To me 100 years is a drop in a tidal wave of time since the 309,000 journey we have been told we've all been on. If we haven't the interest even now in 100 years ago, what bit of it is worth analyzing may I ask?
That sentence of yours, triggered the following thoughts in me, which I will share:
The thing with minds in Service To Self oriented incarnations, is that they’re still in the transformative learning process, where they think they are in full individual control of their evolution, only because they are also able to control others, and thus able to create a universe of their own. They are masters of the illusion that they create.
When fully fledged Service To Self you ARE that universe (read: «I am the overlord, the god, the this and that», which is a psychopathic mind). You are the sole creator of this universe, a universe which you call «reality», your illusion.
Over the incarnations you gradually come out of this illusory universe and equally gradually are becoming aware of what is «outside» of that illusion, thus getting a full grasp of the true universe, true reality.
Service To Self learns lessons according to dependence, wishful thinking, hierarchies, control, manipulation and such like, and uses a great deal of strategical thinking to gain that which benefits its self-made universe, thus giving meaning to its illusion, its «reality».
In interacting with others, the frequency of this mind responds to what can be gained for itself, and always considers how the result would appear in its «CV», so to speak. Even if this mind travels along a conscious spiritual STS path, how its CV appears becomes more important than acting on inner knowledge, thus also knowledge becomes illusion. It must preserve the illusory universe it created for itself, wherein it has made its own laws.
I look upon this STS learning process as a game of chess. Because this mindset is confined to what in fact is a set game board, with set black and white squares (No nuance! No other colours!), with set players (the characters it finds important and appointed to the game as its actors, is there only in order to achieve its goal, and the goal is to be winning the game). And even the moves are set, in order to play the game, in order to create this meaning, this purpose.
And it’s all imaginary.
This mind may very well be aware of other ways of looking at existence and the world, but the opinions, knowledge and views of others become mere interesting theories, as long as they do not resemble and are in (full) concord with that which you yourself consider valid.
It is free will that offers this mind to choose this way of existence.
Under the STS influence, it becomes a mindset very afraid of going outside its own frame of reference, thus losing control.
The protocols can be seen as a layout for such a chess board, with set players, set moves etc. in order to gain a desired result for the ”overmind”, or whatever we would call the hive-mind master. And there is a set strategy given in the protocols, which is only mirroring the mindset of this ”overmind”.
Hubris is the hallmark of Service To Self. That’s why minds in this frequency tend to underestimate others. Elitistic views and manners colour their self expression. There is essentially nothing wrong with this, because everything is after all lessons. And for many souls this is what they are studying. It is their learning path.
But if you as a soul are in a transformative place of that path where you in your lessons have reached a point where you have set yourself to be leaving the Service To Self lessons, thus leaving the frequency, because you’re done with it, you find yourself in a situation where you are revising your lessons, integrating, processing, checking on your progress, and acknowledging the change these actions necessitates, working towards moving along your path.
The above process is an almost automated one, because in every moment where you have achieved awareness through knowledge, your frequency adjusts itself.
And to be done with the STS frequency, in order to achieve balance in your karma, it follows by natural law of the universe, that you must not only expose and understand in yourself this STS frequency, that it is there, but also in society, i e in the ”game board”, where you chose to currently be incarnating for your studies.
Because everything is One, but not in the hive-mind sense of "one".
What happens with those who are not yet willing, or ready, to leave the Service To Self path - because free will IS a bitch to many!
- is they cling on to the game board, or the fringes of it, because that’s all they believe they know. Everything else existing outside of it seems to them mere fantasy or just theory. Or simply plain frightening.
Geez, it’s the perceived unknown! Cannot have that, can we? It’s out of our perceived control!
Because control is necessary.
So it is believed.
"And this inner voice telling me to evolve, is probably lying (just like I am!), or cannot be trusted (just like me!)."
So you are having a hard time listening to universe, your higher self.
In their STS hubris, they are not consciously, only subconsciously, aware of the fact all souls without exception evolve. Sooner or later every soul must evolve. Every bandaid which was used to prevent us from evolve must sooner or later be ripped off, when the karmic «wound» we protected, or was protected from, has healed.
Sometimes even the wound was healed, but we choose to keep the bandaid on, all in order to prevent evolution, to keep the status quo. As if the status quo would be the best of states...!?
Guess that this is where factors such as «
Transmarginal inhibition» come in to play.
The universe, even of course the illusory ones, are in a constant wave of movement.
One can cling on to any game board, in any one of one’s favourite illusory universes, but there will always come a time when the strategical STS thinking you do, to gain that what you believe you need to keep your illusion alive and going, will become "infected" by the views of, and interactions with, others. Those others who are not playing the game, not «your» game, but nevertheless appearing on the game board, «your» game board.
When you activate your Service To Self strategical thinking in any action or situation, to counter the moves of those whom you consider being other «game pieces» or «actors» - only that they may have had the impertinence of entering your game board «just like that», behaving in a way, or presenting a piece of information, which you realise you, for whatever reason, simply cannot ignore - the STS mind is acting on this threat and then tries to control or manipulate this «new» actor, or situation, to serve its own game, played out on what it perceives to be its very own game board. You try to assimilate this «actor», this «situation», to fit into your perceived game board.
What essentially this implies is that you are protecting yourself, as a soul, or preventing other souls, from evolving further.
But what if the new «actor», the new «situation», which you didn’t count on, or didn’t expect, does not comply, cannot be manipulated, and apparently has a free will of its own?
You then come to a point when a move must be considered which breaks the status quo in how you perceived the rules of how your game should be played, and you make a move to counter this. You then use your free will to change your so much valued status quo. This move proves to be exactly that move which was needed to get you out of balance and point you in another evolutionary direction. This becomes the move forcing you to leave a stagnating mindset and move your being into evolving further.
At first, of course, the STS mindset will try to annihilate that defiant «actor» or «situation», to reset the game to make it similar to what it was used to playing, before this "disturbance in the force" happened, in order to keep its preferred status quo. But that single move it had to do in response to whatever-it-was, has now already changed the layout of the game board, and you realise your rules suddenly do not apply the way they used to. In other words it may have changed the colours of the game board from black or white into something else. This will anger you, of course, throwing you into a tantrum and trying all sorts of measures to regain that desired status quo, and keep the colours of the game board as they were, and keep the game playing the way you planned it.
At all times you are being stirred by this inner urge of evolving. Because subconsciously this is the nature of you as a soul. But consciously you may use your free will to do otherwise.
However, you can only choose not to be evolving for so long.
That move you made, sometimes ever so little, which you were forced into doing to counter that unexpected «action», or «situation», also already changed the course of the game. And finding no other way, having to realise there is no going back to the old game board now, you will adapt to the «new» rules, and create a new game board, a new illusory universe, and play according to the new rules the way you perceive them to be.
The point is, which I want to make clear, that in the end you eventually have been forced into changing the game board and the rules how to play it, so many times, that you are thrown out of your own game , and accordingly out of your illusion, onto another evolutionary path more in line with your karmic lessons. It’s a long incarnation process before this may happen, particularly for the most hardcore STS. But it always happens, sooner or later. Always.
That’s why the Service To Self mindset behind the protocols, and how the moves of its perceived game board are blueprinted in these protocols, cannot be accomplished, in that the hubris of the mind behind the strategy of the game it plays, has put itself above karma and above the laws of the universe.
The Service To Self mindset is never greater than the universe, even if it may think so of itself (and it does!).
The «laws» of the universe apply to everybody involved in the game, everybody who is taking part in the same illusion. It is those who does not want to take part in the illusion, who does not comply with the game, who become the «actors» and «situations» able to help the Service To Self mindset to evolve, and the its frequency to change.
It is inevitably so, that at some point or other, through their actions, they must evolve, when encountering any situation in which they are forced to act in ways which they did not count on, i e in the very moment that they meet resistance.
At first they may think smugly of themselves that they made a smart move on the game board to counter the opposition, when in fact it turns out they made a move contributing to one step further on their own evolutionary path.
There is for every soul in the Service To Self frequency always a breaking-point, where evolution MUST be made. It doesn’t matter for how long they try clinging on to an illusion. The breaking-point throwing them into evolution WILL appear.
It’s funny to see how Service To Self always make up elaborate schemes, making plans for how their illusory universes will manifest, but always – always! – the mind of Service To Self, subsconsciously and unknowingly, is in fact planning for its own evolution.
Because our higher selves is setting the course of action, and because the karmic laws are absolute and cannot be avoided nor bent.
I find your upgrading the protocols to modern language an excellent achievement, because it also gives a great platform, talking-point and learning tool in order to understand, in a sort of hands-on manner - what to many are theory - concerning the Service To Self mindset, a mindset which to some extent is found within all of us, all depending on where we are on our individual paths of learning.
There is not a small amount of incarnated souls in denial of their Service To Self frequency manners, when in fact their paths are to revise their lessons now, and sit for their individual exams.
Still clinging on to the fringes of that illusory game board which they have incarnated many times in order to balance the repercussions their taking part in the games, played out in their illusion, caused.
It’s so easy to let go of the clinging, yet that is the hardest part of the lesson to understand (or to convince yourself of).
- «What are you hiding from?»
- «Evolution, away from illusion. I am afraid of my perceived status quo to change… Could you, please, close the curtain and pretend never having seen me?»
- «No.»
«Thank you!»