lock down for 2 months, and ultimately there would be exposure. I don't think they linked them together as cause-effect.

(Joe) I think they linked them together.

(L) No, it wasn't linked together.

[Review of previous session notes]

(Chu) I have it here: "Yes, but that too will backfire due to exposure." No timing...

A: Bigger exposure coming.

"Achilles Heel"

In honor of @Joe and of course @Laura and the whole crew ...

(L) So they're really between a rock and hard place. I just don't see how they're going to fix things. They're printing money like they were manufacturing Monopoly games. The only thing that that's going to do is the same thing that happened in the Weimar Republic when they did that. At some point, a whole truckload of money won't buy a loaf of bread. It'll be worthless. They're making money absolutely worthless!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They said that weather will play a more prominent role next... Does that mean food shortages?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there'll be food shortages. Right now, we already see that's coming. So along with bad weather and food shortages, you end up with a population that is ideally susceptible to diseases.

(Ark) But I don't understand because they have supercomputers able to do simulations of everything. So they probably did the simulation. And the simulation did not show probably that this policy will fail. And we think it will fail...

(Joe) Which policy?

(Ark) I mean this printing of money.

A: Wishful thinking, the Achilles heel of STS.

Q: (Andromeda) Do we want to ask what the nature of this sickness will be next season? Will it be a mutation of the coronavirus, a natural one that it occurs and they call it coronavirus, or something that is the result of vaccinations?

A: Uncertain as yet. But corona has useful architectural features they are attempting to enhance.

Q: (Andromeda) So they didn't learn the first time.

(Joe) That's what you were saying, Gaby.

(Gaby) Did they intend on using the coronavirus the first time, or was it a cross-contamination accident?

A: Yes to first and to second!

Q: (Andromeda) So they were intending to use the coronavirus, and it...

(L) ...AND it was a cross-contamination.

(Joe) That's more or less what they said last time. They were intending to use it to dumb down people...

(L) Well coronavirus is so common. It's the common cold.

(Joe) Gaby was looking at it, and what were you saying, Gaby?

(Gaby) It was like a normal flu, but now it creates a systemic disease - it goes everywhere in your body. It has the potential to unzip the genome. It's fascinating from a molecular level. Why would they play with that in the beginning?

(Joe) In short it's a very interesting virus, basically.

A: They were attempting to modify human genetics.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. The last time they said that they took the coronavirus and modified it to make people more controllable.

(Artemis) To what end? To dumb people down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So...

(Artemis) Have they tried this same thing for other reasons?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Successfully?

A: Not yet on a wide scale. What they forget is devolution.

Q: (L) In other words, the tendency whenever you hybridize something and then it gets turned loose, it always goes back to ground? Returns to its original state. Even small random mutations that persist for a while, end up being extinct.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) You can create a virus and modify it or whatever so it does some job. When it's released, it mutates and all the mutations are deleterious.

(L) It devolves!

(Joe) It becomes less and less effective.

(L) Look at the Black Death. It was a virus even though some people still think it wasn't. Some researchers now think that what we know as smallpox is what remains of it. That's something that was SO... I mean, smallpox is not a friendly sickness to say the least, but it's nothing like the Black Death.

(Joe) This virus that got out of Fort Detrick or Wuhan or whatever, they said it underwent some positive mutations. Is it true to say that depending on the person, some mutations of a virus are NOT deleterious, that they're actually positive?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) But in most people, those mutations are deleterious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But in different ways for each person...

(Joe) So the mutations aren't random in everybody. They're basically intelligent.

"desperate" The Cs have used this description of 4D STS many times but the most recent really gives some insight to the Covid19 virus and the lockdowns which seem uterly insane I think.

Session 23 May 2020:

"the wave was already here?" Seems to me it is here...

Scottie) Well, when there's all this crazy stuff going down on other planets and in the universe, maybe you're slightly more inclined to go, "Maybe 'soon' IS actually soon now!"

(L) I think they've already said that the Wave is already here. We're already in the middle of it. That's why everything is so crazy.

(Artemis) There's probably gonna be more weird stuff like crafts and bleedthrough and stuff. People are gonna freak out.

(Joe) And they'll be on Twitter saying, "I just saw this thing running past my window!" That's when we have to say something amongst all the other 15 million answers.

(L) I guess we'll see. It NEVER is the way we expect it to be! I mean...

(Chu) It could be politically weird.

(L) Everything went to hell starting with that business in Ukraine when the Deep State came out in the open. What's-her-name was giving cookies out. Snipers were shooting people to create a revolution there. That was like... The whole LGBTQ-blah-blah every letter of the alphabet started coming out... I mean, have you SEEN some of the shit going on?

(Joe) I know, but how many people on this planet find that those kinds of events are strange or give them chills? It has to be something that enters people's reality that they can't ignore or deny.

"'help is on the way?" The Cs have said this at least 11 times in the sessions. The first one I found was after Ark plans to go to a conference and Laura expressed the weight of attacks, unrenting work and frustration even to the point of almost giving up.

Q: (A) Next year, there are two conferences to which I have been invited. Blanchard is organizing one in Bielefeld, and then there is this conference in Tennessee on Clifford Algebras. Should I be serious about going to these conferences?
A: Certainly you should go!
Q: If you go to Tennessee, we can all go. We can drive up and take the kids. I think they have mountains and stuff up there. What about Bielefeld? We can manage. {Laura begins to cry and Ark comforts her.} When is it? (A) I didn't even want to look. (L) We would like to have just one piece of good news to cheer us up. All it has been for a long time is work, work, work and being abused and defamed and dealing with horrible people. Work and abuse. I have gotten to the point a number of times where I have thought: "I don't want to do this anymore." Yes, I know that it is designed to do that to me and I fight it. But it would be so nice to disappear back into a normal life and forget about all these people like Bridges and Burns and Williams. The only thing that makes me able to go on is that I do what I do for the people who are asking.
A: Help is on the way.
Q: Well, if Vincent Bridges was sitting here asking you what you wanted to say to him, what would you say?
A: Get a life you robotoid sloozer.
Q: What is a "sloozer?"
A: Sloozer is a slow loser.
Q: Alright. Let's say good night.
A: Good night.

"'help is on the way?" When it just seems the odds are against us and we are so few in numbers...

Session 30 March 2002:
Q: (L) Well I just want you to know our side isn't doing too well. (V) Why do you say that? (L) Well I mean if these conflicts are reflected in many levels and many ways all over the planet just the general overview of the planet at the moment, the so-called good guys aren't really doing too well right now. (B) Yeah, this reality is their own truth. (V) I see it a different way, I think we are in this situation because we are not of this reality; we have made a different choice. (L) But there are so few of us.

A: Help is on the way.

Q: (V) What no exclamation point? {laughter} Okay so we get a period tonight. And then in one month we get one exclamation point. Next month we get two, three, and then we know it's really close. I'm such a quantifier. {laughing} Wishful thinking huh? (B) If this is the given status of this environment and this density level, this lesson, anybody that breaks free from that is a plus, because there is undoubtedly a counterbalancing thing. (V) Right. Take your kudos where you can get them.

A: And it will balance in the end.

Q: (L) Well that will be nice. (V) Is this balance necessary for our transition to 4th density?

A: Balance is the result.

Q: (V) Balance is the result of transitioning to 4th density, is that what you're saying?

A: Yes.

"'help is on the way?" Questions about the nature of the "help" promised earlier...

Session 22 June 2002;
Q: (BT) We need to address the concerns about attack. (L) Yes. The question is: if we approach the matter in a more active way - since we don't want to proselytize, we only want to make people aware, they can look, accept, discard, or do whatever they want; I think the awareness factor is what we are targeting; there are six billion people on this planet and most of them are asleep and don't even know it; so awareness of the existence of a different option for viewing reality is the issue - how much will this increase the level of attack?

A: Knowledge protects. You have been in "attack school" for a long time, most recently having taken a grad level course. The principles learned thusly will stand you in good stead. From the fire comes light!

Q: (A) We were several times told that "help is on the way." What kind of help?

A: When you begin to expand the potential network you will rattle a lot of bushes.

Q: (L) The thing that concerns me is that I am nervous about such ideas. Generally speaking, such approaches generally lead to an organization which then leads to codification, which then leads to all kinds of problems. You can't keep it personal and simple. Bigger networks, means more people, means more opportunities for twisting and distortion and problem. There is just so much potential for people becoming involved who do not have the same intent we have, who don't have the intent the group has, and just a whole host of things that come to mind here. When you start getting big, you can't give enough attention to everything. For now, we take care of everything ourselves. We protect the group so that they can gather their awareness; they are making extraordinary progress; and how can you do that on a larger scale?

"'help is on the way?" Questions about the local legal battles with prefect officials...

Session 17 August 2002:
Q: (A) We have to ask about how to behave with this prefect. (L) What is going with the prefect or the persons in Auch?

A: This situation is complex. At the local level there exists little more than trained Bureaucrats, so think of it this way.

Q: (L) Well that doesn't help. (Galahad) Well it does in that it tells us that its not a conscious plot. Its just people who are caught in the local power dynamics.

A: Allow Grichka to guide on this one.

Q: (L) I could cry! The whole situation has been so stressful!

A: Help is on the way!

Q: (Perceval) Seems like the process is that we get ourselves in trouble by doing what we have to do and then help arrives. (Galahad) Is there any potential danger from J___?.

A: Now, that's another one of those interesting questions that carries awareness in the very asking. Eh? Knowledge protects if utilized.

Q: Is this conscious on her part?

A: Mostly she is aware of seeking control of you, though in a "soft" way. If there is resistance, then it is not so soft. Hell and fury and all that, but always behind the back.

Q: (A) Well the question is who was calling J___ and manipulating her etc?

A: It started with MartenJ... but the "conspiracy" is a bit more on the part of the lower level bureaucrats seeking to CYA. (Cover Your Ass)

"Help is on the way?" C's should come from Leo now

Session 29 July 2006:https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-23-may-2020.48914/
(Galahad) Is there going to be something significant in our realm about the fact that you are now coming through Leo?

A: Oh yes! Help is on the way!

Q: (Galahad) Is this related to some of the interesting tests that we’ve been having recently as well?

A: Partly.

Q: (Ark) “What tests Galahad?” (Galahad) Well we’ve been having a fairly intense past few months I was thinking E****, A***, L*** G***…

Q: (Ark) Is there imminent danger?

A: No

Q: (J): Do they mean to us? (Ark) well its only three nights! (laughter) (Perceval) are we allowed to guess? (Laura) let’s just wait and see. (Perceval) (plaintively) No! (laughter) (Galahad) we’ve got time to put a whole website warning the whole world! (laughter). (Perceval) Think of all the hits we would get! (more laughter). It could be the economy or a big a quake or… we could win the lottery. (Mr. Scott) Well it could be something that happens for three nights but in a month from now. (L) let’s just leave it, its more fun having a mystery! Ok, so let’s get on with the questions.

"Help is on the way?" Look to the skies...

Session 16 July 2006:
Q: (Joe) That was I was going to say. There's a danger in doing the same thing over and over again. People will start to not believe it any more. (Galahad) That's where they are caught: in their inability to think creatively. (Joe) It may not, depending on us. (S) Well, I'm all cheered up now. (laughter) (S) Is there any good news at all?!

A: You have this information which the rest of people do not.

Q: (L) I want to... (Joe) We're doomed to know what's going to happen before everybody else... You want to what?

A: You will do what you will do. Help is on the way.

Q: (L) I would just like to know what form this help is going to take?

A: That would be cheating. Look to the skies...

Q: (Joe) Help is a comet! (laughter) (L) Or it's a supernova and we're all going to get fried... (S) Well, if the earth was hit by comets and it was a disaster area, well that would be cool, and if there was a supernova and we all get superpowers, well that would be cool too! So there ya go! (Joe) Maybe the supernova will wake a bunch of people up. (laughter) (A) Recently we were concentrating on psychopaths, ponerology, and so on, and this is now starting to go around. But, I have the feeling that while this is spreading, we should take some other subject and focus on promoting that. Psychopaths and ponerology are becoming famous, so when that happens we should move on to the next big thing. Which direction should it be?

A: When Dolan gets here, you'll get some ideas.

"Help is on the way?" "Build it... and they will come"...

Session 29 Decmber 2009:
Q: (C**) It's the last session of this year!

(A***) Should we ask about the weather, or...?

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Q: (A***) How soon?

A: 8 months possible.

Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

"Help is on the way?" Scientific help?

Session 9 April 2011:
Q: (Ark) Last question. Uh, there was in the 20’s a German physicist, and he was claiming he could see magnetic monopoles– which nowadays is almost forgotten. He had a lot of experiments and theories. Did he really see magnetic monopoles?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ok, are we done? Is there anything that we didn’t ask but should have asked?

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye!

"Help is on the way?" Remember the Odyssey?

Session 11 June 2011:
Q: (L) Well that makes me think of something. Reading all of these analyses about the Odyssey, it's almost like the Odyssey is an epic story that describes a world similar to our own. When Odysseus comes back to his home, he finds it occupied by these psychopathic, consuming, partying, drunken, rude, obnoxious people. He himself comes into his own as a stranger, a beggar, is treated like dirt, insulted, things are thrown at him... Basically, that's kind of like what our world is doing today. The poor are being oppressed. It's like the whole global elite is acting the part of these suitors in the Odyssey, and Odysseus is everybody else in a certain sense. Just reading this story, it's like apocalyptic. People start behaving that way and it's like they bring down destruction on their own heads. Am I kind of on to something here?

A: Yes. And it is a good exercise for your forum because it will convey many truths at a deep level.

Q: (L) Anybody else? (Ark) I mean, who is going to play the role of Athena?

A: No dice!

Q: (Galaxia) What did Athena do? (Ark) Well, without her, the suitors would win. (L) So you're not going to tell us that?

A: Let us just say: Help is on the way!! Goodbye.


"Help is on the way?" Turn your radio on?

Session 14 August 2016:
(Galatea) One last question: So, when we all finally get our crystals and do our synchronized chanting or meditation, will that be able to cut off evil beaming from the evil STS people?

A: For some.

Q: (L) In other words, we can't do anything about the rest of the world, but we can do it for ourselves.

(Galatea) Is that what that means?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. I guess that's it, so we will say...

A: Keep the project on track. There is more to come once the receivers are ready! Help is on the way!!!!!! Goodbye.


"Help is on the way?" The Cs "something a bit more dramatic in mind."

Session 10 February 2018:
(Artemis) Okay, I have a weird one. Are there any people living on Earth who weren't born on Earth?

A: Depends on how you define "born".

Q: (Artemis) A lady has you in her stomach... Do I need to tell you how this works? [laughter] Okay, do they mean like people who were possible experiments and who were born in other ways?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) There are people on Earth who were born in other ways and not on Earth?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) I knew it! [laughter]

(Joe) What do they think of Jordan Peterson?

A: Great soul.

Q: (Joe) Does he fit at least part of the profile for their long-prophesied, "Help is on the way"? At least part of it?

A: Partly. But we have something a bit more dramatic in mind.

Q: (Pierre) Like cometary bombardment! [laughter]

(Joe) "Help is on the way" is bringing the curtain down.

(Pierre) Talking about cometary bombardment, years ago it was mentioned in a session that the financial markets are totally rigged. Every day we have proof of that. I'm wondering will ever reality catch up on this financial illusion, or is it kind of totally disconnected. Can we...

(L) Ask one question at a time.

(Pierre) Can financial markets be disconnected forever from reality?

A: No.

Q: (Pierre) So the next crash, will it be engineered by financial operators, or will it be reality catching up the financial illusion?

A: Latter mostly.

(Scottie) It can be partially engineered, and then reality catches up and makes it REALLY bad...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Yeah, they think they're going to be able to take it down and bring it back up again.

(Scottie) Exactly. They think they're going to be able to control it, and then: OOPS!

(L) And then it's going to be like having a tiger by the tail.

(Scottie) That's going to be awesome. I think...

(L) Anything else?

(Ark) Yeah. I want to go back to 1996. November. About Einstein's relativity. The following came out: time is not a dimension. And then Einstein's relativity theory is only partially correct. Now, if time is not a dimension, and Einstein's relativity theory is based on the fact that time and space are dimensions for space-time, my question is then: Which part of Einstein's relativity theory is correct?

A: Space.

Q: (Artemis) The Final Frontier...

(Ark) Okay. Then I was asking at some point about consciousness. And the answer was that I will understand consciousness if I'm able to invert formulation of gravity. But formulation of gravity according to Einstein is based again on space-time, where time is a dimension. So how can I invert something that is wrong from the beginning since it's based on space and time?

A: Replace time with consciousness.

Maybe there are many forms of "help" consider that we don't think about but will be there "as needed".


Maybe not as "masked up" as some would believe...

Night on the town, Moscow style: Few masks, but lots of worry about another lockdown

Here is another piece to the puzzle - Microsoft and OpenAI partner to propose digital transformation of export controls - Microsoft On the Issues

_The government will set policies that determine who can access sensitive technologies and for what purpose from an export controls and national security perspective. These policies would then be implemented and enforced within the protected technology.. These solutions can protect against problematic users and uses.. not just at initial access but continuously in a deployed environment._

_Artificial intelligence.. techniques.. can be used to more dexterously identify and restrict problematic end users or uses by continuously improving to incorporate government policy changes or observations from unauthorized user or use attempts. OpenAI’s GPT-3.. is an example of such a technique already in development._
Yesterday was a Good day, it feels like we are on the path to Victory now. General Flynn was pardoned and Sidney Powell filed her bombshell case in Georgia that will take down the horrendous criminals there. Other successes as the people begin to see the mind blowing fraud as the evidence is presented.

This looks symbolic. The sweet little owl released into the wild that was found in the NYC Christmas tree and the Supreme Court shooting down Cuomo saying his restrictions on religious gatherings are unconstitutional. It begins!

So What is Going On?

While the rest of us were all growling to ourselves in disgust over these shocking revelations that were made during this press conference, regarding the massive anomalous ballot dumps that appeared for Joe Biden and were recorded into the official ballot count on election night, Tim Ochs II had the awareness to notice, and then record, something absolutely startling. He had the where-with-all to realize that the time and date stamp shown by YouTube for this supposedly “LIVE” press conference was from 2 MONTHS AGO!

View attachment 40426

I’m sorry, but I don't think that is how YouTube works. Those servers run on synchronized Quantum processor-powered servers that are all calibrated to a central clock. The same way all our cellphones would be. They don’t ever just glitch out. If they did, not only would it be unprecedented, but every single other video on YouTube would have experienced the same anomaly. A particular video on its own is not going to show the wrong time and date stamp on YouTube. Not going to happen. Just like all those entries on Google that were found relating to Sandie Huk days and even weeks before the shooting. Articles and memorial fund raisers about the shooting that were found all over the Google registry with time stamps that could not have been “errors”, as Google’s search engine doesn’t just “glitch out” like that as Tim Ochs II said. The same line of reasoning can be applied to YouTube. This was not a “server error”. THAT DOESN’T/WOULDN’T/COULDN’T HAPPEN.
Hmm... what are we to make of this? Any ideas?
Patrick Byrne interview clips collected into one video:

This is another of those guys with an impressive resume, private connections and enough money to make waves. He apparently has an inside track on how these election scams operate, explains some of the finer details of how the hack worked and provides insight into previous hacks, (like how Hillary's failed). He's also financing his own lawsuit which leverages this information.

I'd not heard the term, "Drop and Roll" before, (outside of fire safety courses, that is).



By Brandon Smith

This past year in numerous countries the public is being bombarded with lessons in power and control that have been forgotten for generations. I think the majority of westerners in particular have long believed themselves “safe” from totalitarian government, from collectivist micro-management and from communistic cultism. They thought we had moved beyond the nightmares of the 20th century. They thought that the “new world” was going to be more Utopian, and that freedom would grace us naturally along with technological progress.

Sure, in the back of everyone’s subconscious there is the fear that the good times are an illusion and that dystopia is just behind a thin veneer of economic stability and false optimism, but most people do not really think such catastrophes will happen in their lifetime. We are now in the midst of a deliberately over-hyped pandemic, strict national lockdowns, civil unrest, riots, aggressive tech censorship, intrusive government censorship, unprecedented corporate and treasury debt, stagflationary central bank stimulus and the collapse of massive financial bubbles. Yet, I still don’t get the impression that many in the public really grasp the extent of the danger; they still believe that the situation is going to heal itself without any effort or much sacrifice on their part.

This is the first lesson of power: Entire societies can be easily influenced when they suffer from delusions that the bad times will be fleeting, and that governments will keep them safe no matter what.

It is a historically proven pattern that governments tend to CREATE problems instead of solving them, and this is because the power dynamic of government never changes. The politicians we “vote” for are not in control, rather, the elites who fund their campaigns and who permeate their cabinets are in control. Political representatives come and go, but the establishment elites never leave. Therefore, the problems our society faces will remain; they are a direct result of the subversive and perpetual power structure that serves the interest of a select minority rather than the public. The decline of our society into tyranny will not stop until this power structure and the people behind it are erased.

This would actually be a simple thing to achieve if enough people were to accept the truth and take action. The elites, the globalists, the establishment, the “new world order”, whatever you want to call this organization of power mongers, is but a collection of mostly weak and feeble psychopaths and parasites. They are completely out in the open; they proudly proclaim their affiliations and intentions on a regular basis through their host institutions, from the Council on Foreign Relations to Tavistock to Bilderberg to the World Economic Forum, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, etc. There is very little that is hidden about these people anymore.

But, it is also a sad reality that most people have to hit rock bottom before they embrace the idea that they cannot rely on the corrupt system to save them from harm. And as long as they continue to have blind faith that the system will self correct, they will never act. The elites operate in the open with impunity because they know that human beings are more likely to seek out help from the system than they are to fix a problem for themselves. If someone was to switch off that single mass fantasy, the elites would be gone tomorrow.

The second lesson of power is that perception of consent creates legitimate consent. To put it another way – When people believe that their peers and neighbors have accepted a certain level of tyranny, they too will often accept it so that they don’t stand out or draw attention to themselves as “aberrant”. People seeking power only need to create the illusion of mass consent. Even when the majority of people are against them, the perception of compliance can sometimes overwhelm logic.

Control is usually achieved passively without force. Sometimes you don’t even need the threat of force; sometimes you only need to inspire a fear of standing out among the crowd.

For example, the pandemic has been used the past six months as a tool for creating such a narrative. Mask wearing “rules” are particularly insidious as they conjure illusions of compliance and submission. “Everyone” is wearing a mask, therefore everyone must support medical tyranny. Mask wearing is a complete farce when it comes to the actual science of virology and viral spread. The CDC still does not recommend cloth masks to their own employees and only allows them to use N95 filtered masks. A recent and censored Danish study confirms the reality that masks are mostly useless.

Strictly enforced cloth mask rules have done nothing to stop renewed spikes in infections in multiple countries and US states. The fact that in many places masks are required OUTDOORS despite endless scientific evidence showing that UV light and open air kills microorganisms including viruses shows that the lockdown response has nothing to do with science or saving lives. It is about control.

We can take all logical factors into account, but, for a lot of people, if they see others wearing masks they too will wear a mask simply because they are afraid to be judged by what they perceive to be the majority. The reality is that a majority of people are wearing the masks grudgingly, and they would take them off tomorrow if they knew other people would do the same.

This is why the mainstream media pushes mask wearing propaganda everyday, 24/7. News journalists stand on street corners or in open air parks and wear masks on camera. Politicians wear masks even when on camera in their own homes. Celebrities and companies try to sell the idea that mask wearing is “cool”. Hey, if you don’t wear a mask you could be putting hundreds or thousands of other people at risk and killing their grandmas, right?

The masks do nothing. They achieve nothing in terms of stopping the virus spread or saving lives. This is a fact made obvious by the very infection numbers the establishment holds up as a rationale for the masks. But if the establishment elites through propaganda can convince you to wear a mask everyday, then this opens the door to them dictating many other aspects of your life. The masks are just a gateway into more destructive mandates.

The solution to this type of tyranny is to stop caring what other people think, especially when the facts are on your side. In the town where I live, the vast majority of people have said no to the mask restrictions. If someone wants to wear a mask because they believe it will protect them, that’s fine. But, no one is going to tell us we have to wear them “for our own good”. That said, even if I was the ONLY person not wearing a mask around town, I would not care if it bothered others. Your credo has to be “try and force me to wear a mask, and watch what happens…”

The third lesson of power is that force only leads to control if you respond with submission. A group of people can beat you or even kill you, but they can’t force you to comply if you do not fear for your own life.

I find that the use of force by tyrants is predicated on the assumption that the people they are seeking to control will not fight back effectively. As soon as people do fight back effectively, the tyrant is shocked. Most tyrants rise to power, not because they have won multiple battles and subdued their opponents, but because they never had to fight in the first place. Or, they win a handful of easy battles, often staged to look more victorious than they really were, and then use those mediocre wins as a means to terrify all future opposition into not fighting. The tyrants start to believe their own lies and presume their own invincibility.

Predators do not seek out hard targets, they seek out weak targets. The solution to tyrants is for the hard targets to seek them out and strike them in the midst of their confidence. When predators get hit back they have a habit of running away.

But, this requires people who do not live in fear of what might happen when they fight back. The concept of sacrificing comfort (or much worse) can’t be an issue. Fear fades away when a person fights for something more than himself. It’s not always about personal survival, sometimes it’s about the survival of future generations, or the survival of a set of principles. As that fear disappears, so does the illusion of control that tyrants rely on.

The fourth lesson of power is that ideals either stem from human conscience, or they do not. And if they do not, then they are not ideals worth adopting or fighting over. The conscience of the average person is not as ambiguous and changeable as the establishment would like you to believe. A lion’s share of human beings operate on a certain set of inherent morals and principles that are universally shared; they do not need to be taught these principles, they are born knowing them. If these rules were not ingrained into our psyches our species would have self destructed thousands of years ago.

Establishment elites would like you to believe that all ideals are a product of environment, and that those who control the environment control the morals of the people by extension. This is a lie. Values such as freedom exist even in the most oppressive environments, and people seek it out even when the risk is overwhelming. Empathy is also inherent for most of us, but a certain percentage of people are born without the capacity for it. The REAL fight in the middle of any power struggle is the fight between those who are born with conscience, values and empathy, and those who are born without these grounding characteristics.

Psychopathic tyrants desperately want to prove that all other people are just as devoid of humanity and soul as they are. They want to prove that the voice of conscience that guides us is a mask we wear to pretend that we are not evil at our core. Control comes from the fallacy that we are dependent on our environments to tell us who we are as individuals. Control comes from the notion that morals are relative, and that principles are social constructs.

Conscience is inherent, but it is also a choice. You have the free will to listen to it, or ignore it. If a tyrant can convince you to ignore the voice of your own conscience then the only other guide in life is your environment. And, if that tyrant dominates every aspect of your environment, then he now has the power to rewrite your moral code, at least temporarily. You can be made to do terrible things you would not otherwise do, or support destructive causes and ideologies you would not otherwise support.

The ultimate totalitarian power is the power to make people forget their own inner voice. The ultimate tool against evil is to listen to that voice and to not be afraid of the supposed consequences.

The question of the facade of power is about to become the defining question of our epoch as the elitist establishment accelerates their agenda for greater centralized control of our lives. The truth they do not want you to understand is that they have no power. They have nothing. We could defy their mandates anytime we wish. We could do away with them tomorrow if we wanted. They are of no use to humanity, they serve no valuable purpose. They only seek to feed like vampires on the masses and fulfill their deranged fantasies of conquest. Sooner or later they will have to be dealt with – The sooner the better.
I’m sorry, but I don't think that is how YouTube works. Those servers run on synchronized Quantum processor-powered servers that are all calibrated to a central clock. The same way all our cellphones would be. They don’t ever just glitch out. If they did, not only would it be unprecedented, but every single other video on YouTube would have experienced the same anomaly. A particular video on its own is not going to show the wrong time and date stamp on YouTube. Not going to happen. Just like all those entries on Google that were found relating to Sandie Huk days and even weeks before the shooting. Articles and memorial fund raisers about the shooting that were found all over the Google registry with time stamps that could not have been “errors”, as Google’s search engine doesn’t just “glitch out” like that as Tim Ochs II said. The same line of reasoning can be applied to YouTube. This was not a “server error”. THAT DOESN’T/WOULDN’T/COULDN’T HAPPEN.

Man, how they love to shield themselves behind these "glitches". What's next? "A wizard did it"?
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