I was ready to post the following on the US election thread, and finally, I prefer to post this here.
This series inspires me incredibly at this moment, and it seems i'm not alone
As im getting tired i just copy/paste the text which was ready to be posted in the other thread - take this as, i hope, a fun lecture, and if anyone want to prolounge the discussion on this comparison, then with pleasure
This is fiction ! But if heroes are there to inspire us, why not imagine a similar situation, not as perfect as a true hero which has virtually no defects, but i wanted to drow a parallal between this (famous) Ertugrul series & Trump.
See this as an original contribution instead of doing a bet on the future ... and as we are all waiting for the "kick-off" ...
And no, i'm not in love with Trump, i just ... wrote the text in one row, as I often do (and often discard all at the end or save the text among a long series of unfinished texts saved on my PC)
Ertugrul vs Ertrumpgrul
For those who saw or follow the Ertugrul series, i thought about a funny word combination : Ertrumpgrul !
Ok, that's funny at first glance, because in the series, he's a true hero, here .... question is : is Trump a hero ?
Well ... in our modern era, how can we "ponder" what Trump did and decided during these 4 last years ? I just would like to concentrate on what he did for the poors, the weaks, the normal people (or even the deplorables). To respond to this, one you just need to read the many comments on him, many testimonies of people who didn't care about him or even the contrary, but who finally admitted that this guy is ... inspiring. Look the crowds gathering wherever he goes ? Is it for the show, for the ambiance, beers and burgers, or is it to see "the man" ? He's loved, and it's rare to see a president using this word in return, and even less who really think it, but he did and i'm pretty sure he thinks it.
At least, if we consider how much he fought the pedophile networks, I mean, this is unique, extraordinary ! Who would have bet a single dollar on this 4 years before ? Nobody, no ? And it's not a small target, not at feeble one, i would even say it's a dangerous one, even for a US president, but he did it, and he kicked hard these networks during these last 4 years. Some could say that it's the PTB, yes sure, but as said, i wanted to keep the comparison in regard to the good he did for the people and just detail this practical battle he lead.
Can we call this an heroic act, in our modern times ? To me the answer is yes. (and so it is if we see the main target witch is the PTB/deep state)
Thus, comparing Trump to an hero, a modern-time hero is ... i agree, a bit exagerated, and I'm sure some here would like to answer me that i should stop to dream, that we are in real life, that he'll finally make a good deal for himself to save his ass ... etc. But i could then not help to answer "Really ?". Any here think that with all he did until now he'll stop, retreat ? I didnt' mean that he'll succeed and that everybody will be happy and that the end of the story will be a good one, i'm speaking here about his combativity, his boldness. And it's again a kind of certitude within me regarding him : he will not stop, he'll not make a deal, or this will be an appearence, he'll not pardon those who betrayed him (as he said in an old video that i guess all watched). And at this level, i compare him to the hero of the series, he sticks to his words, his promises (some will say : until now)
Coming back to the comparison, the wife of Ertugrul is also a wonderfull/beautiful character, and she's the one who fuels the hero, who give him all his combativity, or again, his boldness. If by any hasard there was really a similarity, then what could eventually stop Trump to go on is just in regard to his wife and his children, he don't want his family to be the new "Kennedy-type" one. And to terminate with the wife(s) comparison, if similar to the series, Melania is fully aware of the danger and is the one who backup her husband at 100%, who accept the danger. I always thought Melania is a great woman, she ... "shines" like an inner "nobility" ...
The lone difference i would say (with of course nothing to prove it) is that Ertugrul didn't wait his wife to be an hero, but for Trump, this is Melania's love who inspired Trump to be a better man.
(To chateau crew : if one day, during a next session, you are missing questions to ask to the C's, please ask a question on Melania's role(s) )
One extra detail : something which is often said in the series is "Allah is the best plotter", replace Allah by "Cosmic mind" : "Cosmic mind is the best plotter", how true is it at this moment !