2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Ha ha ha!

Oh boy. -In an effort to find out what was going on with the Sidney -theKraken- Powell filings, I was confused to note that none of my regular go-to outlets on YouTube were reporting anything. Maybe they're all eating Turkey?

Anyway, in hunting around, I found a news outlet I'd never heard of before which was weirdly clear in its signal. It would seem very biased to the far Left today, but it to me it just felt like "News" back from when I was a kid. Check it out:

Who is it? Who is "NTD News"?

Why, it's an American-based news network founded by...

The Fulan Gong! (If you believe Wikipedia.)

"New Tang Dynasty Television is a multilingual American television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City. The station was founded in 2001 as a Chinese-language broadcaster, but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on mainland China in its news broadcasts. It serves as a media arm of the Falun Gong.

Har har har! It's a cult outreach news site, but.., doing a good job? I guess persecution by the Chinese government makes for strange bed fellows.
Who is Sidney Powell exactly?

In an effort to answer this question, I dug up this video from back in March of this year, (before she jumped into the current day circus), where she gave an hour-long address at Hillsdale College.

She talks about the General Flynn legal debacle and her involvement in his defense, as well as corruption at high levels in the American justice system. (Probably not coincidentally, the media and establishment democrats were smearing her back then, too.)

She's a good speaker; seems to have her act together.
Hi all. This is a first post motivated by the sense that it’s important in the current situation to not become too focused on winners and losers, and/or to stress regarding possible outcomes.

It's a little off the current focus of this thread, but there’s a bigger picture in play...

A Trump win could well prove an important catalyst in triggering the deep change which is clearly needed if we’re to eventually (it won’t be for quite a while) transition to societies that are genuinely run for the greater good of all – this as a part of our stepping up to the next density reality.

He’s a very determined and capable man, one who while representing the interest of a power base seems to have an agenda that is considerably more people centred than the alternatives. It’s evident that he’s feared by the current regime.

The likelihood however is that the sort of society we all hope for will not be implemented by one or other of the power-based hierarchies currently jockeying for control – nor by extension by him.

They are all ‘old energy’.

The critical ingredient in achieving this seems instead to be the awakening of at least a critical mass of people - so that they come to look past the zero sum tunnel vision of self-interest which for millennia has seen us blank almost everything except matters relating to our staying clean within and/or progressing in those hierarchies we encounter.

Most see this game as the key to their future. Our intensity of focus is such that it blinds us to the bigger picture/the greater good – to our own longer term greatest good.

This self-interest driven tunnel vision means that the many issues which threaten the future of our societies, the planet and all life on it don’t in any meaningful sense even make it into the awareness of most – they rationalise that it’s for ‘them’ to think matters through and to initiate action.

The associated deeply conditioned and almost universal deference to power means that most organisations and institutions routinely implement the will of the self-interested. Their members and/or employees tacitly collude in this.

Few seem truly to recognise that hierarchy is an inherently sub optimal system of organisation – no matter what the intention of those at the top.

Despite this the reality is that co-operating networks of self responsible and service to other minded individuals are inherently far more effective, inclusive and efficient.

Trump by this measure is as above probably less a proponent of truths than a catalyst for change - he’s unlikely (even if he has the required vision) to deliver the sort of enlightened society we all hope for.

That will require the sort of bottom up awakening described above – which seems in fact to be well under way. This awakening is perhaps the joker in the pack - the hidden power which many of us sense may be behind current events.

Trump despite this likely limitation IS already proving to be an incredibly powerful catalyst for change.

There’s still quite some distance to go, and it could all fizzle out - but the events he has so far triggered have already dragged so much that is unsavoury into plain view. This given that he may tackle the forces and organisations that oppose his interest (big tech, mainstream and social media and the rest of the cabal) may only be the beginning.

He may even de-facto block the implementation of the IT controlled and highly dystopian future that so many of us feel is currently just over the horizon.

Progress in the short term seems likely to require that there are enough people in key positions throughout the society and its institutions that will act – for example some of the very brave people leading the charge on the current legal cases and so on.

This may lead to the cabal agenda and associated nastiness being forced into awareness in a manner which cannot be denied by Joe public..

The tipping point may well (?) be recognition by the system and by a critical mass within the population that there is a new show in town. This once achieved could well lead to a cascade of awakening and a ‘sea change’ in attitudes – a development which could finish the ‘ancien regime’.

All of this is of course speculation – we can’t truly know what is coming down the tracks. It’s ultimately a karmic affair, a situation where we may avoid the worst IF we awaken soon enough.

The transcripts have over the years suggested the possibility of a variety of unpleasant events – everything raging from meteor/bolide impacts, to plague, to massive earthquakes and volcanism, to famine to solar events.

It seem very likely that we’re headed for some pretty significant turbulence (especially economic and geophysical), but it may well be that we will with sufficient opening avoid the worst of these possibilities.

Knowledge does protect and promote growth, but there ultimately comes a point where we have to trust that no matters what happens it will be for the best. It may for example yet turn out that we in karmic terms collectively need stronger medicine to awaken.

It’s probably important too not to forget the power of mind, to recognise that we all play a part in imagining our futures into existence.

It’s consequently best to retain as much equanimity as we can and not put too much energy into/not become hung up regarding the (as we would see it) less than desirable possibilities.

We can’t know what's for the greatest good and don’t control events, so it’s unwise too to become too prescriptive/to become overly attached to what we consider as preferred outcomes.

We can however by remaining positive and doing the necessary work be very effective in bringing an awful lot of non-prescriptive healing and higher energy through – which by all accounts will find its way to where it’s needed…
What troubles me is that they only at the last moment when a Trump win was certain they pulled the plug and start bringing in votes with a rate of 95%-100% for Biden.

Why didn't they spread it out right at the start. Why make it so obvious. Why give Biden 100% of the votes update after update.

They could have spread it out, make it subtle. Make it diffecult to spot, but no. I mean they couldn't have make it more obvious. But they did! And they must have their reasons for doing so.

Nothing feels right about this.
I think “they” want total destruction/chaos in the United States. psychologically if you take away something from somone they have a worst reaction than if they never had it in the first place.

“They” pushes Biden in and the people feel like they have Biden. Now if Biden is taken away OMG the anger will be worse than if Trump was just re-elected

So I believe the play to be internal conflict in the US this is the attack and play. In three short weeks we will find out.
What I mean is that claiming Trump has 'reactivated NSAM-57', a National Security Memorandum drafted by JFK in 1963 to 'take back control of CIA Special Ops from the CIA' is extreme wishful thinking.

You could be right. The Dark Journalist seems to be one of the few sources of "disclosure" on reenactment of NASM-57.

I think it is wise not to rely on one sourse for information.

He mentions Ezra Cohen-Watnick in the video but there has not been any official announcement from the Secretary of Defense Releases that I could find.

I wonder if there may be at least a slight difference between STS wishful thinking and STO creative imagining of a better world.
Who is it? Who is "NTD News"?

Why, it's an American-based news network founded by...

The Fulan Gong! (If you believe Wikipedia.)

"New Tang Dynasty Television is a multilingual American television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City. The station was founded in 2001 as a Chinese-language broadcaster, but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on mainland China in its news broadcasts. It serves as a media arm of the Falun Gong."

Har har har! It's a cult outreach news site, but.., doing a good job? I guess persecution by the Chinese government makes for strange bed fellows.

Yeah, I noticed NTD too that suddenly popped up all over my YouTube recommendations, along with some other conservative channels I have never heard of. They are covering Powell and the lawsuits all the time. However, they (and other channels as well) seem to be pushing kind of "us vs. the commies" narrative, calling the Coronavirus the "CCP virus", talking about evil Venezuela etc. A bit weird all that. In my more conspiracy-minded moments, I almost think something got "activated" by someone for some purpose. But as @SOTTREADER said, at this point we can speculate till the cows come home. So perhaps better to just share data points that come to our attention.

You could be right. The Dark Journalist seems to be one of the few sources of "disclosure" on reenactment of NASM-57.

I think it is wise not to rely on one sourse for information.

He mentions Ezra Cohen-Watnick in the video but there has not been any official announcement from the Secretary of Defense Releases that I could find.

I wonder if there may be at least a slight difference between STS wishful thinking and STO creative imagining of a better world.
I'll try to give something of an explanation after listening to the video by DJ. He's making this claim from the announcement made by Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. NASM-57 isn't directly stated but what is happening does sound like it. Watnick gives a short talk where he speaks of Kennedy several times. DJ also said this action by Kennedy was approved at the time which eliminates the hassle of proposing something similar now. He references the article by John Solomon.

Acting SecDef reveals 'watershed' move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him​

New policy eliminates bureaucratic layers between the Pentagon chief and the head of Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict.

In a major change to one component of the civilian command structure at the Pentagon, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller announced Wednesday that the civilian leadership of U.S. special operations forces will report directly to him.
"I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me instead of through the current bureaucratic channels," Miller said. "This historic step ... will put Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time."
Miller, a former Green Beret who took part in a secret mission in Afghanistan immediately following the 9/11 attacks, announced the new policy while at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the historic home of Army Special Forces.
The new policy eliminates bureaucratic layers that have existed between the Pentagon chief and the head of Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict. It also gives Special Operations Command, which is based in Tampa, Florida, a more direct line to the defense secretary.
The move is a "watershed reform," said Miller, who described U.S. Special Operations Command as "a national treasure unparalleled in the world."
The new move likely is pegged to the coming drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told Just the News. It also hints at current bureaucratic logjams within the Department of Defense.
"This gives Miller a direct line of sight on what's going with the drawdown, and with the people he served with," the official said.
Miller, 55, served in Afghanistan alongside Green Berets, many of them riding horses, who went deep into Taliban territory in 2001 to seek and destroy the enemy.

At 1:28 he says " Now under the leadership of President Trump, we are fully realizing Pres. Kennedy's pressing view of special operations.


1. For the purpose of this study, a paramilitary operation is
considered to be one which by its tactics and its requirements in
military-type personnel, equipment and training approximates a con-
ventional military operation. It may be undertaken in support of an
existing government friendly to the U.S. or in support of a rebel group
seeking to overthrow a government hostile to us. The U.S. may render
assistance to such operations overtly, covertly or by a combination of
both methods. In size these operations may vary from the infiltration
of a squad of guerillas to a military operation such as the Cuban invasion.
The small operations will often fall completely within the normal capa-
bility of one agency; the large ones may affect State, Defense, CIA, USIA
and possibly other departments and agencies.
2. In order to conduct paramilitary operations with maximum effec-
tiveness and flexibility within the context of the Cold War, it is recommended
that current directives and procedures be modified to effect the following:

  • a. Any proposed paramilitary operation in the concept state
    will be presented to the Strategic Resources Group for initial con-
    sidertation and for approval as necessary by the President. There-
    after, the SRG will assign primary responsibility for planning, for
    interdepartment coordination and for execution to the Task Force,
    department or individual best qualified to carry forward the operation
    to success, and will indicate supporting responsibilities.
    this principle, the Department of Defense will normally receive
    responsibility for overt paramilitary operations. Where such an
    operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned
    to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the
    agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert
    which requires significant numbers of military trained personnel,
    amounts to military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled
    stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the
    Armed services is properly the primary responsibility of the
    Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.

Trump Goes OFF On Fake News Reporter: “You’re Just A Lightweight. Don’t Talk To Me That Way. I’m The President Of The United States!”​

President Trump went off on fake news reporter Jeff Mason calling him a “lightweight” and telling him, “Don’t ever talk to the president that way.”

Mason had questioned President Trump on whether he would concede the election if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, to which the president responded,

“Well if they do, they made a mistake, because this election was a fraud.”

“Just so you understand, this election was a fraud,” I mean, they have Biden beating Obama. And Obama’s vote, in areas that mattered in terms of the election, in swing states. And yet, he’s losing to Obama all over the place, but he’s Obama in swing states, which are the states that mattered for purposes of the election.”
“So no, I can’t say that at all. I think it’s a possibility… they’re trying to, look, between you people…”
Trump continued to rip the correspondent.

“Don’t talk to me that way,” the president fired back. “You’re just a lightweight. Don’t talk to me that way. Don’t talk to… I’m the President of the United States! Don’t ever talk to the president that way. Alright, I’m going to go with another question.”

I can't believe how rude these American reporters are to the President!

So rude
However, they (and other channels as well) seem to be pushing kind of "us vs. the commies" narrative, calling the Coronavirus the "CCP virus", talking about evil Venezuela etc. A bit weird all that.

It seems that the "traditional US empire" people (faction B) want a war with China and possibly Venezuela in order to preserve the US empire.

If Trump is re-elected and the election fraud can be tied to China (whether true or not), then that is a powerful casus belli to push for a war.
I'll try to give something of an explanation after listening to the video by DJ. He's making this claim from the announcement made by Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. NASM-57 isn't directly stated but what is happening does sound like it. Watnick gives a short talk where he speaks of Kennedy several times. DJ also said this action by Kennedy was approved at the time which eliminates the hassle of proposing something similar now. He references the article by John Solomon.

Acting SecDef reveals 'watershed' move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him​

New policy eliminates bureaucratic layers between the Pentagon chief and the head of Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict.

At 1:28 he says " Now under the leadership of President Trump, we are fully realizing Pres. Kennedy's pressing view of special operations.


1. For the purpose of this study, a paramilitary operation is
considered to be one which by its tactics and its requirements in
military-type personnel, equipment and training approximates a con-
ventional military operation. It may be undertaken in support of an
existing government friendly to the U.S. or in support of a rebel group
seeking to overthrow a government hostile to us. The U.S. may render
assistance to such operations overtly, covertly or by a combination of
both methods. In size these operations may vary from the infiltration
of a squad of guerillas to a military operation such as the Cuban invasion.
The small operations will often fall completely within the normal capa-
bility of one agency; the large ones may affect State, Defense, CIA, USIA
and possibly other departments and agencies.
2. In order to conduct paramilitary operations with maximum effec-
tiveness and flexibility within the context of the Cold War, it is recommended
that current directives and procedures be modified to effect the following:

  • a. Any proposed paramilitary operation in the concept state
    will be presented to the Strategic Resources Group for initial con-
    sidertation and for approval as necessary by the President. There-
    after, the SRG will assign primary responsibility for planning, for
    interdepartment coordination and for execution to the Task Force,
    department or individual best qualified to carry forward the operation
    to success, and will indicate supporting responsibilities.
    this principle, the Department of Defense will normally receive
    responsibility for overt paramilitary operations. Where such an
    operation is to be wholly covert or disavowable, it may be assigned
    to CIA, provided that it is within the normal capabilities of the
    agency. Any large paramilitary operation wholly or partly covert
    which requires significant numbers of military trained personnel,
    amounts to military equipment which exceed normal CIA-controlled
    stocks and/or military experience of a kind and level peculiar to the
    Armed services is properly the primary responsibility of the
    Department of Defense with the CIA in a supporting role.
In this context, it's interesting too that Hillary has been seeking the post of Secretary of Defense in the Biden administration. This came out a few weeks before the election given an op-ed piece she wrote in "Foreign Affairs" magazine. This also came out again in a recent headline, not sure where, however; I haven't been able to re-trace that.

Excerpt from Conservative Institute, October 12, 2020:

Hillary Clinton eyes secretary of Defense role in Biden administration​

Former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to make a play for the secretary of Defense position in a Joe Biden administration by writing a 5,000-word op-ed outlining what she believes should be the next administration’s foreign policy objectives, the National Pulse reported.

The piece, titled “A National Security Reckoning: How Washington Should Think About Power,” was published in Foreign Affairs magazine.

[end excerpt]
While the rest of us were all growling to ourselves in disgust over these shocking revelations that were made during this press conference, regarding the massive anomalous ballot dumps that appeared for Joe Biden and were recorded into the official ballot count on election night, Tim Ochs II had the awareness to notice, and then record, something absolutely startling. He had the where-with-all to realize that the time and date stamp shown by YouTube for this supposedly “LIVE” press conference was from 2 MONTHS AGO!

I don't think so. There is no proof for his claim. He posted just a picture, supposedly a screenshot... that can be manipulated in any way one wishes. There is no link provided, there is no presence of that video on the Internet prior to Nov 25th as far as I can tell. I don't buy it. The kid wanted a moment of fame, that's it IMO.
Things are heating up again and it's getting intense. House cleaning continues. China and Iran meddling in elections.

Several high profile members of the Defense Policy Board were removed on Wednesday by the Trump administration, in yet another purge of longstanding foreign policy experts and national security establishment figures in the final days of the Trump era, according to three defense officials.

Members who were suddenly removed include former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger, former ranking member of the House Intelligence committee Jane Harman and former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, two of the officials said.

Sidney Powell's lawsuit in Georgia: COMPLAINT-CJ-PEARSON-V.-KEMP-11.25.2020.pdf

Iran's involvement is beginning to look substantial. I'm having trouble adding the video I'd like you to see from this page. Scroll down to the Kamala Harris rally with the 2 Iranian reps in attendance.

On October 21, 2020 the FBI made a public service announcement warning people that Iran and Russia where caught trying to influence the election. These new public announcements by the FBI are interesting. I assume changes are being made there as well to clean out the swamp or the sewer as some are calling it now.

Another shocker.

Donald J. Trump

For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be immediately terminated!!!

9:11 PM · Nov 26, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
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