5G Frequency and Pathogens.
I don't know where in the forum to start this topic, so I start it in this section. To the moderators, if you know where to put it, I thank you in advance.
Well, I had commented something at the beginning in the other topic:
Let's get started. We already know that the 5G system is based on the millimeter wave frequency system or mmWave. These frequencies can range from 30 to 300 Ghz.
This is to achieve increased transfer speeds and quality of communications, in addition to the number of devices that can access these services.
Without going into more detail the frequencies used have a wavelength of millimetres, that is: VERY ENERGETIC.
In the previous paragraph it is indicated that the oxygen is energized at 60Ghz. This is important because oxygen is already a highly reactive gas.
Del siguente articulo
COVID and a 5G connection? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
we read the following:
Now, what's the connection with COVID-19?
It turns out that there IS a relationship between oxygen and viruses.
The following article
Oxygen and viruses: a breathing story | Microbiology Society
tells us about it:
Meaning: When the oxygen drops, the virus stops its activity, or depending on the virus and the situation facilitate its replication.
If the frequencies used in the 5G system have the ability to excite oxygen atoms, and maybe able to alter cell metabolism and create a deficiency in oxygen uptake, then this becomes a way of regulating the rate of multiplication of a given virus.
Now, we also know about the last session with the C's:
So we see here we have a crossroads.
Let's suppose that the original vaccine and strain was designed to be manipulated by 5G technology to perform the mentioned control.
But if it turns out that suddenly there is a strain that does the opposite, it would be more logical to use your antennas to stop the multiplication of the mutated virus (STO) and not to wake people up. But at the same time you would also be delaying the original plan and your mind control virus would not be effective either. In that sense both things are either cancelled and you stop the original evil plan or you only get one part to do its evil part and the other part to do its benign part.
To summarize: The virus and its multiplication is regulated by the frequencies used in 5G through the energetic excitation of oxygen. You put antennas all over the planet, you spread a vaccine with the virus and with the push of a button you can interfere with people's dna to make them more controllable. So what we see here is a replay of what happened 300,000 years ago and the cancellation of the original dna factors.
I don't know where in the forum to start this topic, so I start it in this section. To the moderators, if you know where to put it, I thank you in advance.
Well, I had commented something at the beginning in the other topic:
Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?
A previous thread on the topic of a mystery, previously unknown Coronavirus was discovered in the forum from March 2013, so it has been merged with the current COVID-19 Pandemic thread, which now commences at Post#14 at the end of this first page. The Coronavirus outbreak from 2013 gives a bit...
Let's get started. We already know that the 5G system is based on the millimeter wave frequency system or mmWave. These frequencies can range from 30 to 300 Ghz.
Millimeter waves propagate solely by line-of-sight paths. They are not reflected by the ionosphere nor do they travel along the Earth as ground waves as lower frequency radio waves do. At typical power densities they are blocked by building walls and suffer significant attenuation passing through foliage. Absorption by atmospheric gases is a significant factor throughout the band and increases with frequency. However, it is maximum at a few specific absorption lines, mainly those of oxygen at 60 GHz and water vapor at 24 GHz and 184 GHz. At frequencies in the "windows" between these absorption peaks, millimeter waves have much less atmospheric attenuation and greater range, so many applications use these frequencies. Millimeter wavelengths are the same order of size as raindrops, so precipitation causes additional attenuation due to scattering (rain fade) as well as absorption. The high free space loss and atmospheric absorption limits useful propagation to a few kilometers. Thus, they are useful for densely packed communications networks such as personal area networks that improve spectrum utilization through frequency reuse.
This is to achieve increased transfer speeds and quality of communications, in addition to the number of devices that can access these services.
Without going into more detail the frequencies used have a wavelength of millimetres, that is: VERY ENERGETIC.
In the previous paragraph it is indicated that the oxygen is energized at 60Ghz. This is important because oxygen is already a highly reactive gas.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen#cite_note-Schmidt-Rohr_20-4is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O2.
Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere. As compounds including oxides, the element makes up almost half of the Earth's crust.
Dioxygen provides the energy released in combustion and aerobic cellular respiration.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen#cite_note-Schmidt-Rohr_20-4
Del siguente articulo
COVID and a 5G connection? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
we read the following:
In this article, I have comments on 5G wireless technology—not as an all-inclusive explanation for “COVID”—but as a possible explanation for what several doctors are observing in some patients in New York and Italy.
What are they observing? Extreme shortness of breath, life threatening, but without the usual indicators of respiratory failure or failure of the lungs to operate. The lungs can operate. The patients are apparently suffering from straight oxygen deprivation. Lack of oxygen. As if they were suddenly thrust into high altitude.
Several doctors are saying these patients must be given oxygen through breathing ventilators—but not at high pressure, because that could damage the lungs and even cause death. Instead, the increase in oxygen must be gently accomplished.
For example, an ER doctor in Brooklyn has made a video in which he describes what he calls a new dire situation. His name is Cameron Kyle-Sidell. Watch the video and listen to what he says. He warns that incorrect use of breathing ventilators could be harming and killing patients.
In Italy, several doctors are asserting a very similar, or identical, situation: “Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a ‘Typical’ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,” by Luciano Gattinoni1, Silvia Coppola, Massimo Cressoni3, Mattia Busana, Davide Chiumello:
“However, the patients with Covid-19 pneumonia…present an atypical form of the syndrome. Indeed, the primary characteristics we are observing (confirmed by colleagues in other hospitals), is the dissociation between their relatively well preserved lung mechanics and the severity of hypoxemia [abnormally low level of oxygen]…intubation [with breathing ventilators] should be prioritized to avoid excessive intrathoracic negative pressures and self-inflicted lung injury. After considering that, all we can do ventilating these patients is ‘buying time’ with minimum additional damage: the lowest possible PEEP [a method of ventilation in which airway pressure is maintained above atmospheric pressure] and gentle ventilation. We need to be patient.”
—Patients who aren’t suffering from respiratory failure, whose lungs are functioning, who are experiencing straight oxygen deprivation. What could explain that?
Here, from a 2001 rfglobalnet.com article, we may have a clue: “At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy [from 5G waves] absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals.”
Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties
The demand for bandwidth is growing at a rapid pace...www.rfglobalnet.com
In other words, a) 60GHz is a very good frequency band for 5G transmissions, and b) nearly all of the 5G energy is absorbed by oxygen. Suppose that is also true for oxygen in the human body?
What would be the effects of 5G transmissions on the body? Could these waves distort oxygen and/or its uptake by hemoglobin, which carries this vital element to cells of the body? Could the impairment create a straight oxygen deprivation in the body—without structurally affecting the lungs themselves—creating the new condition described by the doctors I’ve cited above?
—Add to all this—the fact that 60GHz is an unlicensed frequency band, which means that telecomm companies can use it without paying very large fees they would pay for licensed bands.
Is 5G at 60GHz being deployed in New York, Italy, and Wuhan?
I should also add: these doctors ought to consider the use of hyperbaric oxygen chambers for their patients. The technicians, MDs, and researchers involved would need to be experts, and from what I’ve seen, not many are. Slap-dash formulaic use of hyperbaric oxygen won’t do. Harm could result. The apparatus itself is, of course, non-invasive.
Now, what's the connection with COVID-19?
It turns out that there IS a relationship between oxygen and viruses.
The following article
Oxygen and viruses: a breathing story | Microbiology Society
tells us about it:
The effect of oxygen on virus replication is complex, and the role of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) in the metabolism of virus-infected cells remains uncertain. Solid tumours are hypoxic, and some viruses use this low oxygen tension level to facilitate their replication in tumour cells, thereby causing cell lysis. In addition, the interactions between viruses and HIF-1α may stimulate a trained immunity. However, the evolutionary basis for the oxygen regulatory mechanism of virus replication is ill-defined and requires further investigation.[...]Cell biologists and virologists have examined the effects of pH and the concentrations of amino acids and/or growth factors in cell culture for decades. However, the role of oxygen tension levels has been neglected, despite the finding that hypoxia downregulates influenza virus replication in vitro
Meaning: When the oxygen drops, the virus stops its activity, or depending on the virus and the situation facilitate its replication.
If the frequencies used in the 5G system have the ability to excite oxygen atoms, and maybe able to alter cell metabolism and create a deficiency in oxygen uptake, then this becomes a way of regulating the rate of multiplication of a given virus.
Now, we also know about the last session with the C's:
A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".
So we see here we have a crossroads.
Let's suppose that the original vaccine and strain was designed to be manipulated by 5G technology to perform the mentioned control.
But if it turns out that suddenly there is a strain that does the opposite, it would be more logical to use your antennas to stop the multiplication of the mutated virus (STO) and not to wake people up. But at the same time you would also be delaying the original plan and your mind control virus would not be effective either. In that sense both things are either cancelled and you stop the original evil plan or you only get one part to do its evil part and the other part to do its benign part.
A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.
To summarize: The virus and its multiplication is regulated by the frequencies used in 5G through the energetic excitation of oxygen. You put antennas all over the planet, you spread a vaccine with the virus and with the push of a button you can interfere with people's dna to make them more controllable. So what we see here is a replay of what happened 300,000 years ago and the cancellation of the original dna factors.