2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

(IMO) in part , the large immigrant population is about , dis-empowering the locals, ( not specifically in economic terms ), like dissolving political influence and whatever social cohesion has been left in the us , arguably not much at this point though.
I read an article more than a decade ago which posited that each successive empire in modern history has been tweaked to find the best method for managing the masses. He went on to say the U.S. was created with multi-national diversity, not for any noble purposes, but to ensure there'd be no unifying nationalism, but instead, a society easily broken into factional tribes that could be pitted against each other (with globalism being the planetary version for that same purpose). Regarding the U.S., he said that the free market capitalism was fostered as a quick way to generate and hoard the world's wealth, to then be used to impose a one-world government. Thus once the U.S. had served that purpose, it has been targeted for demotion to a third-world country, as we see now being accomplished. Supposedly China was the next country to star in this parade of empires, to be lauded, enriched and held up to the world as an icon for governing, all of which seems to be happening, especially among the America-forsaking Democrats.
By removing Trump from the equation the government could once again marginalize and demoralize all of them (or, start a civil war...).

Whatever the case, it would not be good.

Harking back to 2016, a frightful though was, what the heck type of world would we be living in if Hillary had been elected? I shutter to think, and darn horrible now, which is likely the same if Nikki had have had the front row seat, if... well you know what is meant. And that circles back to Kamala.

One thing I realized, and this goes back in time when someone had said, if you are watching a politician, you better watch their spouse (Macron and Obama spouses may have taught something). Okay, so who is Douglas Emhoff, Kamala's husband or Second Gentlemen? Had no clue. The only few mention on the forum date back to 2020.

So, I did not go looking per se, and was reading a SOTT.net article titled 2024's most dangerous question: What if Kamala Harris isn't an idiot? - well, whoa, that is a shot across the bow, yet worth looking at what she might be like behind the (bat shite crazy persona) scenes, which is why hubby came up. Hate to admit that the worse places to look was People, and it was via Candance Own's article in People (had no idea she is married to a English Lord) that I had stumbled on to Emhoff. The article only scratches the surface of hubby and provides some interesting points.

Sketch (all in quotes):
- began dating Harris in 2013 and married the then-California attorney general a year later.
- Emhoff was born on Oct. 13, 1964, in Brooklyn, New York, and spent his childhood in Old Bridge and Matawan, New Jersey, with his parents Mike and Barbara, as well as brother Andy and sister Jamie. When he was a teenager, his family moved to southern California.
- Emhoff graduated from the University of California, Northridge and got his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law. He became an entertainment, sports and media lawyer, opening his own firm in 2000, before it was sold in 2006 to Venable, LLP. When he and Harris moved to Washington, D.C., in 2016, Emhoff became a partner at the firm DLA Piper, where his clients included the pharmaceutical company Merck, arms dealer Dolarian Capital and Walmart, according to The New York Times.
- Emhoff has also taught at Georgetown University Law Center since 2021.
- One of Harris' close friends, PR consultant Chrisette Hudlin, set Harris and Emhoff up on their first blind date in 2013.
- Emhoff was previously married to film producer Kerstin Emhoff from 1992 to 2010. Emhoff and Kerstin remain close friends, and he stayed on as her lawyer and business adviser after their split and until he left his practice ahead of Harris' inauguration as vice president. Kerstin and Harris are also close.
- Emhoff was divorced and Harris was a child of divorce, so they took their time letting their relationship develop organically, Harris wrote in a 2019 Elle essay. They were especially careful about introducing Harris to Emhoff's children with Kerstin: daughter Ella — an artist, designer and model — and son Cole, who works as a producer and crew in Hollywood.
- Emhoff stood proudly by Harris' side when she ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2019

Does not Kamala stand off to the side of the Israel subject? She refused to meet with Bibi when he blew into town with his hand open for more of the usual. And now with Trump, who on the surface seems to have openly switch around in support (they most all do), and yet one wonders. Kamala can't offend the left who have taken up the cause (not that they did before) by cozying up to Bibi, so she seems to tip toe around, and it is likely that she will be fully onboard as only the higher ptb can assure they dance to their tune.

Continuing in People, the second gentleman and writer said:

- "I am honored to be the first male spouse of an American President or Vice President," he tweeted from the then-newly minted @secondgentleman X (formerly Twitter) account. "But I'll always remember generations of women have served in this role before me — often without much accolade or acknowledgment. It's their legacy of progress I will build on as Second Gentleman."
- Emhoff is also the first Jewish second gentleman, and he made history when he lit the White House menorah for Hanukkah in 2021. President Biden said at the event, "This is a White House tradition, but for the first time in history, it is a family tradition." Emhoff also lit the national menorah for the first time the same year.
- Now that I'm in the role, and you really see not all men naturally would do this, and would push back, and there's this toxicity, this, masculine idea of what a man is that's out there that's not correct," he told CNN. "It's something I just want to push back on."
- Emhoff has also been a vocal opponent of antisemitism and visited the Holocaust Museum at Auschwitz on Holocaust Remembrance Day in January 2023.
- In February 2024, Emhoff joined Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live!, where he shared a few things people may not know about Harris.
"She loves old-school hip-hop. She's an amazing chef. [And] she does an incredible impersonation of my 83-year-old Jewish mother, Barb," the second gentleman said.

As said, surface stuff, yet one can, depending on how Emhoff really is, see that Kamala may be playing both sides when it comes to Israel. It may very well be her weak spot.

Tom Luongo, in the first article, offers up an 8 point Q&A between himself and Sputnik, here is his last 2 points to close (bold was in the article):

7) How successful do you expect Harris to be in distancing herself from the criticisms and negative effects that the Biden/Harris administration's policies had on the US economy in recent years? How would you describe her target audience and why would this tactic work for it?

She won't be. You can't run as the "reform candidate" when you are the incumbent. And nothing she has proposed is functionally any different than what was done previously while she was in office. Her target audience for this is the wholly unsophisticated young voter who is entering a broken workforce and economic landscape today and seeing nothing but a lack of real opportunities. They are hoping for a new round of "Obama Youth" to marshal into an effective fighting force for "Hope and Change."

What they are doing is purposefully increasing the possibility of full-blown civil war.

8) How should we expect Harris' economic plan to increase the US national debt?

Exponentially. Again, that is the goal. They will use ruinous fiscal policy to run out the clock on Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve who are telling them that if they want their Communist revolution they will pay for it at 5.5% or higher. All of these 'subsidy' programs -food, housing, etc. — are meant to extend the current pricing regime until after the end of Powell's term in 2026 and then close the loop, bringing the Fed back into the fold.

Good luck America!
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I read an article more than a decade ago which posited that each successive empire in modern history has been tweaked to find the best method for managing the masses. He went on to say the U.S. was created with multi-national diversity, not for any noble purposes, but to ensure there'd be no unifying nationalism, but instead, a society easily broken into factional tribes that could be pitted against each other (with globalism being the planetary version for that same purpose). Regarding the U.S., he said that the free market capitalism was fostered as a quick way to generate and hoard the world's wealth, to then be used to impose a one-world government. Thus once the U.S. had served that purpose, it has been targeted for demotion to a third-world country, as we see now being accomplished. Supposedly China was the next country to star in this parade of empires, to be lauded, enriched and held up to the world as an icon for governing, all of which seems to be happening, especially among the America-forsaking Democrats.
I'll agree for the most part this fits , two quibbles though , "free-market capitalism" , being merely a useful slogan , as the C's have said there's only 1 gov. , and concurrent with this, the banking institutions, whose power is unchecked , even (sadly) in the Russian Federation. ( adding the undergrounders / consortium and whatever else ) situation looks rather dismal , to put it mildly. my 2x cents.
I'll agree for the most part this fits , two quibbles though , "free-market capitalism" , being merely a useful slogan , as the C's have said there's only 1 gov. , and concurrent with this, the banking institutions, whose power is unchecked , even (sadly) in the Russian Federation. ( adding the undergrounders / consortium and whatever else ) situation looks rather dismal , to put it mildly. my 2x cents.
Also a similar example of this, is Brazil ,social tensions there seem to always be at a high expression ( multiple ethnic groups ) , in Europe ,Italy seems to be the same albeit for slightly different modality ( ie the co-existance of 2x formal powers).
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What in the heck would be the need for more immigrants because of AI? AI can do some repetitive computer tasks, so it would get rid of jobs... Unless Trump thinks we will be going back to the stone age after AI eats the infrastructure.

"We need more people. Especially with AI coming?" I don't understand that statement. How does AI create more jobs?

An insurance office employs 5 people. AI comes along and take out 3 mundane phone calling and data input positions. 3 people are now out of work and looking for employment. Wouldn't AI make more people unemployed and looking for work? How does AI create jobs for unskilled labor? What am I missing?

I read recently something to the effect, and I don't know if it's true, that if countries implement AI in all the applications that are planned that each country would need to at least double the energy output they're currently producing to power the AI. So it could mean that while AI will reduce some jobs, others will be created. Perhaps that's because green energy just won't cut it and some recognise that fossil fuels will still be needed.

Edited to add article:
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I'll agree for the most part this fits , two quibbles though , "free-market capitalism" , being merely a useful slogan , as the C's have said there's only 1 gov. , and concurrent with this, the banking institutions, whose power is unchecked , even (sadly) in the Russian Federation. ( adding the undergrounders / consortium and whatever else ) situation looks rather dismal , to put it mildly. my 2x cents.
I think the theme of the article I referred to, reinforces exactly your point: there's just one government ultimately which directs affairs on the surface of earth. And this ruling government definitely is linked to 4D STS, for no 3D human group would persist with such long-term schemes which take life-times to come to fruition. But I take consolation in the C's reminder that "it's not where you are, but what you see" that matters most. We can always be SEErs and BEers even when the system is stacked against DOers.
A little bit of an interesting turn of events. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Kennedy Campaign joined forces with the Trump Campaign. Maybe more of the truth of things would get out to the populace... but without addressing election rigging, it doesn't seem like anything can be done to get Trump elected.

A little bit of a long shot though is, with the posting of the new C's session, maybe the Divine Intervention (via mass prayers) and the program change that led to Trump surviving the assassination attempt would extend to the election in terms of stealing the election from Trump being too much of an abridgement of Free Will.

edit added: if that is the case in terms of stealing the election is too much of an abridgement of Free Will, then it begs the question why 2020 wasn't such...

RFK’s VP Nicole Shanahan says they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump:

“There’s two options that we're looking at and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump.

Or we walk away right now and join forces with with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we're making this decision.”

As always, I am willing to talk with leaders of any political party to further the goals I have served for 40 years in my career and in this campaign. These are: reversing the chronic disease epidemic, ending the war machine, cleaning corporate influence out of government and toxic pollution out of the environment, protecting freedom of speech, and ending politicization of enforcement agencies.

" for no 3D human group would persist with such long-term schemes which take life-times to come to fruition " , (According to the C's some groups have existed for a long time though)
True, but I think it's their connection to 4D STS (whether realized or not) which is responsible for the group's persistence. It's a rare ordinary human who's motivated to spend their lives pursuing a goal which will never come to fruition in their lifetime.
A little bit of a long shot though is, with the posting of the new C's session, maybe the Divine Intervention (via mass prayers) and the program change that led to Trump surviving the assassination attempt would extend to the election in terms of stealing the election from Trump being too much of an abridgement of Free Will.
I had the very same thought during the session.

edit added: if that is the case in terms of stealing the election is too much of an abridgement of Free Will, then it begs the question why 2020 wasn't such...
Too many people didn't comprehend that the election was stolen then? The many events that came after including J6 and the egregious ongoing lawfare against Trump helped open people's eyes IMO.

It's a rare ordinary human who's motivated to spend their lives pursuing a goal which will never come to fruition in their lifetime.
Neil Oliver is that rare ordinary human. Access his conversation with Tucker Carlson where he even says he may not live to see the resolution of this fight against the evil we can all clearly see stalking the land, but the fight will go on and right will win.
edit added: if that is the case in terms of stealing the election is too much of an abridgement of Free Will, then it begs the question why 2020 wasn't such...
It could be that is what triggered the Quorum to meet along with the pending assassination attempt. It also points to the cosmic/earthly connection. The people voted Trump in and that choice was abridged.
edit added: if that is the case in terms of stealing the election is too much of an abridgement of Free Will, then it begs the question why 2020 wasn't such...
The C's did mention that this abridgement of free will was 'very bad juju' for the PTB:

(L) It was stonewalling every which way he turned. It was the most unbelievable display of blatant fraud... It was shocking.

(Joe) Basically, the fraud was to do with the way states counted the ballots...

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.
The question is whether they are aware of that (probably some of them) and what effect this 'very bad juju' has on them and their plans.
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