6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Past my bedtime but I just had to watch the above video. A powerful introduction and description on some of the topics to be covered. If that does not draw in listeners I don't know what will.

What a wonderful way to get Laura's knowledge out there. Like everyone else I can't wait.
Can't wait to see these interviews, luckily I'm expecting to have some free time this week so I'll give all my attention and focus to really listen and understand what will be discussed.

What an amazing "time" to be alive and to learn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sorry for the double post.. did anyone else catch the banner that YT posted under the video? Apparently Wikipedia has an explanation for everything.

Which come to think of it, it's really sad... what I mean is, I remember when I was first getting acquainted with the entire topic, part of what kept me hooked was the excitement of discovery, but these little banners tend to have the effect of giving the impression to some people that "oh, it's just that hypothesis, I'll read about it on wikipedia" which kills curiosity because it's already figured out.

Sorry for the double post.. did anyone else catch the banner that YT posted under the video? Apparently Wikipedia has an explanation for everything.

Which come to think of it, it's really sad... what I mean is, I remember when I was first getting acquainted with the entire topic, part of what kept me hooked was the excitement of discovery, but these little banners tend to have the effect of giving the impression to some people that "oh, it's just that hypothesis, I'll read about it on wikipedia" which kills curiosity because it's already figured out.

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Just more proof Laura’s research and KNOWLEDGE is legit and over the target.

In truth, I would not be surprised if THEY delete the video (and even my channel) at some point in the next few days once the Dark AI finds it.

Whats even funnier is I AM at the World Premiere of “Anunnaki Ancient Secrets Revealed” for my good friend Billy Carson here at LA Regal Downtown LA Live Red Carpet Event.

And since familiarizing myself with the intel provided from The C’s (Laura’s research) I can spot the flaws in Matt Lacroix’s intel regarding who the Anunnaki really were.

What an amazing time to be alive for each and everyone of us.IMG_3475.jpeg

Which come to think of it, it's really sad... what I mean is, I remember when I was first getting acquainted with the entire topic, part of what kept me hooked was the excitement of discovery, but these little banners tend to have the effect of giving the impression to some people that "oh, it's just that hypothesis, I'll read about it on wikipedia" which kills curiosity because it's already figured out.
At this point in time, everything in wikipedia is a priori false until proven otherwise. If after all that happened recently people are still trusting wikipedia in any capacity, one can't help but feel sorry for them.
At this point in time, everything in wikipedia is a priori false until proven otherwise. If after all that happened recently people are still trusting wikipedia in any capacity, one can't help but feel sorry for them.

And perhaps one plus is that the audience of this channel will likely be aware and skeptical of “official, reputable” sources.

Really looking forward to this series, thanks for taking the initiative of putting it together!
And perhaps one plus is that the audience of this channel will likely be aware and skeptical of “official, reputable” sources.

Really looking forward to this series, thanks for taking the initiative of putting it together!

My audience is much more aware than most New Age/Cointelpro infested channels.

But make no mistake, Dark S2S agents will be unleashed in the comments section by mid-day tomorrow.

Its how it is and how they do!
Sorry for the double post.. did anyone else catch the banner that YT posted under the video? Apparently Wikipedia has an explanation for everything.

Which come to think of it, it's really sad... what I mean is, I remember when I was first getting acquainted with the entire topic, part of what kept me hooked was the excitement of discovery, but these little banners tend to have the effect of giving the impression to some people that "oh, it's just that hypothesis, I'll read about it on wikipedia" which kills curiosity because it's already figured out.

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Recently in the UFO world there has been a relatively big expose about Wikipedia. There's a skeptic group (Guerilla Skeptics) that have essentially taken over hundreds of wiki pages. They run them like their own personal fiefdoms, exploiting the wiki rules to make sure they have total control of the pages. Lue Elizondo can't even get his place of birth corrected. I wouldn't be surprised if they control the Interdimensinoal UFO hypothesis page too.

Rob Heatherly and Craig Weiler have done some podcasts on their research. Here's Heatherly's latest:

Sorry for the double post.. did anyone else catch the banner that YT posted under the video? Apparently Wikipedia has an explanation for everything.
I noticed the same banner under some of the Ross Coulthard interviews with peeps like Garry Nolan and Jeremy Corbell. I don't know if this is necessarily sinister per se; rather, I get the impression that there may be both vectoring and promotional interests at work. After all, we've seen how censorious YT can be on topics like Covid and Ukraine, so it may be that discussion of the "interdimensional UFO hypothesis" is something they approve of, at some level.

In truth, I would not be surprised if THEY delete the video (and even my channel) at some point in the next few days once the Dark AI finds it.
This will be a bit of a litmus test, I think. If they did that, it would be de facto confirmation of damage control, however as mentioned above, I think it might actually fit into the 'drip drip disclosure' agenda, and thus is more likely to be, at worst shadowbanned, or more likely, just left to gather views organically so they can track the actual popularity of such 'dangerous ideas'!

Kudos for these interviews; really looking forward to seeing them and hopefully seeing them generate some traction and discussion!
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