6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Laura said: First part of Hyperdimensional Realities.

…And the Cs say there are some different types. So, but among theme all the nephilim are, remember our third density beings and they are really, what'd they say? they were 14 feet tall…and some workshop and it was like a really funny session when we did that.

Jay: ( min.1.03.29 ) well you know, so, so interesting enough there's a lot of remnants of them that have been wiped off by the Smithsonian and…

Laura: Oh, yea, if you read books about giants and you see that and I've got one and he's got That were published about these finds, you know and the Smithsonian all of a sudden says: oops, no, we don' I don't know anything about it, if it was here, we don't know anything. It disappeared and yet there are credible eyewitnesses and that's what I am always booking for is, you know, credible eyewitnesses and they're credible.
yea, there was some remnants of that and it was mostly in the Americas. But there's also been some found in Central Asia and in Anatolian areas and so on.

That is what happened in Chihuahua state in northern Mexico where skeletons of giant beings were found but someone disappeared them.

One can guess who took them.
Learning and the Supreme Desire.

Laura said: (in tik tok)

If we can transform into hyperdimensional beings who have grater mental control of our physiology and if that could happen from the upregulation of a set of genes that would turn
That ability on we could literally transform, you know, as they said in twinkling of an eye.

So those things are possibilities for transformation, but those kind of things come after a long time.
period of work or after a period of preparation or if you are the right FRV (frequency resonance vibration) and then the Cs.said very important becauce was asking some questions about this and they said receivership, capability.


Very well, let's suppose with a lot of effort / preparation with the appropriate vibration and frequency, receptivity and capability we have managed to be hyperdimensional,

We have to ask ourselves in which dimension we are going to stay or if we can, with so much acquired power, travel to any dimension.

So as hyper beings we can not decide to meet with the one in 7D to complete the great cycle (start from the beginning) and thus be able to walk through other dimensions and if, for example, we would have a phase in that state of existence in which we miss the physicality of the 3D then we could return to the 3D crossing the interdimensional wall with enough energy obtaining from the intermediaries masks, grays / probes that kind of necessary energy, thus becoming what we have been avoiding, a threat to those of 3D although in another space time,

It seems that then with that desire of wanting to return with nostalgia to the missed matter because we want to recover something that we have forgotten, and look for the solution to cross the energy barrier, then we ourselves would be those feared predators that we have been avoiding or it could be that we have learned to cross dimensions without causing harm and it would be a new understanding of things or a new lesson as truly hyperdimensional and free beings.

I apologize if what I write is not clearly explained/understood because it is difficult to transform what one thinks into words and achieve correct form for our thoughts.

A lot of food for thought with this series but it is also so varied that it is a party for the Spirit.

Thanks to Laura, Jay and Hunter for this Galactic Walk and the wonderful landing.
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