A (female) psychopath's downfall; a cautionary tale

Carl said:
...you don't get to be a $400k lawyer easily without being a conscience-less, effortless liar with 100% self-confidence.

Not to distract from the topic, but the above statement seems to me to be too general and sweeping. I know a few lawyers who make that much or more and who are not, by any stretch of the imagination, conscience-less or effortless liars.
griffin said:
The Los Angeles Times is publishing a true story this week about a female psychopath's downfall in the odd world of suburban southern California. It's entitled "Framed" and it's an interesting cautionary tale.

Wow! what a story over a simple issue. :cry:
Thanks for posting this fascinating article, griffin. I hope it will encourage people to do more research into (female) psychopathy. I think the journalist did a good job, although he did not offer an explanation for this couple's behaviour. It's hard for ordinary people to wrap one's head around such vengeance. But I think it is very important to know that there are people out there who do unspeakable stuff wearing a mask of perfection. The 'why did they do it' question will become less relevant or it will lead people to the phenomenon of psychopathy in a natural manner. It's important that people use the right kind of language and call a psychopath a psychopath as was discussed in:

SOTT's Radio Show the Truth Perspective today, which just launched a series about the book Political Ponerology edited by Laura Knight-Jadczyk which will deal with this topic one chapter at a time. I hope people will have a listen, even though the discussion is more about psychopathy on a macro-level it is very informative.


Added: Thanks for posting the video, Laura.
Wow, that's a really horrific story! Its really not possible to figure out why the couple picked on a completely innocent person. Definitely a study in psychopathy. I would say the Easter's were both psychopaths. The total lack of remorse and failure to admit that he was wrong puts Kent Easter squarely on the psychopaths corner. His attempts to prepare a script that would get him the Jury's sympathy are straight out of the manual!

This really shows how careful once must be when dealing with psychopaths. It is an enlightening story that shows this variety of psychopath is definitely not human. It is scary to think how many innocent people did not make it after an encounter with psychopaths like the Easter's.

Thanks for sharing.
Easter was unrepentant. She accused Peters of having mistreated her son, leaving him “crying” and “dirty.” Easter portrayed the presence of her genetic material on the planted drugs as innocent, mere “transfer DNA” — an explanation that elicited little more than ridicule.

It was not clear why Easter agreed to the interview; she came off so badly that the host asked, at one point, “What’s wrong with this woman?”

She comes across as a classic narcissist to me, incapable of self-reflection. In her mind, she's the victim in all this and her actions were completely justified. She doesn't see herself as coming off badly - she sees herself as stating the "truth" because her perception is the only one that exists.
In the video posted by Laura, there is a clip of Hillary accusing Putin of not having a soul. Typical of a psychopath to accuse another of something that applies 100% to them! Putin's response that at least he has a brain left me smiling ;)
Aeneas said:
SevenFeathers said:
One good thing that happened for Kelli was that the cop who came to search her car had some common sense and did not arrest her, which is pretty surprising, especially since he had arrested many people and "they always lied". Very fortunate for Kelli that he gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Just my thoughts too. 99% of the time, they would have gotten away with it just because of social status, the ability to pay for the top defense lawyers and the initial police bias.

Yes, as the piece highlighted, Peters was very lucky that the cop who arrived on the scene was who he was. And that was perhaps one of the major flaws in their plan, and something that they couldn't have accounted for, that the cop would be able to 'read' or instinctively sense that Kelli was telling the truth and was not responsible for the drugs.

Its an astonishing and awful story. Sickening to think with the above in mind, how close they came to ruining her life like that.
Laura said:
I was watching the video below about Killary and Slick Willie... Gads, considering scale of power, they sure remind me of the Easters writ large and super evil:

Holy moly, just watched the whole thing, didn't know about the whole Killary and Billy crime trail. While full-blown criminals and shameless liars, at the same time, these people don't come out as particularly bright or anything close, Lobaczewski was right, indeed. And the same goes for the Easters.
Kinyash said:
In the video posted by Laura, there is a clip of Hillary accusing Putin of not having a soul. Typical of a psychopath to accuse another of something that applies 100% to them! Putin's response that at least he has a brain left me smiling ;)

Yup. She's so typical that I'm surprised I did not see it as clearly before.

Navigator said:
Holy moly, just watched the whole thing, didn't know about the whole Killary and Billy crime trail. While full-blown criminals and shameless liars, at the same time, these people don't come out as particularly bright or anything close, Lobaczewski was right, indeed. And the same goes for the Easters.

Exactly. One thing about the Easters really struck me: the casual infidelity that was tolerated as it was. We don't know if the guy was messing around as Slick Willie did, but wouldn't be surprised. It sort of opened my eyes a bit more on Killary, though, giving insight into how it is possible that all the claims made about HER sexual philanderings and preferences could very well be true.

It's bizarre - almost - to read about someone who makes such a big deal out of alleged mistreatment of their child, who then reveals a life of such degradation that you just shake your head that they don't realize the damage that THEY may be doing to the kid. Killary and Willie sure did protect Chelsea and that always made me think there might be something decent about them. But, after reading the story of the Easters, I can see I still had a bit of a naive view.

So, yeah, reading this story really gave me a needed window.
Laura said:
Killary and Willie sure did protect Chelsea and that always made me think there might be something decent about them.

Frankenstein's description of psychopathy, particularly the lack of boundary between the psychopath and the rest of the work, might explain better the protectiveness displayed by psychopathic parents towards their children:

Ego inflation means that the ego, instead of fulfilling its task as the mediator between inner and outer reality [...] becomes and end in itself. Whereas normally the ego fulfils its function by facing and recognizing the non ego [the rest of the world] as its counterpole, that is, as an independent reality , the psychopath conceives of the non-ego as of an actual or potential part of himself, to be "incorporated" at will.

From this perspective, a psychopath might consider his child as a part of himself and therefore exhibit strong protectiveness toward the child, like an individual would protect one of his limb or his car, like a hyena would protect its piece of meat from other predators.

In this sense, this is not a love-based protection but an ownership-based protection.
Straycat said:
Easter was unrepentant. She accused Peters of having mistreated her son, leaving him “crying” and “dirty.” Easter portrayed the presence of her genetic material on the planted drugs as innocent, mere “transfer DNA” — an explanation that elicited little more than ridicule.

It was not clear why Easter agreed to the interview; she came off so badly that the host asked, at one point, “What’s wrong with this woman?”

She comes across as a classic narcissist to me, incapable of self-reflection. In her mind, she's the victim in all this and her actions were completely justified. She doesn't see herself as coming off badly - she sees herself as stating the "truth" because her perception is the only one that exists.

This is more than narcissism. Read Cleckley's "Mask of Sanity" and you'll see case after case after case of just this type. AND, narcissism is one of the traits of the psychopath but there is so much more here.
Pierre said:
Laura said:
Killary and Willie sure did protect Chelsea and that always made me think there might be something decent about them.

Frankenstein's description of psychopathy, particularly the lack of boundary between the psychopath and the rest of the work, might explain better the protectiveness displayed by psychopathic parents towards their children:

Ego inflation means that the ego, instead of fulfilling its task as the mediator between inner and outer reality [...] becomes and end in itself. Whereas normally the ego fulfils its function by facing and recognizing the non ego [the rest of the world] as its counterpole, that is, as an independent reality , the psychopath conceives of the non-ego as of an actual or potential part of himself, to be "incorporated" at will.

From this perspective, a psychopath might consider his child as a part of himself and therefore exhibit strong protectiveness toward the child, like an individual would protect one of his limb or his car, like a hyena would protect its piece of meat from other predators.

In this sense, this is not a love-based protection but an ownership-based protection.
Agree. One could say that the Clintons see their child as an extension of themselves and thus how the child behaves or what the child achieves is seen as reflecting positively or negatively on them. Further the child can be used to further their own agendas and web of influence. So the child is ultimately just an instrument or a pawn. I think this was described in one of the books on psychopathy.
This is despicable. Her attempt at destroying someone's life over something so small was a red flag for me. This is just really crazy.

Trying to figure out why they would go so far hurts my brain. I could really relate to the judge when he stated that he just didn't understand why they would do this. And don't get me started on Mr. Kent and his attempt to come across as the victim that was taken in by his wife's evil machinations.

I think his mask fell off completely when he said Kelli didn't suffer as much as she would have the jury believe because she wasn't harmed physically. Emotional trauma can be much worse than physical in my experience. Maybe he is able to believe such a shallow defense because he himself is not capable of experiencing emotion of that intensity?

It is funny that Jill addresses Dr. Phil as if he's an idiot which is pretty telling to me. Well, that and the perpetual smug look she has on her face.

"It was transfer DNA"

"Oh I was convicted, but it wasn't a drug charge"

I must say, deflection is one of my favorite things to spot and it always makes me smile when others do the same. This seems to their preferred method of deceit when people do not buy the lies.
Aeneas said:
Pierre said:
In this sense, this is not a love-based protection but an ownership-based protection.
Agree. One could say that the Clintons see their child as an extension of themselves and thus how the child behaves or what the child achieves is seen as reflecting positively or negatively on them. Further the child can be used to further their own agendas and web of influence. So the child is ultimately just an instrument or a pawn. I think this was described in one of the books on psychopathy.

In regards to this, I was puzzled when I read the following from George Simon regarding psychopaths in Character Disturbance:

"They experience absolutely no remorse when they commit acts of unspeakable horror against others. But a few I've encountered actually appear to have some capacity for these things. Unfortunately, they also have an extraordinary capacity to mentally wall-off or "compartmentalize" feelings they might have - emotions which might otherwise unnerve them or interfere with their predatory agendas. This explains, for example, why a psychopathic child sexual predator can feel genuine hurt when his own child is injured in an accident, or bristle at the thought of sexually offending one of his own, yet be capable of the completely cold and heartless kidnapping, brutal rape, and murder of a child across town when he feels the need to satisfy his craving. In my experience, this capacity for compartmentalization is more disturbing. Those individuals can appear so normal much of the time that, when others get a clue about just how dangerous they might be, it's far too late."

I guess that if the psychopath's own children serve a purpose in their own agenda or are regarded as an extension of themselves, there might be some sort of identification? George Simon might interpret it as some sort of conscientious reaction, when in fact it might be more "ownership-based protection".
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