A Question for the Cs (and the rest of the forum)

Gezgin said:
While there are posts i agree and disagree about ..., one thing i've come to discover is that, there is a certain difference between knowing things and experiencing them.

Hi Gezgin. FWIW, I agree and find that occasionally a shortcut may present itself. There seem to be times when the only experience needed is to notice how someone's "Walk" compares with the "talk". Since this can be applied to everyone's activities, how do we stack up in your estimation? How does the "one thing you've come to discover" relate to the replies you read?

Welcome to the forum, BTW. Please feel invited to stop by our newbies area and introduce yourself if you're interested to participate here. Thanks. :)
Hello Buddy and thanks for the warm welcome. They do not relate to the posts i've read. Instead, in that phrase i was referring more to a common sense and byproducts of my own practices. A good example for both would be imagining you're standing on the beach and across a few hundred meters ahead there is an island. The talk would be just to look at that island, observe the things on that island and imagine yourself there. While doing this would definitely allow you to make a form of connection with that island, it is in no way of equal to swimming until you reach to the island and what you feel once you're there, the changes that has occured in you after you went through all that swimming and such. Even the quality of the observation of the island wouldn't be the same as the first's, because you would be able to experience it first-hand close up with its finer details. So what i'm saying is simply this, some things just can't be figured out, they just need to be experienced. I've experienced some of those experiences on my own and i believe them to be genuine. Even if i tried to describe my experiences as a heartfelt convinction rather than conscious affirmation coming from the mind, people are always free to think what they believe and will always believe what they want to believe in at the end of the day so often times most would think i'm misguided by my own convinctions and personal insecurities and failed to filter and percieve my experiences objectively, due to imbalanced delight i feel towards the system of Theurgy which i feel dear about.

However, for those who are interested to swim along, as is everyone, free to apply for the 10 weeks long online probationer class and see for yourself whether if it was worth it or not. Trust me, some words simply fail to fathom strange aspects of life we call experiences and any word in my vocabulary wouldn't do just to describe them whether you believe i'm exaggerating and failing to express myself with clarity or not.

I do not wish this topic to drift away from it's original subject, so i don't think i would be replying much to it from now on.
Gezgin said:
I have been a student of the school for almost 2 years and it is not my intention to advertise my school, but since the school's name has been mentioned on other forums as well, and that teachers were aware of it, you might be interested to click on the website link The enrollment period is now open and if you click on the application button, you may see that most of your questions and confusions have been answered in the brief article that you agree before applying.

[quote author=Gezgin]
However, for those who are interested to swim along, as is everyone, free to apply for the 10 weeks long online probationer class and see for yourself whether if it was worth it or not. Trust me, some words simply fail to fathom strange aspects of life we call experiences and any word in my vocabulary wouldn't do just to describe them whether you believe i'm exaggerating and failing to express myself with clarity or not.

Hi Gezgin,

While it is understandable that you hold the school you are engaged with in high esteem, we do not encourage advertising in this forum as is spelled out in the forum guidelines .
Gezgin said:
Trust me, some words simply fail to fathom strange aspects of life we call experiences and any word in my vocabulary wouldn't do just to describe them whether you believe i'm exaggerating and failing to express myself with clarity or not.

But if I am not interested in ‘experiences’, if this is not part of my aim, what else does this course have to offer?

Or maybe I should be interested in experiences, perhaps they can be useful, I don’t know. Do you think having ‘experiences’ can help our aim here? If so, how?
Hello obyvatel, i'm sorry if it seemed like i were advertising my school in second part, it was not my intention, and it is not still, but we can't describe the person taste of a meal no matter how much we try, because we can't exchange first-hand experiences completely, unless they taste it. There wasn't any much way for me to suggest a method other than "try it". I understand the forum policies and i will not be replying any questions about the school from now on, but i will be acccepting questions at least via mails. Thank you for your concern.

Alada, let's please take this to pm. This way i do not violate forum guidelines.
Alada, i can't see your profile, probably because of my low-number of posts, so you've got to mail me first through pm.
Gezgin said:
Hello obyvatel, i'm sorry if it seemed like i were advertising my school in second part, it was not my intention, and it is not still, but we can't describe the person taste of a meal no matter how much we try, because we can't exchange first-hand experiences completely, unless they taste it. There wasn't any much way for me to suggest a method other than "try it". I understand the forum policies and i will not be replying any questions about the school from now on, but i will be acccepting questions at least via mails. Thank you for your concern.

Alada, let's please take this to pm. This way i do not violate forum guidelines.

Hi Gezgin, "taking it to PM" is violating forum guidelines. This forum is not here for you to try to attract students to your school.
Gezgin said:
Hello obyvatel, i'm sorry if it seemed like i were advertising my school in second part, it was not my intention, and it is not still, but we can't describe the person taste of a meal no matter how much we try, because we can't exchange first-hand experiences completely, unless they taste it. There wasn't any much way for me to suggest a method other than "try it".

The issue, which prompted my original posting of the question, was that I was unsure of the nature of the meal in question. I, having a previously well defined goal was faced with the question: Will this meal nourish me in the direction I want to go? Or is it toxic to my objective? And do the readily available 'tastes', the 'experiences', even matter? To find out be taking the dive could be lethal. Why take that risk when the nature of the school (meal) may be abundantly clear in their ideas, apparent after only a little research?

The series of pages here is a dialogue on the observations of the meal itself previous to the possibly lethal taste. From the signs provided it is at the very least incongruent with what this forum espouses, and what more is needed than that? Anyways, you can go over the whole topic if you want to learn how the dialogue played out. But suffice to say "You can't know it, you gotta EXPERIENCE it to get it!" isn't a reason to try anything, especially not where esoteric development is concerned.
From my understanding balance is the key. A concept me and my wife talked about is the concept of 1 + 1=3. In 3d its impossible, but in other densities it is. The C's have stated that the meaning of life is love, but you have to have "experienced" the knowledge to apply it. In 3d the "meaning" of life is to love, but in other densities the meaning of life is knowledge,so that you have the capacity to love. The thing that makes 1+1=2 and 1+1=3 is the "experience" applied. All of this goes back to the UFT. And the number sequence 353535. It is all very frustrating, but haste makes waste. I hope this helped in some way.
bobsaget said:
From my understanding balance is the key. A concept me and my wife talked about is the concept of 1 + 1=3. In 3d its impossible, but in other densities it is. The C's have stated that the meaning of life is love, but you have to have "experienced" the knowledge to apply it. In 3d the "meaning" of life is to love, but in other densities the meaning of life is knowledge,so that you have the capacity to love. The thing that makes 1+1=2 and 1+1=3 is the "experience" applied. All of this goes back to the UFT. And the number sequence 353535. It is all very frustrating, but haste makes waste. I hope this helped in some way.

Actually, the C's say that all there is is lessons - not that the meaning of life is love and I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that only in other densities is the meaning of life knowledge. On love, they say,

A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the
interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a
tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse
many things as love. When the actual definition of love as
you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a
feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an
emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence
of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been
corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love
is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common
definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love
you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have
light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

So, life could be about love if you define love as knowledge, since all there is is lessons, but the way you put it above makes it sound very newagey and airy fairy and I don't think that's the point. fwiw.
Like I said in my intro, I'm not good with words. As I've noticed Anart you tend to take things with a big pinch of salt, so to speak. Maybe after you've removed the salt you can taste the meat of my words, so to speak. Words such as can't provide limitations. Once you "experience" these limitations enough, one does not need the limitations and the word can't becomes obsolete.
bobsaget said:
Like I said in my intro, I'm not good with words. As I've noticed Anart you tend to take things with a big pinch of salt, so to speak. Maybe after you've removed the salt you can taste the meat of my words, so to speak. Words such as can't provide limitations. Once you "experience" these limitations enough, one does not need the limitations and the word can't becomes obsolete.

Then, you get to learn how to use words better. That's part of what you can learn here. What you write will be read and taken seriously and commented upon. This is not a chat room, it is a research forum. If you're not interested in that, then you are free to find another forum on which to spend your time. If you are interested in staying, then please drop the attitude, realize that you are in someone else's house and behave as if you have some manners. I realize you are young, but that is no reason for the attitude.
bobsaget said:
Like I said in my intro, I'm not good with words. As I've noticed Anart you tend to take things with a big pinch of salt, so to speak. Maybe after you've removed the salt you can taste the meat of my words, so to speak. Words such as can't provide limitations. Once you "experience" these limitations enough, one does not need the limitations and the word can't becomes obsolete.

In order to communicate effectively one has to clarify as much as possible. Word salad is just noise. Instead of considering the explanation of Anart for what it is, you go on some incomprehensible mambo jumbo. It's really simple: If it is what you intended to say, than Anart expressed it better. If it is not, you had an opportunity to consider new data and new concepts. In either way there is a decent way for a decent human being to respond. You chose neither.
bobsaget said:
Like I said in my intro, I'm not good with words. As I've noticed Anart you tend to take things with a big pinch of salt, so to speak. Maybe after you've removed the salt you can taste the meat of my words, so to speak. Words such as can't provide limitations. Once you "experience" these limitations enough, one does not need the limitations and the word can't becomes obsolete.
Actually, meat is one thing we really like around here which is why we're asking for less filler from you. It would be great if you could require more of yourself, and put a bit more thought into your posts from now on.
Well, that is why I started interacting with the forum. To better myself. Thanks for the help y'all. :D. I don't understand many 3D things. What are these decent human beings and houses you speak of? I understand the concept of a decent human being and the concept of someone else's house, but when I apply my knowledge many many things are "lost in translation". This attitude that I'm presenting y'all with is being misunderstood. And I am sorry for making it so.
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