Looks fake to me. The fine details are all really wonky.Lion's Gate, Etchilhampton Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire.
Exquisite design.
You could be right. It looks to be in better shape here:Looks fake to me. The fine details are all really wonky.
This is probably due to the bending of the plants stems. Tracks (horizontal lines) made by the sprayer are straight when stems are vertical, when bent to form the 'circle' and seen from above this distorts the lines.Odd how where it crosses the horizontal lines they are distorted, as they are in the circle just above 9 o’clock.
Interesting interpretation!My interpretation: Light piercing through darkness and creating a new reality.
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This exquisite circle appeared on 8/8. I think this is likely to be a real crop circle, and is one of the most elaborate seen in recent years. I'd love to know whether it's a 6th density creation and what it symbolises.
All I can come up with is the obvious wave symbols, and the fact that it is divided into 6th segments (densities?) with a central 7th section. 'Dark' and 'light' are balanced or mixed, but light emanates from, or is connected, to the centre.
Q: (L) Well, what is the correct perception? Is the planet earth and the people thereon, and the things that are going on in this spot, the earth specifically, more important than maybe we would ordinarily have thought?
A: The Earth is a Convergence point.
Q: (L) So, do realm borders have something to do with location?
A: Realm borders ride waves.
Q: (L) And where do these waves come from?
A: They constantly cycle.
Q: (L) Is this realm border a dimensional boundary?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, this realm border, do dimensions...
A: Pulsating realms. Fluctuating realms.
Q: (L) Is our realm fluctuating or pulsating?
A: No.
Q: (L) But this other realm does?
A: No.
Q: (L) What fluctuates?
A: Residence.
Q: (L) Whatever is in that realm fluctuates?
A: No. Your planet fluctuates between realms.
Edit - I actually meant to put this in the crop circle thread, not here!
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This exquisite circle appeared on 8/8. I think this is likely to be a real crop circle, and is one of the most elaborate seen in recent years. I'd love to know whether it's a 6th density creation and what it symbolises.
All I can come up with is the obvious wave symbols, and the fact that it is divided into 6th segments (densities?) with a central 7th section. 'Dark' and 'light' are balanced or mixed, but light emanates from, or is connected, to the centre.
Seems there's a follow-up on that one, details were 'added' (Crop circle connector, telegram) :
Lion's Gate, Etchilhampton Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 8th/29th August
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In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is fluid motion characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. It is in contrast to laminar flow, which occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers with no disruption between those layers.[1]
Turbulence is commonly observed in everyday phenomena such as surf, fast flowing rivers, billowing storm clouds, or smoke from a chimney, and most fluid flows occurring in nature or created in engineering applications are turbulent.[2][3]: 2 Turbulence is caused by excessive kinetic energy in parts of a fluid flow, which overcomes the damping effect of the fluid's viscosity. For this reason turbulence is commonly realized in low viscosity fluids. In general terms, in turbulent flow, unsteady vortices appear of many sizes which interact with each other, consequently drag due to friction effects increases.
Turbulence - Wikipedia
“The Starry Night,” the 1889 hallmark artwork by Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, is remarkably congruent to the astronomic principles of our sky, atmospheric scientists recently discovered. It also alludes to the artist being well ahead of the scientific minds of the 19th century.
Scientists believe that van Gogh’s emboldened brush strokes appear calculated to account for patches of invisible uneven airflow, known as turbulence, that would cause changes in the visuals of the night sky.
Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ held a secret — and scientists just discovered the ‘hidden turbulence’
He really did gogh the extra mile.nypost.com
And as has been happening for several years since 2008, this hexagonal pattern intersecting a triangle appeared in Ipuaçu (almost always there), Santa Catarina, this morning of October 14, 2024.
And according to the residents, it appeared inexplicably. It appeared on the property of a tenant in Linha Casarim, in the interior of Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina.
Some claim that they were made by people, others, by aliens.
If they are human work, why only and exclusively in Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina, and nowhere else? Is there an art club in cereals only in this city in all of Brazil?
This theory certainly does not hold up.
(location map of Ipuaçu, west of the State of Santa Catarina)
Since 2008, perfect formations have been appearing in the same place, and without explanation or known identity of people.
Why Ipuaçu?
And only in Ipuaçu?
Crop circles have appeared in other locations in Paraná, for example, but nothing that compares to the regular phenomenon established in Santa Catarina since 2008. Ipuaçu is equivalent to our “England”, the center of the crop circle phenomenon in the world.
A Kabbalistic analysis (starting with the coordinates of Ipuaçu)
Latitude: 26° 38′ 5” South // Longitude: 52° 27′ 13” West
Note the coordinates
Latitude 26, the number of the Name of YHWH (10+5+6+5), according to Kabbalah
Longitude 52, which is double 26, and which also marks a highly significant value for the cosmology of the Mayan-Aztec calendar.
Add 26+52 = 78, an important number from a numerological point of view because it is the sum of the first twelve whole numbers:
(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12) = 78, which leads us to many analogies, such as the twelve signs, the twelve months of the year, the twelve stars of the Crown of the Virgin Mother and the Apocalypse 12, etc.
In addition to the important fact that it is a region (in the south of Brazil) that grows WHEAT, the preferred plant species of the phenomenon that began in England.
“Ipuaçu” is a term of Tupi origin that means “great noise of water”, through the combination of the terms ‘y (water), pu (noise) and gûasu (large).
Alternatively, according to the Aurélio Dictionary, “ipu” comes from the Tupi ipo’ú, which means “swampy”. “Ipuaçu” would therefore mean “large swampy”.
There is probably some point of very strong telluric or aquiferous energy (based on the origin of the name) in that region of Santa Catarina, as is the case in the regions in the south of England, and that justifies a relationship with crop circles in cultivated fields where such telluric energy facilitates the phenomenon.