A Soul-Smashing Event!

citationde kate:

What if the idea behind 4d STS plan of crashing the souls is an ongoing process that begun a long time ago? It is trans-generational, trans-cultural and even trans-reincarnational. The goal is to create extremely toxic environment where people with souls have little chance of choosing to align themselves with the names of God. In this case the eventual "crushing" is just a final "small event" considering the fact that the choice of going on a downward developmental spiral is a very gradual process. At the beginning, pathology moves slowly while infiltrating every aspect of our lives, but at some point (and as it seems in our generation) it might reach a critical mass, where many may choose to sin against their souls and give enough energy to 4d STS to implement their plan.

Like a slow "ponerosation" of the soul, slowly transforming this world in hell by our one choice and willingness. From one civilization to the other, slowly taking out all resistance, no more Athenian STO to counter the STS Atlantian, a one world government, a one world STS government to whom the soul of the mass identify.

A: Silence in the face of "evil" is equal to participation unless there is a good reason for the silence that serves a higher goal.

Remember me of, to be as wise as the serpent and as gentle as a dove.

A: Yes! And some of them activate "interesting" frequencies!

They leave nothing to hazard, they surround us whit OP (emotion reaction machine), then try to finish us whit those soul breaking song or violent contemporary "music" that can trigger soul annihilating respond.

But still there is hope, I don't know why but for the last week or so my thought will always go back to the 95% to become a STS candidate and 50% and a little more to become and STO candidate. If the quote: "As above so bellow" is follow on the law of octave, they will need a 95% STS choice of all organic life to transform this planet in a 4 density sts world ( a death star). I don't want to go further here, I need to research the data and hope to post later on what on my mind.
Thanks for the transcript Laura, very thought provoking. I have often thought that music and the sound of a persons voice can have a positive or negative effect, because sound is a vibration and has an affect on our bodies OSIT. Also this, for me, gives some understanding as to why we resonate with, or reject certain kinds of music and also meditation tapes or CD's. I find if I don't get the right "vibe" it just does not resonate with me.

On soul smashing this did give me some clarification. I don't' know, but I just didn't' sense that if a person is truly on an STO pathway that this would happen, but this could be wishful thinking on my part,
I think if we have the will, truly have the desire, and share at a group soul level, work together as a cohesive and functioning soul group, that it could be a probability that we would meet with success, but this could also be naive thinking on my part. Wasn't it our desire to experience physicality that got us here in the first place. I think also that there is a comment in the C's Transcripts that indicates (I don't have the capability to add this to the post), perhaps a forum member could find it for me, but I think is was the transcript discussing why the 4DSTS would fail, I think comment goes something like this, For those .............(can't bring the word to mind) then the world will cease to exist.

I have been doing the pipe breathing exercises only at this point (waiting for the CD to arrive) and also saying the Prayer of the Soul at least daily but mostly in the morning before I go to work and also before I go to bed. I am having some difficulty sleeping, feel in a way more energized but also lethargic at the same time, my thoughts are much clear and focused and the mindless chatter seems to have diminished, I am finding that the chatter is more thought provoking and questioning in some strange way. There also an emotional component where I feel tears and sadness welling up inside me, I feel this will pass, will just work through, am curious at to what sensations will develop when I do the whole programme but will just go slow for now.
Thanks Laura and team for another great session. The part about the smashing of the soul has left me thinking all day. I look back in my life, especially to those dark years between the ending of my adolescence and my early twenties, and now I see clearly how I was falling in the path of corruption to the point of being almost completely sunk in the mud, the head and the heart full of pathological ideas and feelings. I have the feeling that finally I begin to really understand what happened to me, what I was living and why all this happened. Now everything shines full of meaning and together with the sorrow and a sense of dismay, hope and joy arises in me, because I think I have started to regain my soul and to heal my wounds. I thank life for being what it is, and for giving me the chance of finding Laura's work, Sott, the Forum...
As usual Many thanks for the sessions. Despite horror and despair of every thing going on around us your breathing program and the latest session bringing lot of celebration. when ever you publish the session, it is like festival.( at least this session)

Laura said:
Session Date: September 13th 2009

A: They are fusing smaller segments a little at a time. Tell them to be patient and persistent. At some point they will see their own progress in retrospect. It is like walking up a gentle mountain slope.

Q: (L) So in other words, they're the lucky ones!

A: Depends on the makeup and potential for strong emotions.

what is meant by potential for strong emotions ?. Does this potential for strong emotions has any thing to potential for spiritual evolution? . Yes, Use of emotional center is essential for spiritual growth , but 'strong' has any thing do with the level of spirituality?. I don't know

A: Memories of lives of pain and suffering that remained unresolved at the end of those lives. We are sorry that some of this is painful, but this method is actually the least traumatic method of any for this purpose. Once the dark dreams are processed out of the system, all will be better. Then there are no more hooks for illusion to attach to.

Q: (L) In other words, then people are able to be less controlled by hidden unseen or unknown emotion and more able to... (Keit) Assess reality and reactions to see what is objective...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I have noticed that quite a number of people on the forum seem to be getting smarter. Is that just - they really seem to be getting things, putting things together, and...

A: When energy is no longer needed to support illusion it is available for knowledge and awareness.

WoW!. This is great to know.

Q: (L) So there's a lot more hope for people than they even suppose. Even more than they suspected?

A: Just remember that the slow breathing and the meditation and prayer are the most important components. If things move too fast then cut out the round breathing doing it only occasionally.

what is meant by ' things move too fast '?. is it person under time constraint ?

Q: (L) If things move too fast… (PL) That's exactly what I noticed. In the beginning I was doing round breathing, meditation a lot. And since I had trouble to get to sleep, I was praying one hour or two hours until I went asleep. That's when I got all those very bad dreams about getting stabbed and shot and cut and tortured. It was going too fast. Apparently, the more you do it, the faster the purging of those memories and illusions goes. (L) So, you can gauge your own process by how uncomfortable you are. And if you're uncomfortable, back off the round breathing and just do the meditation. The meditation and the prayer are the gentle, subsurface healing process I think. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Does the listening to this meditation by the people who doesn't know english help ?. it should work, since this is frequency work rather than conscious mind work.

Q: (L) Now, Allen acquired some interesting software. (Allen) The choir software. (L) Yes. And we had the idea of making some just regular meditation audios where I could recite the prayer and maybe sing it, or even sing some other songs and he could manipulate them with this software to make it melodic and meditation-worthy type music. So, we were wondering if this was something that was a good idea?

A: Oh definitely!!! In fact, that is a superb way for truly cosmic frequencies to be transmitted via your/our voice!!

Q: (DD) So long as it's not Patsy Kline tunes! (laughter) (L) But I wanted to channel Patsy Kline!!! (Allen) I was actually wondering if my multiplying your voice several times would actual multiply whatever it was they were putting through your voice that many times?

A: Not only that, it will enable us to insert frequency modulation directly between the layers of sound. Why don't you play a sample now?

WoW!. Is it what merging of realities mean?. C's openly coming out into this reality and transforming things through music and frequency. they even volunteered to modulating the frequencies for good. Too excited to hear this :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: . It has been 3 months since initial meditation suggestions. Things are changing for better .

Q: (L) I had the idea to take ordinary songs and sing them and then for Allen to take say one ordinary song that was like a familiar melody to people, and then stretch it out to an hour CD. A song that would take 4 or 5 minutes to sing, make it stretched to one hour. And then put a musical track in the background that's more in time. So anyhow, is this a good idea?

A: Very! Try it!
This is fantastic. now I can play the music before the kids sleep ( We too ) and know that will help them and heal them. Does this stop psychic attacks too in sleep, if I allow it play while sleeping ?. Probably not.

A: Music to communicate to the soul.

Q: (L) Well, I really don't understand.

A: There are frequencies in your/our voice that are inaudible to the physical ear but affect the spirit.

Q: (laughter) (Keit) We were just talking about it today! (Joe) Yeah, they were all picked. (C**) So would Laura's voice be kind of what Gurdjieff called "objective music"?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I've got a great name for your album: Laura Canyon! (laughter) (L)

:O :O :O. Heart ful of laughing after a long time

A: Time is awastin! And how are the videos going???!

Q: (laughter) (A***) The dog ate them. (laughter) (L) The dog ate my homework!

A: No dice!

'No Dice' - Does it mean, some body influenced dog to eat it like in victoria's accident ?

Q: (L) Oooh! I don't want to do that!! (Keit) Why not? (L) I look horrible on video! (Chorus) You do NOT!! (Keit) But we'll make you pretty! (PL) You already did it! (A***) You looked beautiful! (Allen) Got a special filter that will make you look like who you want to look like. (Ark) It's fixed. (L) What's fixed? (Ark) This future is fixed. [singing] You can do it! You will do it! (L) I don't want to talk to you guys any more. (Ark) You don't want kisses? (Joe) Laura? (Allen) You never saw the last video we shot!

A: Just do it! Release the last one to see response!

you guys have a lot of fun . good to know that.

Q: (Scottie) Did you write about this on the forum? (Keit) Yeah. (Scottie) How did I miss that?? (A***) Yeah. (Keit) I have some more to say about this. (Joe) So that was about trying to smash all these souls back into primal matter, was that it?

A: Yes

I was dead :scared: :scared: :scared: , when I read this primal matter.

Q: (Allen) Could you just explain it, because I didn't read it. (Keit) What I said is that... I brought this in quotes and quoted from Darkness Over Tibet. The author mentions that there are two possibilities in development: upward and downward. And there is a possibility of losing one's soul, but it should be a conscious decision, it's a choice. And it can't be taken by force. (L) But they can make you choose by wearing you out. (Keit) Exactly, and I gave my personal example where I felt that traumatic experiences in our lives kind of manipulates us into choosing the downward development. And we basically choose something that is against our own level of being. And it's so traumatic for the soul, that it twists the soul and puts it in a downward position. The eventual outcome of this event is basically smashing the soul, even if the final smashing event is relative small. And that's why there is so much suffering and pathology in the world, where they force and manipulate souls into choosing. (L) Against their own nature. (PL) And Illion said that the worse thing for a human being is the sin against their own soul. (Keit) And sinning against the soul is going against your own level or nature of being. So, like narcissistic tendencies and everything, that's why for our own sake we need to clean ourselves. (DD) Is this why they've injected so many drugs into the culture to just weaken people?

A: Yes and remember also transmarginal inhibition principles.

Q: (L) One of those principles is that even strong dogs that could not be broken in ordinary ways, if they subjected them to physical trauma like surgery, or illness, or something like that, that that would weaken them to the point where they could be turned. So torture is also part of this process.

A: Yes

combine the music for nefarious purpose and add it to barney face and music or Dora face and show it to children, it becomes torturing the children and soul smashing . It becomes CIA torture tool. we pay top dollars for this and our children wants them under all situations. we narcissistic cravings and projections allow it to happen under fear of self rejection of not loving enough. layers and layers of Trapping beyond any imagination.

A: Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."

Q: (DD) That's why there's the popularity of television shows like "24". (Joe) Conditioning people. (DD) It's wildly popular. (Joe) I mean, you get all these people who are faced with the real life torture of another human being, and they actually cheer it on. And if that's the same as participation, then these people are all being put on that downward spiral.

A: Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?

Q: (Keit) What's "lake of fire"? (Allen) In Revelation where all those who didn't accept Christ would be thrown in... (Joe) Hell, basically.

A: Soul smashing.
Another smashing definition for HELL.

Q: (L) Creepy. (Allen) I'm thinking about all those people who don't necessarily think torture is okay, but they still... like they abhor torture but they're still kind of accepting it because it's necessary, or maybe they just try to not think about it at all. (Joe) Well, people who think it's necessary... (L) They're already lost. They've already bought it. I mean, the scientific evidence is that if you need information or whatever, if there's some justifiable reason, that is NOT the way to get it. The records of the inquisition which are extensive - I mean, tens of thousands of people were tortured and confessed to the most outrageous lies just to get it over with. Just get it over with and let me die! I'll tell you anything you want me to say! And they confessed to flying on broomsticks, to mating with devils, to dancing naked in the moonlight, to kissing each other's backsides... I mean, you name it, and they confessed to it just to get it to stop. And it was ALL horse-hockey! (Allen) And I'm sorry, even if scientific evidence doesn't show that, even if we said, "Oh yeah, torture actually works for getting information," you're still torturing human beings! It's still abhorrent. It's like, how can you do that?! (Keit) The thought I had is that pathology, what is done to children of narcissistic families, it's like torture. (L) It IS torture! (Keit) And what happens is kind of like it poisons them and basically allows them to accept the torture environment. Because they already experienced it, they were like touched by evil. (L) Torturing another human being to force them to say or do something that is against their principles is wrong no matter what your perspective. They are, each individual, entitled to their principles, to their ideas, to their politics whatever. And if you want to change that, or if you think that there is something about their point of view that is threatening to you, then the way to change that is by discourse, by education, by sharing information and data. NOT by trying to force them to go against what is rightfully theirs, at the soul level, by torture! To try to force somebody like that is basically a kind of soul killing of its own. Jesus even said in the New Testament that whoever is a stumbling block to the least of these, it would be better for him that he had never been born. And when he said, "never been born", that's almost like a way of saying his soul is going to be smashed. It's just really astonishing. (DD) What happens to a soul after it is smashed?

A: Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.

Does this also happens at the closure of any cycles like the current one 309,000 yrs and brown star cycles or just people have to reach certain threshold of downward spiral with certain acceleration is sufficient ?

Q: (DD) So you start out as like a hydrogen atom or something. (Joe) You become a rock. (PL) Is there a link between a “smashing year” that was announced by the Cs early this year? It was mentioned, and now we're talking about soul smashing... (L) Well, it's kind of interesting because this insight that I had about soul-smashing, when I woke up that particular morning is that that is what they are trying to do: they actually think that they can smash souls and turn them into primal matter. And it was such a shocking thought to me, and just now I'm realizing that this insight came through in the year they called a "smashing year". This insight kind of came smashing through into my consciousness - to even think of that; that's almost unthinkable. (PL) If they smash the soul of human beings, then aren't they losing because we are their cattle? So it's more like that... (Joe) The whole thing starts again...

A: It isn't going to happen to all.

Q: (Keit) Oh, that's what I wanted to ask: Is it going to happen on an individual level, or to everyone? (L) Yeah, so it would be individual.

A: Yes

THANK GOD, it is only for individuals. It is not for collective soul groups.


(L) The illusion is that there is no hope. And once you get rid of the illusion that there is no hope, and you can begin to see what you really can do, then... Maybe listening to singing, or doing meditation... [bottle falls over]

(Ark) It's a confirmation!

(Allen) I keep thinking of this frequency fence, and what's it fencing out? It's fencing out the idea that they could even hear... I think most of us have probably had that experience where we kind of have some communication of channeling ourselves in the future - getting those ideas, those things. I had things that seemed like that when I was a kid. And they basically put a bubble where it's like, "No, you can't have any of that!" And these recordings could be a way to send these people the frequencies they're missing that will bring their souls back to life. This way, we can put it on a disc and get it through the fence. Ya know, "I listened to this, I feel better, I feel like myself again."

I believe, C's suggested Ark to create a HAARP frequency cancellar. laura songs with choir software doing this at soul level, one way. sounds to me much better than the frequency fence nullifier.

(L) The only thing we have that Pepin doesn't have is the C's. And the C's have a track record.

I was some what surprised at this comparison ( this group with pepin group) , for me it is comparison of small stone with that of mountain.

(C**) And we have your research and data. He doesn't have any data. If you put your CD and Pepin's CD side by side, the average person won't tell the difference except at a deeper level.

(L) It's like on the forum where people are getting smarter. What's actually happening is that they're being able to see more objectively and to make connections.

This sessions is great and It is healing , inspirational, full of knowledge and FUN too.
Keit said:
The possibility of having enormous amounts of energy as a result of generating enough pain and suffering and using it to crash many souls is definitely terrifying and mind boggling. And, indeed, the question is if it is possible, and if it is, how exactly something like this can happen and how to prevent it?


So we have several things here: It seems that even one has a soul, it doesn't mean that one necessarily will find oneself on an "upward"/developmental current of life. It IS possible to lose a soul if one will choose to sin against one's soul - essentially to go against one's "being"/level of being.


But how all those ideas can be applied to our personal lives?

My own painful life experiences and the resulting narcissistic wounding made me realize that we all have our own personal "battle for the soul". Growing up in a toxic environment, being exposed to pathological way of thinking influences one's mind and thinking process. In a sense, person (out of ignorance and tragic lack of awareness) learns to resonate with ideas (thought centers) which are not of his/her level of being. And since it is very painful and straining for the soul, unless a person makes a conscious choice of stopping identifying with those damaging archetypes, it will gradually deform the soul and put it on a downward path. And tragic and manipulative as it is, it will be this person's "choice", because "we can always go home". Because if we have a spark of pure and true creativity inside us, it will find the existence in the deep and filthy mud of pathology so repulsive, it will try to find a way out.

The problem is that the mud might be so thick, one might have a hard time having enough hope to keep making the right choice, so one may succumb and eventually give up. And I think that this might happen when a person, as a result of his/her wounding, will start to believe/resonate strongly with pathological ideas and believe that this is who he/she is and act upon it. This person, instead of aligning oneself with names of God (creativity) will align oneself with the names of Wrath (entropy). And this what might be called "sinning against one's soul."


What if the idea behind 4d STS plan of crashing the souls is an ongoing process that begun a long time ago? It is trans-generational, trans-cultural and even trans-reincarnational. The goal is to create extremely toxic environment where people with souls have little chance of choosing to align themselves with the names of God. In this case the eventual "crushing" is just a final "small event" considering the fact that the choice of going on a downward developmental spiral is a very gradual process. At the beginning, pathology moves slowly while infiltrating every aspect of our lives, but at some point (and as it seems in our generation) it might reach a critical mass, where many may choose to sin against their souls and give enough energy to 4d STS to implement their plan.

Until now they "squeezed" the life (chlorophyll?) out of us "mercifully", just like a parasite makes sure to keep its host alive. But there might come a moment where the gravity of soul killing pathology is so heavy, there is not enough "air" to breath. So the soul reaches a fast track of total disintegration into a primal matter.

It gives a whole new meaning to the "battle for the souls". It is an ongoing battle that goes through us, and it is not too late for us (though not much time remains) to stop aligning ourselves with the names of Wrath. But since we are talking about reaching a critical mass here, it is also very important to make everything possible to help others (who's souls are tortured and in pain) and give them a fighting chance.

I believe this Keit's post is the post referred in Session 13 September 2009.
Very insightful but very 'down-to-earth' thoughts. Thank you for sharing the thoughts, Keit. ;) It made me think deeply on how to 'live' (BE and DO) in each specific daily situation while not much but still time remains...

Edit: clarification
GotoGo said:
Thank you for sharing this session.
This session made me think quiet 'heavily' for some reasons thorough lots of 'key words' such as "crystallization", "split", "cosmic frequencies", "music", "(Laura's) voice" as "(Gurdjieff called) objective music", "frequency fence", "torture" and "soul smashing"!... :wow:

A: It isn't going to happen to all.

Q: (Keit) Oh, that's what I wanted to ask: Is it going to happen on an individual level, or to everyone? (L) Yeah, so it would be individual.

A: Yes

Like others here, reading this gave me a punch in the stomach. So please tell me if I'm falling into wishful thinking: I'm guessing this kind of smashing would only happen if there's absolutely no hope for the person anymore to grow and become aware. No glimmer, no light, the soul is already "dead" in a way and as has already been said, I think, this last event would only be the last "flick" in one long, slow and consistent process of soul destruction, following a downward spiral over thousands of incarnations. A sort of suicide - because you'd choose it, at a certain level, or "they" make you choose it by manipulating you (thanks Keit for your insights). I would LIKE to think that this situation only occurs rarely, and that this smashing would only happen to some individuals, but not to the majority. I would like to think people who don't get it in this cycle but still have a glimmer of light - however small - inside of them will have the opportunity to resume another cycle in 3D. Because all there is is lessons. I suppose the smashing is also a lesson in some way, but gee, that's a tough one!
I don't know where OP's fit into this scenario. They constitute 50% of the population, and I suppose they will return to their soul pool after death and then incarnate again in 3D for a new cycle where they will have an opportunity to develop higher centers (I might be wrong, but I'm guessing that the smashing of the soul concerns only individual souls, not soul pools).
Lúthien said:
I don't know where OP's fit into this scenario. They constitute 50% of the population, and I suppose they will return to their soul pool after death and then incarnate again in 3D for a new cycle where they will have an opportunity to develop higher centers (I might be wrong, but I'm guessing that the smashing of the soul concerns only individual souls, not soul pools).

As for what the Cs say seems you are right Lúthien:

session 13 September said:
A: It isn't going to happen to all.

Q: (Keit) Oh, that's what I wanted to ask: Is it going to happen on an individual level, or to everyone? (L) Yeah, so it would be individual.

A: Yes
Ana said:
I don't know where OP's fit into this scenario. They constitute 50% of the population, and I suppose they will return to their soul pool after death and then incarnate again in 3D for a new cycle where they will have an opportunity to develop higher centers (I might be wrong, but I'm guessing that the smashing of the soul concerns only individual souls, not soul pools).

As for what the Cs say seems you are right Lúthien:

session 13 September said:
A: It isn't going to happen to all.

Q: (Keit) Oh, that's what I wanted to ask: Is it going to happen on an individual level, or to everyone? (L) Yeah, so it would be individual.

A: Yes

I am grateful for the publication of these transcripts and their discussion. The Urantia Book says this about "soul smashing":

[quote author=Paper 2 - THE NATURE OF GOD]
3. JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (p.37) http://www.urantia.org/papers/paper2.html

[...] The greatest punishment (in reality an inevitable consequence) for wrongdoing and deliberate rebellion against the government of God is loss of existence as an individual subject of that government. The final result of wholehearted sin is annihilation. In the last analysis, such sin-identified individuals have destroyed themselves by becoming wholly unreal through their embrace of iniquity. The factual disappearance of such a creature is, however, always delayed until the ordained order of justice current in that universe has been fully complied with.

Cessation of existence is usually decreed at the dispensational or epochal adjudication of the realm or realms. On a world such as Urantia it comes at the end of a planetary dispensation. Cessation of existence can be decreed at such times by co-ordinate action of all tribunals of jurisdiction, extending from the planetary council up through the courts of the Creator Son to the judgment tribunals of the Ancients of Days. The mandate of dissolution originates in the higher courts of the superuniverse following an unbroken confirmation of the indictment originating on the sphere of the wrongdoer's residence; and then, when sentence of extinction has been confirmed on high, the execution is by the direct act of those judges residential on, and operating from, the headquarters of the superuniverse.

When this sentence is finally confirmed, the sin-identified being instantly becomes as though he had not been. There is no resurrection from such a fate; it is everlasting and eternal. The living energy factors of identity are resolved by the transformations of time and the metamorphoses of space into the cosmic potentials whence they once emerged. As for the personality of the iniquitous one, it is deprived of a continuing life vehicle by the creature's failure to make those choices and final decisions which would have assured eternal life. When the continued embrace of sin by the associated mind culminates in complete self-identification with iniquity, then upon the cessation of life, upon cosmic dissolution, such an isolated personality is absorbed into the oversoul of creation, becoming a part of the evolving experience of the Supreme Being. Never again does it appear as a personality; its identity becomes as though it had never been. In the case of an Adjuster-indwelt personality, the experiential spirit values survive in the reality of the continuing Adjuster.

In any universe contest between actual levels of reality, the personality of the higher level will ultimately triumph over the personality of the lower level. This inevitable outcome of universe controversy is inherent in the fact that divinity of quality equals the degree of reality or actuality of any will creature. Undiluted evil, complete error, willful sin, and unmitigated iniquity are inherently and automatically suicidal. Such attitudes of cosmic unreality can survive in the universe only because of transient mercy-tolerance pending the action of the justice-determining and fairness-finding mechanisms of the universe tribunals of righteous adjudication. [/quote]
I don't know if this is a right thread, but don't want to open a new one, cause maybe this topic has already been discused somewhere else.

First of all, I would like to thank Laura and others for the latest session that "took" me to A Soul-Smashing Event! thread. Among many other things, it made an important question (regarding specific situation), that I've been dealing with every now and then for more than two years, surface in my mind again.

How does somebody "return" his/her Soul (back)?

Lets just say that, at some point in his/her life, a person had chosen to "give" his/her Soul away. For whatsoever reason (lack of Knowledge is basically at the root/foundation of most of them; ie. manipulation, tricks, torture, fear, "love"/sacrifice...; although I'm aware that details determine exactly what kind of situation we are dealing with, I'm leaving them out at the moment because this thread is open to general public) and he/she (physical body) survives that.

After this had happened did this person became an OP (like soulless human unit) or was he/she still human with Soul but with 4D STS entity (whom person had given his/her Soul to) attached to him/herself? Or maybe something totally different?

As I understand, there are ways of getting these entities rid off (ie. exorcism) and there are also ways to return Soul if you became an OP (ie. Soul growth; unfortunately I was unable to find appropriate quote from C's session transcripts about exorcism and remote possibility of a Soul growth for OPs). If the OP case was what happened, "growth" implies something "new", so does this "new" Soul still have recollections of Its past lives (in physical bodies, that is during its path on learning curve/spiral), or is It totally "blank"?

And what role does Faith play in this kind of situation?
If person believed (although this didn't have to mean that he/she have Faith) what happened was a noble deed (like sacrifice for a friend or beloved one) did it matter if it had been done because of a "negative emotion" (ie. initiated/provoked by fear for friend's/beloved one's well being)? Or was it, in this case, just a reflection of STSness of person in question (like wish to possess and not really love, that's why I had written "love" before)?

Mouravieff said:
The fusion takes place in different ways but always begins from the emotional centre, under the influence of an intense emotion cultivated through continuous efforts, or of a sudden emotion as in the case of the good thief on the cross, or following a long accumulation of diverse emotions oriented in the same direction. The nature of the fasion is, therefore, strictly individual. It can be the result of a sacrifice: that of the soldier who sacrifices himself for his country, for example. Did not Jesus say that there was no greater love than that of someone who sacrifices his soul for friends. It can also happen in the wake of any other intense manifestation of true Love.

Mouravieff said:
In this context we can speak of couples formed under the influence of the Law
of Accident, in which the partners have opposite aspirations: one aspires
towards the 'A' influences and the other searches for the Way. At the base of
such unions we often find, beside a double error of judgement, the influ-
ence of karmic debt, remote or recent; for example, an 'arranged' marriage,
or passion without love. The most intelligent attitude to take on such
occasions is to unite the efforts of the couple to unravel the situation to
their mutual benefit. Left to itself, the situation will only get worse. Very
special care must be taken of children of such a union, as they suffer.
Everything must be done to remedy this. As a general rule, we must not
lose sight of the fact that, even if it is permitted to the human being to offer
himself in sacrifice, he has no right to accept the sacrifice of others.

At the end, if person has finally realized what and why really happened, how can the situation be repared/corrected and is it possible to repare/correct it at all?

Some inner voice of mine is saying that this gathering of real/true Knowledge, that has lead to trully Seeing things for what they really were, the proper understanding of the Self, your actions and motivations, already/basically is "gaining" (back) of the Soul.
But maybe, it's just my mind playing with me?

Well, I'll stop at this point as I've already, in my few posts here, shown tendencies to complicate things to much :).

And again, I can't stress enough how much have Laura's workings, this forum and whole cassiopaea community been helpful to me in finding who I really am.
Thank You all. :flowers:
What is interesting is that by doing soul smashing, 4D STS does what a black hole would do, osit:

C's session 941210 said:
Q: (L) In terms of major STS, this may or may not be related, could you tell us the nature of a Black Hole?
A: Grand Scale STS. Black Holes are a natural force reflection of Free Will consciousness pattern of STS. Notice that Black Holes are located at center of spiral energy forces, all else radiates outward. All in creation is just that: a radiating wave.
Q: (L) Where does the energy go that gets sucked into a black hole?
A: Inward to total nonexistence. Universe is all encompassing. Black holes are final destination of all STS energy. Total nonexistence balances total existence. Guess what is total existence? "God." Prime Creator. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator.
Q: (L) Now, this stuff that goes into Black Holes, that goes into nonexistence, is that, then, not part of the Prime Creator?
A: Correct.
Q: (L) How can Prime Creator lose any part of him or itself?
A: Prime Creator does not "lose" anything.
Q: (L) Well, then, how would you describe this energy that was in existence and then is no longer in existence because it has become or gone into a Black Hole?
A: Reflection is regenerated at level 1 as primal atoms. 1st density includes all physical matter below the level of consciousness. Seventh density is union with the one... it is timeless in every sense of the word, as its "essence" radiates through all that exists in all possible awareness realms. And, remember, there is only one "God," and that the creator includes all that is created and vice versa!

So it seems to me, this is a mechanism which STS can do to those who have lost their ability to grow because they believed in so many lies, illusions and 4D STS robbed their free will beyond the point that may allow them to break free of illusions. I am speculating here, but I think this is done to people who can't learn anything anymore in this level and they go back to see what they have done wrong as Lúthien puts it.

Even though it is a terrible thing to live through, it seems like a natural progress(although you go backwards) and it isn't forced, more like you always made the wrong choices and the consequences of those choices can't be handled by your soul, in other words, you sinned against your soul, so you have to start over.

Reminds me apoptosis, programmed cell death, when a genome determines it has too much mutations in it, and they can not be corrected, it gives signal to die and the cellular structure collapse gently, not cause their environment any harm and the materials that were left over from this cell is used by other cells for growth.

Just my two cents, fwiw.
Luthien said:
Like others here, reading this gave me a punch in the stomach. So please tell me if I'm falling into wishful thinking: I'm guessing this kind of smashing would only happen if there's absolutely no hope for the person anymore to grow and become aware. No glimmer, no light, the soul is already "dead" in a way and as has already been said, I think, this last event would only be the last "flick" in one long, slow and consistent process of soul destruction, following a downward spiral over thousands of incarnations. A sort of suicide - because you'd choose it, at a certain level, or "they" make you choose it by manipulating you (thanks Keit for your insights). I would LIKE to think that this situation only occurs rarely, and that this smashing would only happen to some individuals, but not to the majority. I would like to think people who don't get it in this cycle but still have a glimmer of light - however small - inside of them will have the opportunity to resume another cycle in 3D. Because all there is is lessons. I suppose the smashing is also a lesson in some way, but gee, that's a tough one!

I don’t know how rarely or often a soul gets smashed, but as things get worse and the darkness both within and without people deepens, I’m hoping that more people will see this and start to wake up. Now that could be wishful thinking!!

This reminds me of the concept in V for Vendetta of the ‘last inch’ – the only thing worth having, which we must not let ‘them’ take away from us. And to that end, it is incredibly important to consciously reject even the slightest acceptance of torture and pathological thinking, to learn about these things so we can identify them in ourselves, and to learn the ways of conscience and to align ourselves with it. It’s got to always be a conscious choice, every time we are presented with evidence or discussion of, especially, torture as this seems to be one of the main vehicles the PTB are using for this evil game.

Luthien said:
I don't know where OP's fit into this scenario. They constitute 50% of the population, and I suppose they will return to their soul pool after death and then incarnate again in 3D for a new cycle where they will have an opportunity to develop higher centers (I might be wrong, but I'm guessing that the smashing of the soul concerns only individual souls, not soul pools).

Well, smashing of souls might involve the OP soul pool. If enough OPs can be put on the downward spiral, then perhaps the whole OP soul pool could be influenced to commit ‘soul suicide’. If that happened, the OPs could be manipulated to release a really significant amount of ‘downward’ or ‘negative’ energy when the 4D STS types want it. That’s a really frightening thought, and makes me think that any conscious being on this planet needs to work on themselves so as to become more conscious, as an example for OPs to emulate, if nothing else.
Buddy said:
Excellent session!

I always get a little nervous when I read about things like soul-smashing, torture, etc. I find myself wondering, What if I break down, disintegrate or somehow don't survive some kind of experience of this nature? I don't mean physically survive, necessarily, but survive in such a way as to "continue" existence (BEing?).

I am definitely one who could benefit from reason to hope. Thanks to all you guys from the bottom of my heart!

slowone said:
P.S I Love the song Amazing Grace, it makes me cry every time!

Myrddin Awyr said:
"Amazing Grace" has a strong effect on me as well. I first listened to it a few years ago, as sang by someone I didn't recognized, and it was the first song that my tears really brought to the surface.

I really like this and wanted to share it (no lyrics-just piano):
Amazing Grace - Piano - Carlton Forrester

Buddy, Reading your post I have to say I just finished reading 'Darkness over Tibet' and I feel so distressed by it. Don't get me wrong it's a great book, but I think I have actually understood the concept of just how high the stakes are for the first time.

The concept that you sin against your own soul! When I think how many times I must have done this out of ignorance, is it too late for me I wonder? and to lose your soul and be annihilated Ahhhhhhh . I'm with you, definitely need some hope!
Thank you Laura and Group for another wonderfull hope bringing sesion.

I couldn't stop thinking about soul smashing from the moment Laura brought it to our atention. I was unable to comprehend how 4d STS beings would be able to destoy, even with enormous energy generated by 3D beings pain and suffering (2D and 1D too I think, but not that potent because of the level of awareness) to primal mater, souls - that to my understanding are part of our higher beings and in them selfs are not 3D (or 4D for that matter).
Keit's explanation did it for me. It's not that 4D STS would take a "hammer" and smash our souls, its more like they teach as through lies, decite and manipulation how to forsake and destoy them our selfs: by denying who we truly are, by reducing consciousness, by stopping progress. By doing that we regress, evolution on all levels (physical, psychical, spiritual ) is stopped and involution begins. OSIT

I can't wait for the music/songs.
I love the meditation audio. When I'm listening to it i'm filled whit so much warmth and pace and gentleness. I feel like I'm in some kind of pool of love and kindness and understanding. It's like reciving a powerfull hug with loving petting of my hair (which always soothed me like nothing else).

A: Time is awastin! And how are the videos going???!

Q: (laughter) (A***) The dog ate them. (laughter) (L) The dog ate my homework!

A: No dice!

'No Dice' - Does it mean, some body influenced dog to eat it like in victoria's accident ?

I think that it means for Laura to stop finding exucuses and just do it. Of cours my interpretation could be wrong.
Many thanks to Laura and the crew for this enlightening session.

Wow, this Soul Smashing event really has to be avoided at all costs. I've had spells of serious depression and despair this lifetime but it all pales in comparison to the thought of spending a few billion years as a pebble on the beach or something. I've been really looking around in the last day just appreciating everything we have here in third density, even though it's been so messed up by the Pathocracy. This session makes me realise how far we've come if we really have spent billions of years aquiring this consciousness but also how high the stakes are and how far we have to go. Time to double our efforts me thinks.
Excuse me all but I just read the last session with the Cs.
Interesting and disturbing.
I have questions that could sound childish but are still unanswered to me.
How does one feel when he is being soul smashed?
Also, what is the round breathing in the whole meditative process? (breathing and meditation)

Any help would be appreciated.
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