2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

I feel the same way. And I too want to believe/hope that some of the people who seem to be fighting the evils of this world are saying what needs to be said to please the Zionists as to at least get into a position where they can achieve something... anything.

A notable example for me is Tucker Carlson, who said in an interview that he takes no sides in the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" because "it has nothing to do with America" and then he made it a point to emphasize twice how much he loved his vacations in Israel. That was one of those moments that made me wonder: is he SO stupid as to not realize that Israel will be nothing without US support or is he making sure that he is being heard by who-knows-whom? He is able to see US funding and interference elsewhere in the world. Come on, can he really be that blind? Or does he sincerely not care about the "brown skinned" peoples so far away from home? Isn't he a Christian? Isn't he "America first"? The millions given to Israel yearly can do wonders for Making America Great Again. Can't Trump see this reality as a business man? Forget morality, just logical deduction: billions to Israel or fixing infrastructure, improving education/health services and the standards of living for his own citizens?

Or is this the one subject they just can't talk about? The one subject they can't touch because those who did in the past are not alive anymore or have suffered worse fates? Are they trying to achieve as much good as possible within the parameters of a very sinister and super-connected network with tentacles everywhere?

I don't know yet that that's the case. Only time and deeds will tell. And I know very little about Vance, not enough yet to make me "like" him.

One thing about Trump that I noted is that during his presidency, 2016 - 2020, there wasn't any major armed Israeli "operation" in Gaza. Is this just a coincidence? Or that Netanyahu started his massacre last October, a year before the US elections, to make sure that he was "done" with killing most of Palestinians by that time, in case plans didn't go his way? Is he worried that he couldn't continue under Trump? Thus, is Mossad involved in the assassination attempt?

I barely paid any attention to the US elections this time around until last Saturday. I am not a die-hard Trump supporter, but I am impressed by how he reacted to his murder attempt. Very few men, especially from the international political arena, would show such bravery. I also think that he will try to do good for America because he doesn't need the money, or the fame, or the prestige, I think he is there because he cares. Caring does not mean that he can't be used to achieve evil agendas. Caring can be a weakness considering that those who fight against humanity care for no-one and nothing. And the attempt against his life can go either way: embolden him to really fight for the good of God who saved him, or make him more vulnerable to forces who will explain to him who god is and what he wants from him, a mini shock doctrine especially for him.

Again, I don't know, we will have to wait and see.

Personally, as a non-America, all I - and probably most of the rest of the world - want, is for a US government that takes their troops out of our countries, stops funding and supporting the destruction of other governments & nations, and most importantly, ends immediately feeding Israel with billions & weapons to butcher a defenseless population with no hope of escape because they are literally walled-in.

During my lifetime, Trump has been the only hope from America that things might change. If God has spared his life the other day, he better live up to it. JFK & RFK did not have that opportunity. And for this reason, perhaps we should be asking more of him from now on, not less?

The way I see it is that in US politics, you have the psychopathic deep staters, and they obviously don't care about anything except their power games. But among the others, there are 3 types: those who dare speak out about Israel, whose careers are pretty much over (or at least it was like that until now). Then you have those who know what's going on, but also know they don't have a chance against the Lobby, so they go through the motions. However, it's really hard to look yourself in the mirror if you're doing that, especially now given what's going on. You must resent your position quite deeply. Which brings us to the third type: One effect of the Lobby is that Israel sells a whole neat propaganda package that absolves you from all of it, and the 3rd type buys it whole. They choose to believe it, which allows them to ignore reality and not look in the mirror. Their support for Israel therefore isn't just for show, it is "sincere".

I think Trump and Vance fall into this 3rd category. Hence they really mean it when they say they love and support Israel. However, this may or may not run very deep. Both Trump and Vance are die-hard anti-globalists and isolationists, who basically think America should mind its own business and fix the problems at home. This by definition clashes with support for Israel. And while they might not be willing to cancel financial aid to Israel (which politically might not possible anyway at this point), Israel heavily relies on "moral", political and geopolitical support as well. So if Trump and team manage to stop global wars, foreign meddling etc., which is in many ways on behalf of Israel, then Israel is finished eventually. Trump and Vance might not fully realize this since they believe the Israeli propaganda, but what are they gonna do? Sacrifice their anti-globalist policies because Bibi says so? I don't think so.

The Duran guys just now did a great show on Trump's and Vance's foreign policy stances:

So, while I'm not holding my breath that Trump/Vance will save the world (or actually be able to implement their policies), as a fellow non-American, I can only welcome them trying. Let them spew their nonsense about Israel, as long as they get the f**k out, well, the world.
Sometimes a VP pick can be viewed as a kind of insurance policy. Kamala could be seen as such: a poison pill to keep Biden safe that nobody in their right mind would want to take. Ironically Vance could be seen as an insurance policy for the PTB. Even if Trump is allowed to win, they can hit the trap door button any time they want and have one of their boys waiting in the wings ready to step onto the stage. This movie is just getting started.
How else would one explain Dan Quayle?🤣
From the BBC live coverage "Democratic pressure builds on Covid-isolated Biden"

While I'm here reporting on the Republican convention in Milwaukee, I’ve been contacting Democrats back in Washington DC to take the temperature within the party and ask: is Joe Biden really getting closer to stepping aside as the Democratic candidate?

One told me “the mood is funereal” and said “we are all waiting for the inevitable decision”.

A roundup of all the wolves now circling including Obama, Pelosi, Schumer

Several top Democrats privately tell us the rising pressure of party congressional leaders and close friends will persuade President Biden to decide to drop out of the presidential race, as soon as this weekend.


When is Trump speaking at the RNC tonight?​

Trump is expected to formally accept the GOP nomination for president at the RNC tonight. His speech will likely close out the convention.

A detailed schedule has yet to be released, but others still left to speak include Trump’s son Eric Trump, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

(Whoever gets it first, please post the time.)
Here is tonight's speaker schedule:
The key point is what will Trump and Vance do. If Trump is savvy enough to be playing the long game against a petty tyrant, I.e. the Zionists and PTB then he is not going to show it. In fact he is going to say he loves Israel, maybe he does love Israel but doesn’t love the Zionist’s. We are going to have to wait and see. Vance is still very young and naive, Trump has a lot of experience in mentoring people so it’s going to be interesting. The way Trump looked after the assassination attempt when he walked into the RNC appeared to me to be moved and grateful for the will and love from the people. I saw something in him I’ve never seen before also, he is now compelled morally to keep fighting with millions standing with him. I think that is what moved him, that he and his family are not alone. Another strength Trump has is that he seems to network quite well, I think he is getting better at procuring trusted and reliable people to give him feedback. I pray that he will come into awareness of the Cs materials or information about the hyper dimensional control aspects of our reailty.

In addition I wonder if the Kremlin is learning or knows more than they are letting on, but there’s no way they would show their hand at this stage either. The video posted by someone earlier stated they have said they don’t think the assassination attempt was a Biden operation. Hmmm, doesn’t mean they don’t think it was another deep state actor. Again we have to wait and see.

Something is brewing. I dreamed of a volcano erupting last night, it was massive and terrifying, my interpretation was that it was about all of this really blowing up in a confrontation of the man behind the curtain and the people or some people.
When you're President of the United States, you're either with Israel or you die. Have we forgotten JFK and RK and Kennedy's child who died in a plane? I follow Laurent Guyénot's line, which makes a lot of sense. So, what position will Trump take with Israel? But since Israel controls the USA, if Trump wants to become President of the USA he's going to have to follow Israel's orders, yes or yes. If not, he will be assassinated. Of course it seems a parody of reality but the genocide of the Palestinians is proof that Israel is untouchable. And that it is the master of this world.
When you're President of the United States, you're either with Israel or you die. Have we forgotten JFK and RK and Kennedy's child who died in a plane? I follow Laurent Guyénot's line, which makes a lot of sense. So, what position will Trump take with Israel? But since Israel controls the USA, if Trump wants to become President of the USA he's going to have to follow Israel's orders, yes or yes. If not, he will be assassinated. Of course it seems a parody of reality but the genocide of the Palestinians is proof that Israel is untouchable. And that it is the master of this world.

I've long been of the opinion that it'll take an angry bolide to correct the direction of the people of Israel. Also I bear in mind that the UK & US are deeply entwined in this sorry state too. Clearly as you say, they rule our world. The question is for how long will this situation last? More and more people have come to see Israel for what it is, and it's down to all of us now to ensure that this situation doesn't fall away and go to waste. It's one thing to see and understand the truth, it's another thing to have the will and the numbers to do something about it.
When you're President of the United States, you're either with Israel or you die. Have we forgotten JFK and RK and Kennedy's child who died in a plane? I follow Laurent Guyénot's line, which makes a lot of sense. So, what position will Trump take with Israel? But since Israel controls the USA, if Trump wants to become President of the USA he's going to have to follow Israel's orders, yes or yes. If not, he will be assassinated. Of course it seems a parody of reality but the genocide of the Palestinians is proof that Israel is untouchable. And that it is the master of this world.
and the tentacles are embedded all over (consortium)

debeers diamonds , pfizer etc etc
When you're President of the United States, you're either with Israel or you die. Have we forgotten JFK and RK and Kennedy's child who died in a plane? I follow Laurent Guyénot's line, which makes a lot of sense. So, what position will Trump take with Israel? But since Israel controls the USA, if Trump wants to become President of the USA he's going to have to follow Israel's orders, yes or yes. If not, he will be assassinated. Of course it seems a parody of reality but the genocide of the Palestinians is proof that Israel is untouchable. And that it is the master of this world.
We are the point where it has become a good day to die, die fighting for truth. The world with its masters is not redeemable, but the people willing to die fighting for truth will usher in something different. In some way, somehow. Isn’t that what we are doing here? Maybe Trump will die fighting for truth also.
Starting to be spread on Twitter is that Biden will back out, announcing this weekend, of being put forth to be nominated by the DNC, but not step down from being President.

If I were Kennedy I'd show up and say "remember me when I was trying to run as a Democrat but you corrupt ****** (enter any nice word or phrase here) railroaded my attempt."

BREAKING NEWS: Multiples sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time:
* plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely
* Jon Meacham polishing up remarks
* Biden with NOT resign the presidency
* Biden will NOT endorse Harris
* open convention with Harris and about 3 others
* super delegates will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot
* Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro

There's a lot of sources in the US now talking about Biden being about to announce his withdrawal from the presidential race, after that whole covid diagnosis failed, which was called in the liberal media something as heroic, because he's so old, as Trump's surviving an assassination attempt. It seems like Plan b is on the cards. These sources include the NYT and ABC news.

And it does seem to be operating as Joe had posted, the plan for a Biden withdrawal was probably in place for a while, even before the debate, which is why they allowed him to fail and then proceeded to ridicule him, a weaker democrat would be defeated by a strong republican emboldened by Trumps passing, and the game would "change"... now, Trump will take the elections and they've no clue what to do about it, but for now it seems like Biden's gone for sure and Harris more than likely will take lead.
Creepy Joe might not go away so easily

Sources close to President Biden tell me tonight they’re *furious* that while the president is trying to recover from Covid in Rehoboth, a pressure campaign keeps picking up speed. Lots of anger toward some donors for talking of $ drying up if he doesn’t quit, toward what they see as muted support from Pres. Obama, and toward Dem leaders who one source says are “hiding” behind statements. If they want him out, they’ll have to push, source adds. Feels disrespected. Still, a fluid moment and no one has figured out an effective way to quiet this drift of nervous Democrats away from Biden and know many Dems want Biden to just break at some point soon.
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